33 research outputs found

    Comparative study of MRI biomarkers in the substantia nigra to discriminate idiopathic Parkinson disease

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Several new MR imaging techniques have shown promising results in patients with Parkinson disease; however, the comparative diagnostic values of these measures at the individual level remain unclear. Our aim was to compare the diagnostic value of MR imaging biomarkers of substantia nigra damage for distinguishing patients with Parkinson disease from healthy volunteers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-six patients and 20 healthy volunteers were prospectively included. The MR imaging protocol at 3T included 3D T2-weighted and T1-weighted neuromelanin-sensitive images, diffusion tensor images, and R2* mapping. T2* high-resolution images were also acquired at 7T to evaluate the dorsal nigral hyperintensity sign. Quantitative analysis was performed using ROIs in the substantia nigra drawn manually around the area of high signal intensity on neuromelanin-sensitive images and T2-weighted images. Visual analysis of the substantia nigra neuromelanin-sensitive signal intensity and the dorsolateral nigral hyperintensity on T2* images was performed. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in the neuromelanin-sensitive volume and signal intensity in patients with Parkinson disease. There was also a significant decrease in fractional anisotropy and an increase in mean, axial, and radial diffusivity in the neuromelanin-sensitive substantia nigra at 3T and a decrease in substantia nigra volume on T2* images. The combination of substantia nigra volume, signal intensity, and fractional anisotropy in the neuromelanin-sensitive substantia nigra allowed excellent diagnostic accuracy (0.93). Visual assessment of both substantia nigra dorsolateral hyperintensity and neuromelanin-sensitive images had good diagnostic accuracy (0.91 and 0.86, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The combination of neuromelanin signal and volume changes with fractional anisotropy measurements in the substantia nigra showed excellent diagnostic accuracy. Moreover, the high diagnostic accuracy of visual assessment of substantia nigra changes using dorsolateral hyperintensity analysis or neuromelanin-sensitive signal changes indicates that these techniques are promising for clinical practice

    Relations between C9orf72 expansion size in blood, age at onset, age at collection and transmission across generations in patients and presymptomatic carriers

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    A (GGGGCC) n repeat expansion in C9orf72 gene is the major cause of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The relations between the repeats size and the age at disease onset (AO) or the clinical phenotype (FTD vs. ALS) were investigated in 125 FTD, ALS, and presymptomatic carriers. Positive correlations were found between repeats number and the AO (p < 10 e−4 ) but our results suggested that the association was mainly driven by age at collection (p < 10 e−4 ). A weaker association was observed with clinical presentation (p = 0.02), which became nonsignificant after adjustment for the age at collection in each group. Importantly, repeats number variably expanded or contracted over time in carriers with multiple blood samples, as well as through generations in parent-offspring pairs, conversely to what occurs in several expansion diseases with anticipation at the molecular level. Finally, this study establishes that measure of repeats number in lymphocytes is not a reliable biomarker predictive of the AO or disease outcome in C9orf72 long expansion carriers

    Stereological Analysis of Neuron, Glial and Endothelial Cell Numbers in the Human Amygdaloid Complex

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    Cell number alterations in the amygdaloid complex (AC) might coincide with neurological and psychiatric pathologies with anxiety imbalances as well as with changes in brain functionality during aging. This stereological study focused on estimating, in samples from 7 control individuals aged 20 to 75 years old, the number and density of neurons, glia and endothelial cells in the entire AC and in its 5 nuclear groups (including the basolateral (BL), corticomedial and central groups), 5 nuclei and 13 nuclear subdivisions. The volume and total cell number in these territories were determined on Nissl-stained sections with the Cavalieri principle and the optical fractionator. The AC mean volume was 956 mm3 and mean cell numbers (x106) were: 15.3 neurons, 60 glial cells and 16.8 endothelial cells. The numbers of endothelial cells and neurons were similar in each AC region and were one fourth the number of glial cells. Analysis of the influence of the individuals’ age at death on volume, cell number and density in each of these 24 AC regions suggested that aging does not affect regional size or the amount of glial cells, but that neuron and endothelial cell numbers respectively tended to decrease and increase in territories such as AC or BL. These accurate stereological measures of volume and total cell numbers and densities in the AC of control individuals could serve as appropriate reference values to evaluate subtle alterations in this structure in pathological conditions

    Aptamarker prediction of brain amyloid-β status in cognitively normal individuals at risk for Alzheimer’s disease

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    The traditional approach to biomarker discovery for any pathology has been through hypothesis-based research one candidate at a time. The objective of this study was to develop an agnostic approach for the simultaneous screening of plasma for consistent molecular differences between a group of individuals exhibiting a pathology and a group of healthy individuals. To achieve this, we focused on developing a predictive tool based on plasma for the amount of brain amyloid-β deposition as observed in PET scans. The accumulation of brain amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques is a key risk factor for the development of Alzheimer’s disease. A contrast was established between cognitively normal individuals above the age of 70 that differed for the amount of brain amyloid-β observed in PET scans (INSIGHT study group). Positive selection was performed against a pool of plasma from individuals with high brain amyloid and negative selection against a pool of plasma from individuals with low brain amyloid This enriched, selected library was then applied to plasma samples from 11 individuals with high levels of brain amyloid and 11 individuals with low levels of brain Aβ accumulation. Each of these individually selected libraries was then characterized by next generation sequencing, and the relative frequency of 10,000 aptamer sequences that were observed in each selection was screened for ability to explain variation in brain amyloid using sparse partial least squares discriminant analysis. From this analysis a subset of 44 aptamers was defined, and the individual aptamers were synthesized. This subset was applied to plasma samples from 70 cognitively normal individuals all above the age of 70 that differed for brain amyloid deposition. 54 individuals were used as a training set, and 15 as a test set. Three of the 15 individuals in the test set were mis-classified resulting in an overall accuracy of 80% with 86% sensitivity and 75% specificity. The aptamers included in the subset serve directly as biomarkers, thus we have named them Aptamarkers. There are two potential applications of these results: extending the predictive capacity of these aptamers across a broader range of individuals, and/or using the individual aptamers to identify targets through covariance analysis and reverse omics approaches. We are currently expanding applications of the Aptamarker platform to other diseases and target matrices. © 2021 Penner et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    nTMS-Based DTI Fiber Tracking of Motor Pathways

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    none4noDiffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) fiber tracking allows for a tridimensional reconstruc-tion of main white matter fascicles, including the corticospinal tract (CST). Neverthe-less, standard DTI fiber tracking (DTI-FT) is limited by the fact that is based on the selection of anatomical landmarks as seeding region of interests (ROIs) for tract com-putation. This reduces the reliability and reproducibility of DTI-FT results, especially in brain tumor patients, in which the neural plasticity induced by the tumor itself causes a reorganization of the motor network resulting in a mismatch between ana-tomical and functional landmarks. Navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS) provides a reliable mapping of the functional organization of the motor cortex that can be successfully used as seeding ROI for the DTI computation of the CST, im-proving the reliability and accuracy of the DTI-FT of the CST as compared to the standard DTI technique. Moreover, it provides the somatotopic organization of the CST, especially improving the visualization of fiber bundles connected to the motor cortical representation of arm and face muscles.mixedRaffa Giovanni; Raffa, Giovanni; Scibilia, Antonino; Germanò, Antonino; Conti, AlfredoRaffa Giovanni; Raffa, Giovanni; Scibilia, Antonino; Germanò, Antonino; Conti, Alfred

    Relations between C9orf72 expansion size in blood, age at onset, age at collection and transmission across generations in patients and presymptomatic carriers

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    A (GGGGCC) n repeat expansion in C9orf72 gene is the major cause of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The relations between the repeats size and the age at disease onset (AO) or the clinical phenotype (FTD vs. ALS) were investigated in 125 FTD, ALS, and presymptomatic carriers. Positive correlations were found between repeats number and the AO (p < 10 e−4 ) but our results suggested that the association was mainly driven by age at collection (p < 10 e−4 ). A weaker association was observed with clinical presentation (p = 0.02), which became nonsignificant after adjustment for the age at collection in each group. Importantly, repeats number variably expanded or contracted over time in carriers with multiple blood samples, as well as through generations in parent-offspring pairs, conversely to what occurs in several expansion diseases with anticipation at the molecular level. Finally, this study establishes that measure of repeats number in lymphocytes is not a reliable biomarker predictive of the AO or disease outcome in C9orf72 long expansion carriers