903 research outputs found


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    A regulamentação dos contratos de trabalho, inseridos nos contornos ganhos desde as profundas transformações legislativas, guiadas a partir do binômio neoliberalismo e reestruturação produtiva, desembocam em significativos impactos na vida humana. Contudo, poucos são os estudos que se dedicam a avaliar essas transformações e impactos desde uma perspectiva latino americana, especialmente a partir da ausência evidente desse recorte no currículo, nas abordagens disciplinares e atividades complementares dos cursos de Direito do Brasil. A presente investigação faz parte de um projeto de pesquisa em curso na Faculdade de Direito da UFBA e busca contribuir na promoção de debates a partir de uma perspectiva regionalizada, tomando como objeto de estudo países da América Latina. Especificamente, o objetivo deste trabalho, tendo em vista o panorama ora delineado, consistiu em analisar um recorte de transformações ocorridas nos marcos regulatórios do México, optando-se pela análise da formação de novas categorias de trabalho no país a partir da reforma trabalhista ocorrida em 2012. As notas finais desta investigação apontam para a percepção de que a promoção de novos padrões de regulação dos contratos de trabalho no México, como acontece no Brasil, tem afetado de modo incisivo no plano da regulamentação, as condições de trabalho, jornada, remuneração e estabilidade no emprego

    Confronting COVID-19 - The case of PPE and Medical Devices production using Digital Fabrication at PUC-Rio

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    At the end of 2019, the first cases of COVID-19 were registered. As the disease spread across continents culminating in a pandemic, countries suffered from a shortage of personal protective equipment. In Brazil, the first case was recorded on February 2020. This study aims to describe the experience of creating an interinstitutional network to meet the pandemic’s demands and the experience of transforming an academic design laboratory into space for the production of personal protective equipment using 3D printing and laser cutting techniques. The actions described in this study, made it possible to meet the high emergency demand for PPE in the city of Rio de Janeiro, as well as the construction of knowledge both within the scope of building networks to solve complex social problems and about the possibilities of production in an academic environment. The work addresses and reflexes this action on society's perception of Design professionals

    Proporção Corporal em Crianças e Adolescentes com Síndrome de Down

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    ResumoO presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as proporções corporais entre estatura tronco-cefálica e comprimento de pernas de crianças e adolescentes com Síndrome de Down (SD). Para tanto, a amostra foi composta por 99 pessoas SD (40 meninas com idade média de 11,45±2,6 anos e 59 meninos com 12,07±3,0 anos). Os seguintes parâmetros foram coletados: idade cronológica, estatura, estatura tronco-cefálica e comprimento de pernas. As proporções corporais dos segmentos foram calculadas através dos índices corpóreos e modelo Phantom. Para a análise estatística recorreu-se ao teste de normalidade e análises descritivas de tendência central e dispersão, posteriormente, foi adotado o teste t de Student. Para todos os tratamentos utilizou-se o programa estatístico SPSS 13.0 e nível de significância de p<0,05. Observou-se que, a proporção corporal entre os segmentos superiores e inferiores de crianças e adolescentes com SD apresenta diferença quando comparado a população típica. Sendo esta diferença para comprimento de pernas, e a proporção de estatura tronco-cefálica atingiu valores próximos aos intervalos da população sem SD.AbstractThe present study aimed to evaluate the body proportions of sitting height and leg length in children and adolescents with Down’s syndrome (DS). The sample consisted of 99 individuals with DS (40 girls with an average age of 11.45 ± 2.6 years and 59 boys with an average age of 12.07 ± 3.0 years). The following parameters were studied: chronological age, height, sitting height and leg length. The body proportions of each segment were calculated using body indices and the Phantom model. For the statistical analysis, the normality test and descriptive analyses of central tendency and dispersion were performed, and Student’s t-test was used. For all treatments, the statistical software program SPSS version 13.0 was used, and a significance level of p < 0.05 was set. The body proportion of the upper and lower segments of children and adolescents with DS differed from those of the typical population in terms of leg length, whereas the seated height values of individuals with DS †were similar to those of individuals without DS

