358 research outputs found

    An Examination of Non-linear Relationships between Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Growth

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    This paper examines the possibility of a non-linear relationship existing between intellectual property rights protection (IPR) and gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates. A theoretical justification is developed for the potential existence of a non-linear relationship in terms of a quadratic relationship. This is then examined using panel data from 191 countries and taken in 5 year intervals, although the data had many missing observations. Results indicate there is statistically significant evidence that a quadratic relationship exists between IPR and GDP growth, however there are reservations about this evidence due to a dearth of observations in countries with very weak intellectual property rights protections

    Learner Personality And Oral Corrective Feedback In An Adult Language Classroom

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    A great deal of the variation in language learning outcomes is attributable, either directly or indirectly, to various learner characteristics. One of these characteristics are personality traits, which have been shown to influence learning outcomes. Moreover, teachers have an intuitive belief that personality has substantial importance for learning and make pedagogical decisions, such as choosing an oral corrective feedback (CF) approach, based on their assumptions about student personality. Whereas research has established that CF effectiveness is mediated by several individual differences, research on the influence of learners’ personality traits on CF effectiveness is virtually neglected. This classroom study aimed to fill this gap. It investigated a relationship (if any) between student personality traits and the effectiveness of oral CF, and how students with different personalities respond to and experience oral CF. Using a mixed-methods approach to data collection and analysis, this study took place in a class of adult language-learners in an academic context. Personality was measured using a personality test, the effectiveness of CF was measured using a pretest/posttest measure of past tense use accuracy using audio/video recordings of classroom activities. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews and stimulated recall (SR) sessions to explore students’ response to and experience of CF. Findings showed that personality differences emerged in student response to (and perceived effectiveness of) different CF techniques. Personality traits appeared to play a role in how students experienced CF and responded to it

    Patient experience in outpatient clinics: Does appointment time impact satisfaction?

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    The objective of this study is to understand patient experience by appointment time by analyzing the Consumer Assessment of Hospital Provider and Systems (CAHPS) scores at a granular level across pre-determined time periods (AM and PM). This study utilized quantitative and qualitative methods. A deidentified secondary data set from the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Press Ganey website was used to analyze the difference in CAHPS scores across AM and PM time periods. Unstructured survey responses were analyzed as a way to further enrich the quantitative findings. The data sample consisted of 821 responses from a dermatology clinic for the period of May 2017 to May 2018. Results suggested more positive patient experience for AM appointments when compared to PM appointments. The only positive experience for PM appointments was associated with the support staff and timeliness of care. This study indicated that time of day of the appointment is one of the contributing factors for patient satisfaction in the outpatient setting. While this study was conducted in a dermatology setting, it has applicability to the broader outpatient environment. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Infrastructure & Governance lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework. (http://bit.ly/ExperienceFramework) Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens

    "Права добробуту" в контексті практики верховного суду США

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    The article aims to study the contents of the "welfare rights" in the United States in the context of the legal position of the Supreme Court of the United States. An analysis of key decisions of the Supreme Court concerning the protection of such rights is made. The authors came to the conclusion that the legal positions of the Supreme Court of the United States have undergone a long evolution in the sense of "welfare rights": from their complete rejection to the assessment in the coordinates of the rule of law principle, which is implicitly derived from the Constitution. It has been found that the Supreme Court links the protection of "welfare rights" (unwritten constitutional rights) with the protection of other rights, which are outwardly enshrined in the text of the Constitution (in particular, with the right to due process)Стаття ставить метою дослідження змісту "прав добробуту" в США в контексті правових позицій Верховного Суду США. Зроблено аналіз ключових рішень Верховного Суду щодо захисту таких прав. Автори дійшли висновку, що правові позиції Верховного Суду США пройшли еволюцію в розумінні "прав добробуту": від їх повного заперечення до оцінки в координатах принципу верховенства прав

    Interrogating Augmented Tech Mediation in Mobile Gaming App Pokémon GO!

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    Our presentation seeks to address current pitfalls within AR mobile game design, and offer up a set of guidelines for future game designs with the hopes of moving towards the production of games that account for an intersectional understanding of identity with regards to personal risk in particular spaces. To do so, we draw on post-humanist understandings of technological mediation, human geography, and the social ecology of public space. ☞ Please see live copy of slides here: https://bit.ly/2MfLfYg

    Мотиваційні моделі, їх суть і зміст

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    Лемак Ю.Ю. Мотиваційні моделі, їх суть і зміст / Ю.Ю. Лемак // Актуальні напрями практичної психології і психотерапії : матеріали VIII Міжнар. наук.- практ. конф. молодих вчених, студентів та аспірантів (м. Харків, 16 груд. 2020 р.). - Харків: ХНУВС, 2020. - С. 110 - 113.В статті висвітлено суть і зміст мотиваційних моделей. Розкрито поняття мотивації. Мотивація – це внутрішня детермінація поведінки і діяльності, яка може бути обумовлена і зовнішніми подразниками, що оточує людину середовищем. Наголошено, що мотивація як рушійна сила людської поведінки займає провідне місце в структурі особистості, пронизуючи її основні структурні утворення: спрямованість особистості, характер, емоції, здібності, діяльність і психічні процеси. В статье отражена сущность и содержание мотивационных моделей. Раскрыто понятие мотивации. Мотивация – это внутренняя детерминация поведения и деятельности, которая может быть обусловлена ​​и внешними раздражителями, что окружает человека средой. Подчеркнуто, что мотивация как движущая сила человеческого поведения занимает ведущее место в структуре личности, пронизывая ее основные структурные образования: направленность личности, характер, эмоции, способности, деятельность и психические процессы. The article highlights the essence and content of motivational models. The concept of motivation is revealed. Motivation is an internal determination of behavior and activities that may be due to external stimuli, surrounding human environment. It is emphasized that motivation as the driving force of human behavior occupies leading place in the structure of personality, permeating its basic structural education: personality orientation, character, emotions, abilities, activities and mental processes

    Innovative approaches to customs inspections of participants in foreign economic activity

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    With the adoption of the Strategy for the Development of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation until 2030, one of the priorities for customs authorities has become the introduction of new approaches to the organization and conduct of customs control after the release of goods.The purpose of the research paper is to identify problematic aspects of the implementation of customs inspection technology and to substantiate innovative approaches to their implementation. The research methodology is based on the use of methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison and description, which allowed a comprehensive study of the object.The paper proposes a new approach, which provides for the centralization and concentration of control functions of customs control after the release of goods in authorized departments. This approach will improve not only the efficiency of the customs authorities for the implementation of supervisory functions after the release of goods but also the quality of customs administration in terms of creating a unified network of electronic customs offices, ensure the achievement of balance in the application of customs procedures facilitating and monitoring the implementation of foreign economic activity.The authors define the main directions for improving the technology of customs inspections to ensure the implementation of the new approach. The formed recommendations based on the results of the study can be used in the practical activities of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

    Порівняльно-правовий метод дослідження: нова роль в умовах глобалізації

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    Particular attention is paid to the issue of the growth of the role of the comparative legal method, the method of its conduct, as well as the factors that determine the growth of its role. First, it is noted that after the World War II the universally recognized principles of international law have been developed and consolidated in the UN Charter and in other fundamental international legal instruments. Speaking as a product of customary international law (that is the result of the practice of civilized nations in relations between themselves and with societies), they have become universal in character, which puts them “at the apex” of world order. Such principles as respect for human rights, state sovereignty, and territorial integrity of states have received generally accepted content. In many European countries they have “immediate effect”, gaining constitutional character. This means that within the framework of national legal systems a new phenomenon has been created, which is really a common archetype present in the constitutional system of every civilized state. Secondly, comparative law is used today as an instrument for judicial investigation of a legal case and, therefore, the argumentation of a court decision. This approach is widespread in the practice of higher courts of states and in particular the European Court of Human Rights. Conclusions have been made that after the World War II there was no significant legislative project, which to one degree or another would not be accompanied by extensive comparative legal research. Such an approach should be reflected in the practice of reform in Ukraine. It is important to emphasize that the comparative approach is inherent not only for science, but also for law-making and law-enforcement bodies (courts). An adequate methodology of a comparative legal approach takes into account a comprehensive understanding of the law itself (written and unwritten), as well as its broad social context. In addition, the change in the nature of international law, the development in the past three decades of full-fledged regional law-enforcement (for example, European rule of law), as well as the strengthening of their interplay with national legal orders, necessitates the use of so-called “vertical methods” of comparative research.Досліджено порівняльно-правовий метод в умовах глобалізації. Звернено увагу на нові ознаки сучасного світу, коли інтернет та інші фактори роблять його взаємопов’язаним, але при цьому різним. Проаналізовано методику застосування порівняльно-правового методу, а також фактори, які зумовлюють зростання його ролі. Окремо показано використання порівняльно-правового методу у практиці Європейського суду з прав людини

    Insights from a national survey into why substance abuse treatment units add prevention and outreach services

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    Abstract Background Previous studies have found that even limited prevention-related interventions can affect health behaviors such as substance use and risky sex. Substance abuse treatment providers are ideal candidates to provide these services, but typically have little or no financial incentive to do so. The purpose of this study was therefore to explore why some substance abuse treatment units have added new prevention and outreach services. Based on an ecological framework of organizational strategy, three categories of predictors were tested: (1) environmental, (2) unit-level, and (3) unit leadership. Results A lagged cross-sectional logistic model of 450 outpatient substance abuse treatment units revealed that local per capita income, mental health center affiliation, and clinical supervisors' graduate degrees were positively associated with likelihood of adding prevention-related education and outreach services. Managed care contracts and methadone treatment were negatively associated with addition of these services. No hospital-affiliated agencies added prevention and outreach services during the study period. Conclusion Findings supported the study's ecological perspective on organizational strategy, with factors at environmental, unit, and unit leadership levels associated with additions of prevention and outreach services. Among the significant predictors, ties to managed care payers and unit leadership graduate education emerge as potential leverage points for public policy. In the current sample, units with managed care contracts were less likely to add prevention and outreach services. This is not surprising, given managed care's emphasis on cost control. However, the association with this payment source suggests that public managed care programs might affects prevention and outreach differently through revised incentives. Specifically, government payers could explicitly compensate substance abuse treatment units in managed care contracts for prevention and outreach. The effects of supervisor graduate education on likelihood of adding new prevention and outreach programs suggests that leaders' education can affect organizational strategy. Foundation and government officials may encourage prevention and outreach by funding curricular enhancements to graduate degree programs demonstrating the importance of public goods. Overall, these findings suggest that both money and professional education affect substance abuse treatment unit additions of prevention and outreach services, as well as other factors less amenable to policy intervention

    The bacteriophage carrier state of Campylobacter jejuni features changes in host non-coding RNAs and the acquisition of new host-derived CRISPR spacer sequences

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    Incorporation of self-derived CRISPR DNA protospacers in Campylobacter jejuni PT14 occurs in the presence of bacteriophages encoding a CRISPR-like Cas4 protein. This phenomenon was evident in carrier state infections where both bacteriophages and host are maintained for seemingly indefinite periods as stable populations following serial passage. Carrier state cultures of C. jejuni PT14 have greater aerotolerance in nutrient limited conditions, and may have arisen as an evolutionary response to selective pressures imposed during periods in the extra-intestinal environment. A consequence of this is that bacteriophage and host remain associated and able to survive transition periods where the chances of replicative success are greatly diminished. The majority of the bacteriophage population do not commit to lytic infection, and conversely the bacterial population tolerates low-level bacteriophage replication. We recently examined the effects of Campylobacter bacteriophage/C. jejuni PT14 CRISPR spacer acquisition using deep sequencing strategies of DNA and RNA-Seq to analyze carrier state cultures. This approach identified de novo spacer acquisition in C. jejuni PT14 associated with Class III Campylobacter phages CP8/CP30A but spacer acquisition was oriented toward the capture of host DNA. In the absence of bacteriophage predation the CRISPR spacers in uninfected C. jejuni PT14 cultures remain unchanged. A distinct preference was observed for incorporation of self-derived protospacers into the third spacer position of the C. jejuni PT14 CRISPR array, with the first and second spacers remaining fixed. RNA-Seq also revealed the variation in the synthesis of non-coding RNAs with the potential to bind bacteriophage genes and/or transcript sequences