929 research outputs found

    Toll-like receptor 4, but not neutrophil extracellular Traps, Promote IFN Type I expression to enhance Th2 responses to Nippostrongylus brasiliensis

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    The induction of Th2 responses is thought to be multifactorial, and emerge from specific pathways distinct from those associated with antagonistic antibacterial or antiviral Th1 responses. Here, we show that the recognition of non-viable Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Nb) in the skin induces a strong recruitment of monocytes and neutrophils and the release of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). Nb also activates toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling with expression of Ifnb transcripts in the skin and the development of an IFN type I signature on helminth antigen-bearing dendritic cells in draining lymph nodes. Co-injection of Nb together with about 10,000 Gram-negative bacteria amplified this TLR4-dependent but NET-independent IFN type I response and enhanced the development of Th2 responses. Thus, a limited activation of antibacterial signaling pathways is able to boost antihelminthic responses, suggesting a role for bacterial sensing in the optimal induction of Th2 immunity

    Successive opening of the Fermi surface in doped N-leg Hubbard ladders

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    We study the effect of doping away from half-filling in weakly (but finitely) interacting N-leg Hubbard ladders using renormalization group and bosonization techniques. For a small on-site repulsion U, the N-leg Hubbard ladders are equivalent to a N-band model, where at half-filling the Fermi velocities are v_{1}=v_{N}<v_{2}=v_{N-1}<... We then obtain a hierarchy of energy-scales, where the band pairs (j,N+1-j) are successively frozen out. The low-energy Hamiltonian is then the sum of N/2 (or (N-1)/2 for N odd) two-leg ladder Hamiltonians without gapless excitations (plus a single chain for N odd with one gapless spin mode), similar to the N-leg Heisenberg spin-ladders. The energy-scales lead to a hierarchy of gaps. Upon doping away from half-filling, the holes enter first the band(s) with the smallest gap: For odd N, the holes enter first the nonbonding band (N+1)/2 and the phase is a Luttinger liquid, while for even N, the holes enter first the band pair (N/2,N/2+1) and the phase is a Luther-Emery liquid, similar to numerical treatments of the t-J model, i.e., at and close to half-filling, the phases of the Hubbard ladders for small and large U are the same. For increasing doping, hole-pairs subsequently enter at critical dopings the other band pairs (j,N+1-j) (accompanied by a diverging compressibility): The Fermi surface is successively opened by doping, starting near the wave vector (pi/2,pi/2). Explicit calculations are given for the cases N=3,4.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Two Energy Scales and two Quasiparticle Dynamics in the Superconducting State of Underdoped Cuprates

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    The superconducting state of underdoped cuprates is often described in terms of a single energy-scale, associated with the maximum of the (d-wave) gap. Here, we report on electronic Raman scattering results, which show that the gap function in the underdoped regime is characterized by two energy scales, depending on doping in opposite manners. Their ratios to the maximum critical temperature are found to be universal in cuprates. Our experimental results also reveal two different quasiparticle dynamics in the underdoped superconducting state, associated with two regions of momentum space: nodal regions near the zeros of the superconducting gap and antinodal regions. While antinodal quasiparticles quickly loose coherence as doping is reduced, coherent nodal quasiparticles persist down to low doping levels. A theoretical analysis using a new sum-rule allows us to relate the low-frequency-dependence of the Raman response to the temperature-dependence of the superfluid density, both controlled by nodal excitations.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Antibodies and IL-3 support helminth-induced basophil expansion