    Heavy Metal Poisoning in a Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus)

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    Background: In recent decades the demand for unconventional pets has been relatively increasing, a situation that increasingly causes veterinarians to encounter these animals in medical and surgical practice. Of these animals, the birds stand out. Animals of the order Psittaciform are known as very curious and active creatures that have the tendency to chew objectsin their environment. Among the several occurrences that lead this animal to attend the veterinary clinic, we highlight the poisoning by heavy metals, especially lead poisoning (Pb) and zinc (Zn). The objective of this work was to report a case of heavy metal intoxication in cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus).Case: A cockatiel was taken to the veterinarian with a history of apathy, motor incoordination, exacerbated water consumption and regurgitation. Complete anamnesis was instrumental in directing suspected heavy metal intoxication. Radiopaque particles were visualized through radiographic examination, suggesting heavy metal intoxication. The diagnosis wasconcluded through complementary examinations since the clinical symptoms are nonspecific. The treatment was intended to provide emergency intervention, avoid further absorption, use of antidotes, provide supportive measures and provide guidance to the owner. It can be concluded that the diagnosis and treatment were successful.Discussion: Metal poisoning can kill birds. The veterinarian should always seek the literature in order to perform the best support and treatment. For this, detailed history and detailed medical history must be taken into account, since the time of ingestion and the type of metal interfere with the therapeutic conduct. The use of imaging tests such as x-rays andultrasound are essential to assist the clinician, especially in cases where the tutor does not know whether or not the animal has ingested an object. In the radiographic examination, the heavy metal has the characteristic of having high radiopacity, which was evidenced in the case in question. Radiographic positions should be considered in order to avoid false negatives. In the literature, the treatment of chelation therapy is prioritized to remove the circulating heavy metal and thus act on the cause of the problem. In the case in question calcium EDTA was used intramuscularly, which showed clinical improvement in the animal after the second application. Calcium EDTA binds to metals and facilitates their transport and excretion. The use of fluid therapy is necessary as a supportive treatment to prevent kidney damage, since heavy metals are highlyharmful to nephrons. Especially in cases where the animal stops feeding and ingesting water. The use of antibiotics is essential because in many cases the animal, in addition to not feeding, becomes prone to infections due to metal toxicity, therefore, prophylactic use is essential for a better prognosis. In the case in question, the use of enrofloxacin was effective,as reported in the literature. It is recommended that the diagnosis of serum lead and zinc dosage should be made, however, due to the difficulties of obtaining the samples, and since other metals may also cause intoxication, in the case in question the treatment was started without these results. According to the results obtained in this work, the treatment described in the literature is effective and can be performed immediately to save animal life without subsequent sequelae.Keywords: bird, lead, zinc, calcium EDTA

    Inquérito sorológico do SARS-CoV-2 em trabalhadores de uma instituição de ensino e o retorno às atividades presenciais / SARS-CoV-2 serological survey of workers at an educational institution and the return to face-to-face activities

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    Em dezembro de 2019, uma nova doença denominada COVID-19 foi detectada e em março de 2020 foi declarada pandemia. O distanciamento social, principal medida preventiva, levou ao fechamento de setores da sociedade, inclusive o educacional, impactando escolas e universidades. Devido aos prejuízos causados no ensino-aprendizagem, aumentou-se a pressão pela volta ao ensino presencial. No entanto, na iminência do retorno, pouco se sabe sobre o estado imunológico dos servidores da educação. O objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar um inquérito sorológico nos funcionários de uma instituição de ensino, para mensurar o número de servidores expostos ao SARS-CoV-2. Foram aplicados 153 testes rápidos, e em sete (4,6%) foram detectados anticorpos. Os resultados evidenciaram que, mesmo após um ano de pandemia, era baixa proporção de trabalhadores com anticorpos anti-SARS-CoV-2 detectáveis, o que poderia representar um risco para o retorno às aulas presenciais, justificando-se portanto a manutenção das atividades à distância, até que se atingisse altas taxas de cobertura vacinal entre a comunidade escolar.

