604 research outputs found

    17O NMR spectroscopy as a tool to study hydrogen bonding of cholesterol in lipid bilayers

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    Cholesterol is a crucial component of biological membranes and can interact with other membrane components through hydrogen bonding. NMR spectroscopy has been used previously to investigate this bonding, however this study represents the first 17O NMR spectroscopy study of isotopically enriched cholesterol. We demonstrate the 17O chemical shift is dependent on hydrogen bonding, providing a novel method for the study of cholesterol in bilayers

    Effect of TiO2 addition on structure, solubility and crystallisation of phosphate invert glasses for biomedical applications

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS, [VOL 356, ISSUE 44-49, (2001)] DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2010.03.02

    Fluoride-containing bioactive glasses: Effect of glass design and structure on degradation, pH and apatite formation in simulated body fluid

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Acta Biomaterialia. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Acta Biomaterialia, [VOL 6, ISSUE 8, (2010)] DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2010.01.04

    Optimised conditions for the synthesis of 17O and 18O labelled cholesterol

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    Conditions are described for the preparation of cholesterol with 17O and 18O labels from i-cholesteryl methyl ether using minimal amounts of isotopically enriched water. Optimum yields employed trifluoromethanesulfonic acid as catalyst in 1,4-dioxane at room temperature with 5 equivalents of water. An isotopic enrichment >90% of that of the water used for the reaction could be attained. Tetrafluoroboric acid could also be used as catalyst, at the expense of a lower overall reaction yield. Byproducts from the reaction included dicholesteryl ether, methyl cholesteryl ether, compounds formed by ether hydrolysis, and olefins arising from elimination reactions. Reactions in tetrahydrofuran yielded significant amounts of cholesteryl ethers formed by reaction with alcohols arising from hydrolysis of the solvent

    Amphiphilic drug interactions with model cellular membranes are influenced by lipid chain-melting temperature.

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    Small-molecule amphiphilic species such as many drug molecules frequently exhibit low-to-negligible aqueous solubility, and generally have no identified transport proteins assisting their distribution, yet are able to rapidly penetrate significant distances into patient tissue and even cross the blood-brain barrier. Previous work has identified a mechanism of translocation driven by acid-catalysed lipid hydrolysis of biological membranes, a process which is catalysed by the presence of cationic amphiphilic drug molecules. In this study, the interactions of raclopride, a model amphiphilic drug, were investigated with mixtures of biologically relevant lipids across a range of compositions, revealing the influence of the chain-melting temperature of the lipids upon the rate of acyl hydrolysis

    Exploring the Optical Transient Sky with the Palomar Transient Factory

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    The Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) is a wide-field experiment designed to investigate the optical transient and variable sky on time scales from minutes to years. PTF uses the CFH12k mosaic camera, with a field of view of 7.9 deg^2 and a plate scale of 1 asec/pixel, mounted on the the Palomar Observatory 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope. The PTF operation strategy is devised to probe the existing gaps in the transient phase space and to search for theoretically predicted, but not yet detected, phenomena, such as fallback supernovae, macronovae, .Ia supernovae and the orphan afterglows of gamma-ray bursts. PTF will also discover many new members of known source classes, from cataclysmic variables in their various avatars to supernovae and active galactic nuclei, and will provide important insights into understanding galactic dynamics (through RR Lyrae stars) and the Solar system (asteroids and near-Earth objects). The lessons that can be learned from PTF will be essential for the preparation of future large synoptic sky surveys like the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. In this paper we present the scientific motivation for PTF and describe in detail the goals and expectations for this experiment.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PAS

    Discovery of a Dynamical Cold Point in the Heart of the Sagittarius dSph Galaxy with Observations from the APOGEE Project

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    The dynamics of the core of the Sagittarius (Sgr) dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy are explored using high-resolution (R~22,500), H-band, near-infrared spectra of over 1,000 giant stars in the central 3 deg^2 of the system, of which 328 are identified as Sgr members. These data, among some of the earliest observations from the SDSS-III/Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) and the largest published sample of high resolution Sgr dSph spectra to date, reveal a distinct gradient in the velocity dispersion of Sgr from 11-14 km/s for radii >0.8 degrees from center to a dynamical cold point of 8 km/s in the Sgr center --- a trend differing from that found in previous kinematical analyses of Sgr over larger scales that suggest a more or less flat dispersion profile at these radii. Well-fitting mass models with either cored and cusped dark matter distributions can be found to match the kinematical results, although the cored profile succeeds with significantly more isotropic stellar orbits than required for a cusped profile. It is unlikely that the cold point reflects an unusual mass distribution. The dispersion gradient may arise from variations in the mixture of populations with distinct kinematics within the dSph; this explanation is suggested (e.g., by detection of a metallicity gradient across similar radii), but not confirmed, by the present data. Despite these remaining uncertainties about their interpretation, these early test data (including some from instrument commissioning) demonstrate APOGEE's usefulness for precision dynamical studies, even for fields observed at extreme airmasses.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure