11 research outputs found

    Demographic variation in space and time : implications for conservation targeting

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    The dynamics of wild populations are governed by demographic rates which vary spatially and/or temporally in response to environmental conditions. Conservation actions for widespread but declining populations could potentially exploit this variation to target locations (or years) in which rates are low, but only if consistent spatial or temporal variation in demographic rates occurs. Using long-term demographic data for wild birds across Europe, we show that productivity tends to vary between sites (consistently across years), while survival rates tend to vary between years (consistently across sites), and that spatial synchrony is more common in survival than productivity. Identifying the conditions associated with low demographic rates could therefore facilitate spatially targeted actions to improve productivity or (less feasibly) forecasting and temporally targeting actions to boost survival. Decomposing spatio-temporal variation in demography can thus be a powerful tool for informing conservation policy and for revealing appropriate scales for actions to influence demographic rates.Peer reviewe

    Personalised Clinical Decision Support For Diabetes Management Using Real-time Data

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    PEPPER (Patient Empowerment through Predictive PERsonalised decision support) is an EU-funded research project to develop a personalised clinical decision support system for Type 1 diabetes self-management. The tool provides insulin bolus dose advice and carbohydrate recommendations, tailored to the needs of individuals. The former is determined by Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), an artificial intelligence technique that adapts to new situations according to past experience. The latter uses a predictive computer model that also promotes safety by providing glucose alarms, low-glucose insulin suspension and fault detection

    Contribución del anillamiento al conocimiento y conservación de las aves en España: pasado, presente y futuro

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    El anillamiento científico de aves es una técnica de estudio con más de un siglo de historia que, probablemente, ha contribuido como ninguna otra metodología al conocimiento de la biología de este grupo faunístico. A pesar del desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, el marcaje individual de aves mediante anillamiento sigue siendo una técnica plenamente vigente y necesaria. Aunque la evidencia científica sobre los beneficios de la aplicación del anillamiento en la Ornitología moderna es abrumadora, hoy vivimos un proceso de creciente desinformación que cuestiona el anillamiento de aves y su utilidad. Este dosier se ha elaborado con el fin de ofrecer una visión actualizada de la utilidad del anillamiento científico de aves en España. Ha sido elaborado por un nutrido grupo de expertos asociados a universidades y centros de investigación que abarcan buena parte de las áreas del conocimiento implicadas en el estudio y conservación de las aves. El dosier se divide en cuatro grandes apartados. (1) En primer lugar se hace una introducción sobre el anillamiento como metodología y se resumen las grandes cifras del anillamiento en España donde, hasta la fecha, se han anillado algo más de 10.000.000 de aves y se han registrado 700.000 recuperaciones (en la actualidad se anillan unas 380.000 aves y se obtienen unas 30.000 recuperaciones anualmente). (2) En un segundo bloque se resume la aplicación del anillamiento en diferentes aproximaciones al estudio científico de las aves, que van apoyadas por numerosas referencias bibliográficas sobre trabajos llevados a cabo en España. Gracias al anillamiento se han podido abordar múltiples estudios sobre movimientos y migraciones, reproducción, demografía, enfermedades, morfología, muda e identificación y taxonomía. (3) Un tercer bloque se centra en la utilidad del anillamiento más allá de la investigación básica. Es el caso de la conservación, la gestión de especies cinegéticas y el estudio de los impactos del cambio global sobre las aves, por un lado, y la educación ambiental, formación y ciencia ciudadana, por otro. (4) Finalmente, se abordan algunas ideas sobre los retos actuales y perspectivas de futuro del anillamiento en España

    Covariation in population trends and demography reveals targets for conservation action