    Dysautonomia in a Bitch with Hypothyroidism

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    Background: Thyroid hormones have important effects on the cardiovascular system, of which the main ones are the increase in the heart response to the autonomic sympathetic nervous system. Heart rate variability is a non-invasive method of assessing autonomic heart modulation, thus being an important form of evaluation in patients with thyroid dysfunctions. This study aimed to report electrocardiographic and heart rate variability data of a dog with hypothyroidism that presented a parasympathetic dysfunction.Case: A 7-year-old female Dalmatian dog was admitted for clinical evaluation in Fortaleza, Brazil. According to the owner, she had been apathetic for a year, had gained weight, always had a sad expression, and her hair was generally brittle and opaque. On physical examination, skin lesions were observed at the end of the spine, extending to the tail region, with the latter showing total alopecia. Low T4 levels confirmed the diagnosis of primary hypothyroidism. Then, a 24-h Holter monitoring was performed, which showed that the animal had sinus arrhythmia associated with moments of second-degree sinoatrial block and rare moments of sinus tachycardia. In addition, moments of premature multifocal ventricular extrasystoles and 1st-degree atrioventricular block were observed. Based on the Holter results, heart rate variability (HRV) was calculated. Regarding the HRV in the frequency domain, 32.16 was obtained in the low frequency (LF) band, 67.84 in the high frequency (HF) band, and the LF / HF ratio was 0.46, with a total power of 5205. As for the HRV in the time domain, RMSSD was 117, pNN50 was 62.64 and SDNN was 384. This showed an increase in the parasympathetic activity of the heart and, due to this increased activity, a second-degree sinoatrial block occurred, which is a sinus function disturbance resulting from the exacerbated parasympathetic activity.Discussion: Beta-adrenergic receptors have their expression and activity altered by thyroid hormones. The sympathetic stimulation on the heart through the activation of these receptors originates a positive inotropic, lusitropic, dromotropic and chronotropic effect. Therefore, in the absence of thyroid hormones, there is a decrease in this stimulation, thus allowing a preponderant parasympathetic tone. In the present report, the increase in the parasympathetic tonus, observed in hypothyroidism, resulted in a reduction in the frequency of sinus firing, slowing of intranodal and sinoatrial conduction, and shortening of the effective refractory period, a combination of factors that led to decreased HR observed in the Holter monitoring. Previous studies have shown that thyroid hormones increase sympathetic activity, mainly in the heart, since they do not act by increasing the production or release of catecholamines, but rather increasing catecholamine response on the heart, due to a positive regulation of Ca2+-ATPase channels of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and beta1-adrenergic receptors. Thus, the observed result was already expected, because in hypothyroidism there is a decrease in these hormones that increase the sympathetic activity on the heart and so, the parasympathetic tone was very evident. The study of heart rate variability allows the simple assessment of the autonomic nervous system imbalance, and may be extremely important in the follow-up of diseases that affect this balance, such as hypothyroidism. Hence, more studies are required to verify the effect of such diseases on heart rate variability, aiming to define associations between the diseases and the alterations, as well as to define parameters of normality for such examinations


