1,675 research outputs found

    Dark Universe and distribution of Matter as Quantum Imprinting: the Quantum Origin of Universe

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    In this paper we analyze the Dark Matter problem and the distribution of matter through two different approaches, which are linked by the possibility that the solution of these astronomical puzzles should be sought in the quantum imprinting of the Universe. The first approach is based on a cosmological model formulated and developed in the last ten years by the first and third authors of this paper; the so-called Archaic Universe. The second approach was formulated by Rosen in 1933 by considering the Friedmann-Einstein equations as a simple one-dimensional dynamical system reducing the cosmological equations in terms of a Schroedinger equation. As an example, the quantum memory in cosmological dynamics could explain the apparently periodic structures of the Universe while Archaic Universe shows how the quantum phase concernts not only an ancient era of the Universe, but quantum facets permeating the entire Universe today.Comment: 18 page

    Jointly primitive knots and surgeries between lens spaces

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    This paper describes a Dehn surgery approach to generating asymmetric hyperbolic manifolds with two distinct lens space fillings. Such manifolds were first identified in work of Dunfield-Hoffman-Licata as the result of a computer search of the SnapPy census, but the current work establishes a topological framework for constructing vastly many more such examples. We introduce the notion of a ``jointly primitive'' presentation of a knot and show that a refined version of this condition ``longitudinally jointly primitive'' is equivalent to being surgery dual to a (1,2)--knot in a lens space. This generalizes Berge's equivalence between having a doubly primitive presentation and being surgery dual to a (1,1)--knot in a lens space. Through surgery descriptions on a seven-component link in S3, we provide several explicit multi-parameter infinite families of knots in lens spaces with longitudinal jointly primitive presentations and observe among them all the examples previously seen in Dunfield-Hoffman-Licata.Mathematic

    A phenobarbital overdose: a case report

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    Background: Phenobarbital is a long-acting barbiturate, responsible for many cases of poisoning, from unintentional overdose or attempted suicide. We report a case of phenobarbital overdose in a patient with history of depression. Patients and Methods: A 60 year old woman was admitted to our Internal Medicine Unit for drowsiness, irritability, difficulties in the maintenance of an upright position, dysphasia and weakness. She was suffering from depression and epilepsy and treated with phenobarbital 150 mg/die. Results: At the admittance, she had high fever and neck stiffness; phenobarbital serum levels were 71.2 mcg/ml (3 times u.n.l.); aminotransferases were 12-17u.n.l. Arterial blood pressure was 80/50 mmHg. An inflammatory meningeal process was excluded by lumbar puncture; a brain and spinal cord CT scan excluded spine bone lesions and ischemic stroke. In the suspect of an overdose, a protocol of urine alkalinization was applied resulting in a reduction of phenobarbital levels below the therapeutic range in about 6 days, with state of consciousness, cognitive and behavioral functions improvement. A rapid normalization in aminotransferases levels was noted and serology for hepatitis viruses (HAV, HBV, CMV, EBV, HSV) resulted negative. Conclusions: In our patient phenobarbital was responsible for stupor, hypotension, hypertonicity and aminotransferases elevation, whereas fever was due to a concomitant pulmonary inflammatory process resolved after antibiotic therapy. Despite the use of these drugs has been progressively reduced, the number overdose reports remains still hig

    Targeting microRNAs as a Therapeutic Strategy to Reduce Oxidative Stress in Diabetes

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    Diabetes mellitus is a group of heterogeneous metabolic disorders characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia as a consequence of pancreatic β cell loss and/or dysfunction, also caused by oxidative stress. The molecular mechanisms involved inβ cell dysfunction and in response to oxidative stress are also regulated by microRNAs (miRNAs). miRNAs are a class of negative gene regulators, which modulate pathologic mechanisms occurring in diabetes and its complications. Although several pharmacological therapies specifically targeting miRNAs have already been developed and brought to the clinic, most previous miRNA-based drug delivery methods were unable to target a specific miRNA in a single cell type or tissue, leading to important off-target effects. In order to overcome these issues, aptamers and nanoparticles have been described as non-cytotoxic vehicles for miRNA-based drug delivery. These approaches could represent an innovative way to specifically target and modulate miRNAs involved in oxidative stress in diabetes and its complications. Therefore, the aims of this review are: (i) to report the role of miRNAs involved in oxidative stress in diabetes as promising therapeutic targets; (ii) to shed light onto the new delivery strategies developed to modulate the expression of miRNAs in diseases


