512 research outputs found

    Proving sequential consistency by model checking

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    Sequential consistency is a multiprocessor memory model of both practical and theoretical importance. Unfortunately, the general problem of verifying that a finitestate protocol implements sequential consistency is undecidable, and in practice, validating that a real-world, finitestate protocol implements sequential consistency is very time-consuming and costly. In this work, we show that for memory protocols that occur in practice, a small amount of manual effort can reduce the problem of verifying sequential consistency into a verification task that can be discharged automatically via model checking. Furthermore, we present experimental results on a substantial, directorybased cache coherence protocol, which demonstrate the practicality of our approach.

    Poly(styrene-co-vinylbenzylchloride-co-divinylbenzene) coated iron oxide: Synthesis and effects on size and morphology

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    Iron oxide nanoparticles were coated with a polymer synthesized from the monomers of styrene, divinylbenzene, and vinylbenzylchloride. The resultant polymer microspheres from synthesis without nanoparticle loading are primarily monodispersed with a diameter of 3.45 ÎŒm as measured by scanning electron microscopy. The addition of 1% nanoparticles by mass appears to decrease the size of the microspheres down to 2.04 Όm as well as increase the polydispersity. This trend is also seen to continue as you add more nanoparticles to the system going from 3.45 ÎŒm with 0% nanoparticles down to below 1 ÎŒm for 5% nanoparticles. This indicates that the particles are not just incorporated into the polymer matrix but act as nucleation sites to begin the polymerization process. The polymerization process was found to have no effect on the nanoparticles themselves as the magnetic characterization showed only a mass dilution in saturation when corrected by thermal gravimetric analysis

    Monitoring synaptic function at the neuromuscular junction of a mouse expressing synaptopHluorin

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    We monitored presynaptic exocytosis and vesicle recycling at neuromuscular junctions of transgenic mice expressing synaptopHluorin (spH), using simultaneous optical and electrophysiological recordings. Synaptic transmission was indistinguishable from that in wildtype controls. Fluorescence rose during and decayed monotonically after stimulus trains to the nerve, with amplitudes and decay times increasing with the amount of stimulation. The relatively large size of synaptic terminals allowed us to examine the spatial profile of fluorescence changes. We identified hot spots of exocytosis, which were stable with repeated trains. Photobleach experiments showed that spH freshly exposed by nerve stimulation was not preferentially retrieved by compensatory endocytosis; instead, most retrieved spH preexisted in the surface membrane. Finally, we compared fluorescence and electrical [summed end-plate potentials (EPPs)] estimates of exocytosis, which diverged during repeated trains, as fluorescence exceeded summed EPPs, although the average amplitude of miniature EPPs was unchanged. This might reflect exocytosis of spH-containing, acetylcholine-free (“empty”) vesicles or other organelles during intense stimulation

    Impact of antioxidant additives on the oxidation stability of biodiesel produced from Croton Megalocarpus oil

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    This research article published by Elsevier Ltd., 2011The increase in crude petroleum prices, limited resources of fossil fuels and environmental concerns have led to the search of alternative fuels, which promise a harmonious correlation with sustainable development, energy conservation, efficiency and environmental preservation. Biodiesel is well positioned to replace petroleum-based diesel. Biodiesel is a non-toxic, biodegradable and renewable biofuel. But the outstanding technical problem with biodiesel is that, it is more susceptible to oxidation owing to its exposure to oxygen present in the air and high temperature. This happens mainly due to the presence of varying numbers of double bonds in the free fatty acid molecules. This study evaluates oxidation stability of biodiesel produced from Croton megalocarpus oil. Thermal and Oxidation stability of Croton Oil Methyl Ester (COME) were determined by Rancimat and Thermogravimetry Analysis methods respectively. It was found that oxidation stability of COME did not meet the specifications of EN 14214 (6 h). This study also investigated the effectiveness of three antioxidants: 1,2,3 tri-hydroxy benzene (Pyrogallol, PY), 3,4,5-tri hydroxy benzoic acid (Propyl Gallate, PG) and 2-tert butyl-4-methoxy phenol (Butylated Hydroxyanisole, BHA) on oxidation stability of COME. The result showed that the effectiveness of these antioxidants was in the order of PY > PG > BHA

    Costochondral graft with green-stick fracture used in reconstruction of the mandibular condyle : experience in 13 clinical cases

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    Since its publication in 1920 by Gillies, costochondral grafts have been used by surgeons to replace an injured mandibular condyle and to reconstruct the temporomandibular joint. This procedure is currently applied in cases of congenital dysplasia, developmental defects, temporomandibular ankylosis, neoplastic disease, osteoarthritis and post-traumatic dysfunction. Over the years, various procedures for the reconstruction with this type of graft have been described. In 1989, Mosby and Hiatt described a technique for setting the graft securely, reducing the space between the graft and the mandibular area. In 1998, Monje and MartĂ­n-Granizo developed a variation of this method, enabling a precise adaptation of the costochondral graft to the remaining mandibular ramus. The aim of this study is to evaluate the functional and anatomic results of the costochondral graft treatment by green-stick fracture for reconstruction of the TMJ in the 10 years following the description of this technique. We carry out a retrospective study of thirteen cases of temporomandibular pathology (tumors, ankylosis and hypoplasia) treated during a period of ten years from 1998 to 2008. In all these cases, the technique described by Monje and MartĂ­nGranizo was used: removal of the sixth rib, fixation to a titanium mini-plate using screws, making an internal corticotomy in order to obtain a green-stick fracture of the outer cortex, providing adequate adaptation of the graft to the mandibular ramus. The graft was then set in place, attaching it with titanium screws. This technique was successful in achieving optimal ossification, a good interincisal opening and satisfactory cosmetic results. In conclusion, according to our experience, the green-stick fracture for the adaptation of costochondral grafts to the remaining mandibular ramus has presented outstanding results in the surgical treatment of temporomandibular pathology

