2,204 research outputs found

    Three-Dimensional Imaging of Magnetic Domains with Neutron Grating Interferometry

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    This paper gives a brief overview on3D imaging of magnetic domains with shearing grating neutron tomography. We investigated the three-dimensional distribution of magnetic domain walls in the bulk of a wedge-shaped FeSi single crystal. The width of the magnetic domains wasanalyzed at different locations within the crystal. Magnetic domains close to the tip of the wedge are much smaller than in the bulk. Furthermore, the three-dimensional shape of individual domains wasinvestigated. We discuss prospects and limitations of the applied measurement technique

    Rare earth contributions to the X-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Co K edge in rare earth-cobalt compounds investigated by multiple-scattering calculations

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    The X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) has been measured at the Co K edge in Co-hcp and R-Co compounds (R=La, Tb, Dy). The structure of the experimental XMCD spectra in the near-edge region has been observed to be highly sensitive to the magnetic environment of the absorbing site. Calculations of the XMCD have been carried out at the Co K edge in Co metal, LaCo5_5 and TbCo5_5 within the multiple-scattering framework including the spin-orbit coupling. In the three systems, the XMCD spectra in the near-edge region are well reproduced. The possibility to separate and quantitatively estimate the local effects from those due to the neighboring atoms in the XMCD cross section makes possible a more physical understanding of the spectra. The present results emphasize the major role played by the dd states of the Tb ions in the XMCD spectrum at the Co K edge in the TbCo5_5 compound.Comment: 34 pages, revtex, 10 eps figures included with epsf, after referee revie

    Hidden Patterns of Anti-HLA Class I Alloreactivity Revealed Through Machine Learning

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    Detection of alloreactive anti-HLA antibodies is a frequent and mandatory test before and after organ transplantation to determine the antigenic targets of the antibodies. Nowadays, this test involves the measurement of fluorescent signals generated through antibody–antigen reactions on multi-beads flow cytometers. In this study, in a cohort of 1,066 patients from one country, anti-HLA class I responses were analyzed on a panel of 98 different antigens. Knowing that the immune system responds typically to “shared” antigenic targets, we studied the clustering patterns of antibody responses against HLA class I antigens without any a priori hypothesis, applying two unsupervised machine learning approaches. At first, the principal component analysis (PCA) projections of intralocus specific responses showed that anti-HLA-A and anti-HLA-C were the most distantly projected responses in the population with the anti-HLA-B responses to be projected between them. When PCA was applied on the responses against antigens belonging to a single locus, some already known groupings were confirmed while several new crossreactive patterns of alloreactivity were detected. Anti-HLA-A responses projected through PCA suggested that three cross-reactive groups accounted for about 70% of the variance observed in the population, while anti-HLA-B responses were mainly characterized by a distinction between previously described Bw4 and Bw6 cross-reactive groups followed by several yet undocumented or poorly described ones. Furthermore, anti-HLA-C responses could be explained by two major cross-reactive groups completely overlapping with previously described C1 and C2 allelic groups. A second featurebased analysis of all antigenic specificities, projected as a dendrogram, generated a robust measure of allelic antigenic distances depicting bead-array defined cross reactive groups. Finally, amino acid combinations explaining major population specific crossreactive groups were described. The interpretation of the results was based on the current knowledge of the antigenic targets of the antibodies as they have been characterized either experimentally or computationally and appear at the HLA epitope registry

    Patterns of 1,748 Unique Human Alloimmune Responses Seen by Simple Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Allele specific antibody response against the polymorphic system of HLA is the allogeneic response marker determining the immunological risk for graft acceptance before and after organ transplantation and therefore routinely studied during the patient’s workup. Experimentally, bead bound antigen- antibody reactions are detected using a special multicolor flow cytometer (Luminex). Routinely for each sample, antibody responses against 96 different HLA antigen groups are measured simultaneously and a 96-dimensional immune response vector is created. Under a common experimental protocol, using unsupervised clustering algorithms, we analyzed these immune intensity vectors of anti HLA class II responses from a dataset of 1,748 patients before or after renal transplantation residing in a single country. Each patient contributes only one serum sample in the analysis. A population view of linear correlations of hierarchically ordered fluorescence intensities reveals patterns in human immune responses with striking similarities with the previously described CREGs but also brings new information on the antigenic properties of class II HLA molecules. The same analysis affirms that “public” anti-DP antigenic responses are not correlated to anti DR and anti DQ responses which tend to cluster together. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) projections also demonstrate ordering patterns clearly differentiating anti DP responses from anti DR and DQ on several orthogonal planes. We conclude that a computer vision of human alloresponse by use of several dimensionality reduction algorithms rediscovers proven patterns of immune reactivity without any a priori assumption and might prove helpful for a more accurate definition of public immunogenic antigenic structures of HLA molecules. Furthermore, the use of Eigen decomposition on the Immune Response generates new hypotheses that may guide the design of more effective patient monitoring tests

    Positive pion absorption on 3He using modern trinucleon wave functions

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    We study pion absorption on 3He employing trinucleon wave functions calculated from modern realistic NN interactions (Paris, CD Bonn). Even though the use of the new wave functions leads to a significant improvement over older calculations with regard to both cross section and polarization data, there are hints that polarization data with quasifree kinematics cannot be described by just two-nucleon absorption mechanisms.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    A complementary neutron and anomalous x-ray diffraction study

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    Distinguishing the scattering contributions of isoelectronic atomic species by means of conventional x-ray- and/or electron diffraction techniques is a difficult task. Such a problem occurs when determining the crystal structure of compounds containing different types of atoms with equal number of electrons. We propose a new structural model of Cu(InxGa1−x)3Se5 which is valid for the entire compositional range of the CuIn3Se5–CuGa3Se5 solid solution. Our model is based on neutron and anomalous x-ray diffraction experiments. These complementary techniques allow the separation of scattering contributions of the isoelectronic species Cu+ and Ga3+, contributing nearly identically in monoenergetic x-ray diffraction experiments. We have found that CuIII3Se5 (III=In,Ga) in its room temperature near-equilibrium modification exhibits a modified stannite structure (space group I4¯2m). Different occupation factors of the species involved, Cu+, In3+, Ga3+, and vacancies have been found at three different cationic positions of the structure (Wyckoff sites 2a, 2b, and 4d) depending on the composition of the compound. Significantly, Cu+ does not occupy the 2b site for the In-free compound, but does for the In-containing case. Structural parameters, including lattice constants, tetragonal distortions, and occupation factors are given for samples covering the entire range of the CuIn3Se5–CuGa3Se5 solid solution. At the light of the result, the denotation of Cu-poor 1:3:5 compounds as chalcopyrite-related materials is only valid in reference to their composition

    Аналітичне дослідження перспективи процесів автоматизації прийому, оцінки якості та закладання зерна на зернопереробних підприємствах

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    Поширення засобів і схем автоматизації технологічних процесів, таких як управління і контроль маршрутів переміщення зернових продуктів по виробничим дільницям, контроль терміну роботи кожної технологічної зв‘язки машин і обладнання, отримання відгуку по реальним параметрам, що відбуваються всередині технологічного комплексу, змушує розглядати актуальні проблемні питання оптимізації

    Intermixing at the heterointerface between ZnS Zn S,O bilayer buffer and CuInS2 thin film solar cell absorber

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    The application of Zn compounds as buffer layers was recently extended to wide gap CuInS2 CIS based thin film solar cells. Using a new chemical deposition route for the buffer preparation aiming at the deposition of a single layer, nominal ZnS buffer without the need for any toxic reactants such as, e.g. hydrazine has helped to achieve a similar efficiency as respective CdS buffered reference devices. After identifying the deposited Zn compound, as ZnS Zn S,O bi layer buffer in former investigations [M. Bär, A. Ennaoui, J. Klaer, T. Kropp, R. S ez Araoz, N. Allsop, I. Lauermann, H. W. Schock, and M.C. Lux Steiner, Formation of a ZnS Zn S,O bilayer buffer on CuInS2 thin film solar cell absorbers by chemical bath deposition , J. Appl. Phys., accepted.], this time the focus lies on potential diffusion intermixing processes at the buffer absorber interface possibly, clarifying the effect of the heat treatment, which drastically enhances the device performance of respective final solar cells. The interface formation was investigated by x ray photoelectron and x ray excited Auger electron spectroscopy. In addition, photoelectron spectroscopy PES measurements were also conducted using tuneable monochromatized synchrotron radiation in order to gain depth resolved information. The buffer side of the buffer absorber heterointerface were investigated by means of the characterization of Zn S,O ZnS CIS structures where the ZnS Zn S,O bi layer buffer was deposited successively by different deposition times. In order to make the in terms of PES information depth deeply buried absorber side of the buffer absorber heterointerface accessible for characterization, in these cases the buffer layer was etched away by dilute HClaq. We found that while out leached Cu from the absorber layer forms together with the educts in the chemical bath a Zn 1 Z ,Cu2Z S like interlayer between buffer and absorber, Zn is incorporated in the uppermost region of the absorber. Both effects are strongly enhanced by postannealing the Zn S,O ZnS CIS samples. However, it was determined that the major fraction of the Cu and Zn can be found quite close to the heterointerface in the buffer and absorber layer, respectively. Due to this limited in the range of one monolayer spatial extent, these diffusion mechanisms were rather interpreted as a CBD induced and heat treatment promoted Cu Zn ion exchange at the buffer absorber interface. Possible impacts of this intermixing on the performance of the final solar cell devices will also be discusse

    Branch&Rank for Efficient Object Detection

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    Ranking hypothesis sets is a powerful concept for efficient object detection. In this work, we propose a branch&rank scheme that detects objects with often less than 100 ranking operations. This efficiency enables the use of strong and also costly classifiers like non-linear SVMs with RBF-χ2 kernels. We thereby relieve an inherent limitation of branch&bound methods as bounds are often not tight enough to be effective in practice. Our approach features three key components: a ranking function that operates on sets of hypotheses and a grouping of these into different tasks. Detection efficiency results from adaptively sub-dividing the object search space into decreasingly smaller sets. This is inherited from branch&bound, while the ranking function supersedes a tight bound which is often unavailable (except for rather limited function classes). The grouping makes the system effective: it separates image classification from object recognition, yet combines them in a single formulation, phrased as a structured SVM problem. A novel aspect of branch&rank is that a better ranking function is expected to decrease the number of classifier calls during detection. We use the VOC’07 dataset to demonstrate the algorithmic properties of branch&rank.ISSN:0920-5691ISSN:1573-140