7 research outputs found

    The 2014 Victorian State Election

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    Victoria is earning a reputation for producing surprising election results. According to political commentators and the opinion polls, the 1999 election was expected to return the Coalition Government and the 2010 election was expected to return the Labor Government, yet neither did. Even though the polls had long placed Labor ahead of the Coalition, the party’s election to office at the 2014 election was still regarded as a significant outcome. This was because of the removal of the Coalition Government after only one term in power, when history has shown us that governments in Victoria are often likely to consolidate their position at their first return to the ballot box. It had been more than half a century since Victoria experienced a single term government, in 1952-55, and it was a casualty of the split of the Australian Labor Party. It should be noted however, that the close numbers in the Legislative Assembly in the last Parliament — 44 Coalition, 43 Labor and one Independent, and the redistribution of the state’s electoral boundaries, meant that Labor required a notional uniform swing of only around 1 per cent to gain government. The election result was that Labor secured government by obtaining a total of 47 seats in the 88 seat Parliament with a swing of 3.6 per cent on a two-party preferred basis. This election is also historic for the election of two representatives of the Greens Party into the Legislative Assembly: the first time the party has won seats in the Lower House in Victoria. Also, notable, was the election of an Independent in what had been a very safe National Party seat (Shepparton). The make-up of the Legislative Council after the election was also significantly changed. Neither of the major parties won a majority in the Upper House, and the Greens and four other minor parties won ten seats between them. As stated earlier, this paper provides a description and analysis of the results the 2014 Victorian state election, set out in three main sections. Part A of the paper provides some context to the outcome of the election by examining the redistribution of Victoria’s state electoral boundaries, and key issues during the life of the 57th Parliament. Part B of the paper provides an overview of the election campaign, the leaders’ debate, preference deals, social media, key policies, and polls data in the lead up to, and during the campaign. This section also includes a brief overview of the minor parties. Part C of the paper examines the outcomes of the election in both houses and how the parties fared. It also contains a short section on women MPs, new and departing MPs, voter turnout, and the number of candidates contesting the election. Part C also provides statistical tables for each district and region and additional tables and information on relevant voter statistics

    Victorian crime statistics by LGAs

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    2010 Victorian state election

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      An analysis of the Victorian state election which took place on 27 November 2010. This paper provides an overview of the election campaign, major policies, opinion polls data, the outcome of the election in both houses, and voter turnout. It also includes voting figures for each Assembly District and Council Region. Image: \u27Parliament House, Melbourne\u27, Pesky Phooey / flick

    Climate Change Bill 2010

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    This research brief provides an overview of the main provisions of this Victorian legislation, background information on climate change, an overview of the state government\u27s White Paper Action Plan, stakeholder responses, and legislation in other jurisdictions. The main purposes of the Bill are to establish a target for greenhouse gas emission reductions; facilitate the consideration of climate change in areas of government decision making; promote collaboration and innovation in the response to climate change by strengthening the role of communities; develop a Climate Change Adaptation Plan; facilitate Victoria’s contribution to national and international carbon sequestration efforts; provide for the creation of forestry, carbon sequestration and soil carbon rights; provide for Forestry and Carbon Management Agreements and Carbon Sequestration Agreements; and provide accessible information to the community on climate change

    Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission Amendment (Investigative Functions) Bill 2011

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    In a discussion of relevant issues, this paper includes background information, an overview of the main provisions of the Bill, and information on anti-corruption commissions in other Australian jurisdictions

    Equal Opportunity Bill 2010

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    A discussion of the Equal Opportunity Bill 2010, which repeals the Equal Opportunity Act 1995 and responds to the Gardner Report and the SARC Inquiry. This paper provides an overview of the main changes to the Equal Opportunity Bill 201