    Compactifications of the moduli space of plane quartics and two lines

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    We study the moduli space of triples (C,L₁,L₂) consisting of quartic curves C and lines L₁ and L₂. Specifically, we construct and compactify the moduli space in two ways: via geometric invariant theory (GIT) and by using the period map of certain lattice polarized K3 surfaces. The GIT construction depends on two parameters t₁ and t₂ which correspond to the choice of a linearization. For t₁=t₂=1 we describe the GIT moduli explicitly and relate it to the construction via K3 surfaces

    Applications of Direct Injection Soft Chemical Ionisation-Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Pre-blast Smokeless Powder Organic Additives

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    Analysis of smokeless powders is of interest from forensics and security perspectives. This article reports the detection of smokeless powder organic additives (in their pre-detonation condition), namely the stabiliser diphenylamine and its derivatives 2-nitrodiphenylamine and 4-nitrodiphenylamine, and the additives (used both as stabilisers and plasticisers) methyl centralite and ethyl centralite, by means of swab sampling followed by thermal desorption and direct injection soft chemical ionisation-mass spectrometry. Investigations on the product ions resulting from the reactions of the reagent ions H3O+ and O2+ with additives as a function of reduced electric field are reported. The method was comprehensively evaluated in terms of linearity, sensitivity and precision. For H3O+, the limits of detection (LoD) are in the range of 41-88 pg of additive, for which the accuracy varied between 1.5 and 3.2%, precision varied between 3.7 and 7.3% and linearity showed R20.9991. For O2+, LoD are in the range of 72 to 1.4 ng, with an accuracy of between 2.8 and 4.9% and a precision between 4.5 and 8.6% and R20.9914. The validated methodology was applied to the analysis of commercial pre-blast gun powders from different manufacturers.(VLID)4826148Accepted versio

    Cancer-associated fibroblasts modify lung cancer metabolism involving ROS and TGF-ÎČ signaling

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    Lung cancer is a major public health problem due to its high incidence and mortality rate. The altered metabolism in lung cancer is key for the diagnosis and has implications on both, the prognosis and the response to treatments. Although Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are one of the major components of the tumor microenvironment, little is known about their role in lung cancer metabolism. We studied tumor biopsies from a cohort of 12 stage IIIA lung adenocarcinoma patients and saw a positive correlation between the grade of fibrosis and the glycolysis phenotype (Low PGC-1α and High GAPDH/MT-CO1 ratio mRNA levels). These results were confirmed and extended to other metabolism-related genes through the in silico data analysis from 73 stage IIIA lung adenocarcinoma patients available in TCGA. Interestingly, these relationships are not observed with the CAFs marker α-SMA in both cohorts. To characterize the mechanism, in vitro co-culture studies were carried out using two NSCLC cell lines (A549 and H1299 cells) and two different fibroblast cell lines. Our results confirm that a metabolic reprogramming involving ROS and TGF-ÎČ signaling occurs in lung cancer cells and fibroblasts independently of α-SMA induction. Under co-culture conditions, Cancer-Associated fibroblasts increase their glycolytic ability. On the other hand, tumor cells increase their mitochondrial function. Moreover, the differential capability among tumor cells to induce this metabolic shift and also the role of the basal fibroblasts Oxphos Phosphorylation (OXPHOS) function modifying this phenomenon could have implications on both, the diagnosis and prognosis of patients. Further knowledge in the mechanism involved may allow the development of new therapies.Work in the authors’ laboratories is supported by ‘‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’’ PI13/01806 and PIE14/0064 to M.P. A.C-B, received a Spanish Lung Cancer Group fellowship. R.L-B, is supported by Comunidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid “GarantĂ­a juvenil” contract

    The Role of IL-15 Deficiency in the Pathogenesis of Virus-Induced Asthma Exacerbations

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    Rhinovirus infections are the major cause of asthma exacerbations. We hypothesised that IL-15, a cytokine implicated in innate and acquired antiviral immunity, may be deficient in asthma and important in the pathogenesis of asthma exacerbations. We investigated regulation of IL-15 induction by rhinovirus in human macrophages in vitro, IL-15 levels in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and IL-15 induction by rhinovirus in BAL macrophages from asthmatic and control subjects, and related these to outcomes of infection in vivo. Rhinovirus induced IL-15 in macrophages was replication-, NF-ÎșB- and α/ÎČ interferon-dependent. BAL macrophage IL-15 induction by rhinovirus was impaired in asthmatics and inversely related to lower respiratory symptom severity during experimental rhinovirus infection. IL-15 levels in BAL fluid were also decreased in asthmatics and inversely related with airway hyperresponsiveness and with virus load during in vivo rhinovirus infection. Deficient IL-15 production in asthma may be important in the pathogenesis of asthma exacerbations