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    Wildlife conservation policies directed at common and widespread, but declining, species are difficult to design and implement effectively, as multiple environmental changes are likely to contribute to population declines. Conservation actions ultimately aim to influence demographic rates, but targeting actions towards feasible improvements in these is challenging in widespread species with ranges that encompass a wide range of environmental conditions. Across Europe, sharp declines in the abundance of migratory landbirds have driven international calls for action, but actions that could feasibly contribute to population recovery have yet to be identified. Targeted actions to improve conditions on poor-quality sites could be an effective approach, but only if local conditions consistently influence local demography and hence population trends. Using long-term measures of abundance and demography of breeding birds at survey sites across Europe, we show that co-occurring species with differing migration behaviours have similar directions of local population trends and magnitudes of productivity, but not survival rates. Targeted actions to boost local productivity within Europe, alongside large-scale (non-targeted) environmental protection across non-breeding ranges, could therefore help address the urgent need to halt migrant landbird declines. Such demographic routes to recovery are likely to be increasingly needed to address global wildlife declines.Peer reviewe

    Conceptualización y análisis interseccional de las temáticas vinculadas a la actualización del Plan Integral de Movilidad Urbana Sustentable

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    El presente reporte describe el proceso de planeación y ejecución —mediante la transversalización de una perspectiva de género interseccional— del análisis de los impactos que conllevan las distintas modalidades de movilidad respecto a ciertos ejes de identidad que están en situación de vulnerabilidad, debido a las desigualdades sociales y económicas persistentes en el Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara (AMG). Todo esto fue realizado en el marco de las temáticas vinculadas a la actualización del Plan Integral de Movilidad Urbana Sustentable (PIMUS). De esta manera, el presente trabajo permitirá problematizar las agendas del PIMUS en relación con diversos grupos sociales e identitarios, con motivo de profundizar en las distintas agendas. Para ello, se elaboraron fichas técnicas que concatenan la conceptualización de las temáticas, los impactos por ejes de identidad, un glosario temático y las experiencias recabadas en las entrevistas. Mediante esta conceptualización de impactos se espera dotar de herramientas que posibiliten la transversalización de la perspectiva de género e interseccional en el PIMUS, al visibilizar a distintos grupos sociales que han sido históricamente excluidos e involucrarles en los procesos de evaluación y valoración de los espacios públicos, así como en el diseño para pugnar por una ciudad más integral e inclusivaITESO, A.C

    Is a cloud-based platform useful for diabetes management in Colombia? The Tidepool experience

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    Background. There are several medical devices used in Colombia for diabetes management, most of which have an associated telemedicine platform to access the data. In this work, we present the results of a pilot study evaluating the use of the Tidepool telemedicine platform for providing remote diabetes health services in Colombia across multiple devices. Method. Individuals with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes using multiple diabetes devices were recruited to evaluate the user experience with Tidepool over three months. Two endocrinologists used the Tidepool software to maintain a weekly communication with participants reviewing the devices data remotely. Demographic, clinical, psychological and usability data were collected at several stages of the study. Results. Six participants, from ten at the baseline (five MDI and five CSII), completed this pilot study. Three different diabetes devices were employed by the participants: a glucose meter (Abbot), an intermittently-scanned glucose monitor (Abbot), and an insulin pump (Medtronic). A score of 81.3 in the system usability scale revealed that overall, most participants found the system easy to use, especially the web interface. The system also compared highly favourably against the proprietary platforms. The ability to upload and share data and communicate remotely with the clinicians was raised consistently by participants. Clinicians cited the lockdown imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic as a valuable test for this platform. Inability to upload data from mobile devices was identified as one of the main limitations. Conclusion. Tidepool has the potential to be used as a tool to facilitate remote diabetes care in Colombia. Users, both participants and clinicians, agreed to recommend the use of platforms like Tidepool to achieve better disease management and communication with the health care team. Some improvements were identified to enhance the user experience

    Visualizing usage data from a diabetes management system

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    This article explores the role for visualization in interpreting data collected by a customised analytics framework within a healthcare technology project. It draws on the work of the EU-funded PEPPER project, which has created a personalised decision-support system for people with type 1 diabetes. Our approach was an exercise in exploratory visualization, as described by Bergeron's three category taxonomy. The charts revealed different patterns of interaction, including variability in insulin dosing schedule, and potential causes of rejected advice. These insights into user behaviour are of especial value to this field, as they may help clinicians and developers understand some of the obstacles that hinder the uptake of diabetes technology