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    The aim of this study was to analyze the intensity of effort during a wheelchair rugby match in two athletes with spinal cord injury and functional classification 1.0 and 2.5 from the team of ADEACAMP / UNICAMP - Campinas / SP. The variables for analysis were the quantification of the traveled distance; average speed and maximum speed collected in two wheelchair rugby games. Data were quantified by the manufacturer cycle computer model velo8 Cateye ®. The values obtained between athlete A and B were 4.8 Km / h and 3.0 Km / h for the mean velocity, 8.55 Km / h and 14.95 Km / h for maximum speed, 2.98 Km and 4.83 Km for the total traveled distance, respectively. Thus, it was observed that the results displayed a high volume and intensity of play by the athlete A with related to the athlete B. As well, it also presented a higher regularity between values analyzed in the two games. This type of analysis may enable coaches’ actual values during training, seeking individualized training for athletes from different functional classifications, escaping from the empiricism, which is displayed to be so present in several teams training

    Marinados com soluções alcalinas para a melhoria da qualidade da carne suína

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of alkaline solution marinades on the characteristics of pork subjected to post‑mortem pH decrease in pig muscle. The pH of carcasses was measured in a commercial slaughterhouse (n = 526), 45 min after slaughtering (pH45) and, then, the carcasses were divided into the groups with pH45≤5.7 or pH45>5.7. Ten samples of the longissimus dorsi muscles of each group were collected and distributed in an entirely randomized design, in a 2x4 factorial arrangement, with two conditions (pH45≤5.7 or pH45>5.7), and four marinade solutions: TC, no marinade; TM1, sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride; TM2, sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium chloride; TM3, sodium bicarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium chloride. There was no interaction between pH45 of the meat and the marinade treatments. Meat with pH45≤5.7 showed higher values for lightness, and for purge loss (PL), exudate loss (EL), cooking loss (CL) and shear force (SF). Marinating increased the pH, reduced the lightness, EL, CL and SF, and improved tenderness, juiciness and flavor of meat. Marinades with solutions containing chloride, bicarbonate, and sodium tripolyphosphate are effective in the improvement of pork quality, making physical characteristics of marinated meat similar to those of fresh pork, as a consequence of accelerated postmortem glycolysis.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de marinadas com soluções alcalinas sobre características da carne de porco submetida a quedas do pH post‑mortem, em músculo de porco. O pH das carcaças foi medido em abatedouro comercial (n = 526), aos 45 min pós‑abate (pH45) e, em seguida, as carcaças foram divididas em grupos com pH45≤5,7 ou pH45>5,7. Dez amostras do músculo longissimus dorsi de cada grupo foram coletadas e distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 2x4, com duas condições (pH45≤5,7 ou pH45>5,7) e quatro soluções de marinação: TC, controle sem marinação; TM1, bicarbonato de sódio e cloreto de sódio; TM2, tripolifosfato de sódio e cloreto de sódio; TM3, bicarbonato de sódio, tripolifosfato de sódio e cloreto de sódio. Não houve interação entre o pH45 da carne e os tratamentos marinados. As carnes com pH45≤5,7 apresentaram maior luminosidade, perda por purga (PP), perda de exsudato (PE), perda de peso por cozimento (PC) e força de cisalhamento (FC). A marinação aumentou o pH da carne, reduziu a luminosidade, PE, PC e FC, e melhorou a maciez, suculência e palatabilidade. As marinadas com soluções alcalinas de cloreto, bicarbonato e tripolifosfato de sódio são eficazes no melhoramento da qualidade da carne suína, o que torna as características físicas das carnes processadas com marinadas semelhantes às da carne in natura, em consequência da acelerada glicólise post‑mortem

    Breast reconstruction with creation of upper retropectoral and lower mixed subcutaneous cavities and use of flaps

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    Introduction: A total of 57,960 new cases of breast cancer were expected in Brazil in 2016 according to data from the National Cancer Institute, corresponding to 25% of cancers in the country (excluding non-melanoma skin tumors). This study aims at presenting a surgical approach for immediate breast reconstructions with upper retropectoral and lower mixed subcutaneous cavities. Methods: The authors performed breast reconstruction using flaps of the pectoral muscle and inferior cutaneous pedicle associated with insertion of silicone breast implants. The medical records of patients operated between 2012 and 2016 at the Plastic Surgery Service of the senior author's private clinic at Daher Hospital and Armed Forces Hospital were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The results were satisfactory, with low complication rates and high patient and author satisfaction. Thirty-six patients, with a mean age of 59 years, underwent breast reconstruction using the described technique. The complications were nipple-areola complex necrosis, dehiscence, seroma, hematoma, liponecrosis, implant displacement, and deep venous thrombosis. No patient needed salvage surgery or had recurrence of mammary neoplasia during the study period. Conclusion: The present technique preserves the skin located at the lower portion of the breast, with a low risk of dehiscence or extrusion of the implant in this region, providing a double protection of the implant, with the pectoralis major muscle in the upper two thirds and the cutaneous-dermis-fat flap in the lower third, characterizing a "dual-plane" positioning

    Mieloma múltiplo em uma cadela de 10 anos

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    Background: The malignant neoplasms, in general, constitute one of the main causes of death in dogs and cats. The multiple myeloma is a neoplasm characterized by the monoclonal proliferation of plasma cells in the bone marrow, causing several systemic symptoms and it is rare in pets, representing less than 1% of the malignant neoplasms in these animals. It usually occurs in older dogs. Thus, the purpose of this report was to describe a case of multiple myeloma in a 10-year-old poodle dog, occurred in the Veterinary Hospital Unit of the State University of Ceará.Case: A 10-year-old Poodle bitch was admitted in the Veterinary Hospital Unit of the State University of Ceará presenting lump erythematosus, alopecic, soft and ulcers in the region of the digits of the left front leg, pain and lameness. The blood count evidenced normocytic and normochromic anemia, presence of rouleaux, lymphopenia and monocytopenia, and the biochemical exams have demonstrated an elevated value of alanine aminotransferase (ALT). The cytology of the nodule indicated probable diagnosis of plasma cell neoplasm and radiographic examination showed the presence of bone lysis, and therefore the patient underwent amputation of the affected limb surgery. A biopsy of the nodule indicated neoplastic proliferation, with an arrange compatible to plasmacytoma of cleaved type. A follow-up consultation was realized 30 days after surgery, and 2 new nodules appeared in the superior lip region and close to the surgery site. A new blood count indicated anemia with presence of rouleaux, thrombocytopenia, leucopenia, lymphopenia and monocytopenia, and the biochemical results showed a discrete diminution of aspartate aminotransferase(AST) and a considerable increase on the alkaline phosphatase levels. The cytology of the new nodules indicated plasmacytoma, and was realized a myelogram, that showed dysplastic marrow plasma cells, with more than 20% of plasma cells.Discussion: In the present case, the patient’s lump grew rapidly with bleeding and ulcer formation. The animal presented bone involvement, which characterizes the most suggestive sign of multiple myeloma. Justified by the stimulating factor of osteoclasts, promoting bone lysis, which can cause pathological fractures and pain. The amputation was a partial treatment to attenuates the discomfort and pain presented by the patient. The appearance of new nodules stimulated a more detailed investigation for multiple myeloma. The enzyme AST presented a discrete diminution, and ALT initially was higher than normal, but then returned to normal values. So, the elevated activity of alkaline phosphatase directed the suspects to multiple myeloma, since the activity of AST and ALT was normal, the alkaline phosphatase level was ligated to bone diseases. The rouleaux was constant at the hemograms, this is justified by the excess of immunoglobulins produced in marrow. Based on the chart presented by the patient, the bone marrow was punctured for myelogram. The symptoms displayed by the animal along with the cytological analysis, histopathological, hematological, biochemical and with myelogram indicated diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Other exams could be investigated, for example, detection of Bence Jones proteinuria, serum calcium dosage and inmunoelectroforesis for determination of the type of immunoglobulin produced by the plasma cells in the bone marrow. The definitive diagnostic was established approximately three months after the first consult, emphasizing the importance of a multiple myeloma differential diagnostic in case of plasma cell neoplasm