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    Basophils are powerful mediators of Th2 immunity and are present in increased numbers during allergic inflammation and helminth infection. Despite their ability to potentiate Th2 immunity the mechanisms regulating basophil development remain largely unknown. We have found a unique role for isotype-switched antibodies in promoting helminth-induced basophil production following infection of mice with Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri or Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. H. polygyrus bakeri-induced basophil expansion was found to occur within the bone marrow, and to a lesser extent the spleen, and was IL-3 dependent. IL-3 was largely produced by CD4+CD49b+NK1.1− effector T cells at these sites, and required the IL-4Rα chain. However, antibody-deficient mice exhibited defective basophil mobilization despite intact T-cell IL-3 production, and supplementation of mice with immune serum could promote basophilia independently of required IL-4Rα signaling. Helminth-induced eosinophilia was not affected by the deficiency in isotype-switched antibodies, suggesting a direct effect on basophils rather than through priming of Th2 responses. Although normal type 2 immunity occurred in the basopenic mice following primary infection with H. polygyrus bakeri, parasite rejection following challenge infection was impaired. These data reveal a role for isotype-switched antibodies in promoting basophil expansion and effector function following helminth infection

    Galactic Bulge Microlensing Optical Depth from EROS-2

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    We present a new EROS-2 measurement of the microlensing optical depth toward the Galactic Bulge. Light curves of 5.6×1065.6\times 10^{6} clump-giant stars distributed over 66deg266 \deg^2 of the Bulge were monitored during seven Bulge seasons. 120 events were found with apparent amplifications greater than 1.6 and Einstein radius crossing times in the range 5 {\rm d}. This is the largest existing sample of clump-giant events and the first to include northern Galactic fields. In the Galactic latitude range 1.4\degr<|b|<7.0\degr, we find τ/106=(1.62±0.23)exp[a(b3deg)]\tau/10^{-6}=(1.62 \pm 0.23)\exp[-a(|b|-3 {\rm deg})] with a=(0.43±0.16)deg1a=(0.43 \pm0.16)\deg^{-1}. These results are in good agreement with our previous measurement, with recent measurements of the MACHO and OGLE-II groups, and with predictions of Bulge models.Comment: accepted A&A, minor revision

    A search for low-mass WIMPs with EDELWEISS-II heat-and-ionization detectors

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    We report on a search for low-energy (E < 20 keV) WIMP-induced nuclear recoils using data collected in 2009 - 2010 by EDELWEISS from four germanium detectors equipped with thermal sensors and an electrode design (ID) which allows to efficiently reject several sources of background. The data indicate no evidence for an exponential distribution of low-energy nuclear recoils that could be attributed to WIMP elastic scattering after an exposure of 113 kg.d. For WIMPs of mass 10 GeV, the observation of one event in the WIMP search region results in a 90% CL limit of 1.0x10^-5 pb on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering cross-section, which constrains the parameter space associated with the findings reported by the CoGeNT, DAMA and CRESST experiments.Comment: PRD rapid communication accepte

    Observation of periodic variable stars towards the galactic spiral arms by EROS II

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    We present the results of a massive variability search based on a photometric survey of a six square degree region along the Galactic plane at (l=305l = 305^\circ, b=0.8b = -0.8^\circ) and (l=330l = 330^\circ, b=2.5b = -2.5^\circ). This survey was performed in the framework of the EROS II (Exp\'erience de Recherche d'Objets Sombres) microlensing program. The variable stars were found among 1,913,576 stars that were monitored between April and June 1998 in two passbands, with an average of 60 measurements. A new period-search technique is proposed which makes use of a statistical variable that characterizes the overall regularity of the flux versus phase diagram. This method is well suited when the photometric data are unevenly distributed in time, as is our case. 1,362 objects whose luminosity varies were selected. Among them we identified 9 Cepheids, 19 RR Lyrae, 34 Miras, 176 eclipsing binaries and 266 Semi-Regular stars. Most of them are newly identified objects. The cross-identification with known catalogues has been performed. The mean distance of the RR Lyrae is estimated to be 4.9±0.3\sim 4.9 \pm 0.3 kpc undergoing an average absorption of 3.4±0.2\sim 3.4 \pm 0.2 magnitudes. This distance is in good agreement with the one of disc stars which contribute to the microlensing source star population.Our catalogue and light curves are available electronically from the CDS, Strasbourg and from our Web site http://eros.in2p3.fr.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted in A&A (april 2002