96 research outputs found

    Music in early childhood : children with developmental delays and their parents

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    Orientador: Lucia Helena ReilyTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: Este estudo tem como objetivo pesquisar os processos de interação em roda entre professor, crianças, pais e avós, vivenciando um trabalho pedagógico musical que visou à preservação e à ampliação de um repertório musical para a primeira infância, promovendo jogos, músicas, brincadeiras e interações afetivas e musicais. Existem algumas iniciativas que documentam práticas em educação e atendimento musical para crianças nessa faixa etária, porém pouco difundidas na comunidade de educadores musicais, pedagogos, psicólogos, fonoaudiólogos e áreas afins que aplicam os conhecimentos em desenvolvimento, educação infantil e musical. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no Grupo de Avaliação e Prevenção na Área das Alterações de Desenvolvimento e da Linguagem (Gapal) no Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Reabilitação "Prof. Dr. Gabriel O. S. Porto" (Cepre), da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), que tem como foco trabalhar com crianças que apresentam queixas de atraso ou alterações de linguagem e/ou desenvolvimento. Os fundamentos teórico-filosóficos que embasaram o desenho do estudo desenvolveram-se a partir de discussões sobre o decolonialismo (antropologia da arte) e o musicar local (do campo da etnomusicologia). A construção do trabalho empírico e a análise dos resultados pautaram-se em teóricos do desenvolvimento (psicologia sócio-histórica) e estudos de educadores musicais. Participaram desta pesquisa nove crianças e seus acompanhantes — mães, pais, avôs e avós — com atividades musicais dirigidas: contação de histórias, canto, dança, uso de instrumentos musicais. Os encontros tiveram duração de aproximadamente uma hora. O estudo seguiu uma perspectiva qualitativa, tendo na microgenética o apoio necessário para a discussão e análise dos dados de episódios selecionados, organizados por meio de categorias. Consideramos que a música em seu papel cultural pode ocupar um espaço organizador de funções psíquicas, além de expressão e comunicação dos participantesAbstract: The aim of this study is to research the process of interaction in circle between teacher, children, parents and grandparents experiencing a pedagogical musical work. It had the purpose of preservation and expansion the music repertoire for early childhood, promoting games, music, children’s play, and nurturing and musical interactions. There are some initiatives that have reported on educational practices and music activities for this age group of children however they are not greatly known in the community of music teachers, pedagogues, psychologists, speech language therapists and other professionals from similar fields that use this knowledge for development and early childhood education. The field study was carried out in the Grupo de Avaliação e Prevenção na Área das Alterações de Desenvolvimento e da Linguagem (Gapal) at the Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Reabilitação "Prof. Dr. Gabriel O. S. Porto" (Cepre), of the University of Campinas (Unicamp). The focus of this clinic is to work with children with issues related to delays in language acquisition and/or development. The theoretical background that supports the study includes literature on local musicking (from the field of ethnomusicology) and discussions on decolonialism (anthropology of art). The design of the empirical study and the analysis of the results were based on researchers of child development (sociohistorical psychology) and studies by music educators. Nine children and their adult supervisors — mothers, fathers, or grandparents — participated in this study, in which guided musical activities were proposed: storytelling, singing, dance, playing musical instruments. The sessions lasted around one hour. The study used a qualitative approach, supported by microgenetic analysis and discussion of the data from selected episodes, organized according to categories related to the research objectives. We argue that music in its cultural dimension has a role in organizing psychic functions, as well as expression and communication of the participantsDoutoradoInterdisciplinaridade e ReabilitaçãoDoutor em Saúde, Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitaçã

    Epidemiological aspects of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) in an endemic area of forest extractivist culture in western Brazilian Amazonia

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    The study sought to analyze clinical and epidemiological aspects of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Xapuri, Acre, Brazil. Data from 2008 to 2014 registered in the notification records of the disease of the Information System of the Complaints of Notification (SINAN), and the data of the Information Department of the Unified Health System (DATASUS) available from 2007 to 2013 were used and analyzed in the light of the statistics of the temporal series by the Prais-Winsten method and chi-squared test. A total of 906 cases were registered with 60.2% occurring in men and 39.7% in women. The groups from 0 to 4 years of age (48.0%) and from 5 to 19 years of age (23.3%) were the most affected. Regarding the clinical forms, 77.7% presented CL and 22.3% mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL). Among the 896 cases with information on the diagnostic methods used, Montenegro’s skin test predominated (66.4%), with a positive result of 95.8% for CL and 99.3% for MCL. Treatment with N-methylglucamine antimony was performed in 99.4% of the cases, but discontinuously used in the majority of patients. This study presents information which may be used as a tool for the epidemiological surveillance and control of the disease in Xapuri, a region which depends essentially on forest resources and ecological tourism

