817 research outputs found

    Networks and interorganizational cooperation in nature tourism: a case study

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    This research aims in general conceptualize some of the factors that have implications and the level of business networks and interorganizational cooperation. As nature tourism characterized by being an activity that has highlighted its potential growth, which combined with the importance of networking and cooperation and partnership plays an important role as local and regional development strategy. The purpose of this research is essentially to develop a theoretical framework in order to match with different concepts and elements to explain and understand the phenomenon of partnerships in nature tourism.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of 2-butyl-cyanoacrylate adhesive in osteotomies and bone grafts in rabbits: macroscopic and radiographic characteristics

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of butyl-2-cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive in osteotomies and bone grafts, with regard to macroscopic and radiographic characteristics. METHODS: Forty-eight rabbits were used, randomly divided into four groups of 12 animals, with observation periods of two, four, eight and 16 weeks. Both thoracic limbs were operated in each animal and two osteotomies were performed in each of the radii, withdrawing a bone fragment (bone graft) of 1 cm in length. On one side, the bone graft was then replaced and a drop of adhesive was applied to each of the osteotomies. On the other side, the same procedure was performed without applying the adhesive. The rejection level for the nullity hypothesis was set at 0.05% or 5%. RESULTS: Blue marks were present in all the surgical specimens in which adhesive was applied. From the fourth week onwards, there was absence of movement of the bone grafts with adhesive and control. In group A, in the proximal osteotomies with adhesive, there was less deviation of the bone graft (p = 0.02). In group C, the union (p = 0.03) and the integration of the bone graft (p = 0.02) were better in the proximal osteotomies with adhesive. CONCLUSIONS: The adhesive was not completely metabolized within 16 weeks. There was clinical consolidation of the osteotomies within four weeks. The adhesive stabilized the bone graft within the first weeks and did not interfere with the consolidation of the osteotomies, or the integration of the bone graft in radiographic observations.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito do adesivo tecidual butil-2-cianoacrilato em osteotomias e enxerto ósseo (EO), sob o aspecto macroscópico e radiográfico. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 48 coelhos, divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos de 12 animais, com períodos de observação de duas, quatro, oito e 16 semanas. Foram operados os dois membros torácicos de cada animal e realizadas duas osteotomias em cada um dos rádios, com a retirada de um fragmento ósseo (EO) de 1cm de comprimento. De um lado foi recolocado o EO no local e aplicada uma gota do adesivo em cada uma das osteotomias. No outro lado, foi realizado o mesmo procedimento sem a aplicação do adesivo. Fixou-se em 0,05 ou 5% o nível de rejeição da hipótese de nulidade. RESULTADOS: Presença de marcas azuis em todas as peças cirúrgicas em que foi utilizado o adesivo. A partir da quarta semana, ausência de movimento dos EO com adesivo e controle. No grupo A, nas osteotomias proximais com adesivo, ocorreu menos desvio do EO (p = 0,02). No grupo C, a união (p = 0,03) e a integração do EO (p = 0,02) foram melhores nas osteotomias proximais com adesivo. CONCLUSÕES: O adesivo não foi totalmente metabolizado com 16 semanas. Há consolidação clínica das osteotomias em quatro semanas. O adesivo estabilizou o EO nas primeiras semanas e não interferiu na consolidação das osteotomias, assim como na integração dos EO a observação radiográfica.UNIVÁS FACIMPAUNIFESP Departamento de OrtopediaUNIFESP, Depto. de OrtopediaSciEL

    ¿Corrector o (re)productor de desigualdades?

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    Los estudios reunidos en este volumen fueron elaborados en el marco del seminario de investigación de la Maestría en Estudios Latinoamericanos Interdisciplinarios de la Freie Universität Berlin, titulado “Desigualdades Sociales, Derecho y Política”, dirigido por Sérgio Costa, Manuel Góngora Mera y Guilherme Leite Gonçalves entre abril de 2013 y marzo de 2014. Versiones preliminares de estos textos se presentaron en el taller “Derecho en América Latina: ¿corrector o (re)productor de desigualdades?”, el 14 y 15 de febrero de 2014 en el Lateinamerika-Institut de la Freie Universität Berlin. Los seis casos de estudio seleccionados analizan algunos de los límites del derecho para corregir significativamente ciertas desigualdades sociales en América Latina, pese a su potencial transformador. En particular, los casos ilustran restricciones en la corrección desigualdades étnicas, de género, de clase y por origen nacional

