196 research outputs found

    Realization of XNOR and NAND spin-wave logic gates

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    We demonstrate the functionality of spin-wave logic XNOR and NAND gates based on a Mach-Zehnder type interferometer which has arms implemented as sections of ferrite film spin-wave waveguides. Logical input signals are applied to the gates by varying either the phase or the amplitude of the spin waves in the interferometer arms. This phase or amplitude variation is produced by Oersted fields of dc current pulses through conductors placed on the surface of the magnetic films.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    The First Space-Based Gravitational-Wave Detectors

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    Gravitational waves provide a laboratory for general relativity and a window to energetic astrophysical phenomena invisible with electromagnetic radiation. Several terrestrial detectors are currently under construction, and a space-based interferometer is envisioned for launch early next century to detect test-mass motions induced by waves of relatively short wavelength. Very-long-wavelength gravitational waves can be detected using the plasma in the early Universe as test masses; the motion induced in the plasma by a wave is imprinted onto the cosmic microwave background (CMB). While the signature of gravitational waves on the CMB temperature fluctuations is not unique, the polarization pattern can be used to unambiguously detect gravitational radiation. Thus, forthcoming CMB polarization experiments, such as MAP and Planck, will be the first space-based gravitational-wave detectors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 postscript figure

    Resonant scattering of spin waves from a region of inhomogeneous magnetic field in a ferromagnetic film

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    The transmission of a dipole-dominated spin wave in a ferromagnetic film through a localised inhomogeneity in the form of a magnetic field produced by a dc current through a wire placed on the film surface was studied experimentally and theoretically. It was shown that the amplitude and phase of the transmitted wave can be simultaneously affected by the current induced field, a feature that will be relevant for logic based on spin wave transport. The direction of the current creates either a barrier or well for spin wave transmission. The main observation is that the current dependence of the amplitude of the spin wave transmitted through the well inhomogeneity is non-monotonic. The dependence has a minimum and an additional maximum. A theory was constructed to clarify the nature of the maximum. It shows that the transmission of spin waves through the inhomogeneity can be considered as a scattering process and that the additional maximum is a scattering resonance

    Systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography for deep vein thrombosis

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    Background Ultrasound (US) has largely replaced contrast venography as the definitive diagnostic test for deep vein thrombosis (DVT). We aimed to derive a definitive estimate of the diagnostic accuracy of US for clinically suspected DVT and identify study-level factors that might predict accuracy. Methods We undertook a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of diagnostic cohort studies that compared US to contrast venography in patients with suspected DVT. We searched Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, Database of Reviews of Effectiveness, the ACP Journal Club, and citation lists (1966 to April 2004). Random effects meta-analysis was used to derive pooled estimates of sensitivity and specificity. Random effects meta-regression was used to identify study-level covariates that predicted diagnostic performance. Results We identified 100 cohorts comparing US to venography in patients with suspected DVT. Overall sensitivity for proximal DVT (95% confidence interval) was 94.2% (93.2 to 95.0), for distal DVT was 63.5% (59.8 to 67.0), and specificity was 93.8% (93.1 to 94.4). Duplex US had pooled sensitivity of 96.5% (95.1 to 97.6) for proximal DVT, 71.2% (64.6 to 77.2) for distal DVT and specificity of 94.0% (92.8 to 95.1). Triplex US had pooled sensitivity of 96.4% (94.4 to 97.1%) for proximal DVT, 75.2% (67.7 to 81.6) for distal DVT and specificity of 94.3% (92.5 to 95.8). Compression US alone had pooled sensitivity of 93.8 % (92.0 to 95.3%) for proximal DVT, 56.8% (49.0 to 66.4) for distal DVT and specificity of 97.8% (97.0 to 98.4). Sensitivity was higher in more recently published studies and in cohorts with higher prevalence of DVT and more proximal DVT, and was lower in cohorts that reported interpretation by a radiologist. Specificity was higher in cohorts that excluded patients with previous DVT. No studies were identified that compared repeat US to venography in all patients. Repeat US appears to have a positive yield of 1.3%, with 89% of these being confirmed by venography. Conclusion Combined colour-doppler US techniques have optimal sensitivity, while compression US has optimal specificity for DVT. However, all estimates are subject to substantial unexplained heterogeneity. The role of repeat scanning is very uncertain and based upon limited data