    Programação e robótica: o impacto da tecnologia na educação / Programming and robotics: the impact of technology on education

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    O ensino da Matemática apresenta, por alguns professores, uma prática tradicional onde se enfatiza apenas a memorização mecânica de conceitos e de procedimentos que não contribui para construir o protagonismo de conhecimentos. As recomendações atuais para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Matemática apontam como essencial a aproximação desta disciplina da realidade dos estudantes, buscando desenvolver estratégias de aprendizagem capazes de torná-los agente na construção do seu próprio conhecimento. A esse respeito, a resolução de problemas propõe o desenvolvimento do raciocínio com o despertar da criatividade. Nesse artigo de cunho bibliográfico se propõe o ensino da Matemática por meio da Robótica, demonstrando como pode ser instrumentalizado por meio de atividades

    Comparação do custo de produção de painel CLT produzido artesanalmente com outros materiais de construção convencionais / Comparison of the production cost of CLT panel produced by hand with other conventional construction materials

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    A crescente utilização da madeira na construção civil coincide com o desenvolvimento de novos produtos que possibilitam uma construção mais rápida, econômica e com maior qualidade. Destaca-se entre esses produtos o painel CLT – Cross Laminated Timber. Este produto foi desenvolvido na Europa nas últimas décadas. O trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma análise de custos de produção do painel CLT com os materiais convencionais utilizados na construção. Foi confeccionado um painel estrutural em tamanho real com 3 camadas com madeira reflorestada de Pinus taeda. Durante a produção a quantidade de produtos e tempo gastos para a fabricação de forma artesanal foram mensurados. A comparação de custos foi realizada em relação a alvenaria estrutural e a alvenaria de vedação. Notou-se que o painel CLT apresenta um custo de 37% menor que a alvenaria de vedação e de 18,5% menor que a alvenaria estrutural, indicando um grande potencial para a sua produção na região de Lages- SC.   

    Femoral Fracture Repair in a Ferret (Mustela putorius furo)

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    Background: Ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) are increasingly popular as pets. They require similar medical and surgical care as small animals, and orthopedic lesions are more and more common. Fracture diagnosis is based on history, orthopedic exam, and diagnostic imaging. The preferred treatment for femur fractures is surgery, which has a favorable outcome in the majority of cases. However, surgical fracture repair in ferrets can be challenging due to the small size of the bones. The objective of thispaper is to report the surgical repair of a femoral fracture in a ferret using an external skeletal fxation system type IA connected to an intramedullary pin (tie-in confguration).Case: An adult ferret was referred to the veterinary hospital after being stepped on. The ferret was diagnosed with an oblique diaphyseal fracture of the left femur and surgery was recommended. Open fracture reduction was performed with a 1 mm in tramedullary pin (Kirschner wire) placed in a retrograde direction into the proximal bone segment. After fracture reduction, the intramedullary pin was inserted into the distal bone segment. The external skeletal fxator type IA was created by the insertionof a 1.5 mm Schanz pin into the distal diaphysis and another, also 1.5 mm, inserted into the proximal metaphysis, both percuta neously. The three pins were connected externally to an aluminum bar with the aid of three staples to form a tie-in system. Rest and restriction of activity were recommended during the frst month after surgery. The ferret recovered well and, at 120 days, orthopedic and radiographic exams showed complete fracture healing. The implant was removed and no functional changesrelated to ambulation were observed.Discussion: The orthopedic knowledge applied to ferrets commonly originates in procedures performed on cats and dogs. Overall,the main objective when dealing with fractures is to stabilize the broken bone to allow early ambulation. Due to the location and type of fracture, an external immobilization was contraindicated in this case. A plate was considered, but the small diameter of the femur and the consequent risk of iatrogenic fractures made this option not feasible. Therefore, the external skeletal fxator in a tie-in confguration was selected. This method permitted control of the forces acting on the fracture site and had the advantage of low cost and ease of application and removal. Nevertheless, the vast musculature that covers the femur could hinder the use ofthe external pins and lead to discomfort. The method has been reported with some changes in ferrets, though with inconclusive results due to lack of follow-up. In the present report, a less rigid method, type I, was used since types II and III have a biplanar confguration and were thus inadequate due to the possible contact between the fxator and the abdominal or inguinal region. The precautions taken during placement of the implant were the same as in cats and dogs since their anatomy follows the same pattern. The implant was rigid, light, and effective, allowing early weight-bearing on the affected limb without discomfort to the patient. As such, the external fxator type IA connected to the intramedullary pin in a tie-in confguration was an effective method for the treatment of the oblique diaphyseal femoral fracture in this ferret. Although it is not the recommended method for this type of fracture in cats and dogs, there were no complications in the ferret, with complete fracture healing and return tofunction of the affected limb. Since there has yet to be a consensus on the recommended procedures in these animals, reports of this nature are important due to the growing number of ferret patients in veterinary practice.Keywords: ferret, osteosynthesis, bone fxation, repair of fractures


