409 research outputs found

    "Family is Really All Over The Place:" Ethnic Identity Formation Within A Transnational Network

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    This dissertation explores the process of ethnic identity formation in immigrants from the Campania region of Italy who settled in Ontario (Canada) and Buenos Aires (Argentina) after the Second World War. It centres on the collection of twenty-five original testimonies from narrators from the Campania who travelled from Italy between 1949 and 1979. Testimonies are complemented by ethnic newspaper archives and a diverse collection of archival materials from Canada, Argentina, and Italy. Campani understood their ethnic identities not via national boundaries, nor by a hyphenated or binary relationship; they did so using a shared imagined space that formed part of a multi-directional and transnational network, a mental map that included nodal points across the globe. This project argues that the identity of Campani depended less on formalized ethnic associations and more on informal networks of family to develop a sense of identity. Focusing on this unorganized group offers an intriguing perspective on how immigrants develop ethnic identities in situations where regional ties or formalized institutions are not strong enough to adhere to as a viable source of ethnic identity. Women were a vital part of these transnational networks, and this dissertation explores how networks of transmission work within this category of analysis. Language, food, and music are some of the means of forging and affirming ethnic identity that operate within the transnational network. Hyphenated identities are unsatisfactory, since they rely on a linear connection between two places and obfuscate the existence of other nodal spaces. Instead, Campani turned to other identifiers for constancy. Discussions of identity centre on the family or use familial terms to describe that tension. Campani had multiple identifiers at their disposal, and they adopted them strategically to navigate the situation at hand. The dissertation complicates the presence of hybrid or hyphenated identities by considering the vast but understudied transnational network that provided Campani with a domain for ethnic identity formation. It explores immigration as a process of non-linear mobility that transcends borders by creating nodes of settlement and streaks of movement that together create a picture of how identity is defined

    Minimum area, low cost fpga implementation of aes

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    The Rijndael cipher, designed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen and recently selected as the official Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is well suited for hardware use. This implementation can be carried out through several trade-offs between area and speed. This paper presents an 8-bit FPGA implementation of the 128-bit block and 128 bit-key AES cipher. Selected FPGA Family is Altera Flex 10K. The cipher operates at 25 MHz and consumes 470 clock cycles for algorithm encryption, resulting in a throughput of 6.8 Mbps. The design target was optimisation of area and cost.Eje: IV - Workshop de procesamiento distribuido y paraleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Las ambigüedades del miedo: un análisis etnográfico sobre inseguridades en una villa de Córdoba, Argentina

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    Desde hace más de una década en Argentina se ha venido gestando una profunda preocupación por la problemática social de la inseguridad. Esta categoría es a menudo relacionada con el miedo al delito desde la agenda política y algunos sectores sociales, principalmente las clases medias y altas y algunos medios de comunicación. Desde estas perspectivas se tienden a juzgar como peligrosas a personas, principalmente jóvenes hombres, que viven en villas y barrios pobres. A partir de un intenso trabajo de campo en 2009-2015, he podido observar que en villa La Tela se configuran diferentes representaciones y prácticas en relación con el miedo. Estas se vinculan con los estigmas que se construyen sobre ese lugar y sus habitantes, con las desventajas materiales de la vida en la villa, con la precariedad laboral, entre otras cuestiones. El miedo es una construcción relacional, y a veces ambigua, que presenta al menos una doble faceta entre quienes temen y quienes son temidos. Algunos jóvenes se apropian de esos estigmas de peligrosidad y maldad que les son asignados “haciéndose los malos” para conseguir diversos fines, como dinero, mujeres y respeto. Es decir, invierten el miedo usando el miedo como capital en un contexto social donde escasean otros tipos de capitales.For more than a decade a deep concern for the social problems of insecurity has been developing in Argentina. This category is often related to the fear of crime in the political agenda and among some social sectors, mainly the middle and upper classes and some media. From these perspectives, those who live in slums, and mainly young men, tend to be judged as dangerous people. Through intensive fieldwork in 2009-2015, I have been able to observe how in the La Tela slum, fear is diverse and is not sensed necessarily as related to insecurity, but to the stigmas that are built about that place and its people, the material disadvantages of life in the slum, precarious work, among other issues. Additionally, fear is a relational, and sometimes ambiguous, construction that is at least double-sided, for there are those who fear and those who are feared. Some young people appropriate those stigmas of danger and evil that are assigned to them and assume the attitude of “bad guys” for purposes such as getting money, women, and respect. In other words, they use fear as a capital in a social context where other types of capital are scarce

