7 research outputs found

    A Simple Method for Calculations of Wake Effects in Wind Farms with Influence of Atmospheric Stability

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    Vindturbiner har vanligtvis byggts i kust- och jordbruksomrĂ„den, men med en planerad utbyggnad av vindkraften i Sverige kommer nya platser behöva övervĂ€gas. En vindkraftpark placerad i inlandet kommer att pĂ„verkas av ett annorlunda vindklimat Ă€n en vindkraftpark i kustnĂ€ra omrĂ„den, frĂ€mst pĂ„ grund av högre turbulensintensitet och kraftigare vindskjuvning. Dessutom varierar atmosfĂ€rens stabilitet snabbare i inlandet. Nedströms vindturbiner uppstĂ„r sĂ„ kallade vakar. En vindturbinvak Ă€r ett omrĂ„de med lĂ€gre vindhastighet och högre turbulensintensitet. I vindkraftparker orsakar vakar effektbortfall vid tillfĂ€llen dĂ„ turbiner befinner sig i vakar frĂ„n turbiner uppströms. AtmosfĂ€rens stabilitet pĂ„verkar vakdiffusionen, instabil skiktning leder till en snabbare Ă„terhĂ€mtning till omgivande vindhastighet medan stabil skitning leder till att vaken fĂ„r en större utbredning. En ny metod för berĂ€kningar av vakeffekter i vindkraftparker har utvecklats som bygger pĂ„ en modell som tar hĂ€nsyn till atmosfĂ€risk stabilitet, men i modellen fanns endast uttryck för neutral skiktning. Den centrala parametern i modellen Ă€r den karaktĂ€ristiska transporttiden som definierar vakens utbredning. Transporttid anvĂ€nds tillsammans med Taylors hypotes som koordinat i medelvindens riktning. Genom att tillĂ€mpa Monin-Obukhov similaritetsteori kunde ett nytt uttryck, innehĂ„llandes stabilitet och turbulensintensitet, hĂ€rledas för den karaktĂ€ristiska transporttiden. Med detta uttryck hittades ett sĂ€tt att hantera vĂ€xelverkan mellan vakar genom att anvĂ€nda turbulensintensitet. Modellen anvĂ€ndes för att skapa ett datorprogram för att berĂ€kna vakeffekter för varierande atmosfĂ€risk skiktning. I programmet lĂ€ggs uttrycken för vakarna in i ett stationĂ€rt vindfĂ€lt. För varje vindriktning berĂ€knas effektutvinningen för olika atmosfĂ€riska förhĂ„llanden. För att utvĂ€rdera modellen har den jĂ€mförts med mĂ€tningar frĂ„n en smĂ„skalig vindkraftpark. FrĂ„n tidigare undersökningar fanns vĂ€rden pĂ„ den karaktĂ€ristiska transporttiden för stabil, neutral, instabil skiktning och dubbelvakar i neutral skiktning. Med programmet kunde dessa vĂ€rden fĂ„s fram. Den relativa effektutvinningen berĂ€knades för varierande atmosfĂ€risk stabilitet och jĂ€mfördes med uppmĂ€tt effektutvinning. Modellen visade ganska god överensstĂ€mmelse medmĂ€tningarna. Stabil skiktning orsakade högre effektbortfall medan instabil skiktning minskade effektbortfallet. Dessutom undersöktes den relativa effektutvinningen för ett antal turbiner i rad. Modellen visade sig Ă„terge det jĂ€mviktslĂ€ge i effektutvinningen som ofta har observerats.Traditionally, wind turbines have been built in farmlands and coastal areas. However, with plans ahead of a large expansion of the installed wind power in Sweden new sites have to be found. A wind farm located in the inland will experience a wind climate different from a wind farm close to the coast, mainly due to higher turbulence intensity and larger wind shear. In addition, the atmospheric stability will vary more rapidly. Wakes will appear downstream wind turbines. A wake is a region of lower wind speed and higher turbulence intensity. In a wind farm wakes cause power losses in situations when turbines operate in the wakes of turbines upstream. The wake diffusion process is dependent on the atmospheric stability, unstable stratification leads to a faster wind speed recovery while the wake will expand further downstream in stable stratification. A new method for calculations of wake effects has been developed based on a model where atmospheric stability is included, but only expressions for a neutral atmosphere were provided. The main feature of the model is the characteristic transport time, defining the expansion of the wake. The transport time is used together with Taylor’s hypothesis as the coordinate in the mean wind direction. By implementing Monin-Obukhov similarity theory a new expression including stability and turbulence intensity was derived for the characteristic transport time. With the turbulence intensity appearing in the new expression a way of handling wake interaction could be found. The model was used to create a computer program for calculations of wake effects in different atmospheric stratifications. In the program the wake expressions are superimposed in a stationary wind field. In each wind direction the power output is calculated for varying atmospheric conditions. For validation the model has been compared with measurements from a small wind farm. From earlier investigations values of the characteristic transport time were provided for stable, neutral, unstable stratification and double wakes in neutral conditions. With the method proposed these values could be reproduced. The relative power output was calculated for different stratifications and compared with measured power output. The model showed a fairly good agreement with the measured data. Stable stratification led to higher power losses while unstable stratification reduced power losses. Moreover, the relative power in a row of turbines was investigated and the model was found to reproduce the equilibrium in power production often observed

    Surface temperature response to regional black carbon emissions: do location and magnitude matter?

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    Aerosol radiative forcing can influence climate both locally and far outside the emission region. Here we investigate black carbon (BC) aerosols emitted in four major emission areas and evaluate the importance of emission location and magnitude as well as the concept of the absolute regional temperature-change potentials (ARTP). We perform simulations with a climate model (NorESM) with a fully coupled ocean and with fixed sea surface temperatures. BC emissions for year 2000 are increased by factors of 10 and 20 in South Asia, North America, and Europe, respectively, and by 5 and 10 in East Asia (due to higher emissions there). The perturbed simulations and a reference simulation are run for 100 years with three ensemble members each. We find strikingly similar regional surface temperature responses and geographical patterns per unit BC emission in Europe and North America but somewhat lower temperature sensitivities for East Asian emissions. BC emitted in South Asia shows a different geographical pattern in surface temperatures, by changing the Indian monsoon and cooling the surface. We find that the ARTP approach rather accurately reproduces the fully coupled temperature response of NorESM. Choosing the highest emission rate results in lower surface temperature change per emission unit compared to the lowest rate, but the difference is generally not statistically significant except for the Arctic. An advantage of high-perturbation simulations is the clearer emergence of regional signals. Our results show that the linearity of normalized temperature effects of BC is fairly well preserved despite the relatively large perturbations but that regional temperature coefficients calculated from high perturbations may be a conservative estimate. Regardless of emission region, BC causes a northward shift of the ITCZ, and this shift is apparent both with a fully coupled ocean and with fixed sea surface temperatures. For these regional BC emission perturbations, we find that the effective radiative forcing is not a good measure of the climate response. A limitation of this study is the uncertainties in BC–cloud interactions and the amount of BC absorption, both of which are model dependent

    Local and remote temperature response of regional SO2 emissions

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    Abstract. Short-lived anthropogenic climate forcers (SLCFs), such as sulfate aerosols, affect both climate and air quality. Despite being short-lived, these forcers do not affect temperatures only locally; regions far away from the emission sources are also affected. Climate metrics are often used in a policy context to compare the climate impact of different anthropogenic forcing agents. These metrics typically relate a forcing change in a certain region with a temperature change in another region and thus often require a separate model to convert emission changes to radiative forcing (RF) changes. In this study, we used a coupled Earth system model, NorESM (Norwegian Earth System Model), to calculate emission-to-temperature-response metrics for sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission changes in four different policy-relevant regions: Europe (EU), North America (NA), East Asia (EA) and South Asia (SA). We first increased the SO2 emissions in each individual region by an amount giving approximately the same global average radiative forcing change (−0.45 Wm−2). The global mean temperature change per unit sulfur emission compared to the control experiment was independent of emission region and equal to ∌0.006 K(TgSyr−1)−1. On a regional scale, the Arctic showed the largest temperature response in all experiments. The second largest temperature change occurred in the region of the imposed emission increase, except when South Asian emissions were changed; in this experiment, the temperature response was approximately the same in South Asia and East Asia. We also examined the non-linearity of the temperature response by removing all anthropogenic SO2 emissions over Europe in one experiment. In this case, the temperature response (both global and regional) was twice that in the corresponding experiment with a European emission increase. This non-linearity in the temperature response is one of many uncertainties associated with the use of simplified climate metrics