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    Introduction: Sarcopenia is characterized by the progressive loss of muscle mass and strength in the elderly, resulting in physical frailty and an increased risk of falls and mortality. Physical exercise is fundamental in the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia, but its prescription for the elderly requires careful consideration of several factors, including the severity of sarcopenia and comorbidities. Methodology: A systematic review was carried out using the PubMed, Scielo and LILACS databases, and the descriptors ((Sarcopenia" AND (Exercise)) AND (Health of the Elderly), resulting in 25 articles selected for analysis. In addition, guidelines from the Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology were consulted for additional information. Results: Sarcopenia involves the gradual loss of muscle mass and is associated with multiple pathophysiological mechanisms, including satellite cell senescence and chronic inflammation. Diagnosis is based on clinical criteria and imaging tests, particularly dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Physical exercise, especially resistance training, is fundamental in the treatment of sarcopenia, but the prescription must be adapted to the individual needs of the elderly, taking into account their frailty and comorbidities. Conclusion: Sarcopenia represents a significant health challenge for the elderly, requiring a multidisciplinary approach that includes adapted physical exercise, nutritional interventions and, when necessary, specific supplementation. Although evidence for drug interventions is limited, evidence-based individualization of treatment is crucial to promote healthy and functional aging.Introducción: La sarcopenia se caracteriza por la pérdida progresiva de masa y fuerza muscular en los ancianos, lo que provoca fragilidad física y un mayor riesgo de caídas y mortalidad. El ejercicio físico es fundamental en la prevención y el tratamiento de la sarcopenia, pero su prescripción para los ancianos requiere una cuidadosa consideración de varios factores, incluyendo la gravedad de la sarcopenia y las comorbilidades. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática utilizando las bases de datos PubMed, Scielo y LILACS, y los descriptores ((Sarcopenia" AND (Ejercicio)) AND (Salud del Anciano), resultando en 25 artículos seleccionados para análisis. Además, se consultaron las directrices de la Sociedad Brasileña de Geriatría y Gerontología para obtener información adicional. Resultados: La sarcopenia consiste en la pérdida gradual de masa muscular y se asocia a múltiples mecanismos fisiopatológicos, incluyendo la senescencia de las células satélite y la inflamación crónica. El diagnóstico se basa en criterios clínicos y pruebas de imagen, especialmente la absorciometría de rayos X de doble energía. El ejercicio físico, especialmente el entrenamiento de resistencia, es fundamental en el tratamiento de la sarcopenia, pero la prescripción debe adaptarse a las necesidades individuales de los ancianos, teniendo en cuenta su fragilidad y comorbilidades. Conclusiones: La sarcopenia representa un importante reto para la salud de las personas mayores, que requiere un enfoque multidisciplinar que incluya ejercicio físico adaptado, intervenciones nutricionales y, cuando sea necesario, suplementación específica. Aunque la evidencia de las intervenciones farmacológicas es limitada, la individualización del tratamiento basada en la evidencia es crucial para promover un envejecimiento saludable y funcional.Introdução: A sarcopenia é caracterizada pela perda progressiva de massa e força muscular em idosos, resultando em fragilidade física e maior risco de quedas e mortalidade. O exercício físico é fundamental na prevenção e tratamento da sarcopenia, mas sua prescrição para idosos requer consideração cuidadosa de vários fatores, incluindo a gravidade da sarcopenia e comorbidades. Metodologia: Uma revisão sistemática foi realizada utilizando as bases de dados PubMed, Scielo e LILACS, e os descritores ((Sarcopenia” AND (Exercise)) AND (Health of the Elderly), resultando em 25 artigos selecionados para análise. Além disso, foram consultadas diretrizes da Sociedade Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia para informações adicionais. Resultados: A sarcopenia envolve a perda gradual de massa muscular e está associada a múltiplos mecanismos fisiopatológicos, incluindo senescência das células satélites e inflamação crônica. O diagnóstico é baseado em critérios clínicos e exames de imagem, com destaque para a absorciometria de raios X de dupla energia. O exercício físico, especialmente o treinamento resistido, é fundamental no tratamento da sarcopenia, mas a prescrição deve ser adaptada às necessidades individuais dos idosos, levando em consideração sua fragilidade e comorbidades. Conclusão: A sarcopenia representa um desafio significativo para a saúde dos idosos, exigindo uma abordagem multidisciplinar que inclua exercícios físicos adaptados, intervenções nutricionais e, quando necessário, suplementação específica. Embora as evidências para intervenções medicamentosas sejam limitadas, a individualização do tratamento com base em evidências é crucial para promover o envelhecimento saudável e funcional


