347 research outputs found

    Competency-based approach and competencies in higher education: a theoretical review

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    Economic changes not only in the country, but also on the world labor market explain the growing demands on young professionals. New requirements for the model and quality of the graduate appear, and new approaches to their competitiveness and effectiveness appear. The authors analyzed the concepts of a competency-based approach, competence, developed characteristic features and the field of implementation of these definitions in higher education. It has been established that a qualitatively new mission, tasks and content of modern education in the new conditions should be focused not only on fundamental knowledge, but also on the formation of practically oriented skills and competencies

    Refractive properties of human adipose tissue at hyperthermic temperatures

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    The refractive index (RI) of human adipose tissu

    DNA authentication technologies for product quality monitoring in the wine industry

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    Identification of wine product authenticity is a topical question in theRussian Federation. A solution to this problem can be DNA authentication of wines, which is a technological process of product authenticity control using genetic identification of the main plant ingredient — wine grape varieties. This type of wine verification is carried out by analyzing residual amounts of Vitis vinifera L. nucleic acids extracted from cell debris of final products by molecular genetic methods. The aim of this work is the analysis of the existing methods for extraction of nucleic acids from grapes, wine raw materials and commercial wines, as well as description of the molecular genetic approaches to technical genetic identification of grape varieties and authentication of wines made from them. The obtained data suggest suitability of DNA authentication of wine products as a supplement to earlier approved analytical methods (documentary, visual, sensory, physico-chemical)

    Оценка качества жизни реципиентов органов по итогам проведения Первых Российских трансплантационных игр

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    Objective: to evaluate the role of physical activity (at sports games) in improving the quality of life of organ recipients.Materials and methods. We examined 42 adult lung, heart, kidney and liver recipients, and patients undergoing renal replacement therapy (mean age 42.6 ± 12.09 years) - participants of the First Russian Transplant Games. The results were analyzed. Quality of life of the recipients was assessed using the nonspecific SF-36 questionnaire.Results. After solid organ transplantation, the interviewed recipients answered that they try to lead an active lifestyle, to engage in accessible physical activities, and to participate in sports events intended for organ recipients. Assessment of the quality of life according to the SF-36 questionnaire showed that all the participants had high scores in terms of the physical and psychological component, which is associated with regular physical training and sports. Conclusion. Physical exercise and active participation in sports activities are an important component in the socialization and rehabilitation of organ recipients. These two factors also improve the psychological and physical components of the quality of life of the recipients.Цель: оценить роль физической активности (на спортивных играх) в повышении качества жизни людей после трансплантации органов.Материалы и методы. Анализированы результаты обследования 42 совершеннолетних реципиентов легких, сердца, почки и печени, а также пациентов, находящихся на заместительной почечной терапии (средний возраст - 42,6 ± 12,09 года) - участников Первых Российских трансплантационных игр. С помощью неспецифического опросника SF-36 было оценено качество жизни реципиентов.Результаты. После трансплантации солидных органов опрашиваемые пациенты ответили, что стараются вести активный образ жизни, заниматься доступными видами физической культуры, участвовать в проводимых спортивных мероприятиях для реципиентов органов. Оценка качества жизни по шкалам опросника SF-36 показала, что у всех участников отмечаются высокие показатели в шкалах физического и психологического компонента, что связано с регулярными занятиями физической культурой и спортом.Заключение. Показано, что физические упражнения и активное участие в спортивных мероприятиях являются важной составляющей в социализации и реабилитации реципиентов органов, а также позволяют улучшить их психологический и физический компоненты качества жизни

    Medical diagnosis using NIR and THz tissue imaging and machine learning methods

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    The problem of extracting useful information for medical diagnosis from 2D and 3D optical imaging experimental data is of great importance. We are discussing challenges and perspectives of medical diagnosis using machine learning analysis of NIR and THz tissue imaging. The peculiarities of tissue optical clearing for tissue imaging in NIR and THz spectral ranges aiming the improvement of content data analysis, methods of extracting of informative features from experimental data and creating of prognostic models for medical diagnosis using machine learning methods are discussed


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    Introduction: the use of standardized questionnaires for  assessment of patients’ life  quality after organ transplantation has not been widely used in our country.Purpose: The assessment of patients’ quality of life after the simultaneous pancreas & kidney transplantation using the SF-36 questionnaire.Material and methods: 35 patients with type I diabetes mellitus (DM1) complicated by end-stage chronic renal failure were investigated. There were 16 women (45.7%) and 19 men  (54.3%). The median age was 36 [33; 45] years. The patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the transplantation type:  group I included the patients who underwent isolated kidney transplantation, group  II  included those  after combined kidney and  pancreas transplantation. Patients’ life quality was estimated using the SF-36 questionnaire.Results: Patients in group II had significantly better physical functions, general health  status, and vital activity.Conclusion: Simultaneous pancreas & kidney transplantation considerably improves the life quality of patients with DM1


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    The results of investigation into the metal–nonmetal interface during the formation of electrocontact rods by means of the effect of the high-strength pulsed magnetic field on the melt are presented. It is shown that the proposed magnetic-pulsed technology makes it possible to considerably lower the transient electric resistance between electrocontact rods and anode block of the electrolyzer due to an increase in contact density.Представлены результаты исследования границы раздела «металл–неметалл» при формировании электроконтактных пробок путем воздействия на расплав металла импульсным магнитным полем высокой напряженности. Показано, что предлагаемая магнитно-импульсная технология позволяет существенно снизить переходное электрическое сопротивление между электроконтактными пробками и анодным блоком электролизера за счет повышения плотности контакта


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    This literature review is dedicated to the issue of clinical and laboratory diagnosis of acute pharyngitis in children and adolescents. Relevance of the topic is justified by omnipresent (up to 70% of patients with acute pharyngitis) unreasonable prescription of antibacterial drugs. Differential diagnosis of acute pharyngitis is aimed at identifying patients with the infection induced by group A-hemolytic streptococcus requiring antimicrobial therapy. The article presents current recommendations on microbial diagnosis of streptococcal tonsillitis and a potential of using express tests for rapid diagnosis verification. Обзор литературы посвящен проблеме клинической и лабораторной диагностики острого фарингита у детей и подростков. Актуальность темы обусловлена повсеместным (до 70% пациентов с острым фарингитом) необоснованным назначением антибактериальных препаратов. Дифференциальная диагностика острого фарингита предполагает выявление больных с инфекцией, вызванной β-гемолитическим стрептококком группы А, которым требуется антимикробная терапия. В статье представлены современные рекомендации по микробиологической диагностике стрептококкового тонзиллита, раскрыты возможности применения экспресс-тестов для быстрой верификации диагноза.