123 research outputs found

    Kebutuhan Pelatihan Penyuluh Pertanian Berbasis Kompetensi pada Badan Pelaksana Penyuluhan Kabupaten Sarolangun Provinsi Jambi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan 1) mengidentifikasi persepsi penyuluh pertanian terhadap pelatihan yang pernah diikuti yang dilihat dari manajemen pelatihan yang terdapat pada Badan Pelaksana Penyuluhan Kabupaten Sarolangun; 2) mengidentifikasi persepsi penyuluh pertanian tentang kinerja; 3) menganalisis tingkat kebutuhan pelatihan penyuluh pertanian yang akan diadakan dan jenis pelatihan yang perlu dilakukan berdasarkan analisis kemampuan kerja jabatan dan kemampuan kerja pribadi. Data diolah dengan menggunakan teknik rentang kriteria, metode Training Need Assessment Tools (TNA-T) serta Uji T- Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Persepsi seluruh tingkatan jabatan fungsional penyuluh pertanian cukup puas dengan pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh Badan Pelaksana Penyuluhan Kabupaten Sarolangun. Persepsi terhadap kinerja penyuluh pertanian ahli muda, penyuluh pertanian ahli pertama dan penyuluh pertanian terampil penyelia adalah tinggi, sedangkan penyuluh pertanian terampil pelaksana lanjutan dan penyuluh pertanian terampil pelaksana cukup tinggi. Kinerja seluruh tingkatan jabatan fungsional penyuluh pertanian penyuluh pertanian pada badan pelaksana penyuluhan Kabupaten Sarolangun cukup tinggi walaupun tidak semuanya mencapai sasaran yang diinginkan oleh organisasi yang diakibatkan karena kurangnya sarana dan prasarana penyuluhan. Oleh karena itu, untuk mendapatkan penyuluh pertanian yang memiliki kinerja tinggi, dapat dilakukan melalui pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan wawasan dan pengetahuan

    The Nature of Management Tourism Area to Embody Welfare Society (Tourism Law Perspective)

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    This research aimed is (1) to know and understand the nature of the management of tourism areas for the sake of welfare of indigenous peoples: (2) to find out the regulation concept ideally of the management of tourism areas for the indigeneous people’s welfare. The research’s result showed that the essence of the management of tourism areas is the preservation of natural resources in order to improve the welfare of indigenous peoples. In terms of the regulation concept of the management of tourism areas, it can be classified into three stages: the first stage (1961-1969), the second phase (1969-1998), and the third phase (1999 to now). The management of tourism itself was conducted not only by one party, but also cooperated by amongst tourism company, community, and government. Based on the research, the management of tourism in District Jayapura is managed only by the indigenous people. The implementation of the tourism’s management was based on Community Based Tourism (CBT), which was the development of a tourist destination concept through the empowerment of local communities. Keywords: Tourism Management, Welfare Society


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    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) masih menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat global akibat tingginya angka morbiditas dan mortalitas yang disebabkannya. Saat ini, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), CT-scan digunakan sebagai acuan utama dalam mendeteksi TBI, tetapi alat diagnostik ini kurang akurat dan belum mampu untuk mendeteksi tingkatan TBI ringan atau mild-TBI (mTBI). Diketahui 80% kejadian TBI merupakan kasus mTBI yang dapat menyebabkan disabilitas jangka panjang apabila tidak ditangani secara cepat dan tepat, sehingga diperlukan suatu biomarker baru yang dapat mengidentifikasi mTBI untuk membedakannya dengan orang sehat. Circulating miRNA merupakan salah satu jenis small non-coding RNA yang tersekresi dari jaringan menuju ruang ekstraseluler yang bersirkulasi dalam tubuh. Trauma pada pasien TBI dapat merubah ekspresi dan regulasi beberapa circulating miRNA spesifik, sehinga miRNA memiliki potensi untuk menjadi indikator diagnosis dan prognosis non-invasif dari mTBI. Menilai kemampuan diagnostik maupun prognostik circulating miRNA dalam mengidentifikasi mTBI dengan menilai sensitivitas, spesifisitas, dan AUC. Kajian sistematis ini mengumpulkan literatur dari PubMed, Science Direct, Directiory of Open Acces Journal (DOAJ), NLM, dan Epistemonikos dengan menggunakan metode berstandarkan cochrane guideline for systematic review (PRISMA) dengan pencarian kata kunci “Traumatic Brain Injury” dan “MicroRNAs”. Dari 307 studi yang didapatkan, ditemukan 6 final studi yang sesuai dengan seluruh kriteria inklusi. Studi yang dikaji berkorelasi dengan tujuan kajian sistematis ini. Circulating miRNA dari spesimen cairan berpotensi menjadi biomarker non-invasif baru untuk mTBI. Secara khusus, miRNA-425 dan miRNA-502 berpotensi tinggi untuk mendiagnosis awal mTBI terhadap orang sehat, serta miRNA-219 sebagai indikator menilai prognosis dari pederita TBI.

