1,368 research outputs found

    An empirical comparison of the performance of alternative option pricing models

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    Published as an article in: Investigaciones Economicas, 2005, vol. 29, issue 3, pages 483-523.option pricing, conditional volatility, SNN Nonparametric estimator

    Claves en la aplicación del algoritmo Chaid : un estudio del ocio físico deportivo universitario

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    The purpose of this article is to explain the usefulness of and the procedure involved in hierarchical segmentation based on the CHAID algorithm as a multivariate analysis technique. A study carried out on leisure physicalsport behaviour of a university population served to facilitate an understanding of this method, the exhibition of its use and the interpretation of this technique. The study aimed to define the profiles of university students according to different degree of satisfaction with their physical-sport practices, as well as verify the existence of predictors of that satisfaction when all of them are related to one other. The article demonstrates the valuable capacity of this hierarchical segmentation technique in predicting and explaining certain behaviours, as well as determining the cause-effect relationship of these behaviours

    Emotional intelligence and musical performance

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    A lo largo del presente artículo tratamos de demostrar con una muestra de 344 alumnos de entre 14 y 16 años de edad (1º y 2º ESO), cómo existe una correlación positiva entre los tres factores de IE medidos en el TMMS-24 y el rendimiento en música. Nuestros resultados tienden a confirmar lo que diversos estudios realizados en los últimos años con diferentes muestras e instrumentos ya habían apuntado, es decir, que la IE es un potencial predictor no sólo del equilibrio psicológico del alumnado, sino también de su logro escolar, y en nuestro caso, está relacionado con el rendimiento musical. Estos resultados, tendrán consecuencias pedagógicas muy importantes para el desempeño de nuestra labor docente.In this article we attempt to demonstrate with a sample of 344 students between the ages of 14 and 16 years (1st and 2nd of ESO) that there is a positive correlation between the three factors measured in the IE TMMS-24 and performance in music. Our results tend to confirm what several studies in recent years using different samples and instruments have already pointed out, namely that IE is a potential predictor not only of the psychological balance of the students, but also of their school achievement and, in our case, of musical performance. The results will have very important consequences for the educational performance of our educational work.peerReviewe

    Recent movements in the euro exchange rate and the impact on inflation in the Spanish economy

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    Artículo de revistaThe effect of the euro exchange rate on inflation has taken on significant importance recently, with the application of the ECB’s expansionary monetary policy measures having coincided with episodes of euro appreciation, such as that observed between the second half of 2017 and early 2018, which tend to exert downward pressure on imported prices. This article analyses the factors behind the fluctuations in the euro exchange rate against the dollar during the recent period, and finds that this appreciation may have largely been due to the higher relative growth of the euro area, compatible with a pick-up in expected euro area inflation. However, the subsequent depreciation, since February 2018, might reflect factors related to changes in the relative confidence of financial markets to the detriment of the euro, and to the lower relative growth of the euro area compared with the United States. Further, it is documented how the pass-through of exchange rate movements to overall consumer-price inflation in the Spanish economy has increased slightly in recent years, owing mainly to the energy component, while core inflation remains much less sensitive to exchange rate change

    Propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la Escala de Factores Protectores de la Resiliencia

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    Background/Objective: The purpose of the present study was to adapt the Protective Factors of Resilience Scale (PFRS) to Spanish and to analyze its psychometric properties. Method: The scale was translated and adapted into Spanish, then, two studies were carried out to examine its psychometric properties in two samples (healthy and chronic illness). Questionnaires were sent by email, Facebook, and Whatsapp, and 442 adults completed all the questionnaires. The entire sample included 352 healthy people and 90 with a chronic illness. Results: In both samples, confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the scale’s structure, yielding a Spanish version of PFRS with three factors. The PFRS total and subscales scores showed adequate reliability. Concurrent validity was also confirmed; the PFRS was positively correlated with different measures. Conclusions: Therefore, the Spanish version of this scale is a reliable and valid instrument to assess protective factors (internal and external resources) of resilience both in Spanish general and chronically ill populations.Antecedentes/Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue adaptar la escala Protective Factors of Resilience Scale al español y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. La escala fue traducida y adaptada al español y posteriormente se realizaron dos estudios para analizar sus propiedades psicométricas en dos muestras (personas sanas y con enfermedades crónicas). Método: Los cuestionarios se enviaron por diferentes vías: email, Facebook y Whatsapp, 442 adultos completaron todos los cuestionarios. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 352 personas sanas y 90 con enfermedades crónicas. Resultados: En ambas muestras, los análisis de factores confirmatorios confirmaron la estructura de la escala, mostrando que la versión española estaba compuesta de tres factores. Las puntuaciones totales de la escala y de las subescalas mostraron una fiabilidad adecuada. La validez concurrente también se confirmó; la escala estuvo relacionada positivamente con diferentes medidas. Conclusión: Por tanto, la versión española de la escala es un instrumento fiable y válido para evaluar factores protectores (internos y externos) de la resiliencia tanto para población general como para personas con enfermedades crónicas

