147 research outputs found

    Furnace and rapid thermal crystallization of amorphous GexSi1-x and Si for thin film transistors

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    The crystallization behavior of polycrystalline silicon (Si) and germanium-silicon alloys (GexSi1−x) from SiH4 and GeH4, where x is in the range of 0-0.32, has been investigated for thin film transistor (TFT) applications. Furnace anneals as well as rapid thermal anneal (RTA) and combinations of these two techniques have been used to crystallize amorphously deposited thin (≤100 nm) films. The effects of time and temperature for the furnace anneals and time, temperature and pulse rate for the RTA have been investigated. Smooth Si and GexSi1−x layers with a surface roughness ≤0.6 nm have been obtained using an initial Si layer for the GexSi1−x material, since GexSi1−x shows a nucleation problem on oxide surfaces which influences the resulting surface roughness and grain size. For TFT applications the optimal film properties cannot be obtained with a single crystallization anneal. Conventional furnace crystallization results in smooth layers with Si furnace crystallized films exhibiting small grains with many intra-grain defects. An average grain size of approximately 300 nm for Ge0.25Si0.75 and slightly larger grains for Ge0.32Si0.68 with less defects is obtained at lower temperature. RTA results for Si and GexSi1−x in fine grained material with lower defect density

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Matematika Untuk Android Mobile Dengan Komunikasi Device-Server

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    Belakangan ini, perkembangan Android semakin meningkat di pasaran. Pengguna android berasal dari berbagai kalangan. Tidak hanya orang dewasa saja yang mengenal gadget ini, melainkan anak-anak pun senang memainkan gadget ini. Adanya teknologi yang berkembang seperti ini menjadikan anak-anak semakin malas untuk belajar, mereka lebih memilih menghabiskan waktunya untuk bermain dengan gadget mereka.Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah aplikasi yang dapat membantu pembelajaran anak-anak melalui device Android, khususnya pada pelajaran Matematika. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini, anak-anak akan diajak belajar sekaligus bermain, sehingga belajar akan menjadi lebih menarik bagi anak-anak. Aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan penelitian ini yaitu aplikasi Eclipse. Pada aplikasi juga diterapkan penggunakan Google Cloud Messaging untuk membantu komunikasi antara dua device saat multiplayer game dimainkan.Hasil pengujian aplikasi menunjukan bahwa proses penggunaan aplikasi membutuhkan koneksi internet yang kuat, terutama saat mengimplementasikan multiplayer game. Aplikasi ini nantinya dapat dikembangkan sehingga dapat menambah pengetahuan anak-anak terhadap pelajaran lain selain matematika


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    ABSTRACT For TransCanada PipeLines, the need to retrofit station and compressor unit controls has been driven by the requirements to improve reliability, availability and cost and difficulties associated with interfacing new digital control systems with existing analog systems. TransCanada's massive four year expansion program has exacerbated this need. TransCanada's turbo compressor controls are becoming obsolete, they are difficult to troubleshoot and maintain, do not control a unit as effectively as newer digital controls and do not have adequate operator or technician interfaces and diagnostics. This paper describes TransCanada PipeLines reasons and experiences in retrofitting state-of-the-art digital controls in a cost effective manner while minimizing service interruptions

    Drugs and Drug Policy in the Netherlands

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    Kegiatan internasionalisasi perusahaan dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap persepsi dan penilaian investor terhadap peluang investasi pada perusahaan IPO. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara kegiatan internasinalisasi perusahaan sebelum IPO dengan underpricing. Selain itu penelitian ini juga mengevaluasi peran moderasi ownership structure pada hubungan antara internasinalisasi dengan underpricing. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan yang melakukan IPO pada tahun 2010 sampai 2018 di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Pengujian menggunakan ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analyses untuk menguji hipotesis yang dirumuskan. Varabel penelitian ini menggunakan internasionalisasi perusahaan IPO (diukur dengan foreign liability dan foregn sales) sebagai variable independen, underpricing sebagai variabel dependen, dan ownership structure (diukur dengan kepemilikan CEO and blockholder) sebagai variabel moderasi. Penelitian in menggunakan 47 perusahaan sebagai sample dengan hasil foreign sales signifikan positif terhadap underpricing dan foreign liability signifikan berdampak negative. Hasil pengujian moderasi menunjukan bahwa blockholder ownership memoderasi hubungan foreign sales dan underpricing dengan hubungan yang semakin lemah. CEO ownership memoderasi hubungan foreign sales dan underpricing dengan hubungan semakin kuat. Kata kunci: initial public offering, underpricing, internationalization, ownership structure

    The oxygen isotope evolution of parent body aqueous solutions as recorded by multiple carbonate generations in the Lonewolf Nunataks 94101 CM2 carbonaceous chondrite