    In vitro percutaneous penetration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from sunscreen creams

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    Background: Dermal exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) affects many outdoor workers such as asphalt workers. Usually the use of sunscreen creams is suggested to protect them from UV radiation. However sunscreen could prevent or facilitate dermal absorption of industrial chemicals. Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess percutaneous penetration of anthracene using 2 different sunscreen creams as vehicle. Methods: In vitro permeation experiments were carried out using standardized in vitro methods with static diffusion cells. Excised human skin prepared to approximately 350 mm thickness was fixed on the diffusion cells. The receiving phase was a saline solution with 6% PEG 20. The 2 sunscreen creams (one lipophilic and one hydrophilic) were applied uniformly (2mg/cm2) on the skin mounted on the diffusion cell. After 20 minutes, a solution of anthracene and artificial sweat was added. Analysis of anthracene in the receptor samples was carried out by beta counter analyzer (Packard). Results: Results did not show a percutaneous penetration of anthracene from sunscreen creams while in previous studies in vitro percutaneous penetration of anthracene was demonstrated using the same methodology. Discussion and Conclusion: The use of sunscreen creams among outdoor workers, would not seem to enhance percutaneous penetration of PAHs. On the contrary it seems to be able to reduce dermal absorption of anthracene in the workplace

    Abbondanze chimiche in un campione di stelle metal-poor della galassia nana del Sagittario

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    Lo scenario oggi più accreditato per spiegare la formazione delle galassie è quello del merging gerarchico: Sgr è una delle prove più importanti a favore di questo scenario. Sgr è una galassia satellite della MW ed è il caso migliore di processo di distruzione mareale in corso dalla MW. La sua distruzione ha contribuito alla costituzione dell'alone della Via Lattea. Di Sgr si osserva solo ciò che ne rimane del corpo principale, i suoi streams ed il suo nucleo, dominato dall'ammasso metal-poor M54. È la presenza di M54 che rende complessa la selezione di stelle metal-poor di Sgr: il main-body di Sgr è rarefatto e fortemente contaminato da stelle galattiche ed il suo nucleo si sovrappone con M54 rendendo quasi impossibile identificare stelle di Sagittario metal-poor non appartenenti ad M54. Fino ad ora l'unico metodo utilizzato per selezionare i targets per studiare la chimica di Sgr ha fatto uso della loro posizione sul CMD: questo metodo introduce un bias, selezionando solo le stelle metal-rich di Sgr. In questo lavoro sono state studiate 23 stelle metal-poor appartenenti al main-body di Sgr ma fuori dal raggio mareale di M54 selezionate grazie ai moti propri dalla missione GAIA. Gli spettri analizzati sono stati ottenuti con lo spettrografo UVES-FLAMES del VLT (ESO)da cui è stata ottenuta l'abbondanza di 17 elementi sia di stelle di Sgr che in 12 stelle di M54. Questo campione di abbondanze chimiche permette per la prima volta: (a) di comprendere la storia di arricchimento chimico di Sgr in un ampio range di metallicità (mai studiato finora) e (b) di confrontare la chimica di Sgr con quella di M54. Tali abbondanze dimostrano come Sgr abbia avuto un'evoluzione chimica diversa da quella della MW, con un contributo inferiore da parte di stelle massive, probabilmente a causa del suo basso SFR. Inoltre è stato possibile determinare la forte somiglianza chimica tra Sgr e M54, confermando che i due sistemi condividono la stessa storia di arricchimento chimico