    Mejora de las aptitudes musicales mediante una intervención en atención auditiva e interior

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    [Resumen] Tradicionalmente, las investigaciones sobre aptitudes musicales han girado en torno a los siguientes temas: evaluación de las mismas, relaciones entre aptitudes musicales con variables musicales, relaciones con aspectos del lenguaje y trabajos que relacionan aptitudes musicales con variables personales. Tras observar que apenas hay investigaciones que relacionen las aptitudes musicales con la atención, y que las que lo hacen, lo hacen en un sentido que no es el de nuestras hipótesis, decidimos demostrar la relación de causaefecto entre una intervención en atención y la mejora en la percepción de las aptitudes musicales medidas en el Test de Seashore. Para ello, elaboramos un programa de intervención, proponiendo actividades auditivas encaminadas a trabajar la atención espacial, también llamada atención sensorial o exterior (Posner, 1980), como actividades relacionadas con el ejecutivo central (Norman y Shallice, 1988), destinadas al trabajo de la atención dirigida al mundo de las ideas o atención interior (introspección). Nuestros resultados tienden a confirmar que tras una intervención en atención mejoran las aptitudes musicales. Confirmamos, también, de este modo la vinculación existente entre música y atención, que ha sido escasamente estudiada[Abstract] Traditionally, the investigations on musical aptitudes have turned about following: evaluation of the same ones, relations between musical aptitudes with musical variables, relations with aspects of the language and works that relate musical aptitudes to personal variables. After observing that as soon as there are investigations that relate the musical aptitudes to the attention, and that those that does it, they do it in a sense that is not the one of our hypotheses, we decided to demonstrate to the relation of cause-effect between an intervention in attention and the improvement in the perception of the measured musical aptitudes in the Test of Seashore. For it, we elaborated an intervention program, proposing auditory activities directed to work the space attention, also call sensorial or outer attention (Posner, 1980), like activities related to the central executive (Norman & Shallice, 1988), destined to the work of the attention directed to the world of the ideas or inner attention (introspection). Our results tend to confirm that after an intervention in attention they improve the musical aptitudes. We confirmed, also, in this way the existing entailment between music and attention, that barely has been studied

    Vacunación contra la gripe aviar en los zoológicos de selwomarina y selwoaventura: ventajas y desventajas

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    Durante el mes de agosto de 2006 los parques zoológicos Selwomarina y Selwoaventura, situados en Málaga, decidieron vacunar a sus aves frente a la gripe aviar. En este trabajo se describen los datos obtenidos y estudios realizados sobre este tema con el que estuvimos vinculadas directamente al coincidir nuestra estancia en dichos parques en estas fechas

    Evidencias de la práctica Pilates sobre la salud mental de personas sanas

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    Introduction: The Pilates method was designed to create a connection between mind and body through a combined work of strength and flexibility, without submitting the body to excessive stress. Objective: To expose the most relevant research results from an analytical-interpretative perspective, in relation to the mental health of healthy people who habitually practice Pilates. Materials and methods: An analysis of the main benefits of the Pilates method on mental health was carried out, by using the results of finished research. To do this, the databases ScienceDirect, PubMed and Dialnet were accessed to identify publications that relate Pilates to mental variables. Results: The 19 revised studies show scientific evidence on the levels of humor, self-efficacy, self-esteem, mood, stress, quality of sleep, depression and identification with physical exercise. However, studies focused on attention, anxiety-state, positive or negative affect and quality of life proved that the evidence is still very limited. Conclusions: New longitudinal cutting researches using sufficiently wide samples are necessary to clear the unknowns still existing in relation to Pilates. This will determine whether the high popularity of the method is associated with the important health benefits reported

    Estudio exploratorio de las características de personalidad y estrategias de afrontamiento en jugadoras de baloncesto femenino

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    In the sport context there are relevant differences in psychological and emotional variables depending on the level of competition and years of practice. The aim of this study was firstly compare the existence of differences in several personality variables such as competitiveness, competitive anxiety, and coping strategies, between two female basketball teams of different leagues. Secondly, the aim was to analyze the relationships between psychological variables and the years of practice. 20 female athletes completed a battery of questionnaires. The results showed that the team which played at a higher level in a more difficult and competitive league, was more competitive and showed higher anxiety levels, being more perseverant and meticulous in their decision-making than the players of team of minor league. Finally, the most years in competition, the most competitiveness, active coping and energy reported. In conclusion, it is recommended to extend the sample and deepen the psychological characteristics of female basketball players