1,598 research outputs found

    Transmitter switch for high-power microwave output

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    Combiner system can be used for combining output powers of two transmitters or for switching from one to the other. This can be done when pair of transmitters operate on same frequency and carriers are phase coherent as by excitation from single exciter

    Solving the Klein-Gordon equation using Fourier spectral methods: A benchmark test for computer performance

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    The cubic Klein-Gordon equation is a simple but non-trivial partial differential equation whose numerical solution has the main building blocks required for the solution of many other partial differential equations. In this study, the library 2DECOMP&FFT is used in a Fourier spectral scheme to solve the Klein-Gordon equation and strong scaling of the code is examined on thirteen different machines for a problem size of 512^3. The results are useful in assessing likely performance of other parallel fast Fourier transform based programs for solving partial differential equations. The problem is chosen to be large enough to solve on a workstation, yet also of interest to solve quickly on a supercomputer, in particular for parametric studies. Unlike other high performance computing benchmarks, for this problem size, the time to solution will not be improved by simply building a bigger supercomputer.Comment: 10 page

    A constrained Potts antiferromagnet model with an interface representation

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    We define a four-state Potts model ensemble on the square lattice, with the constraints that neighboring spins must have different values, and that no plaquette may contain all four states. The spin configurations may be mapped into those of a 2-dimensional interface in a 2+5 dimensional space. If this interface is in a Gaussian rough phase (as is the case for most other models with such a mapping), then the spin correlations are critical and their exponents can be related to the stiffness governing the interface fluctuations. Results of our Monte Carlo simulations show height fluctuations with an anomalous dependence on wavevector, intermediate between the behaviors expected in a rough phase and in a smooth phase; we argue that the smooth phase (which would imply long-range spin order) is the best interpretation.Comment: 61 pages, LaTeX. Submitted to J. Phys.

    Analysis of the anti-cancer effects of cincau extract (Premna oblongifolia merr) and other types of non- digestible fibre using faecal fermentation supernatants and Caco-2 cells as a model of the human colon

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    © 2017 by the authors. Green cincau (Premna oblongifolia Merr) is an Indonesian food plant with a high dietary fibre content. Research has shown that dietary fibre mixtures may be more beneficial for colorectal cancer prevention than a single dietary fibre type. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of green cincau extract on short chain fatty acid (SCFA) production in anaerobic batch cultures inoculated with human faecal slurries and to compare these to results obtained using different dietary fibre types (pectin, inulin, and cellulose), singly and in combination. Furthermore, fermentation supernatants (FSs) were evaluated in Caco-2 cells for their effect on cell viability, differentiation, and apoptosis. Cincau increased total SCFA concentration by increasing acetate and propionate, but not butyrate concentration. FSs from all dietary fibre sources, including cincau, reduced Caco-2 cell viability. However, the effects of all FSs on cell viability, cell differentiation, and apoptosis were not simply explainable by their butyrate content. In conclusion, products of fermentation of cincau extracts induced cell death, but further work is required to understand the mechanism of action. This study demonstrates for the first time that this Indonesian traditional source of dietary fibre may be protective against colorectal cancer

    Low field hysteresis in disordered ferromagnets

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    We analyze low field hysteresis close to the demagnetized state in disordered ferromagnets using the zero temperature random-field Ising model. We solve the demagnetization process exactly in one dimension and derive the Rayleigh law of hysteresis. The initial susceptibility a and the hysteretic coefficient b display a peak as a function of the disorder width. This behavior is confirmed by numerical simulations d=2,3 showing that in limit of weak disorder demagnetization is not possible and the Rayleigh law is not defined. These results are in agreement with experimental observations on nanocrystalline magnetic materials.Comment: Extended version, 18 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    xQTL workbench: a scalable web environment for multi-level QTL analysis

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    Summary: xQTL workbench is a scalable web platform for the mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) at multiple levels: for example gene expression (eQTL), protein abundance (pQTL), metabolite abundance (mQTL) and phenotype (phQTL) data. Popular QTL mapping methods for model organism and human populations are accessible via the web user interface. Large calculations scale easily on to multi-core computers, clusters and Cloud. All data involved can be uploaded and queried online: markers, genotypes, microarrays, NGS, LC-MS, GC-MS, NMR, etc. When new data types come available, xQTL workbench is quickly customized using the Molgenis software generator

    Dynamics of Metal Centers Monitored by Nuclear Inelastic Scattering

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    Nuclear inelastic scattering of synchrotron radiation has been used now since 10 years as a tool for vibrational spectroscopy. This method has turned out especially useful in case of large molecules that contain a M\"ossbauer active metal center. Recent applications to iron-sulfur proteins, to iron(II) spin crossover complexes and to tin-DNA complexes are discussed. Special emphasis is given to the combination of nuclear inelastic scattering and density functional calculations

    Determination of early summer pasture conditions to optimize forage and calf productivity and profitability

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    Forages can be valuable elements in a sustainable production system. The date when animals are first allowed to graze on pastures can impact the quality and amount of forages available. This study explored various factors that influence successful grazing

    Spin states of the first four holes in a silicon nanowire quantum dot

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    We report measurements on a silicon nanowire quantum dot with a clarity that allows for a complete understanding of the spin states of the first four holes. First, we show control of the hole number down to one. Detailed measurements at perpendicular magnetic fields reveal the Zeeman splitting of a single hole in silicon. We are able to determine the ground-state spin configuration for one to four holes occupying the quantum dot and find a spin filling with alternating spin-down and spin-up holes, which is confirmed by magnetospectroscopy up to 9T. Additionally, a so far inexplicable feature in single-charge quantum dots in many materials systems is analyzed in detail. We observe excitations of the zero-hole ground-state energy of the quantum dot, which cannot correspond to electronic or Zeeman states. We show that the most likely explanation is acoustic phonon emission to a cavity between the two contacts to the nanowire.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, both including supporting informatio

    Disentangling the heterogeneous income elasticity and dynamics of health expenditure.

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    In this article, we empirically study the impact of per capita income on health-care expenditure and its dynamics over time in a sample of 14 OECD countries for the period 1971 to 2009. A simple model, built upon one developed by Newhouse (1977), suggests that health care is a necessity in the short run but it cannot be rejected to be a luxury good in the long run. Our findings provide strong empirical evidence that a year’s health expenditure is conditioned by the previous one. Interestingly, our results reveal increasing income inelasticity over time along with huge heterogeneity across countries. Finally, this article supports the hypothesis of conditional convergence in health-care spending among countries. In designing policies which facilitate the sustainability of national health systems, we emphasize that ceteris paribus the greater the participation of public health, the lower the growth rate of health spending. High share of children and elderly over working age population opposite influences. We also provide evidence that technological progress could reduce the long-run income elasticity for health care, which in turn threaten the sustainability of health-care systems
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