    A mi hijo lo eligió dios. Un análisis sobre las moralidades en torno a muertes violentas en villa La Tela (Córdoba-Argentina)

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    En este artículo busco reflexionar, etnográficamente, sobre diferentes moralidades configuradas en torno a una muerte acontecida en una villa de Córdoba. Ludo Hernández era un joven de 18 años quien era acusado de incurrir en prácticas delictivas tales como robos, consumo y venta de drogas, entre otras. Murió asesinado el 29 de diciembre de 2010. A partir de allí los vecinos de La Tela construyeron diversos relatos sobre esta muerte; muchos de ellos vinculados con cuestionamientos morales relacionados con su conducta, con la educación recibida por su familia, y por consiguiente, con la reputación de la misma. Su madre, por su parte, intentaba “limpiar” la memoria del muerto, a la vez que canalizar el sufrimiento. Intentaré reconstruir las diferentes explicaciones en torno a esta muerte, para ello compararé la muerte de Ludo Hernández, con la de otro joven quien también fue asesinado en la villa, pero en un contexto completamente diferente, puesto que era considerado por sus vecinos como un “chico bueno” y por tanto, su muerte fue llorada y considerada “injusta”

    O que não mata te faz mais forte

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    This paper proposes to analyze the porousness of the prison as a punishment institution, but at the same time as an experience that make possible to learn how to reverse the violence suffered by three women, –with whom I have been related between 2009 and 2021 during field work for doctoral and post-doctoral researches–, throughout their lives before the prison. Likewise, it focuses on the reflection about how gender crosses the life trajectories and experiences of prison of these three women and how it supposes a double stigmatization. On the one hand, the negative social figuration of prison population and more specifically because to be a woman also puts in tension social, cultural and moral assumptions about the society expects of them.Este escrito propone analizar las porosidades de la cárcel en tanto institución de castigo, pero a la vez, como experiencia posibilitadora de aprendizajes para revertir las violencias que tres mujeres, con quienes me he relacionado entre 2009 y 2021 durante el trabajo de campo en el marco de investigaciones doctorales y posdoctorales, padecieron a lo largo de sus vidas antes de del encierro. Asimismo, se centra en la reflexión sobre cómo el género atraviesa las trayectorias de vida y experiencias de encierro de estas tres mujeres y cómo esto se vincula con una doble estigmatización. Por un lado, la mirada social que se conforma negativamente sobre la población carcelaria, y más específicamente, cómo ser mujer además pone en tensión supuestos sociales, culturales y morales sobre lo que se espera de ellas.Este escrito se propõe a analisar as porosidades da prisão como instituição punitiva, mas ao mesmo tempo como uma experiência que possibilita aprendizagens para reverter as violências que três mulheres, com as quais me relacionei entre 2009 e 2021, durante trabalho de campo no marco de pesquisas de doutorado e pós-doutorado, sofreram ao longo de suas vidas antes do confinamento. Da mesma forma, centra-se na reflexão sobre como o gênero atravessa as trajetórias de vida e experiências de confinamento dessas três mulheres e como isso se vincula a uma dupla estigmatização. Por um lado, a figuração social que se conforma negativamente sobre a população carcerária e mais especificamente sobre como ser mulher também põe em tensão pressupostos sociais, culturais e morais sobre o que se espera delas

    Sobre miedos e 'inseguridades' en villa Los Vientos (ciudad de Córdoba)

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    Quisiera evitar caer en una perspectiva moralizante tanto al victimizar a las personas que viven en villas, como culparlos de ser responsables de la inseguridad y las violencias urbanas. Lo que intento es comprender los sentidos de diferentes actores, que viven en Los Vientos, en relación a las nociones de miedo y de inseguridad. Para ello es necesario comprender a estas personas como parte de estructuras sociales más amplias que los determinan (Bourdieu, 1991, 2007; Bourgois, 2010). No pretendo resolver tampoco el dilema de en qué medida los actores se encuentran determinados por las estructuras y hasta donde llega el rango de acción de los mismos. Sin embargo, haré mi mayor esfuerzo para comprender los discursos y prácticas de estas personas sin perder de vista el contexto social, político e histórico en que están inmersos.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Gli hedge funds azionisti di società quotate

