3,018 research outputs found

    Bryophytes from Jalapão, state of Tocantins, northern Brazil

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    Although occupying almost half the area of Brazil, the northern region of the country remains poorly known bryologically. In an attempt to help remedy this problem, a collecting trip was made to Jalapão Desert, located in the state of Tocantins. A total of 22 taxa were found, 21 are new occurrences to the state and three are new to the northern region of Brazil. Bryum caespiticium Hedw. is listed for the second time from Brazil. A list of the taxa with references of descriptions and illustrations are provided.Embora ocupe quase metade da área do pais, a região norte do Brasil, continua sendo pouco conhecida do ponto de vista briológico. A fim de contribuir com o conhecimento sobre a brioflora da area, uma viajem de coleta foi feita a região do Jalapão, localizado no estado do Tocantins. Um total de 22 taxa foram encontrados, 21 novas ocorrências para o estado e três novas para a região norte. Bryum caespiticium Hedw. é citado pela segunda vez para o Brasil. É fornecida uma lista dos taxa com referências de descrições e ilustrações

    Legal Solutions for Doing Business in a Hyperinflationary Jurisdiction: Brazil 1989

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    Satisfaction and motivation: a study with servers from the traffic department of Federal District in Brasil

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    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es investigar empíricamente la satisfacción ymotivación en el trabajo de los empleados de la Secretaría de Tránsito del Distrito Federal –DETRAN, en Brasilia, Brasil, cuyo análisis pretende identificar qué tan satisfechos están losempleados con el desempeño de sus funciones. en el ambiente de trabajo. Para ello, se utilizóuna investigación descriptiva cuantitativa, y para la recolección de datos, se utilizó la Escalade Satisfacción Laboral Reducida (EST), desarrollada en Brasil, validada por Siqueira (2008)y un cuestionario factorial tetra, elaborado por Ferreira et al. (2006). Participaron en el cargoefectivo 123 funcionarios del estudio del total de 1.125. Los resultados mostraron que, aunque ladimensión satisfacción con el jefe ha alcanzado el promedio más alto, los servidores se sientenindiferentes, y el factor motivacional que más influye en los servidores públicos se refiere a la motivación por el logro y el poder. En relación a los factores motivacionales, los empleadosse sienten indiferentes en cuanto a la motivación por el desempeño, logro e involucramiento,además, los factores en relación a la organización no influyen en la motivación del trabajo. Estainvestigación contribuye como propuesta para mejorar la calidad de vida, para que la agenciadesarrolle políticas que posibiliten la satisfacción con los salarios y promociones, así como lamotivación en cuanto a la organización del trabajo. El resultado de esta investigación podrácontribuir a un análisis del sentimiento y percepción de los empleados del DETRAN - DF, y lafutura toma de decisiones en la planificación organizacional.  The main objective of the present work is to empirically investigate the satisfaction andmotivation at work of the employees of the Traffic Department of the Federal District -DETRAN, in Brasilia, Brazil, whose analysis aims to identify how satisfied the employeesare with the performance of their duties in the work environment. For this, a quantitativedescriptive research was used, and for data collection, the Reduced Work Satisfaction Scale(EST) was used, which was developed in Brazil, validated by Siqueira (2008) and a factorialtetra questionnaire, prepared by Ferreira et al. (2006). 123 civil servants in the study participatedin the effective position of the total of 1,125. The results showed that although the dimensionsatisfaction with the head has reached the highest average, the servants feel indifferent, and themotivational factor that has the greatest influence on civil servants concerns the motivation forachievement and power. In relation to motivational factors, employees feel indifferent as to themotivation for performance, achievement and involvement, in addition, the factors in relationto the organization do not influence the motivation of the work. This research contributesas a proposal to improve the quality of life, so that the agency develops policies that enablesatisfaction with wages and promotions, as well as motivation regarding the organization ofwork. The result of this research may contribute to an analysis of the feeling and perception ofDETRAN - DF employees, and future decision making in organizational planning

    Legal Solutions for Doing Business in a Hyperinflationary Jurisdiction: Brazil 1989

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    The outcome of Brazilian innovation system development over time and its next steps to a knowledge-based economy.

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    This paper will provide different analysis over the Brazilian innovation system, on how it has developed over time, the key features in the system and the next steps in development. In order to better explain the evolution and to evaluate the system, the author will provide systematic, functional, economic, historic and international analysis, based on frameworks proposed by academics in the innovation systems field to create a complete and direct evaluation

    Networks and interorganizational cooperation in nature tourism: a case study

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    This research aims in general conceptualize some of the factors that have implications and the level of business networks and interorganizational cooperation. As nature tourism characterized by being an activity that has highlighted its potential growth, which combined with the importance of networking and cooperation and partnership plays an important role as local and regional development strategy. The purpose of this research is essentially to develop a theoretical framework in order to match with different concepts and elements to explain and understand the phenomenon of partnerships in nature tourism.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A (i)mobilidade como reflexo das desigualdades no espaço urbano

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    O tema mobilidade urbana tem ganhadorepercussão. Geralmente a questão é abordada como um problema em si, não como resultado de um processo social que reflete diversos fatores, interesses e correlações de forças no espaço urbano. O artigo objetivaa investigação das dinâmicas urbanas evidenciadas nos deslocamentos, através da análise da mobilidade eda inserção urbana dos empreendimentos do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida na área conurbada de Florianópolis-SC.Conclui-se que a mobilidade urbana é indissociável das diversas outras questões urbanas e sociaise que o processo de espraiamento urbano na área continental vem sendo fortalecido pelosconjuntos MCMV. Apesar de o programa habitacional ter tido êxito em muitos aspectos, a inserção dos empreendimentos nãovem acompanhada de infraestruturas adequadas de transportes, serviços e atrativos urbanos, que aliado a incentivos governamentais à indústria automobilística, induz a uma dependência aos transportes individuais motorizados, com impactos em toda a região.The urban mobility theme has had repercussions. Usually the issue is addressed as a problem in itself, not as a result of a social process that reflects several factors, interests and correlations of forces in urban space. The article aims to investigate the urban dynamics evidenced in displacements through the mobility analysis and urban integration of the developments of the Minha Casa Minha Vida Program in metropolitan area of Florianópolis-SC. It is concluded that urban mobility is inseparable from many other urban and social issues and the urban sprawl process in the continental area has been strengthened by housing developments. Although the housing program having been successful in various aspects, the insertion of the projects is not accompanied by adequate transport infrastructure, services and urban attractions, which combined with government incentives to the automotive industry, leads to a dependence on individual motorized transport, with impacts throughout the region
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