86 research outputs found

    Die Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung als Instrument der Familienpolitik?

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    In der Märzausgabe des WIRTSCHAFTSDIENST veröffentlichten wir einen Aufsatz von Barbara Henman und Michael Voigtländer unter dem Titel „Unzureichende Berücksichtigung der Kindererziehung als Ursache der Rentenkrise“ 1 . Hierzu eine Replik von Peggy Letzner, in der sie sieben Gründe gegen einen beitragsfinanzierten Familienlastenausgleich anführt. --

    IR spectroscopy of pyridine-water structures in helium nanodroplets

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.We present the results of an IR spectroscopic study of pyridine–water heterodimer formation in helium nanodroplets. The experiments were carried out in the frequency range of the pyridine C–H stretch region (3055–3100 cm−1) and upon water deuteration in the D–O stretch region (2740–2800 cm−1). In order to come to an unambiguous assignment we have determined the angle between the permanent dipole and the vibrational transition moment of the aggregates. The experiments have been accompanied by theoretical simulations which yielded two minimum structures with a 16.28 kJ mol−1energy difference. The experimentally observed bands were assigned to two structures with different H-bonds: an N⋯H bond and a bifurcated O⋯H–C bond.DFG, FOR 618, Die Aggregation kleiner Moleküle mit präzisen Methoden verstehen - Experiment und Theorie im Wechselspie

    <i>Labra</i> de época romana en <i>Hispania</i>

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    Circular basins are very common functional and decorative elements in the Roman world, where they were referred to as <i>labra</i>. Rectangular basins have been often included within this category, but it is preferable to use the term <i>alvei</i> for them. Spanish historiography has not paid much attention to these elements, which is due more to a problem of publication than to an absence of these elements in the archaeological record. Sometimes, the terminological confusion has led to the identification of the fountains not by the architectural or sculptural elements from which the water spouted but by the space where they were placed. The historiography review and the reassessment of the archaeological records of the <i>labra</i> documented in the Iberian Peninsula, both in public and private spaces, has made it possible to analyze their origin, typology, function and material, as well as their archaeological context. Made of different varieties of both local and imported <i>marmora</i>, the fountain basins, in different sizes and morphologies, are usually linked to the roman baths to <i>atriums</i> and peristyles.<br><br>Los lavabos, pilas o tazas de fuente circulares son elementos funcionales y decorativos bastante comunes en el mundo romano donde recibían el nombre de <i>labra</i>. Dentro de esta categoría se han incluido a menudo también las tazas rectangulares, para las que se prefiere reservar el término <i>alvei</i>. En el ámbito de la antigua Hispania estos elementos han pasado bastante desapercibidos, lo que obedece a un problema de publicación más que de una ausencia en el registro arqueológico. En algunas ocasiones, la confusión terminológica ha llevado a identificar las fuentes no como el elemento arquitectónico o escultórico del que brotaba el agua, sino con el espacio físico donde se ubicó aquel. La revisión historiográfica de los <i>labra</i> documentados hasta el momento en la Península Ibérica, tanto en ámbitos públicos como privados, nos ha permitido analizar su procedencia, tipología, funcionalidad y material de fabricación, además de su contexto arqueológico. Fabricados en <i>marmora</i> de diferentes variedades, locales e importados, las tazas de fuente, que presentan diferentes tamaños y morfología, suelen estar vinculadas a edificios termales, así como a atrios y peristilos

    Cerebral lateralisation during signed and spoken language production in children born deaf

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    The effect of sensory experience on hemispheric specialisation for language production is not well understood. Children born deaf, including those who have cochlear implants, have drastically different perceptual experiences of language than their hearing peers. Using functional transcranial Doppler sonography (fTCD), we measured lateralisation during language production in a heterogeneous group of 19 deaf children and in 19 hearing children, matched on language ability. In children born deaf, we observed significant left lateralisation during language production (British Sign Language, spoken English, or a combination of languages). There was no difference in the strength of lateralisation between deaf and hearing groups. Comparable proportions of children were categorised as left-, right-, or not significantly-lateralised in each group. Moreover, an exploratory subgroup analysis showed no significant difference in lateralisation between deaf children with cochlear implants and those without. These data suggest that the processes underpinning language production remain robustly left lateralised regardless of sensory language experience

    State of the art. Overview of concepts, indicators and methodologies used for analyzing the social OMC.

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    This paper is a detailed analysis about the literature on the Social OMC from 2006-2010, focusing on how OMC research has been carried out. It specifically points to which theoretical framework/concepts are used, and how change is conceptualised and measured. It is organised in five sections. The first concerns visibility and awareness about the OMC; the second analyses research on the EU level coordination process; the third scrutinizes how features of the OMC have been analysed. The fourth and fifth sections, addressing how national integration of the OMC has been researched, respectively address substantive policy change as well as national policy-making. Strikingly, virtually all OMC research adopts theoretical frameworks derived from literature on Europeanisation and/or institutionalisation. Also, as the OMC is voluntary and sanction-free, it depends heavily on how and the the extent to which actors use it (agenda-setting, conflict resolution, maintaining focus on a policy issue, developing a policy dialogue, etc). OMC research has become nuanced and does highlight how, for which purpose and with which outcome actors engage with the OMC. Another finding is that there is data on policy issues addressed through the OMC, learning does take place and there is knowledge about domestic policy problems. However, the linkage between knowledge of an issue and direct use of the OMC for policy change in social policy is weak, but that may change with EU2020, where social policy has received a higher profile. Most research covers the EU-15, much more research needs to be undertaken in newer EU member states