    Stigma and Fear: the 'Psy Professional' in Cultural Artifacts

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.The loss of reason called madness provokes perhaps the greatest human fear, for it is reason that dignifies humanity and separates us from beasts. The ‘psy professionals’ - those who prescribe and administer treatments for madness - are frequently portrayed in fiction, film, comics, computer games and entertainments, along with the mad themselves and the asylums that confine them. Overall, these depictions are malign: the reader/watcher/player is encouraged to fear the mad, the madhouse and the mad-doctor. Choosing to use less abrasive vocabulary to name the condition of madness makes no difference to the terror the condition arouses, for the content of many books and games aims to inspire fear. In spite of considerable efforts over many years, the stigma which attaches to mental illness remains firmly in place for patients, while psy professionals also carry their share of “some of the discredit of the stigmatized” (Goffman 1968, p 43) and join patients in a stigmatized group. Popular belief often equates the psy professions with madness (Walter, 1989). This paper explores ways in which the fear of madness, and the stigma which clings to sufferers and their professional carers, is perpetuated by a constant stream of popular cultural artifacts

    High-dimensional interior crisis in the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation

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    An investigation of interior crisis of high dimensions in an extended spatiotemporal system exemplified by the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation is reported. It is shown that unstable periodic orbits and their associated invariant manifolds in the Poincaré hyperplane can effectively characterize the global bifurcation dynamics of high-dimensional systems.A. C.-L. Chian, E. L. Rempel, E. E. Macau, R. R. Rosa, and F. Christianse

    Chronic fatigue syndrome: identifying zebras amongst the horses

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    There are currently no investigative tools or physical signs that can confirm or refute the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). As a result, clinicians must decide how long to keep looking for alternative explanations for fatigue before settling on a diagnosis of CFS. Too little investigation risks serious or easily treatable causes of fatigue being overlooked, whilst too many increases the risk of iatrogenic harm and reduces the opportunity for early focused treatment. A paper by Jones et al published this month in BMC Medicine may help clinicians in deciding how to undertake such investigations. Their results suggest that if clinicians look for common psychiatric and medical conditions in those complaining of prolonged fatigue, the rate of detection will be higher than previously estimated. The most common co-morbid condition identified was depression, suggesting a simple mental state examination remains the most productive single investigation in any new person presenting with unexplained fatigue. Currently, most diagnostic criteria advice CFS should not be diagnosed when an active medical or psychiatric condition which may explain the fatigue is identified. We discuss a number of recent prospective studies that have provided valuable insights into the aetiology of chronic fatigue and describe a model for understanding chronic fatigue which may be equally relevant regardless of whether or not an apparent medical cause for fatigue can be identified

    Suppression of Penning discharges between the KATRIN spectrometers

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    The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment (KATRIN) aims to determine the effective electron (anti)-neutrino mass with a sensitivity of 0.2eV/c2^{2} by precisely measuring the endpoint region of the tritium ÎČ-decay spectrum. It uses a tandem of electrostatic spectrometers working as magnetic adiabatic collimation combined with an electrostatic (MAC-E) filters. In the space between the pre-spectrometer and the main spectrometer, creating a Penning trap is unavoidable when the superconducting magnet between the two spectrometers, biased at their respective nominal potentials, is energized. The electrons accumulated in this trap can lead to discharges, which create additional background electrons and endanger the spectrometer and detector section downstream. To counteract this problem, “electron catchers” were installed in the beamline inside the magnet bore between the two spectrometers. These catchers can be moved across the magnetic-flux tube and intercept on a sub-ms time scale the stored electrons along their magnetron motion paths. In this paper, we report on the design and the successful commissioning of the electron catchers and present results on their efficiency in reducing the experimental background

    Symbolic Object Code Analysis

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    Current software model checkers quickly reach their limit when being applied to verifying pointer safety properties in source code that includes function pointers and inlined assembly. This paper introduces an alternative technique for checking pointer safety violations, called Symbolic Object Code Analysis (SOCA), which is based on bounded symbolic execution, incorporates path-sensitive slicing, and employs the SMT solver Yices as its execution and verification engine. Extensive experimental results of a prototypic SOCA Verifier, using the Verisec suite and almost 10,000 Linux device driver functions as benchmarks, show that SOCA performs competitively to current source-code model checkers and that it also scales well when applied to real operating systems code and pointer safety issues. SOCA effectively explores semantic niches of software that current software verifiers do not reach
