569 research outputs found

    Methodological approaches to planar and volumetric scintigraphic imaging of small volume targets with high spatial resolution and sensitivity

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    Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a non-invasive imaging technique, which provides information reporting the functional states of tissues. SPECT imaging has been used as a diagnostic tool in several human disorders and can be used in animal models of diseases for physiopathological, genomic and drug discovery studies. However, most of the experimental models used in research involve rodents, which are at least one order of magnitude smaller in linear dimensions than man. Consequently, images of targets obtained with conventional gamma-cameras and collimators have poor spatial resolution and statistical quality. We review the methodological approaches developed in recent years in order to obtain images of small targets with good spatial resolution and sensitivity. Multipinhole, coded mask- and slit-based collimators are presented as alternative approaches to improve image quality. In combination with appropriate decoding algorithms, these collimators permit a significant reduction of the time needed to register the projections used to make 3-D representations of the volumetric distribution of target’s radiotracers. Simultaneously, they can be used to minimize artifacts and blurring arising when single pinhole collimators are used. Representation images are presented, which illustrate the use of these collimators. We also comment on the use of coded masks to attain tomographic resolution with a single projection, as discussed by some investigators since their introduction to obtain near-field images. We conclude this review by showing that the use of appropriate hardware and software tools adapted to conventional gamma-cameras can be of great help in obtaining relevant functional information in experiments using small animals.FAPESPFAPESP CInAPC

    Sorogrupos e genes de virulência em Escherichia coli isoladas de psitacídeos

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    Escherichia coli isolates from 24 sick psittacine birds were serogrouped and investigated for the presence of genes encoding the following virulence factors: attaching and effacing (eae), enteropathogenic E. coli EAF plasmid (EAF), pili associated with pyelonephritis (pap), S fimbriae (sfa), afimbrial adhesin (afa), capsule K1 (neu), curli (crl, csgA), temperature-sensitive hemagglutinin (tsh), enteroaggregative heat-stable enterotoxin-1 (astA), heat-stable enterotoxin -1 heat labile (LT) and heat stable (STa and STb) enterotoxins, Shiga-like toxins (stx1 and stx2), cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 (cnf1), haemolysin (hly), aerobactin production (iuc) and serum resistance (iss). The results showed that the isolates belonged to 12 serogroups: O7; O15; O21; O23; O54; O64; O76; O84; O88; O128; O152 and O166. The virulence genes found were: crl in all isolates, pap in 10 isolates, iss in seven isolates, csgA in five isolates, iuc and tsh in three isolates and eae in two isolates. The combination of virulence genes revealed 11 different genotypic patterns. All strains were negative for genes encoding for EAF, EAEC, K1, sfa, afa, hly, cnf, LT, STa, STb, stx1 and stx2. Our findings showed that some E. coli isolated from psittacine birds present the same virulence factors as avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC), uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) pathotypes.Amostras de Escherichia coli isoladas de 24 psitacídeos doentes foram sorogrupadas e investigadas para a presença de genes que codificam os seguintes fatores de virulência: attaching e effacing (eae), plasmídeo EAF (EAF), pili associado à pielonefrite (pap), fímbria S (sfa), adesina afimbrial (afa), cápsula K1 (neu), curli (crl, csgA), hemaglutinina termosensível (tsh), enterotoxina termo-estável 1 de E. coli enteroagregativa (astA), toxina termolábil (LT) e toxina termoestável (STa e STb), Shiga-like toxinas (stx1 e stx2), fator citotóxico necrotizante 1 (cnf1), hemolisina (hly), produção de aerobactina (iuc) e resistência sérica (iss). Os resultados mostraram que os isolados pertenciam a 12 sorogrupos: O7; O15; O21; O23; O54; O64; O76; O84; O88; O128; O152 e O166. Os genes de virulência encontrados foram: crl em todos os isolados, pap em 10 isolados, iss em sete isolados, csgA em cinco isolados, iuc e tsh em três isolados e eae em dois isolados. A combinação dos genes de virulência revelou 11 perfis genotípicos distintos. Todas as amostras foram negativas para os genes que codificam EAF, EAEC, K1, sfa, afa, hly, cnf, LT, STa, STb, stx1 e stx2. Estes resultados demonstraram que algumas amostras de E. coli isoladas de psitacídeos apresentam os mesmos fatores de virulência presentes nos patotipos de E. coli patogênicas para aves (APEC), uropatogênicas (UPEC) e E. coli enteropatogênicas (EPEC).916921Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    SARS-CoV-2 introductions and early dynamics of the epidemic in Portugal

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    Portuguese network for SARS-CoV-2 genomics (Consortium): Agostinho José S Lira, Aida M Sousa Fernandes, Alexandra Estrada, Alexandra Nunes, Alfredo Rodrigues, Ana Caldas, Ana Constança, Ana Margarida Henriques, Ana Miguel Matos, Ana Oliveira, Ana Paula Dias, Ana Pelerito, Ana Rita Couto, Anabela Vilares, António Albuquerque, Baltazar Nunes, Bruna R Gouveia, Carina de Fátima Rodrigues, Carla Feliciano, Carla Roque, Carlos Cardoso, Carlos Sousa, Cathy Paulino, Célia Rodrigues Bettencourt, Claudia C Branco, Cláudia Nunes Dos Santos, Conceição Godinho, Constantino P Caetano, Cristina Correia, Cristina Toscano, Cristina Veríssimo, Daniela Silva, Diana Patrícia Pinto da Silva, Eliana Costa, Elizabeth Pádua, Fátima Martins, Fátima Vale, Fernanda Vilarinho, Fernando Branca, Filomena Caldeira, Filomena Lacerda, Francisca Rocha, Graça Andrade, Helena Ribeiro, Helena Rodrigues, Herberto Jesus, Hugo Sousa, Idalina Ferreira, Inês Baldaque, Inês Costa, Inês Gomes, Inna Slobidnyk, Isabel Albergaria, Isabel Dias, Isabel Fernandes, Isabel Lopes de Carvalho, Ivone Água-Doce, Jácome Bruges Armas, Joana Ramos, João Carlos Sousa, João Costa, João Dias, João Rodrigues, João Sobral, Jorge Machado, Jorge Meneses, José Alves, José Vicente Constantino, Laura Brum, Leonor Silveira, Líbia Zé-Zé, Lidia Santos, Ludivina Freitas, Luís Silva, Luisa Mota-Vieira, Lurdes Lopes, Lurdes Monteiro, Márcia Faria, Margarida Farinha, Margarida Vaz, Maria Alice Pinto, Maria Ana Pessanha, Maria Beatriz Tomaz, Maria Calle Vellés, Maria da Graça Maciel de Soveral, Maria Helena Ramos, Maria Isabel Veiga, Maria João Gargate, Maria João Peres, Maria José Borrego, Maria Matos Figueiredo, Mariana Martins, Mariana Viana, Maurício Melim, Miguel Babarro Jorreto, Miguel Fevereiro, Miguel Pinheiro, Mónica Oleastro, Nair Seixas, Nelson Ventura, Nuno Verdasca, Olga Costa, Patrícia Barros, Patricia Fonseca, Patricia Miguel, Paula Bajanca-Lavado, Paula Branquinho, Paula Palminha, Paula Soares, Paula Valente, Paulo Leandro, Paulo Pereira, Pedro Cardoso, Pedro Pechirra, Pedro Ramos, Raquel Neves, Raquel Rocha, Raquel Rodrigues, Raquel Sabino, Regina Sá, Ricardo Filipe Romão Ferreira, Ricardo Rodrigues, Rita C Veloso, Rita Cordeiro, Rita Côrte-Real, Rita de Sousa, Rita Gralha, Rita Macedo, Rita Matos, Rita Rodrigues, Sandra Paulo, Sara Sousa, Sílvia Lopo, Sónia Marta Santos Magalhães, Sónia Rodrigues, Sónia Silva, Susana Ladeiro, Susana Martins, Susana Silva, Teresa Salvado, Tiago Luís, Valquíria Alves, Vera ManageiroBackground: Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Portugal was rapidly implemented by the National Institute of Health in the early stages of the COVID-19 epidemic, in collaboration with more than 50 laboratories distributed nationwide. Methods: By applying recent phylodynamic models that allow integration of individual-based travel history, we reconstructed and characterized the spatio-temporal dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 introductions and early dissemination in Portugal. Results: We detected at least 277 independent SARS-CoV-2 introductions, mostly from European countries (namely the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, and Switzerland), which were consistent with the countries with the highest connectivity with Portugal. Although most introductions were estimated to have occurred during early March 2020, it is likely that SARS-CoV-2 was silently circulating in Portugal throughout February, before the first cases were confirmed. Conclusions: Here we conclude that the earlier implementation of measures could have minimized the number of introductions and subsequent virus expansion in Portugal. This study lays the foundation for genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Portugal, and highlights the need for systematic and geographically-representative genomic surveillance.Plain language summary: Analysing SARS-CoV-2 genetic material and how it changes over time can help us understand how the virus spreads between countries and determine the impact of control measures. In this study, we investigated SARS-CoV-2 transmission and evolution in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal. In particular, we reconstructed the routes and timeliness of viral introductions into the country and assessed the relative contribution of each introduction in terms of how the epidemic evolved over time. We detected at least 277 independent introductions, mostly from European countries (namely the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, and Switzerland), which were consistent with the countries with the highest connectivity with Portugal. This study reflects an unprecedented effort in the field of the infectious diseases in Portugal, highlighting the need for systematic and geographically-representative surveillance to aid public health efforts to control the virus.This study is co-funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Agência de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica (234_596874175) on behalf of the Research 4 COVID-19 call. Some infrastructural resources used in this study come from the GenomePT project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184), supported by COMPETE 2020 - Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa2020), Algarve Por tugal Regional Operational Programme (CRESC Algarve2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cellular electron tomography of the apical complex in the apicomplexan parasite Eimeria tenella shows a highly organised gateway for regulated secretion

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    The apical complex of apicomplexan parasites is essential for host cell invasion and intracellular survival and as the site of regulated exocytosis from specialised secretory organelles called rhoptries and micronemes. Despite its importance, there are few data on the three-dimensional organisation and quantification of these organelles within the apical complex or how they are trafficked to this specialised region of plasma membrane for exocytosis. In coccidian apicomplexans there is an additional tubulin-containing hollow barrel structure, the conoid, which provides a structural gateway for this specialised apical secretion. Using a combination of cellular electron tomography and serial block face-scanning electron microscopy (SBF-SEM) we have reconstructed the entire apical end of Eimeria tenella sporozoites; we report a detailed dissection of the three- dimensional organisation of the conoid and show there is high curvature of the tubulin-containing fibres that might be linked to the unusual comma-shaped arrangement of protofilaments. We quantified the number and location of rhoptries and micronemes within cells and show a highly organised gateway for trafficking and docking of rhoptries, micronemes and microtubule-associated vesicles within the conoid around a set of intra-conoidal microtubules. Finally, we provide ultrastructural evidence for fusion of rhoptries directly through the parasite plasma membrane early in infection and the presence of a pore in the parasitophorous vacuole membrane, providing a structural explanation for how rhoptry proteins may be trafficked between the parasite and the host cytoplasm

    Intervencionismo coronario percutáneo en Navarra. Resultados de un centro de bajo volumen intervencionista

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    Fundamento. El intervencionismo coronario percutáneo (PCI) es una opción terapéutica fundamental en pacientes con enfermedad coronaria. Para realizarla los especialistas deben formarse y acreditarse. Se sabe que el número de procedimientos realizados al año influye en los resultados. Pretendemos mostrar que con un bajo volumen de PCI algunos centros obtienen buenos resultados. Método. Análisis prospectivo de las características clínicas y resultados inmediatos obtenidos en nuestro centro con el PCI entre 2006 y 2012 y análisis retrospectivo de la supervivencia global, supervivencia libre de eventos y reestenosis de los PCI realizados entre 2006 y 2009. Se compararon las características clínicas, los eventos agudos y a largo plazo (complicaciones, supervivencia y mortalidad) entre nuestros pacientes y los de algunos trabajos publicados. Resultados. Nuestra probabilidad de tener cualquier complicación en un PCI fue del 9% con una mortalidad global del 2%. La mortalidad del PCI en situación estable fue del 0,43% y en el síndrome coronario agudo del 6,25%. Las complicaciones en el lugar del acceso vascular fueron del 1,44% y la incidencia de reestenosis a los nueve meses, en pacientes sometidos por primera vez a PCI, fue del 5,2%. Conclusiones. Aunque el alto volumen intervencionista ha demostrado ser importante para tener una baja tasa de complicaciones y una buena evolución a largo plazo, hay centros con bajo volumen intervencionista que por sus características pueden obtener resultados equiparables a los de alto volumen.Background. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is currently a basic therapeutic option in patients with coronary artery disease. To carry this out specialists must be trained and accredited. It is known that the number of procedures performed each year influences results. We suggest that some low volume centres may also get good results. Methods. Prospective analysis of clinical features and immediate results obtained in our centre following PCI performed between 2006 and 2012 and retrospective analysis of overall survival, outcome-free survival and restenosis in patients treated between 2006 and 2009. The clinical features, acute and long-term events (complications, survival and mortality) of our group were compared with other published studies. Results. In our centre the likelihood of complications in a PCI was 9% with an overall mortality of 2%. PCI mortality in stable coronary disease was 0.43% and in acute coronary syndrome 6.25%. Complications at the vascular access site was 1.44% and restenosis at nine months, in patients undergoing PCI for the first time, was 5.2%. Conclusions. Although a high interventionist volume has been shown to reduce the rate of complications and improve long-term evolution, some low volume interventional centres can obtain similar results to those of high volume interventional centres

    LOCUS (LOng Covid-Understanding Symptoms, events and use of services in Portugal): A three-component study protocol

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    Study ProtocolApproximately 10% of patients experience symptoms of Post COVID-19 Condition (PCC) after a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Akin acute COVID-19, PCC may impact a multitude of organs and systems, such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, and neurological systems. The frequency and associated risk factors of PCC are still unclear among both community and hospital settings in individuals with a history of COVID-19. The LOCUS study was designed to clarify the PCC’s burden and associated risk factors. LOCUS is a multi-component study that encompasses three complementary building blocks. The “Cardiovascular and respiratory events following COVID-19” component is set to estimate the incidence of cardiovascular and respiratory events after COVID-19 in eight Portuguese hospitals via electronic health records consultation. The “Physical and mental symptoms following COVID-19” component aims to address the community prevalence of self-reported PCC symptoms through a questionnaire-based approach. Finally, the "Treating and living with Post COVID-19 Condition" component will employ semi-structured interviews and focus groups to characterise reported experiences of using or working in healthcare and community services for the treatment of PCC symptoms. This multi-component study represents an innovative approach to exploring the health consequences of PCC. Its results are expected to provide a key contribution to the optimisation of healthcare services design.This study is sponsored by Pfizer (grant code #68639655).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Economic analysis of an agrosilvipastoral system for a mountainous area in Zona da Mata Mineira, Brazil

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the economic viability of an agrosilvipastoral system developed for Zona da Mata mountainous areas in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, as well as to compare different options for wood (Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium) commercialization of the second thinning. The data were obtained from a 10 year-old agrosilvipastoral system established in four hectares at Embrapa Gado de Leite station in Coronel Pacheco, MG, Brazil. As evaluation criteria for the economic viability analysis, the adopted methods were the net present value (NPV) and the internal rate of return (IRR), both calculated at 6% interest rate. Despite the small difference, adding value to forest products increased the attractiveness of the proposed system. Considered separately, the agricultural activity was impracticable, whereas the forestry and livestock activities were independently viable. The studied system seems to be equally tolerant to price variations for forest and livestock products, as well as strongly tolerant to variations in production costs

    System Size and Energy Dependence of Jet-Induced Hadron Pair Correlation Shapes in Cu+Cu and Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 and 62.4 GeV

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    We present azimuthal angle correlations of intermediate transverse momentum (1-4 GeV/c) hadrons from {dijets} in Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 62.4 and 200 GeV. The away-side dijet induced azimuthal correlation is broadened, non-Gaussian, and peaked away from \Delta\phi=\pi in central and semi-central collisions in all the systems. The broadening and peak location are found to depend upon the number of participants in the collision, but not on the collision energy or beam nuclei. These results are consistent with sound or shock wave models, but pose challenges to Cherenkov gluon radiation models.Comment: 464 authors from 60 institutions, 6 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to Physical Review Letters. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm