4,941 research outputs found

    Valoración del perfil de sensibilización de los pacientes alérgicos a veneno de Apis Mellifera en la seguridad y eficacia del tratamiento con inmunoterapia subcutánea

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    La sensibilización al veneno de himenópteros supone un importante problema de salud, no tanto por su prevalencia como por el riesgo de desencadenar una reacción anafiláctica cuando un paciente es picado por uno de estos insectos. El abordaje terapéutico de estos pacientes exige, además del tratamiento sintomático y urgente de la reacción experimentada por la picadura, el tratamiento etiológico mediante inmunoterapia específica con veneno de himenópteros . La inmunoterapia con veneno de himenópteros es un tratamiento eficaz y seguro en la mayoría de los pacientes, aunque es conocido que el uso de la inmunoterapia con veneno de abeja (Apis mellifera) se asocia a mayor riesgo de aparición de reacciones sistémicas (RS) y una menor protección frente a las picaduras en comparación con la inmunoterapia a véspidos, la causa de este hecho aún permanece desconocida . La falta de respuesta a la inmunoterapia se asocia generalmente a mala tolerancia al extracto, lo que impide con frecuencia alcanzar dosis eficaces. El veneno de abeja es una mezcla compleja de proteínas alergénicas con función enzimática, junto con otras moléculas farmacológicamente activas responsables del dolor y la inflamación . Hasta la actualidad se han identificado 12 alérgenos diferentes en el veneno de abeja. El más prevalente de ellos es la fosfolipasa A2 (Api m1), la hialuronidasa (Api m 2) es un marcador de reactividad cruzada que sensibiliza al 50% de los pacientes alérgicos al veneno de abeja y la melitina (Api m 4) es un péptido de 2,84 kDa muy abundante en el veneno, al que se atribuye una baja alergenicidad. Estos tres componentes alergénicos, que constituyen la mayoría del peso seco del veneno, son los mejor conocidos hasta el momento y los disponibles actualmente para uso clínico. Sin embargo, aún no ha sido determinada su relevancia real, ni la influencia sobre la seguridad y la eficacia de la inmunoterapia con veneno de abeja. La posibilidad de identificar fenotipos de sensibilización a veneno de abeja proporcionada por el diagnóstico molecular, abre una vía para explorar el problema aún no resuelto de la mala tolerancia-escasa eficacia de esta inmunoterapia. En nuestra experiencia al analizar en consulta los primeros pacientes a los que se les realizó el diagnóstico molecular basado en IgE específica frente a las proteínas del veneno de abeja Api m 1, Api m 2, y Api m 4, tuvimos la impresión clínica de que la sensibilización a Api m 4 podría jugar un papel importante en pacientes complicados como factor relacionado con la tolerancia y eficacia a la inmunoterapia con veneno de abeja. Este hecho sienta las bases de nuestro estudio. Poder avanzar en este terreno nos permitirá ofrecer una mayor calidad asistencial a nuestros pacientes. Por lo tanto nuestro estudio se dividirá en dos fases cuyos objetivos son: FASE 1: Describir el perfil de sensibilización alergénico frente al veneno de Apis mellifera basado en Api m 1, Api m 2 y Api m 4. Conocer la importancia epidemológica de las sensibilizaciones encontradas, y saber sí la IgE a Api m 4 es un biomarcador de mala tolerancia a la inmunoterapia con veneno de abeja, así como conocer si la IgE a Api m 1 y Api m 2 son biomarcadores de utilidad clínica. FASE 2: En la fase 2 valoraremos si la IgE a Api m 4 es un marcador fenotípico crítico en la enfermedad alérgica a veneno de Apis mellifera (fenotipos A y B). Describir la seguridad, eficacia y cambios inmunológicos en ambos fenotipos. Y valorar la adecuación de uso de dos extractos alérgénicos acuosos de veneno de abeja según fenotipos de sensibilización

    Siguiendo las huellas de Jorge Gil

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    El propósito principal de este texto es reflexionar e ilustrar la red personal del investigador mexicano Jorge Gil, con el fin de mostrar su impacto en el desarrollo del análisis de redes sociales (ARS) en México y en el mundo. Su red personal la reconstruimos a través de narrativas, comunicaciones personales, coautoría y memorias de muchos eventos académicos a los que asistió y organizó. Argumentamos que Jorge fue un actor central en el desarrollo del ARS durante más de 15 años y que aún después de su muerte su obra sobre la red política mexicana sigue teniendo un impacto en los estudios políticos.The main purpose of this text is to reflect and illustrate the personal network of the Mexican researcher Jorge Gil, in order to show his impact in social network analysis (SNA) development in Mexico and at an international level. His personal network is reconstructed by using narratives, personal communication, co-authorship, and memories from the many academic events he attended and organized. We argue that Jorge was a central actor within SNA development during more than 15 years and even after his death his work about the Mexican political network is still a major reference in the field of political studies

    Study of Zn accumulation and tolerance of HMA4 TILLING mutants of Brassica rapa grown under Zn deficiency and Zn toxicity

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    This work was supported by the PAI programme (Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Grupo de Investigación AGR282) and by a Grant from the FPU of the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia awarded to ENL [FPU14/01858].Nowadays, Zinc (Zn) deficiency is the most widespread micronutrient deficiency but simultaneously Zn toxicity is produced due to environmental pollution. A potential method to alleviate Zn deficiency and to reduce Zn concentration in soils is through the generation of plants with enhanced capacity for Zn accumulation and higher tolerance. This could be achieved through the modification of HMA4 transporter. BraA.hma4a-3 is a TILLING mutant plant that presents one modification in HMA4 transporter. Thus, in this study we analyzed the potential of BraA.hma4a-3 for Zn accumulation and Zn deficiency and toxicity tolerance. BraA.hma4a-3 and parental R-o-18 plants were grown with different Zn doses: 1 µM ZnSO4 (Control), 0.01 µM ZnSO4 (Zn deficiency) and 100 µM ZnSO4 (Zn toxicity). Parameters of biomass, Zn concentration, photosynthesis, oxidative stress, N metabolism and amino acids (AAs) were measured. BraA.hma4a-3 did not affect plant biomass but did increase Zn accumulation in leaves under an adequate Zn supply and Fe under control and Zn deficiency doses. Regarding stress tolerance parameters and N metabolism, BraA.hma4a did not produce alterations under control conditions. In addition, under Zn toxicity, parameters suggest a greater tolerance. Briefly, the obtained results point to BraA.hma4a-3 as a useful mutant to increase Zn accumulationPlan Andaluz de Investigación AGR282Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia FPU14/0185

    Application of an Enzymatic Hydrolysed L-alpha-Amino Acid Based Biostimulant to Improve Sunflower Tolerance to Imazamox

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    Herbicides, commonly used in agriculture to control weeds, often cause negative effects on crops. Safeners are applied to reduce the damage to crops without affecting the effectiveness of herbicides against weeds. Plant biostimulants have the potential to increase tolerance to a series of abiotic stresses, but very limited information exists about their effects on herbicide-stressed plants. This study aims to verify whether the application of a potential safener such as Terra-Sorb®, an L- -amino acid-based biostimulant, reduces the phytotoxicity of an Imazamox-based herbicide and to elucidate which tolerance mechanisms are induced. Sunflower plants were treated with Pulsar® 40 (4% Imazamox) both alone and in combination with Terra-Sorb®. Plants treated with the herbicide in combination with Terra-Sorb® showed higher growth, increased acetolactate synthase (ALS) activity, and amino acid concentration with respect to the plants treated with Imazamox alone. Moreover, the biostimulant protected photosynthetic activity and reduced oxidative stress. This protective effect could be due to the glutathione S-transferase (GST) induction and antioxidant systems dependent on glutathione (GSH). However, no effect of the biostimulant application was observed regarding phenolic compound phenylalanine ammonium-lyase (PAL) activity. Therefore, this study opens the perspective of using Terra-Sorb® in protecting sunflower plants against an imazamox-based herbicide effect.PAI program (Plan Andaluz de Investigacion, Grupo de Investigacion) AGR28

    Transparent nanocellular PMMA: Characterization and modeling of the optical properties

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    In this work, the optical properties of transparent nanocellular polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) have been studied, experimental and theoretically. Transmittance measurements of samples presenting different cell sizes (14, 24, 39 and 225 nm) and a constant relative density of around 0.45 have been carried out obtaining values as high as 0.94 for the sample with the smaller cell size and a thickness of 0.05 mm. In addition, the light absorption coefficient has been measured as a function of cell size and wavelength. It has been found that the transmittance has a strong dependence with the wavelength, presenting these transparent materials Rayleigh scattering. On the other hand, the transmission of visible light through these nanocellular materials has been modelled for the first time. The developed model reproduces with good accuracy the trends observed in the experimental results and provides remarkable insights into the physics mechanisms controlling the optical behavior of these materials

    The effect of organizational learning tools in business results

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    The importance of the tools that facilitate organizational learning has traditionally been outlined in the literature. Information Technologies (ITs) are considered as common facilitating tools for all learning agents by researches and practitioners. Our study focuses on the question what ITs are essential for organizational learning and how they actively contribute to the business results (operative and financial). The results exhibit that the use of databases generates larger sales volumes and better operative results. Companies with low profits tend to use Internet more often and this use improves operative results. Also the use of the electronic mail increases the sales volume

    Social Risk Map. The design of a complementary methodology to vulnerability indexes applied to urban rehabilitation activity

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    [EN] Conception of urban intervention in the city is increasingly mutating from a physical urban renewal to an integrated urban approach. That is to say, measures concerning physical urban renewal should be combined with measures promoting education, economic development, social inclusion and environmental protection (European Commission, 2014). Current methodologies applied to the analysis of potential distressed areas are based on quantitative variables. The combination of these variables into a matrix characterizes the areas of the city that are subjected to different grades of intervention in terms of urban vulnerability and social exclusion. However, literature demonstrates that there are still few tools capable of measuring spatially which areas are the most sensitive to the decline in social relations within the city. Research on social maps suggests that potential attractors and risk areas can be identified from the design of a methodology based on the social perception of the public space. The application of this methodology to different case studies at the neighborhood level shows the correlation between urban vulnerability approach (quantitative) and social perception (qualitative). Indeed, perception and characterization of social risk areas empowers current urban vulnerability indicators for the integrated urban approach. Findings validate the utility of this methodology for the implementation of this model to cities and illustrate the social sphere of analysis as a platform from which to assess risk in urbanized areasThis work was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (CSO2013-42576-R).Ruiz-Varona, A.; León-Casero, J. (2018). Social Risk Map. The design of a complementary methodology to vulnerability indexes applied to urban rehabilitation activity. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 157-166. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.5060OCS15716

    Influencia del tamaño en el aprendizaje organizacional. El caso de la Pyme

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    Los objetivos de la presente investigación consisten, primeramente, en valorar el nivel de aprendizaje en las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME), para posteriormente analizar si el tamaño tiene una relación significativa con el aprendizaje organizacional. Para ello, se estudian las prácticas que permiten la consecución del aprendizaje en las organizaciones, distinguiendo entre internas y externas así como los instrumentos que las facilitan, creando un índice que permite determinar empíricamente el nivel de aprendizaje organizacional en la PYME. Además, se contrastan hipótesis que estudian la existencia de relación significativa entre el nivel de aprendizaje y el tamaño