    Modelo para Avaliação de Riscos em Segurança de Barragens com associação de métodos de análise de decisão multicritério e Conjuntos Fuzzy

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2019.Esse trabalho objetiva modelar a análise de riscos em anomalias e patologias em barragens para prevenção de incidentes e acidentes que levem à ruptura com impacto danoso. Dessa forma por meio de análise documental identificaram-se as anomalias ou patologias em barragens advindas de modelos estabelecidos; também identificaram-se os fatores de risco associados a tais anomalias; categorizaram-se quanto à natureza do risco as barragens selecionadas por equipe de especialistas; e validaram-se os fatores de risco associados a essas por intermédio de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com os engenheiros responsáveis por sua segurança. Para tanto, a pesquisa documental ajudou a identificar os grandes grupos e os fatores de risco. A utilização de Método de Apoio Multicritério à Tomada de Decisão associado a regras Fuzzy apoiaram na categorização quanto a natureza do risco. Além disso, 57 engenheiros especialistas, responsáveis pela segurança das estruturas estudadas, foram entrevistados para que se pudessem validar os fatores de risco. O modelo desenvolvido permitiu a análise ampla do desempenho e da integridade das estruturas avaliadas, servindo de base para identificação de vulnerabilidades específicas, sendo os resultados apresentados para os cenários avaliados considerados conexos com as preferências dos especialistas e do decisor. Neles 26% das barragens estudadas posicionaram-se em categoria de grau de risco elevado, indicando necessidade de maior atenção em termos de conservação dessas estruturas, reforçando a necessidade de ações de controle e monitoramento.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).This work aims to model risk analysis of anomalies and pathologies in dams to prevent incidents and accidents that lead to rupture with harmful impact. Thus, through documental analysis, anomalies or pathologies in dams resulting from established models were identified; risk factors associated with such anomalies were also identified; the nature of the risk was categorized by the dams selected by a team of specialists; and the risk factors associated with these were validated through semi-structured interviews conducted with the engineers responsible for their safety. To this end, desk research helped identify the large groups and risk factors. The use of the Multicriteria Decision Support Method associated with Fuzzy rules supported the categorisation of the nature of the risk. In addition, 57 specialist engineers, responsible for the safety of the structures studied, were interviewed in order to validate the risk factors. The model developed allowed a broad analysis of the performance and integrity of the evaluated structures, serving as a basis for the identification of specific vulnerabilities, with the results presented for the evaluated scenarios considered related to the preferences of the specialists and the decision maker. In them, 26% of the dams studied were in a high-risk category, indicating the need for greater attention in terms of the conservation of these structures, reinforcing the need for control and monitoring actions

    The Implications of Closing Civic Space for Sustainable Development in Brazil

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    This report on Brazil is one of a set of four country case studies designed to study the implications of closing civic space for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The case study was commissioned in response to the wave of legal, administrative, political and informal means to restrict civic space and the activities of civil society actors in countries around the world in the past decade. Based on a literature review and conceptual framework developed for the study (see also Hossain et al 2018), the report documents how changing civic space in Brazil, a country characterized as a competitive developmental state at the outset of the period analysed, has impacted on development outcomes, with a focus on specific Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) outcomes including poverty, hunger, inequality and the preservation of biodiversity and water resources. The study found that: Almost three decades of imperfect and unequal democracy in Brazil saw a flourishing of civil society engagement with state poverty and development policies, particularly under the Workers’ Party government of 2003-2016. Inequalities declined and the poorest and most marginalized saw relatively rapid development gains. Brazil also played an international role in influencing development policies beyond the country’s borders and shaping the SDG agenda in the wake of the 2012 Rio+20 summit; Since the economic and political crisis surrounding the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff in 2016, there have been signs of rapid reversal. Backed by the increasingly powerful rural caucus, which represents groups with interests in land and natural resources in Congress, there has been a rise in attacks on and criminalization of agrarian movements, organisations and their leaders. Hundreds of activists and rights defenders have been killed since 2016. There are now fears that the situation will worsen still further under the government of the extreme right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro, elected in October 2018; The crackdown on Brazil’s civil society disproportionately affects four million members of the ‘traditional peoples and communities’ (PCTs), the majority of the country’s rural poor and a significant proportion of all Brazilians living in poverty. PCTs are communities, often of indigenous and/or African descent, whose livelihood systems depend on collective management of diverse landscapes. These groups won significant government recognition and some strengthening of their rights over land during the Workers’ Party government, but progress has slowed, and in some instances reversed, since the 2016 impeachment; SDGs 1 and 2 (ending poverty and zero hunger) are particularly likely to be affected through changes in key participation spaces and policies (including land titling, cash transfers and food purchase programmes) with which civil society organisations have engaged in the past; SDG 10 (reduced inequalities) is affected, as organized civil society has been fundamental for giving visibility and promoting inclusion of PCTs and other marginalised rural populations in the Brazilian citizenship and social justice agenda. In the current climate of impunity for attacks on rural activism, the study examines the establishment of the National Council for Traditional Peoples and Communities (CNPCT), and the role of social movements and NGO allies in resisting pressure on PCT territories from agribusiness and extractive industries and attacks on rights defenders; SDG 6 (water and sanitation) and SDG 15 (life on land) are also being affected, substantially because the protection of PCT and other rural territories is not only of fundamental importance for human rights, but also for environmental goals. Civil society organizations, working with PCT groups and movements, have a key role to play in Brazil’s efforts to improve water management and halt biodiversity loss