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    Liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis C is a serious condition that often leads to the need for liver transplantation for patients in advanced stages of the disease. This procedure has been a crucial measure to improve survival and quality of life for these patients. However, its effectiveness and impact are the subject of critical analysis due to the associated challenges, such as the scarcity of donor organs, the risks of postoperative complications and the possibility of recurrence of hepatitis C virus infection in the new liver. Understanding the advantages and challenges of liver transplantation in hepatitis C liver cirrhosis is essential to optimize patient outcomes and quality of life. Objective: To critically analyze the advantages, challenges and impact on the quality of life of patients undergoing liver transplantation due to liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis C. Methodology: A systematic literature review was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines. The PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases were searched for articles published in the last 10 years. The descriptors used were "liver transplant", "liver cirrhosis", "hepatitis C", "advantages", "challenges" and "quality of life". The inclusion criteria were original studies that addressed the topic in humans, written in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Exclusion criteria were animal studies, literature reviews and studies focusing on liver conditions other than hepatitis C. Results: The results highlighted the effectiveness of liver transplantation in improving the survival and quality of life of patients with liver cirrhosis due to hepatitis C. However, challenges persist, including the limited availability of donor organs and the risk of relapse of hepatitis C virus infection. Strategies to mitigate these challenges have been discussed, such as the use of next-generation antiviral therapies. Conclusion: Liver transplantation is a vital intervention for patients with liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis C, providing significant benefits in terms of survival and quality of life. However, the associated challenges need to be addressed to further improve outcomes and ensure the long-term success of this procedure.Liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis C is a serious condition that often leads to the need for liver transplantation for patients in advanced stages of the disease. This procedure has been a crucial measure to improve survival and quality of life for these patients. However, its effectiveness and impact are the subject of critical analysis due to the associated challenges, such as the scarcity of donor organs, the risks of postoperative complications and the possibility of recurrence of hepatitis C virus infection in the new liver. Understanding the advantages and challenges of liver transplantation in hepatitis C liver cirrhosis is essential to optimize patient outcomes and quality of life. Objective: To critically analyze the advantages, challenges and impact on the quality of life of patients undergoing liver transplantation due to liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis C. Methodology: A systematic literature review was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines. The PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases were searched for articles published in the last 10 years. The descriptors used were "liver transplant", "liver cirrhosis", "hepatitis C", "advantages", "challenges" and "quality of life". The inclusion criteria were original studies that addressed the topic in humans, written in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Exclusion criteria were animal studies, literature reviews and studies focusing on liver conditions other than hepatitis C. Results: The results highlighted the effectiveness of liver transplantation in improving the survival and quality of life of patients with liver cirrhosis due to hepatitis C. However, challenges persist, including the limited availability of donor organs and the risk of relapse of hepatitis C virus infection. Strategies to mitigate these challenges have been discussed, such as the use of next-generation antiviral therapies. Conclusion: Liver transplantation is a vital intervention for patients with liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis C, providing significant benefits in terms of survival and quality of life. However, the associated challenges need to be addressed to further improve outcomes and ensure the long-term success of this procedure

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio