36 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas terapi suportif untuk meningkatkan activity daily living (ADL) pada pasien skizofenia paranoid. Subjek penelitian adalah pasien RSJ “X” di Jawa Tengah dengan usia 44 tahun berjenis kelamin laki-laki yang menunjukkan penurunan ADL setelah pulang dari rumah sakit. Terapi suportif diberikan secara individual sebanyak tiga kali pertemuan dengan menggunakan alat bantu jadwal harian dan penentuan tujuan jangka pendek. Skizofrenia paranoid subjek diukur dari asesmen dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan tes psikologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan satu subjek penelitian dengan desain One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat efektivitas terapi suportif untuk meningkatkan ADL pada pasien skizofenia paranoid. Tingkat ADL subjek menunjukkan perubahan dari sebelum diberikan intervensi dan setelah diberikan intervensi. Terdapat perubahan skor GAF dari 40-31 (beberapa disabilitas dalam hubungan dengan realita dan komunikasi, disabilitas berat dalam beberapa fungsi) dan setelah dilakukan intervensi meningkat menjadi 60-51 (gejala sedang/moderate, disabilitas sedang)

    Citra Perempuan pada Novel Yuni Karya Ade Ubaidil (Kajian Feminisme Marxis)

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    Patriarki merupakan suatu hal yang terjadi dalam masyarakat dan ditujukkan kepada semua kalangan termasuk perempuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kedudukan tokoh perempuan, bentuk ketidakadilan perempuan, dan usaha perempuan melepaskan belenggu dari patriarki dalam novel Yuni karya Ade Ubaidil. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan feminism Marxis. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan yaitu teknik studi documenter. Objek penelitian yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini adalah citra perempuan dalam Yuni karya Ade Ubaidil kajian Feminisme Marxis. Subjek penelitian yang terdapat dalam penelitian yaitu novel Yuni karya Ade Ubaidil. penelitian ini menghasilkan  mengenai kedudukan perempuan seperti Pendidikan, karier dan status perempuan. Perempuan dalam masyarakat memiliki kedudukan yaitu sebagai kebutuhan keluarga, rela berkorban, sikap mandiri dan memiliki harga diri. Sedangkan bentuk ketimpangan perempuan meliputi perjodohan, tidak memiliki hak memilih, menikah diusia muda, perbedaan perlakuan terhadap perempuan dan Tindakan kontra feminisme. Terakhir yaitu mengenai usaha melepaskan belenggu yang dilakukan oleh perempuan yaitu berani mengungkapkan pendapat dan mengambil keputusan untuk dirinya

    Pengaruh Kesesuaian Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah, Efektivitas Pengendalian Internal Pemerintah, Kecukupan Pengungkapan dan Kepatuhan Perundang-undangan terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan Pemerintahan Daerah Kota Tegal pada Opini WTP Tahun 2018 dari BPK

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    ABSTRACT Research on the influence of the Conformity of Government Accounting Standards (SAP), Effectiveness of Government Internal Control Systems (SPIP), Adequacy of Taking and Complaints of Legislation to the Quality of Financial Statements of Tegal City Government on the Announcement of PAPs in 2018 from the BPK (Case Study in By City OPD Tegal). This research was conducted at the Regional Organization of Organizations (OPD) of Tegal City. This type of research is qualitative research. Data collection methods are carried out by observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. While the data analysis method used is the data presenting the Examination Report (LHP), Qualitative Testing of the Compliance of SPKN, General Picture Testing, Attributive Testing and Substantive Testing. The results showed that, Conformity of Government Accounting Standards (SAP), Effectiveness of the Government Internal Control System (SPIP), Adequacy of Taking and Announcement of Legislation Referring to the Quality of the Local Government Financial Report (LKPD) of Tegal City. The completeness of LKPD using testing and substantive attributes results in this Financial Statement provided by reasonable and accountable. Keywords: Conformity of Government Accounting Standards (SAP), Effectiveness of Government Internal Control Systems (SPIP), Adequacy of Disclosure, Regulatory Compliance, Quality of Local Government Financial Statements (LKPD)

    Pengelolaan website dalam meningkatkan citra positif lembaga: Analisis deskriptif pada website Yayasan Pedidikan Al Ma'soem

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    INDONESIA Perkembangan tekhnologi dan komunikasi menghadirkan media online yang mulai dimanfaatkan oleh praktisi humas sebagai langkah peningkatan citra positif. Website merupakan salah satu media online yang dimanfaatkan praktisi humas Yayasan Pendidikan Al Ma’soem. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena adanya perbedaan antara website Yayasan Pendidikan Al Ma’soem dengan website-website lembaga pendidikan lainnya. Banyaknya perhatian dari masyarakat mengenai website Yayasan Pendidikan Al Ma’soem menjadikan peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti hal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penentuan masalah, peencanaan, pelaksanaan serta evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh praktisi humas Yayasan Pendidikan Al Ma’soem dalam mengelola website guna meningkatkan citra positif lembaga. Konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitina ini yaitu konsep four step public relations atau empat tahapan proses kerja public relations menurut Cutlip dan Center yang didalamnya meliputi pengumpulan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan analisis deksriptif dengan pendekatan kualitiatif. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan wawancara, dan observasi dengan tiga informan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dilapangan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa praktisi humas Yayasan Pendidikan Al Ma’soem dalam pengelolaan website guna meningkatkan citra positif lembaga menggunakan empat tahapan proses public relations yakni pertama fact finding dengan menentukan masalah melalui koran, berita online dan layanan pengaduan masyarakat. Kedua planning, perencanaan yang dilakukan yakni ketika ada kegiatan, dibuat berita, dimasukan ke website yang diharapkan sampai kepada masyarakat. Ketiga Actions, pelaksanaan dibagi menjadi tiga admin, yaitu admin informasi, admin pemberitaan dan admin informasi tekhnologi (IT). Keempat evaluations, menilai keberhasilan program dari grafik, pusat informasi dan total pengunjung. ENGLISH The development of technology and communication presents online media that began to be utilized by public relations practitioners as a step of positive image enhancement. The website is one of the online media that is utilized by public relations practitioners of the Al Ma'soem Education Foundation. This research was conducted because of the differences between the Al Ma'soem Education Foundation website and other educational institution websites. A lot of attention from the public regarding the Al Ma'soem Education Foundation website makes researchers interested in researching this. This study aims to determine the determination of problems, planning, implementation and evaluation conducted by public relations practitioners Al Ma'soem Educational Foundation in managing the website in order to improve the positive image of the institution. The concept used in this research is the concept of four step public relations or four stages of public relations work process according to Cutlip and Center which includes the collection, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The research method used in this study is using descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. Data collection used in this study is by interview, and observation with three informants. Based on the results of field research, it can be concluded that the Al Ma'soem Foundation Public Relations practitioners in website management to improve the institution's positive image use four stages of the public relations process, namely first fact finding by determining problems through newspapers, online news and public complaint services. Both planning, planning is done when there are activities, made news, posted on the website that is expected to reach the community. The three Actions, the implementation is divided into three admins, namely information admin, news admin and information technology (IT) admin. Fourth evaluation, assessing the success of the program from the graph, information center and total visitors


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    Remazol Brilliant blue is an azo dye that is widely used in textile dyeing. The most appropriate handling method to be used in overcoming problems caused by textile dye waste is adsorption. Fly ash is an adsorbent that can be used to overcome this problem. Chemical activation was carried out using 1 M HCl solution. Besides that, physical activation was also carried out at 500°C for 1 hour. Research is needed to determine the optimum conditions for fly ash in dye adsorption to produce high adsorption efficiency. XRF characterization showed that palm shell fly ash was dominated by CaO of 71.064% and SiO2 of 15.734%. Characterization using FTIR shows the presence of Si-O groups in Fly ash. To analyze the surface morphology of the fly ash adsorbent, an SEM test was carried out and it was known that the surface morphology of the fly ash adsorbent after chemical and physical activation showed pore formation. Characterization using Surface Area Analyzer showed a surface area of 13.6153 m2/g. optimum absorption conditions at pH 6 with an adsorption capacity of 15.84 mg/g. optimum contact time of 60 minutes with an adsorption capacity of 15.54 mg/g. The optimum adsorbent mass is 0.5 g with an adsorption capacity of 9.54 mg/g and the optimum adsorbent concentration is at 200 ppm with an adsorption capacity of 69.08 mg/g. In this study the adsorption model used is the Freundlich isotherm. Based on the research result, it is known that fly ash is a suitable adsorbent for dye adsorption which is characterized by high color removal efficiency. Further characterization regarding the initial conditions of fly ash is needed as a comparison for fly ash after activatio

    Warna Lokal Minangkabau dalam Novel Dayon Karya Akmal Nasery Basral

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    Local colors have an influence on the development and introduction of the local culture of an area. The purpose of the study describes the local colors of Minangkabau in the novel Dayon by Akmal N Basral. Data collection techniques include reading techniques, note-taking techniques, and library techniques. The collected research data is analyzed through three stages including, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the analysis show that there is a local color content in the novel Dayon by Akmal N Basral, including: a) Inyiak Tiger Beliefs, b) Minangkabau Community Customs, c) art, d) language, e) livelihood of foodstuffs, f) local animals, and g) Traditional Houses. The existence of local color content in Dayon's novel shows that the author photographed the activities of the Minangkabau people. The local content is able to become a characteristic of regional communities and is useful in shaping the character of the nation.  &nbsp

    Implementation of quality management based on local wisdom on the outpatient service in the surya husadha hospital, nusa dua

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    This research aimed to observe the implementation of quality management of hospital’s health care service and to identified whether the service done by the hospital were related to the local wisdom in its quality management implementation. This research was designed using qualitative descriptive approach which was located in Surya Husadha Hospital, Nusa Dua. The data source in this research was a primary data which was collected through the research informant. The informants in this research were the head of polyclinic, the head of health care service division, health workers, and patients. The data validation testing was done using triangulation. The data were analysed using qualitative descriptive analysis technique. The result of this research showed that the quality management implementation on the health care service through the perspective from service users had been implemented properly, from the medical service to the non-medical service. The service which had been done related to the local wisdom on its implementation, based on Tat Twan Asi. Tat Twam Asi used as a guidance in giving service to the people. And also there were other local wisdoms, which were menyama braya and tri hita karana which consists of parahyangan, pawongan, and palemahan

    Enhancing early childhood creativity through loose-parts media based on STEAM learning

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    This article examines classroom action research in which researchers and classroom teachers collaborate to understand and improve the benefits of loose-part media to increase children's creativity and the subsequent impact of loose-part media based on STEAM learning. Focusing on early childhood education, this research was carried out in collaboration with teachers provided 21 pupils 5–6-year-old at Mutiara Kasih Kindergarten in Padang City. The research procedures carried out included a combination of observation, discussion and reflection on practice in 3 cycles. Loose-part media based on STEAM learning is considered to have increased children's creativity, as shown by pre-cycle data of 6.9%. Cycle I was carried out with a creativity percentage of 15.4%, increasing to 47.1% after cycle II, and increasing to 80.42% after cycle III. This research recommends that the use of loose-parts and utilizing the surrounding environment based on STEAM learning can be implemented in kindergarten institutions