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    A) Valutare le modificazioni ecografiche (US) dei linfonodi (LN) dell’ilo epatico in pazienti con epatopatia cronica (EC) correlata al virus dell’epatite C (HCV) e Sustained Virological Responders (SVR) alla terapia con i Direct-Acting Antivirals (DAAs); B) rilevare i fattori predittivi correlati con la scomparsa di LN. Abbiamo studiato 177 pazienti, trattati con DAAs, arruolati consecutivamente tra il Gennaio 2015 e il Dicembre 2016, con un follow-up dell’SVR di 24 mesi (SVR24) a Dicembre 2018; erano esclusi i pazienti con storia o insorgenza di epatocarcinoma nel follow-up. I LN erano definiti ingranditi (LN+) se il diametro maggiore era >1 cm. Al baseline (BL) registravamo: età, sesso, BMI, markers HBV, HCV e genotipo, uso di alcol; valutavamo al BL, a 12 mesi (SVR12) e a 24 mesi: test di funzione epatica, HCV-RNA, liver stiffness (Fibroscan), diametri US di vena porta e milza. La prevalenza di LN+ al BL era 49.8%, il diametro 2.1±0.6 cm, in LN+ vs LN- le transaminasi erano più elevate (P<0.05). A SVR12 la prevalenza di LN+ era 32.2 %; in LN+ vs LNs (pazienti in cui erano scomparsi) dei parametri studiati solo l’età era maggiore (P<0.05). Il diametro dei LN+ a SVR12 era 1.8±0.4 cm, ridotto rispetto al BL (P<0.05). A SVR24 la prevalenza di LN+ era 29.3 % inferiore vs BL (P<0.001), solo l’età si confermava maggiore vs LNs (P<0.03). Il diametro di LN+ era 1.7±0.5 minore che al BL (P<0.05), sovrapponibile a SVR12 (P=ns). Nelle EC da HCV è frequente il rilievo US di LN all’ilo epatico, considerati indice di grading e staging istologici epatici più severi ed espressione del linfotropismo virale. Alla luce di questi presupposti i LN dovrebbero scomparire dopo l’eradicazione dell’infezione HCV, a questo proposito gli studi dopo terapia con Interferone sono contrastanti. Nel nostro studio LN+ al BL correla con AST e ALT confermando la relazione con l’attività necro-infiammatoria epatica. A SVR24 la prevalenza di LN+ è del 29.4% significativamente ridotta che al BL. IL diametro dei LN+ residui diminuisce a SVR12 per poi stabilizzarsi. La causa della persistenza di LN è controversa, l’assenza di relazione tra LN+ residui ed indici di funzione e fibrosi epatica ci fa ipotizzare che non dipenda più dall’attività della malattia epatica, ma da altre variabili, una potrebbe essere la diversa attività immunologica instauratasi dopo l’eradicazione virale, a conferma di ciò va ricordato che nel 20 % dei soggetti sani è possibile rilevare LN all’ilo epatico (J.Hepatol.2003;39:807), dato questo simile al nostro 29.4 %

    Measurement of 73 Ge(n,γ) cross sections and implications for stellar nucleosynthesis

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    © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.73 Ge(n,γ) cross sections were measured at the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN up to neutron energies of 300 keV, providing for the first time experimental data above 8 keV. Results indicate that the stellar cross section at kT=30 keV is 1.5 to 1.7 times higher than most theoretical predictions. The new cross sections result in a substantial decrease of 73 Ge produced in stars, which would explain the low isotopic abundance of 73 Ge in the solar system.Peer reviewe