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    The CM2 carbonaceous chondrite LON 94101 contains aragonite and two generations of calcite that provide snapshots of the chemical and isotopic evolution of aqueous solutions during parent body alteration. Aragonite was the first carbonate to crystallize. It is rare, heterogeneously distributed within the meteorite matrix, and its mean oxygen isotope values are δ18O 39.9±0.6‰, Δ17O -0.3±1.0‰ (1σ). Calcite precipitated very soon afterwards, and following a fall in solution Mg/Ca ratios, to produce small equant grains with a mean oxygen isotope value of δ18O 37.5±0.7‰, Δ17O 1.4±1.1‰ (1σ). These grains were partially or completely replaced by serpentine and tochilinite prior to precipitation of the second generation of calcite, which occluded an open fracture to form a millimeter-sized vein, and replaced anhydrous silicates within chondrules and the matrix. The vein calcite has a mean composition of δ18O 18.4±0.3‰, Δ17O -0.5±0.5‰ (1σ). Petrographic and isotopic results therefore reveal two discrete episodes of mineralization that produced Ca-carbonates with contrasting δ18O, but whose Δ17O values are indistinguishable within error. The aragonite and equant calcite crystallized over a relatively brief period early in the aqueous alteration history of the parent body, and from static fluids that were evolving chemically in response to mineral dissolution and precipitation. The second calcite generation crystallized from solutions of a lower Δ17O, and a lower δ18O and/or higher temperature, which entered LON 9410 via a fracture network. As two generations of calcite whose petrographic characteristics and oxygen isotopic compositions are similar to those in LON 94101 occur in at least one other CM2, multiphase carbonate mineralization could be the typical outcome of the sequence of chemical reactions during parent body aqueous alteration. It is equally possible however that the second generation of calcite in formed in response to an event such as impact fracturing and concomitant fluid mobilisation that affected a large region of the common parent body of several CM2 meteorites. These findings show that integrated petrographic, chemical and isotopic studies can provide new insights into the mechanisms of parent body alteration including the spatial and temporal dynamics of the aqueous system

    Optimalisasi Rute Pengiriman Dengan Meminimasi Jarak Menggunakan Saving Matrix: Sebuah Studi Kasus

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    CV. X is a business entity in Surabaya that operates and focuses on making pillows and bolsters for local needs. This business entity often delivers products within the city of Surabaya and outside the city of Surabaya. Based on a sample of one of the data obtained from product deliveries in the past, it was found that the percentage of utility from the cargo of transport vehicles was still not high and there were repeated deliveries on the same day on different vehicles. The problem found is in the form of Capacitated VRP (CVRP) which is an optimization problem to find a route with a minimum cost with vehicles and a certain capacity. The proposal made is to determine the delivery route using the Saving matrix method and make a suggestion in the form of making an SOP for product delivery. After calculating the past data from July to September 2022 using the saving matrix method, a distance savings of 12.11 km was obtained and the highest savings in the number of transport vehicles was 2 vehicles. In addition, there was an increase in % utility in product delivery vehicles with a value of 20%

    Fluid evolution in CM carbonaceous chondrites tracked through the oxygen isotopic compositions of carbonates

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    The oxygen isotopic compositions of calcite grains in four CM carbonaceous chondrites have been determined by NanoSIMS, and results reveal that aqueous solutions evolved in a similar manner between parent body regions with different intensities of aqueous alteration. Two types of calcite were identified in Murchison, Mighei, Cold Bokkeveld and LaPaz Icefield 031166 by differences in their petrographic properties and oxygen isotope values. Type 1 calcite occurs as small equant grains that formed by filling of pore spaces in meteorite matrices during the earliest stages of alteration. On average, the type 1 grains have a δ18O of ∼32–36‰ (VSMOW), and Δ17O of between ∼2‰ and −1‰. Most grains of type 2 calcite precipitated after type 1. They contain micropores and inclusions, and have replaced ferromagnesian silicate minerals. Type 2 calcite has an average δ18O of ∼21–24‰ (VSMOW) and a Δ17O of between ∼−1‰ and −3‰. Such consistent isotopic differences between the two calcite types show that they formed in discrete episodes and from solutions whose δ18O and δ17O values had changed by reaction with parent body silicates, as predicted by the closed-system model for aqueous alteration. Temperatures are likely to have increased over the timespan of calcite precipitation, possibly owing to exothermic serpentinisation. The most highly altered CM chondrites commonly contain dolomite in addition to calcite. Dolomite grains in two previously studied CM chondrites have a narrow range in δ18O (∼25–29‰ VSMOW), with Δ17O ∼−1‰ to −3‰. These grains are likely to have precipitated between types 1 and 2 calcite, and in response to a transient heating event and/or a brief increase in fluid magnesium/calcium ratios. In spite of this evidence for localised excursions in temperature and/or solution chemistry, the carbonate oxygen isotope record shows that fluid evolution was comparable between many parent body regions. The CM carbonaceous chondrites studied here therefore sample either several parent bodies with a very similar initial composition and evolution or, more probably, a single C-type asteroid

    Compositional Diversity Among Primitive Asteroids

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    Spectroscopic observations from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared have revealed new and diagnostic differences among primitive asteroids. We review the spectral characteristics of these asteroids and their inferred compositional and physical properties. Primitive asteroids throughout the belt show carbon-rich compounds, varying degrees of aqueous alteration and even surface ice; recent observations provide significant new constraints on composition, thermal inertia, and other surface properties. New mid-infrared connections between primitive asteroids and interplanetary dust particles indicate that the latter sample a larger fraction of main belt asteroids than meteorites. Links with the composition of comets are consistent with a proposed continuum between primitive asteroids and comets. Two sample-return missions, OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa 2, will visit primitive near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). Most spacecraft-accessible NEAs originate in the inner asteroid belt, which contains several primitive asteroid families and a background of primitive asteroids outside these families. Initial results from these families offer a tantalizing preview of the properties expected in the NEAs they produce. So far, primitive asteroids in the inner belt fall into two spectral groups. The first group includes the Polana-Eulalia families, which show considerable spectral homogeneity in spite of their dynamical and collisional complexity. In contrast, the Erigone and Sulamitis families are spectrally diverse and most of their members show clear 0.7 microns hydration features. The two sample-return targets (101955) Bennu and (162173) Ryugu, most likely originated in the Polana family.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures, chapter 5 in Primitive Meteorites and Asteroids, Physical, Chemical, and Spectroscopic Observations Paving the Way to Exploratio
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