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    The thesis «Gli hedge funds azionisti di società quotate» discusses the role of activist hedge funds (“activists”). These are funds, the legal nature of which is rather complex, that acquire minority interests in listed companies (“targets”) and try to exert an influence over the target’s insiders through requests for governance, financial and strategic changes in the policies of the target so as to gain a profit therefrom. To be sure, hedge funds’ activism matters from an economic and financial standpoint. The most recent available estimates indicates that activist hedge funds, although they represent no more than 4% of the aggregate number of hedge funds worldwide, have assets under management (“a.u.m.”) approximately equal to 100billion.InthecoverstoryofitsissueofFebruary7,2015,TheEconomistdepictedactivisthedgefundsas«Capitalismsunlikelyheroes»,arguing«Whyactivistinvestorsaregoodforthepubliccompany».Inthelastdecadethenumberofactivistsinterventionsincreasedataremarkablepace,oftentriggeringlongandcontentiouscampaigns,intheUnitedStatesaswellasinItaly(althoughproportionallytothesizeoftheircapitalmarkets).Similarly,hedgefundsactivismmattersfromalegalstandpoint.Activismtriggersanumberofcomplexlegalissuesacrossmultiplefieldsofthelaw,includingfinancialregulation,corporateandsecuritieslaws.Therelativelyrecentemergenceofhedgefundsactivism,coupledwithalackoflegalprecedentsandstudies,renderstheanalysisevenmoretroublesome.Thethesistacklesthematteralongaresearchpathstructuredinthreephases,eachofwhichapproximatelyrepresentsaseparategoaloftheresearch(andachapterofthethesis).Thefirstgoaloftheresearch,discussedinthefirstchapter,dealswiththelegalqualificationandnatureofhedgefunds.Thecomplexlegalfeaturesofhedgefunds,theintricaciesassociatedwiththeirunderlyingeconomicsandthelackofasingle,readilyavailablelegalregimeapplicabletothemsuggesttocarryoutapreliminaryanalysisonhedgefunds.Thisanalysisshouldclarifywhatahedgefundis(and,withinthehedgefundsfamily,whatanactivisthedgefundis);whatanactivisthedgefunddoes,andhowitexertsinfluenceoverthetargetsinsiders;andwhattheeconomicconsequences,andsideeffects,ofhedgefundsactivismare.Thisshouldalsoallowtoidentifyanddescribethelegalregimeapplicabletohedgefunds.Thesecondgoaloftheresearch,discussedinthesecondchapter,dealswiththepossiblecorrelationbetweenthedegreeofactivismofhedgefundsandtheregulatoryregimeapplicabletotheminanenvironment,suchasItaly,wheretheownershipoflistedcompaniesislargelyconcentrated.5InthiscontextIwillfirstidentifyanddiscusstheregulatoryfactorsthat,potentially,arecapableofsustainingtheemergenceofactivists.Iwillthenassesswhether,andtowhichextent,thereformsofItaliancorporatelawadoptedinthe20042014periodhadanimpact(and,ifso,ofwhatsort)onhedgefundsactivism.Hardlyisthisthefirsttimethatalegalscholarattemptstoassesstheimpactofsuchreforms.Itishoweverthefirsttime,atleasttomyknowledge,thatasimilartaskisperformedinthecontextandthroughthemethodologyIdecidedtofollow.Notably,Iwillassesstheimpactofthesereforms:(i)inrelationtothepossible,eithersupportiveordepressing,effectstheyhadontheemergenceofhedgefundsactivisminItaly;and(ii)basedondata,andnotonlyonqualitativelegalanalysis,thatIpartlyhandcollectedandlargelyobtainedcourtesyoftheauthors,towhomIamdeeplygrateful,ofanumberofempiricalstudiesontheItaliansecuritiesmarketsupportedbyGeorgeson/LUISSCeradi/FondazioneBrunoVisentini.Thethirdgoaloftheresearchistotouchuponthelegalconsequencesofhedgefundsactivismonthetargetcompaniestheyselect.Ontheonehand,Iwilldiscusswhetherhedgefundsactivismneedstobehalted(assumingthisislegallydoable)orotherwisecurbedbynewlyapprovedstatutes.Ontheotherhand,IwilldelveintoItaliancorporatelawtounderstandwhethertargetsmayuseanyexistingcorporatetoolsordevicestofendoffactivists.Theaimofthisanalysisis,ultimately,tounderstandwhetherhedgefundsactivismmightprovetobeharmfulorbeneficialforthecorporategovernanceofcompanieswithahighlyconcentratedownershipstructure.Thethesis«Glihedgefundsazionistidisocietaˋquotate»discussestheroleofactivisthedgefunds(activists).Thesearefunds,thelegalnatureofwhichisrathercomplex,thatacquireminorityinterestsinlistedcompanies(targets)andtrytoexertaninfluenceoverthetargetsinsidersthroughrequestsforgovernance,financialandstrategicchangesinthepoliciesofthetargetsoastogainaprofittherefrom.Tobesure,hedgefundsactivismmattersfromaneconomicandfinancialstandpoint.Themostrecentavailableestimatesindicatesthatactivisthedgefunds,althoughtheyrepresentnomorethan4 