5,992 research outputs found

    La migración de colombianos de clase media y alta hacia Europa en contextos de globalización y modernidad contemporánea : el caso de Toulouse y Barcelona

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    Las migraciones, entendidas como formas de movilidad, son un punto de observación apropiado para la comprensión de las (re)presentaciones y (re)producciones de las desigualdades y de los privilegios que los grupos sociales construyen a partir de las relaciones de poder que establecen. ¿Cómo las migraciones (re)producen y (re)elaboran las nociones y categorías que nos permiten hablar de desigualdades y privilegios, es decir, las clases sociales? ¿Cómo las clases sociales (re)producen y (re)elaboran las migraciones? ¿Emerge con la globalización una nueva organización de las relaciones sociales?Migrations, understood as a mobility way, are an appropriate point of view to comprehend the inequalities and privileges (re)presentations and (re)productions that social groups build from the power relations that they establish. How migrations (re)produce and (re)elaborate the notions and categories that allow us to speak about inequalities and privileges, it means, social classes? How social classes (re)produce and (re)elaborate migrations? Is a new social relation organization emerging as a globalization process

    El amor y el instinto sexual en la antropología de Max Scheler

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    Starting from Scheler’s claim that eros is the essence of life, this paper examines his theory of sexuality. I firstly consider “sexual love”, taking into account Scheler’s doctrine of value-emotions, particularly his view on “appetite”. Then I consider “sexual instinct”, putting forward Scheler’s criticism of Freud’s ontogenetic theory. Lastly I discuss Scheler’s view on the metaphysical importance of human sexual intercourse.Este trabajo examina la teoría de la sexualidad elaborada por Max Scheler, tomando para ello como punto de partida su tesis de que el eros es la esencia de la vida. En un primer momento se estudia el “amor sexual”, para lo cual se recurre a la teoría de los sentimientos de valor, y más en particular al análisis scheleriano del “apetito”. Luego se considera el “instinto sexual” y se expone la crítica de Scheler a la teoría ontogenética de Freud. Por último, se discute la opinión de Scheler acerca de la importancia metafísica del acto sexual humano

    Validity and Failure of the Boltzmann Weight

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    The dynamics and thermostatistics of a classical inertial XY model, characterized by long-range interactions, are investigated on dd-dimensional lattices (d=1,2,d=1,2, and 3), through molecular dynamics. The interactions between rotators decay with the distance rijr_{ij} like~1/rijα1/r_{ij}^{\alpha} (α0\alpha \geq 0), where α\alpha\to\infty and α=0\alpha=0 respectively correspond to the nearest-neighbor and infinite-range interactions. We verify that the momenta probability distributions are Maxwellians in the short-range regime, whereas qq-Gaussians emerge in the long-range regime. Moreover, in this latter regime, the individual energy probability distributions are characterized by long tails, corresponding to qq-exponential functions. The present investigation strongly indicates that, in the long-range regime, central properties fall out of the scope of Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics, depending on dd and α\alpha through the ratio α/d\alpha/d.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. To appear in EP

    La esencia y las formas del amor según Max Scheler

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    The understanding of love as a movement towards higher values is inspired in the central case of love: love between personal beings. Despite its undeniable merits, Scheler’s account of this kind of love does not sufficiently explain how the uniqueness of the beloved is given to the person who loves. Moreover, his view wrongly interprets spiritual love as love of the sacred and considers the amor amicitiae as a straightforward case of psychic love

    Stability analysis of a grid-connected VSC controlled by SPC

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    In the near future a large part of traditional generation based on conventional synchronous machines (SM) will be replaced by renewable generation based on voltage source converters (VSC). In this sense, power system operators have begun to demand VSC-based power plants be able to participate in the frequency and voltage regulation, and are also interested in services like inertia emulation and damping of power oscillation, functions that today are carried out by large synchronous generators. Therefore, several studies have suggested new ways to control voltage source converters, that try to emulate the behavior of synchronous generators and are known generically as Virtual Synchronous Machines. The synchronous power controller (SPC) is a flexible solution that emulates the classical swing equation of a synchronous machine and improves its response. The SPC inherits the advantages of conventional synchronous generators, while it fixes many of its drawbacks. In this work, a sensitivity analysis of a VSC connected to the grid and controlled by SPC is performed. In this sense, a non-linear mathematical model of the system is first developed. This non-linear model is then linearized, obtaining a linear model from which the eigenvalues and sensitivities of the system to some relevant parameters are calculated. Finally, time-domain simulations are performed to confirm the results of the sensitivity analysis.Postprint (author's final draft

    Evaluación de beneficios en tiempo, alcance y costo de la implementación de un sistema de paneles solares para la generación de energía eléctrica para un pabellón carcelario en comparación con un sistema convencional

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    Trabajo de investigaciónSe realizó un análisis de la implementación de un sistema de generación de energía eléctrica a partir de paneles solares en comparación con un sistema convencional basado en energía eléctrica suminstrada por un operador de red. Se evaluaron las alternativas de suministro de energía eléctrica en términos de alcance, tiempo y costo para evidenciar las diferencias y beneficios que presenta cada una de ellas en el tipo de infraestructura planeada.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. JUSTIFICACIÓN 3. OBJETIVOS 4. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 5. METODOLOGÍA 6. PRODUCTOS A ENTREGAR 7. DESARROLLO DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN 8. FASE1. DESCRIPCIÓN DE ALTERNATIVAS 9. FASE 2. GESTIÓN DEL ALCANCE 10. FASE 3. GESTIÓN DEL CRONOGRAMA 11. FASE 4. EVALUACIÓN Y GESTIÓN DEL COSTO 12. FASE 5. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 13. ENTREGA DE RESULTADOS ESPERADOS E IMPACTO 14. NUEVAS ÁREAS DE ESTUDIO 15. CONCLUSIONES 16. BIBLIOGRAFÍAEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de Obras Civile

