458 research outputs found

    La sculpture africaine

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    Cette causerie inĂ©dite de Michel Leiris est la deuxiĂšme des trois confĂ©rences qu’il a prononcĂ©es lors d’une mission en HaĂŻti qui se dĂ©roula du 24 septembre au 28 octobre 1948 en compagnie d’Alfred MĂ©traux et d’Yvonne Oddon, la bibliothĂ©caire du MusĂ©e de l’Homme. C’est au cours de cette mission qu’il enquĂȘta, avec MĂ©traux, sur le vaudou et rĂ©activa, en procĂ©dant de maniĂšre comparative, les matĂ©riaux qu’il avait recueillis en 1932 sur le zar Ă©thiopien, faisant valoir les aspects thĂ©Ăątraux que, ..

    Sacrifice d’un taureau

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    Les lignes qui suivent sont extraites, presque sans remaniements, des carnets que j’ai tenus durant un sĂ©jour effectuĂ© en HaĂŻti, du 24 septembre au 26 octobre 1948, comme chargĂ© de mission du ministĂšre des Affaires Ă©trangĂšres (service des Relations culturelles) dans le cadre de l’activitĂ© de l’Institut français dirigĂ© Ă  Port-au-Prince par M. Simon Lando. Que mes amis Alfred MĂ©traux, du DĂ©partement des sciences sociales Ă  l’Unesco, et Mme Odette Mennesson-Rigaud trouvent ici mes remerciements ..

    O sagrado na vida cotidiana

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    Procesos de bienestar social para los colaboradores de la CorporaciĂłn Colegio Latinoamericano, desde talento humano en el desarrollo del programa salud ocupacional. Cartagena de Indias 2009

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    Un informe de gestiĂłn se realiza con el fin de dar a conocer el conjunto de acciones que se realizaron en un lapso de tiempo determinando para atender una problemĂĄtica en una poblaciĂłn o situaciĂłn especĂ­fica. Se convierte en una actividad de suma importancia porque por medio de Ă©ste se recoge o resume la gestiĂłn realizada de una forma organizada y coherente por tanto se convierte en referencia de una experiencia de trabajo, para la universidad en el sentido de divulgar la pertinencia de la intervenciĂłn desde programas o proyectos de bienestar social gerenciados desde Talento Humano para potenciar este. AdemĂĄs es para la instituciĂłn receptora de vital importancia ya que se evidencia la puesta en prĂĄctica de los fundamentos teĂłricos conceptuales desarrollados, que dan cuenta de los conocimientos y experiencia profesional en el logro de las metas del programa, en este caso, de Salud ocupacional en la CorporaciĂłn Colegio Latinoamericano.Incluye bibliografĂ­

    A Case of Cultural Misunderstanding: French Anthropology in a comparative perspective

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    This paper offers a study of French anthropological tradition in a comparative perspective. It focuses on French anthropologists’ writing practices and, in particular, on a strikingly recurrent phenomenon: that French ethnographers, in addition to their scholarly work, often write a ‘second book,’ a literary account of their experience in the field. The study of the divide between these two books allows for a comparison with other national anthropological traditions, particularly the American one. It sheds light on some difficulties in cultural and intellectual translation between national traditions in social sciences

    Chemical Optimization of Selective Pseudomonas aeruginosa LasB Elastase Inhibitors and Their Impact on LasB-Mediated Activation of IL-1ÎČ in Cellular and Animal Infection Models

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    LasB elastase is a broad-spectrum exoprotease and a key virulence factor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a major pathogen causing lung damage and inflammation in acute and chronic respiratory infections. Here, we describe the chemical optimization of specific LasB inhibitors with druglike properties and investigate their impact in cellular and animal models of P. aeruginosa infection. Competitive inhibition of LasB was demonstrated through structural and kinetic studies. In vitro LasB inhibition was confirmed with respect to several host target proteins, namely, elastin, IgG, and pro-IL-1 beta. Furthermore, inhibition of LasBmediated IL-1 beta activation was demonstrated in macrophage and mouse lung infection models. In mice, intravenous administration of inhibitors also resulted in reduced bacterial numbers at 24 h. These highly potent, selective, and soluble LasB inhibitors constitute valuable tools to study the proinflammatory impact of LasB in P. aeruginosa infections and, most importantly, show clear potential for the clinical development of a novel therapy for life-threatening respiratory infections caused by this opportunistic pathogen
