146 research outputs found

    Accompagnement de l'élÚve de 16 à 24 ans en formation générale des adultes du Québec et réussite au sein de l'école

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    Afin d’enrichir les outils en matiĂšre de solution au dĂ©crochage scolaire, cette recherche s’intĂ©resse Ă  l’accompagnement de l’élĂšve et Ă  la rĂ©ussite au sein de l’école. Elle se dĂ©roule dans le cadre de la formation gĂ©nĂ©rale des adultes (FGA) ĂągĂ©s de 16 Ă  24 ans et frĂ©quentant les centres d’éducation des adultes du QuĂ©bec (CÉA). L’objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral est de dĂ©crire ce qui se fait comme pratiques d’accompagnement de l’élĂšve pour la rĂ©ussite tout en identifiant les caractĂ©ristiques et les objectifs de ces pratiques. Pour ce faire, trois questions de recherche ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es Ă  savoir : 1) que se fait-il comme pratiques d’accompagnement en FGA, 2) quels sont les objectifs poursuivis par ces pratiques et, enfin, 3) quelles sont les caractĂ©ristiques de ces pratiques? Cette Ă©tude s’appuie sur l’approche de la sociologie de l'Ă©ducation de François Dubet (1994) et propose d’examiner trois dimensions (pĂ©dagogique, personnelle et sociale) et sept formes de pratiques d’accompagnement de l’élĂšve : le tutorat, le counseling, le compagnonnage, l’entraide par les pairs, le mentorat, le cybermentorat et les pratiques pĂ©dagogiques des enseignants. La dĂ©marche Ă©tant d’établir un ensemble de pratiques d’accompagnement de l’élĂšve comme il se prĂ©sente dans le milieu, puisque toutes les pratiques d'accompagnement n’avaient pas Ă©tĂ©, avant notre recherche, rĂ©pertoriĂ©es en tant que telles. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus permettent de constater la prĂ©sence d’un dĂ©ploiement important de plusieurs pratiques d’accompagnement de l’élĂšve en FGA incluant les pratiques pĂ©dagogiques des enseignants. En effet, le tutorat et le counseling sont deux pratiques qui obtiennent des scores importants. De plus, il aura Ă©tĂ© possible de documenter de façon assez complĂšte les pratiques pĂ©dagogiques des enseignantes dites « d’accompagnement de l’élĂšve » et de comprendre l’articulation de l’ensemble de ces pratiques avec la rĂ©ussite de l’élĂšve au sein de l’école. Au terme de cette recherche, deux sources de connaissances ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ă©vidence. D’abord, la premiĂšre dĂ©coule des composantes issues du modĂšle thĂ©orique Ă  l’étude, ensuite, la deuxiĂšme concerne l’explicitation des pratiques pĂ©dagogiques des enseignants. Dans les deux cas, les rĂ©sultats, ainsi que les analyses, rĂ©vĂšlent le caractĂšre central de la dimension pĂ©dagogique dans l’accompagnement de l’élĂšve en FGA, ce qui nous renvoie Ă  l’importante contribution, en matiĂšre d’accompagnement de l’élĂšve en FGA, de l’enseignant, puisque ce dernier inclut l’accompagnement de l’élĂšve dans l’acte mĂȘme d’enseigner.With a view to developing and refining the tools needed to better solve the problem of school drop-out rates, this research interests itself in the accompaniment of the student and the resulting success in the school. It is addressed to the 16 to 24 year old students that are attending QuĂ©bec’s FGA Education Centres. The general objective is describing what practices are used to accompany the student toward success while also identifying and describing the characteristics and objectives of said practices. In order to achieve this goal, three research questions have been studied, namely: 1) what are the accompaniment methods used in FGA; 2) what are the objectives sought with the use of these methods, and; 3) what are the characteristics of these methods? This research leans on the approach of sociology of education developed by François Dubet (1994), and proposes to examine three dimensions (pedagogical, personal, and social) as well as seven methods of student accompaniment: tutoring, counselling, pair work, assistance between peers, mentoring, cyber-mentoring, and teacher pedagogical methods. The undertaking is aimed at establishing a group of accompaniment practices for the student in his environment. All of these practices, prior to our research, had never been tabulated. The results obtained permit us to observe an important deployment of several accompaniment methods in use in FGA, including the teachers’ own pedagogical methods. In fact, tutoring and counselling are two methods that score high marks. In addition, this research has helped make it possible to document in a rather complete manner the teachers’ pedagogical methods in said student accompaniment, and to understand the dynamics of these methods in student successes at school. Upon the completion of this research, two sources of knowledge stand out. The first one emanates from the components of the theoretical model presently being studied, while the second relates to the specificity of the teachers’ pedagogical methods. In both cases the results, as well as the analyses, reveal the importance of the pedagogical dimension with respect to accompanying the FGA student, which in turn leads us back to the important contribution made by the teacher in student accompaniment in FGA, as in fact the teacher includes student accompaniment in the actual practice of teaching

    Ultrasonic characterization of porous silicon using a genetic algorithm to solve the inverse problem

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    International audienceThis paper presents a method for ultrasonic characterization of porous silicon in which a genetic algorithm based optimization is used to solve the inverse problem. A one dimensional model describing wave propagation through a water immersed sample is used in order to compute transmission spectra. Then, a water immersion wide bandwidth measurement is performed using insertion/substitution method and the spectrum of signals transmitted through the sample is calculated using Fast Fourier Transform. In order to obtain parameters such as thickness, longitudinal wave velocity or density, a genetic algorithm based optimization is used.A validation of the method is performed using aluminum plates with two different thicknesses as references: a good agreement on acoustical parameters can be observed, even in the case where ultrasonic signals overlap.Finally, two samples, i.e. a bulk silicon wafer and a porous silicon layer etched on silicon wafer, are evaluated. A good agreement between retrieved values and theoretical ones is observed. Hypothesis to explain slight discrepancies are proposed

    Fabrication and modeling of piezoelectric transducers for High-Frequency medical imaging

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    International audienceWe have studied the processing of piezoelectric thick films using electrophoretic deposition (EPD) for high-frequency ultrasound applications. Lead-zirconium-titanate (PZT) particles synthetized by solid states synthesis were dispersed in ethanol using ammonium polyacrylate (PAA). The electrophoretic deposition of PZT particles was performed at a constant-current mode. PZT thick-films deposited at 1 mA for 60 seconds were sintered at 900oC for 2 hours in a PbO-controlled atmosphere. The scanning-electron microscopy (SEM) analysis shows that the thickness of PZT layer is uniform and that the pores are homogeneously distributed within the layer. The complex electrical impedance was measured and fitted by KLM scheme in order to deduce the dielectric, mechanical and piezoelectric parameters of the thick-films. The density and thickness of PZT thick films are used as inputs and the thickness coupling factor kt, dielectric constant at constant strain and resonant frequency are deduced. The results show that homogeneous PZT thick-film structures with tailored thickness and density prepared by EPD and sintering having a resonant frequency around 20 MHz can be used for noninvasive medical ultrasound imaging and diagnostics

    Ultrasonic transducers based on curved lead-free piezoelectric thick films for high resolution medical imaging

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    International audienceKNN-based lead free ferroelectric materials are receiving much attention due to their high electromechanical properties that make them promising candidates to replace the lead-based piezoceramics that will eventually be banned by environmental regulations in many countries over the world. Studies include the development of KNN thick films that are particularly well adapted for high frequency applications due to higher wave velocities and a dielectric constant in an acceptable range for single element transducers. Here, a KNN based thick film is deposited on a curved substrate by pad-printing in order to be used in a focused high frequency transducer. This substrate is a porous lead-free KNN cylinder specifically developed to exhibit the required acoustical properties of a backing (acoustical impedance, high attenuation) and is compatible with the high sintering temperature of the KNN thick film. Electromechanical properties of the piezoelectric thick film in thickness mode were deduced (kt over 35%). This structure was used to fabricate a transducer which was characterized (relative bandwidth over 90%). Finally this transducer was integrated in a high frequency imaging system and its performance allowed skin images to be produced. To conclude, the replacement of lead-based high frequency transducers by green devices is a viable option

    Broadband parametric amplification for multiplexed SiMOS quantum dot signals

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    Spins in semiconductor quantum dots hold great promise as building blocks of quantum processors. Trapping them in SiMOS transistor-like devices eases future industrial scale fabrication. Among the potentially scalable readout solutions, gate-based dispersive radiofrequency reflectometry only requires the already existing transistor gates to readout a quantum dot state, relieving the need for additional elements. In this effort towards scalability, traveling-wave superconducting parametric amplifiers significantly enhance the readout signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by reducing the noise below typical cryogenic low-noise amplifiers, while offering a broad amplification band, essential to multiplex the readout of multiple resonators. In this work, we demonstrate a 3GHz gate-based reflectometry readout of electron charge states trapped in quantum dots formed in SiMOS multi-gate devices, with SNR enhanced thanks to a Josephson traveling-wave parametric amplifier (JTWPA). The broad, tunable 2GHz amplification bandwidth combined with more than 10dB ON/OFF SNR improvement of the JTWPA enables frequency and time division multiplexed readout of interdot transitions, and noise performance near the quantum limit. In addition, owing to a design without superconducting loops and with a metallic ground plane, the JTWPA is flux insensitive and shows stable performances up to a magnetic field of 1.2T at the quantum dot device, compatible with standard SiMOS spin qubit experiments

    Screen-printed ultrasonic 2-D matrix array transducers for microparticle manipulation

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    This paper reports the development of a two-dimensional thick film lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ultrasonic transducer array, operating at frequency approximately 7.5 MHz, to demonstrate the potential of this fabrication technique for microparticle manipulation. All layers of the array are screen-printed then sintered on an alumina substrate without any subsequent patterning processes. The thickness of the thick film PZT is 139 ± 2 ÎŒm, the element pitch of the array is 2.3 mm, and the dimension of each individual PZT element is 2 × 2 mm2 with top electrode 1.7 × 1.7 mm2. The measured relative dielectric constant of the PZT is 2250 ± 100 and the dielectric loss is 0.09 ± 0.005 at 10 kHz. Finite element analysis was used to predict the behaviour of the array and to optimise its configuration. Electrical impedance spectroscopy and laser vibrometry were used to characterise the array experimentally. The measured surface motion of a single element is on the order of tens of nanometres with a 10 Vpeak continuous sinusoidal excitation. Particle manipulation experiments have been demonstrated with the array by manipulating Ø10 ÎŒm polystyrene microspheres in degassed water. The simplified array fabrication process and the bulk production capability of screen-printing suggest potential for the commercialisation of multilayer planar resonant devices for ultrasonic particle manipulation

    Etudes Ă©lectrothermiques de dispositifs Ă©lectroniques innovants pour les technologies submicroniques

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    High density integration in advanced CMOS technology, such as STMicroelectronics’ 28 nm UTBB FD-SOI technology, leads to elevated power density. This results in an increase of the local or global temperature which could cause dysfunction of the system, or even lead to its destruction by thermal runaway. In this context, we present innovative solutions for the “ robust integration regarding the electro-thermal activity following different scaling factors within the scope of integrated circuits development ”. Thus, we studied, at first, structures with dual source contact enabling : (i) in-situ heating in MOS transistors (temperature elevation up to hundreds of Kelvin degrees) ; (ii) performance recovery of these transistors by local annealing (MOSFET’s threshold voltage return to its typical value) ; (iii) creation of OTP memory dots (use of an electromigration effect inside the silicide) and (iv) temperature self-regulation of the transistors (utilisation of an integrated temperature sensor). Secondly, we developed a new low power temperature sensor (1 mV.K-1 slope for the output voltage and power of the order of picowatt) and its integration within a circuit using another transistor enabling electro-thermal behavior modification of the circuit. All our electronics structures were fabricated on 28 nm UTBB FD-SOI silicon demonstrators and measured. To carry out our work, we relied on some software for electro-thermal simulations. Their adaptation to our needs has been a third line of work.La haute densitĂ© d’intĂ©gration dans les technologies CMOS avancĂ©es, telle que la technologie 28 nm UTBB FD-SOI de STMicroelectronics, conduit Ă  des densitĂ©s de puissance Ă©levĂ©es. Ceci se traduit par des Ă©lĂ©vations de tempĂ©rature locales ou globales pouvant conduire au dysfonctionnement du systĂšme, voire Ă  sa destruction par emballement thermique. Dans ce cadre, nous prĂ©sentons des solutions innovantes pour « l’intĂ©gration robuste vis-Ă -vis de l’activitĂ© Ă©lectrothermique suivant les diffĂ©rents facteurs d’échelle dans le cadre de dĂ©veloppement de circuits intĂ©grĂ©s ». Ainsi, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ©, dans un premier temps, les structures Ă  double contacts de source permettant : (i) le chauffage in-situ dans les transistors MOS (Ă©lĂ©vation de la tempĂ©rature jusqu’à plusieurs centaines de degrĂ©s kelvin) ; (ii) le rĂ©tablissement des performances desdits transistors par recuit local (retour de la tension de seuil d’un MOSFET vers sa valeur typique) ; (iii) la crĂ©ation de points mĂ©moires OTP compacts (utilisation d’un phĂ©nomĂšne d’électromigration dans le siliciure) et (iv) l’autorĂ©gulation en tempĂ©rature de ces transistors (utilisation d’un capteur de tempĂ©rature intĂ©grĂ©). Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un nouveau capteur de tempĂ©rature basse consommation (pente de 1 mV.K-1 pour la tension de sortie et puissance de l’ordre du picowatt) et son intĂ©gration dans un circuit avec un transistor permettant la modification du comportement Ă©lectrothermique du circuit. Tous nos dispositifs Ă©lectroniques ont Ă©tĂ© fabriquĂ©s sur des dĂ©monstrateurs silicium en 28 nm UTBB FD-SOI et mesurĂ©s. Pour rĂ©aliser nos travaux, nous avons utilisĂ© plusieurs logiciels de simulations Ă©lectrothermiques. Leur adaptation Ă  nos besoins a constituĂ© un troisiĂšme axe de travail