    Risk analysis not previously evaluated in the pre investment for road projects in Bogota City – Location Kennedy

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    Para las empresas que se dedican a la construcción de la infraestructura vial, es de vital importancia que cuenten con buenos procesos planificación, con el fin de no originar sobrecostos a proyectos que puedan generar una viabilidad económica como social. Por lo anterior, se hace necesario que se realicen análisis técnicos, económicos, sociales como la identificación de riesgos para cada uno de estos factores antes de la ejecución y puesta en marcha de cualquier proyecto. El propósito de este artículo es analizar los factores que no se tuvieron en cuenta en la etapa de planificación de un proyecto vial, ubicado en la localidad de Kennedy; donde después de haber iniciado con la construcción, se hizo necesario un cambio en las variables de diseño por la incorporación de nuevas rutas de transporte público. Estos cambios tuvieron como resultado unos sobrecostos en el presupuesto inicial, donde se dejaron de percibir significativos recursos económicos por parte del contratista. Estas pérdidas se generaron por falta de comunicación entre entidades, la no realización de un análisis de riesgo del proyecto en la zona de influencia como una mala planificación. Se analizaron cada una de las variables que sufrieron cambio en los diseños, con el fin de obtener una cuantificación y clasificación mediante el método Mosler; resaltando que a medida que los reprocesos se generen en etapas superiores a la pre inversión, mayores serán los costos de mejora y menores serán las ganancias recibidas.For the companies engaged in the construction of road infrastructure, is of vital importance that has good planning processes, in order to not cause cost overruns for projects that can generate economic viability and social. Therefore, it is necessary to technical, economic, social analysis, such as the identification of risks for each of these factors occur before execution and start-up of any project. The purpose of this article is to analyze the factors that were not taken into account at the planning stage of a road project, located Kennedy Town; where after the initiation of the construction, is necessitated a change in the variables of design by the incorporation of new public transportation routes. These changes resulted in some cost overruns in the initial budget, where they let themselves perceive significant economic resources by the contractor. These losses were generated by lack of communication between entities, not conducting a risk analysis of the project in the area of influence as a poor planning. Analysed each of the variables that underwent change in the designs, in order to obtain a quantification and classification using the Mosler method; highlighting that to the reprocesses generated as superior to the pre investment stages, the greater the costs of improvement and less will be received earnings

    Emulsifaction of waste cooking oils and fatty acid distillates as diesel engine fuel

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    The scope of this paper is to analyze the possibilities and feasibilities, as well as the main experimental results reported about the emulsification method applied to waste cooking oils and fatty acid distillates as diesel engine fuels, compared with other commonly used methods. These waste products are obtained in the refining oil industry, food industry and service sector from the frying process, mainly. However, they are a little used as feedstocks to produce biofuels and constitute a potential source of contamination. From the review of the state of arts, significant decreases in exhaust emissions of nitrogen oxides, cylinder pressure, as well as increases of the ignition delay, brake specific fuel consumption, hydrocarbon, smoke opacity, carbon monoxide, particulate matters to emulsified waste cooking oils and fatty acid distillates compared with diesel fuel are reported. In some experiments the emulsified waste cooking oils achieved better performance than neat fatty acid distillates, neat waste cooking oils and their derivates methyl esters

    Development of a multidisciplinary and optimized design methodology for surface permanent magnets synchronous machines

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    Electric energy is one of the supports of modern civilization. In the actual context, the electrical machines are of capital importance since most of power plants, from nuclear plants to wind turbines, need an electrical machine working as a generator. Moreover, it is estimated that nowadays the 65% of the total energy supplied by the grid is consumed by electric motors working in an industrial environment. Electrical machines are complex systems where a great amount of physical phenomena are produced simultaneously; that is why a proper design requires detailed multidisciplinary models. However, most of the design methodologies and tools are only focused on machine electromagnetic performance in order to achieve power, efficiency and mass to volume ratio goals, performing an adequate more than an optimized design. In the best cases, the features related with other physical domains are taken into account through figures or merit or rules of the thumb based on designer particular experience (e.g. thermal sizing); or even they are treated as an afterthought if needed (typical case of the machine vibro-acoustic performance). These approaches are only suitable for very well-known applications where machine features are perfectly known and characterized. However, these methodologies are unsystematic by nature so they have serious difficulties in order to extrapolate the obtained results to a new set of specifications or to more challenging applications where not only electromagnetic criteria but other physical domains, such as vibro-acoustic, should be taken into account. More precisely, since the advent of neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) magnets, permanent magnets synchronous machines (PMSM) has become a suitable option both in industrial and domestic applications such as aircraft industry, elevation, electric vehicle or power generation. Due to their attractive features (e.g. high efficiency, compactness and power density) PMSMs are an emerging technology and an attractive field of study, as it is highlighted by the great amount of publications devoted to that topic in the last years. Therefore, the thesis main goal is the development of a pioneering PMSM design methodology based on a holistic, multidisciplinary and optimized approach. Moreover, this proposed methodology takes into account not only the electromagnetic and thermal conventional aspects but also the machine vibro-acoustic behaviour. In order to fulfil this aim, a complete multiphysical analytical model has been carried out, including a detailed study of the electromagnetic, thermal and vibro-acoustics PMSM features, paying a special attention to these physical domains interactions. The developed models have been used in order to implement a PMSM design optimized methodology based on an innovative heuristic algorithm labelled Direct Multisearch (DMS). In order to validate the physical models, a 75 kW PMSM prototype (IkerMAQ) has been designed and built. A huge amount of tests were carried out and the analytical models have been exhaustively validated, including electromagnetic, thermal and vibro-acoustic domains