100 billion. In the cover story of its issue of February 7, 2015, The Economist depicted activist hedge funds as «Capitalism’s unlikely heroes», arguing «Why activist investors are good for the public company». In the last decade the number of activists’ interventions increased at a remarkable pace, often triggering long and contentious campaigns, in the United States as well as in Italy (although proportionally to the size of their capital markets). Similarly, hedge funds’ activism matters from a legal standpoint. Activism triggers a number of complex legal issues across multiple fields of the law, including financial regulation, corporate and securities laws. The relatively recent emergence of hedge funds’ activism, coupled with a lack of legal precedents and studies, renders the analysis even more troublesome. The thesis tackles the matter along a research path structured in three phases, each of which approximately represents a separate goal of the research (and a chapter of the thesis). The first goal of the research, discussed in the first chapter, deals with the legal qualification and nature of hedge funds. The complex legal features of hedge funds, the intricacies associated with their underlying economics and the lack of a single, readily available legal regime applicable to them suggest to carry out a preliminary analysis on hedge funds. This analysis should clarify what a hedge fund is (and, within the hedge funds’ family, what an activist hedge fund is); what an activist hedge fund does, and how it exerts influence over the target’s insiders; and what the economic consequences, and side-effects, of hedge funds’ activism are. This should also allow to identify and describe the legal regime applicable to hedge funds. The second goal of the research, discussed in the second chapter, deals with the possible correlation between the degree of activism of hedge funds and the regulatory regime applicable to them in an environment, such as Italy, where the ownership of listed companies is largely concentrated.5 In this context I will first identify and discuss the regulatory factors that, potentially, are capable of sustaining the emergence of activists. I will then assess whether, and to which extent, the reforms of Italian corporate law adopted in the 2004-2014 period had an impact (and, if so, of what sort) on hedge funds’ activism. Hardly is this the first time that a legal scholar attempts to assess the impact of such reforms. It is however the first time, at least to my knowledge, that a similar task is performed in the context and through the methodology I decided to follow. Notably, I will assess the impact of these reforms: (i) in relation to the possible, either supportive or depressing, effects they had on the emergence of hedge funds’ activism in Italy; and (ii) based on data, and not only on qualitative legal analysis, that I partly hand-collected and largely obtained courtesy of the authors, to whom I am deeply grateful, of a number of empirical studies on the Italian securities market supported by Georgeson/LUISS Ceradi/Fondazione Bruno Visentini. The third goal of the research is to touch upon the legal consequences of hedge funds’ activism on the target companies they select. On the one hand, I will discuss whether hedge funds’ activism needs to be halted (assuming this is legally doable) or otherwise curbed by newly-approved statutes. On the other hand, I will delve into Italian corporate law to understand whether targets may use any existing corporate tools or devices to fend off activists. The aim of this analysis is, ultimately, to understand whether hedge funds activism might prove to be harmful or beneficial for the corporate governance of companies with a highly concentrated ownership structure.The thesis «Gli hedge funds azionisti di società quotate» discusses the role of activist hedge funds (“activists”). These are funds, the legal nature of which is rather complex, that acquire minority interests in listed companies (“targets”) and try to exert an influence over the target’s insiders through requests for governance, financial and strategic changes in the policies of the target so as to gain a profit therefrom. To be sure, hedge funds’ activism matters from an economic and financial standpoint. The most recent available estimates indicates that activist hedge funds, although they represent no more than 4% of the aggregate number of hedge funds worldwide, have assets under management (“a.u.m.”) approximately equal to 100 billion. In the cover story of its issue of February 7, 2015, The Economist depicted activist hedge funds as «Capitalism’s unlikely heroes», arguing «Why activist investors are good for the public company». In the last decade the number of activists’ interventions increased at a remarkable pace, often triggering long and contentious campaigns, in the United States as well as in Italy (although proportionally to the size of their capital markets). Similarly, hedge funds’ activism matters from a legal standpoint. Activism triggers a number of complex legal issues across multiple fields of the law, including financial regulation, corporate and securities laws. The relatively recent emergence of hedge funds’ activism, coupled with a lack of legal precedents and studies, renders the analysis even more troublesome. The thesis tackles the matter along a research path structured in three phases, each of which approximately represents a separate goal of the research (and a chapter of the thesis). The first goal of the research, discussed in the first chapter, deals with the legal qualification and nature of hedge funds. The complex legal features of hedge funds, the intricacies associated with their underlying economics and the lack of a single, readily available legal regime applicable to them suggest to carry out a preliminary analysis on hedge funds. This analysis should clarify what a hedge fund is (and, within the hedge funds’ family, what an activist hedge fund is); what an activist hedge fund does, and how it exerts influence over the target’s insiders; and what the economic consequences, and side-effects, of hedge funds’ activism are. This should also allow to identify and describe the legal regime applicable to hedge funds. The second goal of the research, discussed in the second chapter, deals with the possible correlation between the degree of activism of hedge funds and the regulatory regime applicable to them in an environment, such as Italy, where the ownership of listed companies is largely concentrated.5 In this context I will first identify and discuss the regulatory factors that, potentially, are capable of sustaining the emergence of activists. I will then assess whether, and to which extent, the reforms of Italian corporate law adopted in the 2004-2014 period had an impact (and, if so, of what sort) on hedge funds’ activism. Hardly is this the first time that a legal scholar attempts to assess the impact of such reforms. It is however the first time, at least to my knowledge, that a similar task is performed in the context and through the methodology I decided to follow. Notably, I will assess the impact of these reforms: (i) in relation to the possible, either supportive or depressing, effects they had on the emergence of hedge funds’ activism in Italy; and (ii) based on data, and not only on qualitative legal analysis, that I partly hand-collected and largely obtained courtesy of the authors, to whom I am deeply grateful, of a number of empirical studies on the Italian securities market supported by Georgeson/LUISS Ceradi/Fondazione Bruno Visentini. The third goal of the research is to touch upon the legal consequences of hedge funds’ activism on the target companies they select. On the one hand, I will discuss whether hedge funds’ activism needs to be halted (assuming this is legally doable) or otherwise curbed by newly-approved statutes. On the other hand, I will delve into Italian corporate law to understand whether targets may use any existing corporate tools or devices to fend off activists. The aim of this analysis is, ultimately, to understand whether hedge funds activism might prove to be harmful or beneficial for the corporate governance of companies with a highly concentrated ownership structure.LUISS PhD Thesi