    Sobre o (des)uso de exercícios na técnica pianística

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    A inexistência de unanimidade entre os pianistas/pedagogos, em relação ao processo de aprendizagem da técnica pianística, foi desde sempre um ponto sensível no universo do piano. Se numa fase inicial da criação do instrumento a prática de exercícios era aprovada pela grande maioria, à medida que a didática foi evoluindo e o conhecimento do funcionamento anatómico foi sendo integrado, aumentaram também as discrepâncias sobre a sua aplicação. Este estudo incorpora o debate das principais ideias existentes sobre o assunto, distribuídas em duas partes: na primeira parte estão compreendidos os aspetos relacionados com as vertentes artística e pedagógica, e na segunda parte estão contidas as perspetivas anatómica e fisiológica. No corpo da pesquisa, com a apresentação dos diferentes argumentos, são também expostos alguns exercícios/sistemas técnicos menos conhecidos, e ainda comportamentos a adotar para a prevenção de lesões.The lack of consensus among pianists/teachers, regarding the process of learning piano technique, has always been a sensitive point in the piano universe. If at an early stage of the instrument creation the practice of exercises was approved by the great majority, as the didactic evolved and the anatomical knowledge was being integrated, the divergences on its application increased. This study incorporates the existing debate of the main ideas on the subject, divided into two parts: in the first part are included the aspects related to the artistic and pedagogical strands, and in the second part the anatomical and physiological perspectives. In the body of research, with the presentation of the different arguments, are also presented some less known exercises/technical systems, as well as measures to adopt in order to prevent injuries

    Technology parks strategic capacity evaluation structure: a framework proposal for implementation in Latin America

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    AbstractThis study's relevance contributes in an unprecedented manner with a proposal to investigate the strategic capacity evaluation structure of Technological Parks in Latin America. This way, the following research question emerged: how to evaluate the strategic capability of the Technological Parks in Latin America? This study's objective is to present a framework proposal for review of the Strategic Capacity of Technological Parks in Latin America. The methodology used in this study is classified, by the objective, as exploratory and the technical procedure used was the literature review. The research approach used was qualitative and quantitative. As a research result, a 4 dimensions ensemble (Infrastructure, Scenarios, Corporate Governance and Strategic Performance) composed of 31 indicators that can corroborate with the TPs in Latin America was identified, after the MACBETH method application with survey data applied to 10 major decision makers of TPs in Latin America. The proposed index can serve as a comparative evaluation between several Latin America TPs. Further research suggestions are larger exploration of the theoretical references cited and field research framework validation in other continents


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    This study relevance contributes an unprecedented manner with a proposal to investigate the strategic capacity evaluation structure of TPs in Latin America. This way, the following research question emerged: how to evaluate the strategic capability of the TPs in Latin America? This study objective is to present a framework proposal for review of the Strategic Capacity of Technological Parks in Latin America. The methodology used in this study is classified, by the objective, as exploratory and the technical procedure used was the literature review. The research approach used was qualitative and quantitative. As a research result, a 4 dimensions ensemble (Infrastructure, Scenarios, Corporate Governance and Strategic Performance) composed of 31 indicators that can corroborate with the TPs in Latin America was identified, after the MACBETH method application withsurvey dataapplied to10major decision makersof TPsin Latin America.The proposed index can serve as a comparative evaluation between several Latin America TPs. As further research suggestions, are larger exploration of the theoretical references cited and field research framework validation in others continents