57 research outputs found

    The global relevance of the Scotia Arc: An introduction

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    The Scotia Arc, situated between South America and Antarctica, is one of the Earth’s most important ocean gateways and former land bridges. Understanding its structure and development is critical for the knowledge of tectonic, paleoenvironmental and biological processes in the southern oceans and Antarctica. It extends from the Drake Passage in the west, where the Shackleton Fracture Zone forms a prominent, but discontinuous, bathymetric ridge between the southern South American continent and the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula to the active intra-oceanic volcanic arc forming the South Sandwich Island in the east. The tectonic arc comprises the NSR to the north and to the south the South Scotia Ridge, both transcurrent plate margins that respectively include the South Georgia and South Orkney microcontinents. The Scotia and Sandwich tectonic plates form the major basin within these margins. As the basins opened, formation of first shallow sea ways and then deep ocean connections controlled the initiation and development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, which is widely thought to have been important in providing the climatic conditions for formation of the polar ice-sheets. The evolution of the Scotia Arc is therefore of global palaeoclimatic significance. The Scotia Arc has been the focus of increasing international research interest. Many recent studies have stressed the links and interactions between the solid Earth, oceanographic, palaeoenvironmental and biological processes in the area. This special issue presents new works that summarize significant recent research results and synthesize the current state of knowledge for the Scotia Arc

    Control of sedimentation by active tectonics, glaciation and contourite-depositing currents in Endurance Basin, South Georgia

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    Endurance Basin is an elongate broadly WNW-ESE trending basin located on the northern margin of the Scotia Sea, adjacent to the southern margin of the South Georgia micro-continent. Bathymetric and TOPAS sub-bottom profile data acquired in 2010 by the British research ship RRS James Clark Ross map this basin and its sedimentology for the first time. Endurance Basin contains a number of sub-basins and a substantial glaciogenic fan. The northern margin of Endurance Basin is formed by a series of steep slopes and intervening troughs. These are interpreted as a left-stepping en echelon array of oblique, strike-slip faults whilst the sub-basins are separated by compressional dip-slip faults. It appears that South Georgia is moving NW with respect to the basin. We interpret five seismic facies from TOPAS data, which are associated with distinct sedimentologies. The most striking units in the basin fill are: substantial contourite drifts located in the NW of the basin and on its southern margin; and two distinct mass transport deposits that pond in the centre of the basin. Combined with the known regional oceanographic setting, the contourites provide evidence of broadly eastward flowing bottom currents, entering the basin from at least two locations. Although landslide scars are present on the steep northern basin margin, the imaged mass transport deposits are interpreted to have been sourced from the glaciogenic fan, located in the SE of the basin, and from a contourite unit located on the basin’s southern margin. Sediments from these events are transported at least 40 km. The contourite drift sequence is at least 100 m thick in the west of the basin and may contain a palaeoenvironmental archive of Antarctic Cirumpolar Current (ACC) flow and the climate of South Georgia extending to the Pliocene. Such an archive would allow reconstruction of ACC flow through the Pleistocene glaciations and provide a means of linking ocean circulation and climate records in the sub-Antarctic Polar Front region

    Bathymetry and geological setting of the South Sandwich Islands volcanic arc

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    The South Sandwich Islands and associated seamounts constitute the volcanic arc of an active subduction system situated in the South Atlantic. We introduce a map of the bathymetry and geological setting of the South Sandwich Islands and the associated East Scotia Ridge back-arc spreading centre that consists of two sides: side 1, a regional overview of the volcanic arc, trench and back-arc, and side 2, detailed maps of the individual islands. Side 1 displays the bathymetry at scale 1:750 000 of the intra-oceanic, largely submarine South Sandwich arc, the back-arc system and other tectonic boundaries of the subduction system. Satellite images of the islands on side 2 are at scales of 1:50 000 and 1:25 000 with contours and main volcanological features indicated. These maps are the first detailed topological and bathymetric maps of the area. The islands are entirely volcanic in origin, and most have been volcanically or fumarolically active in historic times. Many of the islands are ice-covered, and the map forms a baseline for future glaciological changes caused by volcanic activities and climate change. The back-arc spreading centre consists of nine segments, most of which have rift-like morphologie

    Growth and mass wasting of volcanic centers in the northern South Sandwich arc, South Atlantic, revealed by new multibeam mapping

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    New multibeam (swath) bathymetric sonar data acquired using an EM120 system on the RRS James Clark Ross, supplemented by sub-bottom profiling, reveals the underwater morphology of a not, vert, similar 12,000 km2 area in the northern part of the mainly submarine South Sandwich volcanic arc. The new data extend between 55° 45′S and 57° 20′S and include Protector Shoal and the areas around Zavodovski, Visokoi and the Candlemas islands groups. Each of these areas is a discrete volcanic center. The entirely submarine Protector Shoal area, close to the northern limit of the arc, forms a 55 km long east–west-trending seamount chain that is at least partly of silicic composition. The seamounts are comparable to small subaerial stratovolcanoes in size, with volumes up to 83 km3, indicating that they are the product of multiple eruptions over extended periods. Zavodovski, Visokoi and the Candlemas island group are the summits of three 3–3.5 km high volcanic edifices. The bathymetric data show evidence for relationships between constructional volcanic features, including migrating volcanic centers, structurally controlled constructional ridges, satellite lava flows and domes, and mass wasting of the edifices. Mass wasting takes place mainly by strong erosion at sea level, and dispersal of this material along chutes, probably as turbidity currents and other mass flows that deposit in extensive sediment wave fields. Large scale mass wasting structures include movement of unconsolidated debris in slides, slumps and debris avalanches. Volcanism is migrating westward relative to the underlying plate and major volcanoes are asymmetrical, being steep with abundant recent volcanism on their western flanks, and gently sloping with extinct, eroded volcanic sequences to their east. This is consistent with the calculated rate of subduction erosion of the fore-arc

    Jurassic high heat production granites associated with the Weddell Sea rift system, Antarctica.