    Perception of Self-Existence Towards Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on Social Media by Freshmen at the University State of Malang

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    This qualitative research aimed to find the perception of the self-existence of new students at the State University of Malang towards the fear of missing out (FOMO). Today, almost all people use social media to connect with others or do other activities. FOMO is a worry or fear arising from missing something new or trending. Therefore, people always want to connect with others to avoid missing out. This research used a phenomenological approach with interviews as a data collection and purposive sampling techniques. Participants in this research were three freshmen at the Universitas Negeri Malang. The study’s results indicated that participants wanted to follow their own trends and criteria in posting content material on social media. The criteria consisted of peak attention to the time of uploading content, the quality of content material relating to self-awareness and maturity, and the influence of other people in creating content material. In conclusion, people have a perception of self-existence to people around them in order to get more attention and personal pleasure through social media. Keywords: Self Existence, Fear of Missing Out, Social Medi

    Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Memberikan Pelayanan Prima Kepada Guru

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    Kepala sekolah harus mampu berperan sebagai motivator dan memberikan koordinasi. Kepala sekolah harus memenuhi perannya sebagai motivator dan memeberikan koordinasi, selain mampu mempengaruhi pimpinan juga perlu memotivasi dan membimbing bawahannya agar lebih bersemangat, dinamis dan inovatif dalam tugasnya, diharapkan para guru sekolah dapat berkembang. tujuan  pada penelitian dilakukan ialah agar bisa  menganalisis  cara kepala sekolah saat memeberikan motivasi dan koordinasi kepada untuk menunaikan tugas di sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif melalui pendekatan kualitatif studi kasus (case study). Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan maka memberikan hasil bahwasanya kepala sekolah menunjukan bahwa kepala sekolah telah memberikan motivasi dan kordinasi kepada guru SDIT Al-Khansa’ Adapun bentuk motivasi yang diberikan kepala sekolah yaitu berupa kalimat penyemangat kalimat yang digunakan untuk memberikan dorongan dan motivasi kepada guru. Kalimat ini biasanya berisi kata-kata yang menyemangati dan menginspirasi orang lain untuk mencapai tujuan para guru di SDIT Al-Khansa

    What unleashes innovations in the Legumes and Cereals farming Systems in the drylands: A gendered perspective

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    Agricultural and natural resource management innovations have often been introduced, promoted and adopted among local communities / farmers. However, how the innovation process is perceived by men and women, the relationships involved, the distribution of benefits and the differing capacities of women and men to take advantage of the new opportunities in agriculture are not always carefully thought-out. This study examined both community and individual men and women's experiences with agricultural innovations and practices and how these interactions support or hinder the achievement of agricultural innovations across various contexts. By providing robust empirical evidence on the relationship between gender norms, agency and agricultural innovation, the study revealed that sociocultural structures and household dynamics chiefly shapes how individuals negotiate for space, freedom, resources and the capacities needed to innovate

    Exploration of cultural norms and practices influencing women’s participation in chickpea participatory varietal selection training activities: A case study of Ada’a and Ensaro districts, Ethiopia

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    In order to encourage gender equality in delivery of varietal knowledge to male and female farmers in Ada‟a and Ensaro districts of Ethiopia, chickpea breeders set a policy that each male farmer would bring along his wife to participatory varietal selection sessions. Women farmers did not attend planned trainings as expected. Using small-n approach, the „reasons‟ women in these communities did not take up the training opportunities were explored. Vignettes designed to depict the lives of a typical Ethiopian couple were used for exploring negotiations between husband and wife on „participation‟ decisions. Short radius of movement, labour burden, sex of extension agents, intimacy and harmony in the home emerge as key factors considered by women. We propose dialogue between men, women, the old and the young to initiate transformation of gender relations to cede „space for women‟, to build capacities to support chickpea production, and agriculture in Ethiopia

    Short communication: Stability and integrity of classical swine fever virus RNA stored at room temperature

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    Worldwide cooperation between laboratories working with classical swine fever virus (CSFV) requires exchange of virus isolates. For this purpose, shipment of CSFV RNA is a safe alternative to the exchange of infectious material. New techniques using desiccation have been developed to store RNA at room temperature and are reported as effective means of preserving RNA integrity. In this study, we evaluated the stability and integrity of dried CSFV RNA stored at room temperature. First, we determined the stability of CSFV RNA covering CSFV genome regions used typically for the detection of viral RNA in diagnostic samples by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). To this end, different concentrations of in vitro-transcribed RNAs of the 5’-untranslated region and of the NS5B gene were stored as dried RNA at 4, 20, and 37oC for two months. Aliquots were analyzed every week by CSFV-specific quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Neither the RNA concentration nor the storage temperature did affect CSFV RNA yields at any of the time evaluated until the end of the experiment. Furthermore, it was possible to recover infectious CSFV after transfection of SK-6 cells with dried viral RNA stored at room temperature for one week. The full-length E2 of CSFV was amplified from all the recovered viruses, and nucleotide sequence analysis revealed 100% identity with the corresponding sequence obtained from RNA of the original material. These results show that CSFV RNA stored as dried RNA at room temperature is stable, maintaining its integrity for downstream analyses and applications
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