1,792 research outputs found

    Textural and hydration properties of a synthetic montmorillonite compared with a natural Na-exchanged clay analogue.

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    International audienceAn aluminous montmorillonite has been synthesized at hydrothermal conditions (623 K, 120 MPa) and compared to the natural Na-exchanged Wyoming montmorillonite (Na-SWy2). The synthetic product is characterized by a high cation exchange capacity (83 meq/100g) and ethylene glycol specific surface area (764 m2/g) similar to Na-SWy2 but with a higher purity with one crystalline phase. Compacted smectite samples were percolated with water by using an œdometer cell equipped with a separated injection system, in order to simulate the behaviour of an engineered clay barrier in the context of subsurface waste landfill. Percolation experiments showed very low hydraulic conductivities (10-12 m/s) for both synthetic and natural smectites, in addition to the non macroscopic swelling of the synthetic montmorillonite, in contrast to Na-SWy2. At the nanometric scale, this synthetic clay mineral is characterized by higher hydration states and a better organization in the distribution of water molecules in particles, as proved by X-ray diffraction technique and continuous water vapor gravimetry method. Moreover, adsorption-desorption isotherms of nitrogen revealed the classical feature of swelling clay minerals, and the Brunauer-Emmet-Teller calculation gives a nitrogen specific area of 87 m2/g for the synthetic smectite, twice higher than for the Wyoming clay, due to its higher mesoporosity. Finally, low-pressure argon adsorption coupled with the Derivative Isotherm Simulation procedure highlighted classical adsorption energy distributions of natural phyllosilicates, and thus the synthetic montmorillonite was characterized by an average of 11 layers per particle in the dry state, with basal and edge surface areas different from Na-SWy2

    Adversarial Imitation Learning On Aggregated Data

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    Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) learns an optimal policy, given some expert demonstrations, thus avoiding the need for the tedious process of specifying a suitable reward function. However, current methods are constrained by at least one of the following requirements. The first one is the need to fully solve a forward Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem in the inner loop of the algorithm, which might be prohibitively expensive in many complex environments. The second one is the need for full trajectories from the experts, which might not be easily available. The third one is the assumption that the expert data is homogeneous rather than a collection from various experts or possibly alternative solutions to the same task. Such constraints make IRL approaches either not scalable or not usable on certain existing systems. In this work we propose an approach which removes these requirements through a dynamic, adaptive method called Adversarial Imitation Learning on Aggregated Data (AILAD). It learns conjointly both a non linear reward function and the associated optimal policy using an adversarial framework. The reward learner only uses aggregated data. Moreover, it generates diverse behaviors producing a distribution over the aggregated data matching that of the experts

    Synthesis of new chiral organosulfur donors with hydrogen bonding functionality and their first charge transfer salts

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    The syntheses of a range of enantiopure organosulfur donors with hydrogen bonding groups are described including TTF related materials with two, four, six and eight hydroxyl groups and multiple stereogenic centres and a pair of chiral N-substituted BEDT-TTF acetamides. Three charge transfer salts of enantiopure poly-hydroxy-substituted donors are reported, including a 4:1 salt with the meso stereoisomer of the dinuclear [Fe2(oxalate)5 ]4- anion in which both cation and anion have chiral components linked together by hydrogen bonding, and a semiconducting salt with triiodide

    Odorant Receptor from the Southern House Mosquito Narrowly Tuned to the Oviposition Attractant Skatole

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    Oviposition attractants are environmental cues that allow Culex gravid female mosquitoes to locate suitable sites for egg-laying and, therefore, may be exploited for environmentally friendly strategies for controlling mosquito populations. Naturally occurring skatole has been identified as an oviposition attractant for the Southern House mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus. Previously, we identified in Cx. quinquefasciatus female antennae an olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) highly sensitive to skatole and an odorant-binding protein involved in the detection of this semiochemical. Here, we describe the characterization of an odorant receptor (OR), CquiOR10, which is narrowly tuned to skatole when expressed in the Xenopus oocyte system. Odorant-induced response profiles generated by heterologously expressed CquiOR10 suggest that this OR is expressed in the mosquito ORN sensitive to skatole. However, geranylacetone, which stimulates the antennal ORN, was not detected by CquiOR10-expressing oocytes, thus raising interesting questions about reception of oviposition attractants in mosquitoes

    Rôle des oligosaccharides de la famille du raffinose (RFO) dans la vigueur des semences de Medicago truncatula

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    Rôle des oligosaccharides de la famille du raffinose (RFO) dans la vigueur des semences de Medicago truncatula

    “A Guiana permanece no coração do meu trabalho” – Entrevista com Catherine Le Pelletier

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    Catherine Le Pelletier é doutora em letras e professora associada pela Universidade das Antilhas. Na entrevista concedida à Vanessa Massoni da Rocha, a intelectual de origem guianense aborda – de maneira didática e generosa – temas importantes do universo literário da Guiana. Localizada na América do Sul, mais precisamente entre o Suriname e o Brasil, a Guiana é um departamento francês ultramarino desde 1946

    Analyse numérique du fluage et de la recouvrance d'un contact viscoélastique

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    Des essais de fluage de contact et de recouvrance des empreintes ont été réalisés pour analyser la "cicatrisation" d'une surface de PMMA sollicitée en microindentation par une bille rigide. Les résultats sont analysés avec des simulations numériques. L'identification du comportement viscoélastique du PMMA est obtenue à partir d'essais de relaxation. Les résultats permettent d'analyser les champs de déformation sous le contact lors de la phase de fluage. Ceux-ci montrent que la localisation du niveau maximal de déformation est prépondérante dans le caractère cicatrisant d'une empreinte

    Neogene to Quaternary evolution of carbonate and mixed carbonate-siliciclastic systems along New Caledonia's eastern margin (SW Pacific)

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    Neogene and Quaternary shallow-water carbonate records surrounding New Caledonia main island, Grande Terre, provide a good example for understanding the stratigraphic architecture of tropical mixed carbonate-siliciclastic systems. Due to a southeastern tilt of the eastern margin, the eastern shelf of Grande Terre has been better preserved from erosion than the western part, favouring the development and preservation of shallow-water carbonates. Based on the integration of bathymetric and seismic data, along with paleoenvironmental and biostratigraphic constraints derived from dredged carbonate rocks, a comprehensive geomorphological and architectural characterization of the offshore eastern margin of Grande Terre has been made. During the Mio-Pliocene, a wide, up to 750 m-thick carbonate build-up developed and extended over at least 350 km from north to south. This Mio-Pliocene build-up, currently lying at 300 to 600 m water depths, is overlain by a Pleistocene-Holocene barrier reef-lagoon complex and associated slope deposits. The switch from aggrading Neogene carbonate banks to backstepping Quaternary platforms likely reflects an increase in accommodation due to a high subsidence rate or to relative sea-level rise, and/or results from a switch in carbonate producers associated with global environmental changes. The internal architecture of the Quaternary barrier reef-lagoon complex is highlighted, especially the development of lowstand siliciclastic prisms alternating with transgressive shallow-water carbonate sequences. This pattern agrees with the reciprocal sedimentation model typically invoked for mixed sedimentary systems. This stratigraphic pattern is well developed in front of the Cap Bayes inlet in the north of our study area, yet it is not observed southward along the eastern margin. This difference suggests that other factors than relative sea-level variations directed the architecture of the margin, such as low terrigenous inputs, lagoon paleo-drainage networks or sediment by-pass towards deep basins