13 research outputs found

    A hypomyelinating leukodystrophy in German Shepherd dogs

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    Background Shaking puppy syndrome is commonly attributed to abnormal myelination of the central nervous system. Hypothesis/Objectives To report the long-term clinical course and the imaging characteristics of hypomyelinating leukodystrophy in German Shepherd dogs. Animals and Methods Three related litters with 11 affected dogs. Results The 11 affected dogs experienced coarse, side-to-side tremors of the head and trunk, which interfered with normal goal-oriented movements and disappeared at rest. Signs were noticed shortly after birth. Nine dogs were euthanized, 3 dogs underwent pathological examination, and 2 littermates were raised by their breeder. Tremors improved gradually until 6 to 7 months of age. Adult dogs walked with severe residual pelvic limb ataxia. One dog developed epilepsy with tonic-clonic seizures at 15 months of age. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) disclosed homogenous hyperintense signal of the entire subcortical white matter in 3 affected 7-week-old dogs and a hypointense signal in a presumably unaffected littermate. Subcortical white matter appeared isointense to gray matter at 15 and 27 weeks of age on repeated MRI. Abnormal white matter signal with failure to display normal gray-white matter contrast persisted into adulthood. Cerebellar arbor vitae was not visible at any time point. Clinical signs, MRI findings, and pathological examinations were indicative of a hypomyelinating leukodystrophy. All parents of the affected litters shared a common ancestor and relatedness of the puppies suggested an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Conclusion We describe a novel hypomyelinating leukodystrophy in German Shepherd dogs with a suspected inherited origin.Peer reviewe

    Generalized myoclonic epilepsy with photosensitivity in juvenile dogs caused by a defective DIRAS family GTPase 1

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    The clinical and electroencephalographic features of a canine generalized myoclonic epilepsy with photosensitivity and onset in young Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs (6 wk to 18 mo) are described. A fully penetrant recessive 4-bp deletion was identified in the DIRAS family GTPase 1 (DIRAS1) gene with an altered expression pattern of DIRAS1 protein in the affected brain. This neuronal DIRAS1 gene with a proposed role in cholinergic transmission provides not only a candidate for human myoclonic epilepsy but also insights into the disease etiology, while establishing a spontaneous model for future intervention studies and functional characterization

    Psychometric properties of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Abuse Short Form (ACE-ASF) among Romanian high school students

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    Objective: Child abuse is a major public health problem. In order to establish the prevalence of abuse exposure among children, measures need to be age appropriate, sensitive, reliable and valid. This study aimed to investigate the psychometric properties of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire Abuse Short Form (ACE-ASF). Methods: The ACE-ASF is an 8-item retrospective self-report questionnaire measuring lifetime physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Data from a nationally representative sample of 15-year-old school-going adolescents (n=1733, 55.5% female) from the Romanian Health Behavior in School-based Children Study 2014 (HBSC) was analyzed. The factorial structure of the ACE-ASF was tested with Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and confirmed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Measurement invariance was examined across boys and girls and internal reliability and concurrent criterion validity were established. Results: Violence exposure was high: 39.7% physical, 32.2% emotional and 13.1% sexual abuse. EFA established a two factor structure: physical/emotional abuse and sexual abuse. CFA confirmed this model fitted the data well [χ 2 (df)=60.526(19); RMSEA=.036; CFI/TLI=.990/.986]. Metric invariance was supported across genders. Internal consistency was good (.83) for the sexual abuse scale and poor (.57) for the physical/emotional abuse scale. Concurrent criterion validity confirmed hypothesized relationships between childhood abuse and health-related quality of life, life satisfaction, self-perceived health, bullying victimization and perpetration, externalizing and internalizing behaviors and multiple health complaints. Conclusions: Results support the ACE-ASF as a valid measure of physical, emotional and sexual abuse in school-aged adolescents. Future research is needed to replicate findings in other youth populations and across different age groups

    Improving the safety of the Manchester triage system for children with congenital heart disease

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    This study is a prospective evaluation of the validity of a Manchester triage system (MTS) modification for detecting under-triaged pediatric patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). Children with CHD visiting the emergency unit of the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, University Hospital Vienna in 2014 were included. The MTS modification updated the prioritization of patients with complex syndromic diseases, specific symptoms related to chronic diseases, decreased general condition (DGC), profound language impairment, unknown medical history, or special needs. A four-level outcome severity index based on diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, admission to hospital, and follow-up strategies was defined as a reference standard for the correct clinical classification of the MTS urgency level. Of the 19,264 included children, 940 had CHD. Of this group, 266 fulfilled the inclusion criteria for the modified triage method. The MTS modification was significantly more often applied in under-triaged (65.9%) than correctly or over-triaged (25%) children with CHD (p-value χ2 test <0.0001, OR 5.848, 95% CI: 3.636–9.6). Conclusion: The MTS urgency level upgrade modification could reduce under-triage in children with CHD. Applying a safety strategy concept to the MTS could mitigate under-triage in such a high-risk patient group

    Verlaufsuntersuchungen bei Deutschen Jagdterriern mit belastungsabhängiger metabolischer Myopathie