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    The distribution of heat flow in Antarctic continental crust is critical to understanding continental tectonics, ice sheet growth and subglacial hydrology. We identify a group of High Heat Production granites, intruded into upper crustal Palaeozoic metasedimentary sequences, which may contribute to locally high heat flow beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Four of the granite plutons are exposed above ice sheet level at Pagano Nunatak, Pirrit Hills, Nash Hills and Whitmore Mountains. A new Usingle bondPb zircon age from Pirrit Hills of 178.0 ± 3.5 Ma confirms earlier Rbsingle bondSr and Usingle bondPb dating and that the granites were emplaced approximately coincident with the first stage of Gondwana break-up and the developing Weddell rift, and ~ 5 m.y. after eruption of the Karoo-Ferrar large igneous province. Aerogeophysical data indicate that the plutons are distributed unevenly over 40,000 km2 with one intruded into the transtensional Pagano Shear Zone, while the others were emplaced within the more stable Ellsworth-Whitmore mountains continental block. The granites are weakly peraluminous A-types and have Th and U abundances up to 60.7 and 28.6 ppm respectively. Measured heat production of the granite samples is 2.96–9.06 μW/m3 (mean 5.35 W/m3), significantly higher than average upper continental crust and contemporaneous silicic rocks in the Antarctic Peninsula. Heat flow associated with the granite intrusions is predicted to be in the range 70–95 mW/m2 depending on the thickness of the high heat production granite layer and the regional heat flow value. Analysis of detrital zircon compositions and ages indicates that the high Th and U abundances are related to enrichment of the lower-mid crust that dates back to 200–299 Ma at the time of the formation of the Gondwanide fold belt and its post-orogenic collapse and extension

    Palaeozoic – Early Mesozoic geological history of the Antarctic Peninsula and correlations with Patagonia: Kinematic reconstructions of the proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana

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    The Antarctic Peninsula preserves geological evidence of a long-lived continental margin with intrusive, volcaniclastic and accretionary complexes indicating a convergent margin setting from at least the Cambrian to the Cenozoic. We examine the poorly understood units and successions from the Palaeozoic to the Early Mesozoic and develop detailed kinematic reconstructions for this section of the margin. We use existing geochronology, along with newly presented Usingle bondPb detrital zircon geochronology, combined with detailed field evidence to develop correlations between geological units and tectonic events across Patagonia and the proto-Antarctic Peninsula. The continental margin of Gondwana/Pangea was a convergent margin setting punctuated by crustal block translation, deformation, magmatic pulses (flare-ups) and development of thick accretionary complexes. These events are strongly linked to subducting slab dynamics and a para-autochthonous model is proposed for the long-lived margin. Major magmatic pulses are evident during the Ordovician (Famatinian) and Permian, and the magmatic record is reflected in the detrital zircon age profiles of metasedimentary successions of the northern Antarctic Peninsula and Tierra del Fuego. Major tectonic events during the Carboniferous – Permian (Gondwanide Orogeny) and Triassic (Chonide Event – Peninsula Orogeny) are recognised across the Antarctic Peninsula – Patagonia and are correlated to potential terrane suturing and flat slab dynamics. Our kinematic reconstructions developed in GPlates, combined with geological field relationships have allowed us to model the locus of magmatism relative to the active margin and also the likely source for thick sedimentary successions

    Geochronology and geochemistry of the northern Scotia Sea: a revised interpretation of the North and West Scotia ridge junction

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    Understanding the tectonic evolution of the Scotia Sea is critical to interpreting how ocean gateways developed during the Cenozoic and their influence on ocean circulation patterns and water exchange between the Atlantic and Southern oceans. We examine the geochronology and detrital age history of lithologies from the prominent, submerged Barker Plateau of the North Scotia Ridge. Metasedimentary rocks of the North Scotia Ridge share a strong geological affinity with the Fuegian Andes and South Georgia, indicating a common geological history and no direct affinity to the Antarctic Peninsula. The detrital zircon geochronology indicates that deposition was likely to have taken place during the mid – Late Cretaceous. A tonalite intrusion from the Barker Plateau has been dated at 49.6 ±0.3Ma and indicates that magmatism of the Patagonian–Fuegian batholith continued into the Eocene. This was coincident with the very early stages of Drake Passage opening, the expansion of the proto Scotia Sea and reorganization of the Fuegian Andes. The West Scotia Ridge is an extinct spreading centerthat shaped the Scotia Sea and consists of seven spreading segments separated by prominent transform faults. Spreading was active from 30–6Ma and ceased with activity on the W7 segment at the junction with the North Scotia Ridge. Reinterpretation of the gravity and magnetic anomalies indicate that the architecture of the W7 spreading segment is distinct to the other segments of the West Scotia Ridge. Basaltic lava samples from the eastern flank of the W7 segment have been dated as Early – mid Cretaceous in age (137–93Ma) and have a prominent arc geochemical signature indicating that seafloor spreading did not occur on the W7 segment. Instead the W7 segment is likely to represent a downfaulted block of the North Scotia Ridge of the Fuegian Andes continental margin arc, or is potentially related to the putative Cretaceous Central Scotia Sea