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    OBJECTIVE Exercise induced metabolic myopathy in German Hunting Terrier dogs is an autosomal-recessively inherited disorder, caused by a nonsense variant of the gene encoding for the very long-chain acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase (VLCAD) enzyme. Clinical signs include exercise- induced fatigue, muscle pain and weakness. In the present study, the long-term course of this disease was investigated over a period of 1 year in 9 affected German Hunting Terriers. The dogs were treated symptomatically with oral L-carnitine, coenzyme Q10 and a special diet characterized by a low content of long-chain fatty acids and a high proportion of carbohydrates. MATERIAL AND METHODS In 9 affected dogs, the phenotype as well as clinical, laboratory parameters, and histopathological findings are described (time point 1) and compared to follow-up examinations 1 year later (time point 2). At both time points clinical and neurological examinations, complete blood cell count, clinical chemistry profile and the concentration of brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) were investigated. RESULTS In the follow-up examinations, the same post-exercise clinical signs were present as in the initial presentation of the homozygous dogs. Dark-brownish discoloration of the urine, weakness, myalgia as well as stiff and tetraparetic gait were apparant. All hematological values and the concentration of NT-proBNP were within the relevant reference ranges. Plasma CK and ALT activities were compared between the first presentation and the follow- up examination and no significant differences were detected (pCK = 0.31, pALT = 0.64). Signs of myopathy remained unchanged throughout the examination period. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Oral supplementation with L-carnitine, coenzyme Q10 and the special dietary management did not result in any improvement of clinical signs or laboratory parameters. No progression of the disease was observed. The prognosis for affected dogs remains cautious as long-term observations of affected dogs over several years are lacking. Our findings provide further important information on inherited disorders of mitochondrial β-oxidation in dogs, especially focused on the exercise induced metabolic myopathy in the German Hunting Terrier. This may provide new insights for novel treatment modalities in conjuntion with the development of improved breeding guidelines.Gegenstand und Ziel Die belastungsabhängige metabolische Myopathie beim Deutschen Jagdterrier ist eine autosomal-rezessive Erbkrankheit, die aufgrund einer Punktmutation zu einem Enzymdefekt der sehr langkettigen Acyl-CoA-Dehydrogenase führt und klinisch durch belastungsabhängige Schwäche, schwere Myalgien und Myoglobinurie charakterisiert ist. In dieser Studie wurde der klinische Verlauf der Erkrankung bei 9 betroffenen Deutschen Jagdterriern über 1 Jahr untersucht. Die Behandlung der Hunde umfasste die orale Supplementierung von L-Carnitin und Koenzym Q10 sowie eine Diät mit hohem Kohlenhydratgehalt und einem niedrigen Anteil an langkettigen Fettsäuren. Material und Methode Die 9 Hunde mit nachgewiesenem Gendefekt wurden bei Auftreten der ersten Symptome (Messzeitpunkt 1, MZP1) und 1 Jahr später (Messzeitpunkt 2, MZP2) klinisch-neurologisch untersucht und es erfolgte eine Blutuntersuchung mit Analyse hämatologischer und klinisch-chemischer Parameter sowie der Konzentration des natriuretischen Peptids Typ B (NT-proBNP). Ergebnisse Zum MZP2 zeigten die Hunde, wie bereits zum MZP1, nach Belastung ein steifes Gangbild, Muskelschwäche und -schmerz und hatten einen dunkelbraun verfärbten Urin. Bei den hämatologischen Parametern und der NT-proBNP-Konzentration ergaben sich, wie zum MZP1, keine Abweichungen vom Referenzbereich. Die Aktivitäten der Kreatinkinase und Alanin-Aminotransferase unterschieden sich statistisch nicht signifikant zwischen beiden MZP (pCK = 0,31, pALT = 0,64). Nach Auswertung einer Besitzerbefragung und der klinisch-neurologischen Untersuchung der Hunde ließ sich im Rahmen der Verlaufsuntersuchung keine Verbesserung der myopathischen Beschwerden feststellen. Schlussfolgerung und klinische Relevanz Die orale Supplementierung von L-Carnitin und Koenzym Q10 sowie spezielle diätetische Maßnahmen über 1 Jahr führten zu keiner Verbesserung der klinischen Symptomatik oder der untersuchten Laborparameter. Die Tiere zeigten keine progressive Verschlechterung der Symptomatik im Vergleich zur Erstvorstellung. Die Prognose ist jedoch als vorsichtig zu bezeichnen, da Daten zum Langzeitverlauf über einige Jahre fehlen. Unsere Ergebnisse bilden eine Grundlage für weitere Forschungen zu Lipidspeichermyopathien, insbesondere mit Fokus auf die belastungsabhängige metabolische Myopathie des Deutschen Jagdterriers, deren Therapie und eine entsprechende Zuchthygiene

    A Nonsense Variant in the ACADVL Gene in German Hunting Terriers with Exercise Induced Metabolic Myopathy

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    Several enzymes are involved in fatty acid oxidation, which is a key process in mitochondrial energy production. Inherited defects affecting any step of fatty acid oxidation can result in clinical disease. We present here an extended family of German Hunting Terriers with 10 dogs affected by clinical signs of exercise induced weakness, muscle pain, and suspected rhabdomyolysis. The combination of clinical signs, muscle histopathology and acylcarnitine analysis with an elevated tetradecenoylcarnitine (C14:1) peak suggested a possible diagnosis of acyl-CoA dehydrogenase very long chain deficiency (ACADVLD). Whole genome sequence analysis of one affected dog and 191 controls revealed a nonsense variant in the ACADVL gene encoding acyl-CoA dehydrogenase very long chain, c.1728C>A or p.(Tyr576*). The variant showed perfect association with the phenotype in the 10 affected and more than 500 control dogs of various breeds. Pathogenic variants in the ACADVL gene have been reported in humans with similar myopathic phenotypes. We therefore considered the detected variant to be the most likely candidate causative variant for the observed exercise induced myopathy. To our knowledge, this is the first description of this disease in dogs, which we propose to name exercise induced metabolic myopathy (EIMM), and the identification of the first canine pathogenic ACADVL variant. Our findings provide a large animal model for a known human disease and will enable genetic testing to avoid the unintentional breeding of affected offspring