142 research outputs found

    Rôles du tuteur

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    National audienceDans la littérature, le tuteur est nommé différemment, selon les rôles qu'on lui assigne : modérateur, facilitateur, tuteur en ligne, coach, mentor pédagogique, e-tuteur, accompagnateur... Dans cet article, nous nous attachons à mieux définir l'acteur de l' apprentissage que l' on nomme " tuteur " en étudiant ses rôles en fonction de trois facteurs : la médiatisation des communications (médiatisées ou non), la nature de la tâche (collaborative ou individuelle) et la temporalité de la formation (ponctuelle ou durable). Nous relevons ainsi 16 rôles dont la présence dépend de l'importance de chacun de ces facteurs. Ce travail a été réalisé dans le but d'identifier les difficultés et problèmes rencontrés par le tuteur en fonction du contexte de la formation, ses besoins et l'état actuel des outils existants pour y répondre

    Adaptive Gamification for Learning Environments

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    (Scimago Q1, ATIEF A+)International audienceIn spite of their effectiveness, learning environments often fail to engage users and end up under-used. Many studies show that gamification of learning environments can enhance learners' motivation to use learning environments. However, learners react differently to specific game mechanics and little is known about how to adapt gaming features to learners' profiles. In this paper, we propose a process for adapting gaming features based on a player model. This model is inspired from existing player typologies and types of gamification elements. Our approach is implemented in a learning environment with five different gaming features, and evaluated with 266 participants. The main results of this study show that, amongst the most engaged learners (i.e. learners who use the environment the longest), those with adapted gaming features spend significantly more time in the learning environment. Furthermore, learners with features that are not adapted have a higher level of amotivation. These results support the relevance of adapting gaming features to enhance learners' engagement, and provide cues on means to implement adaptation mechanisms

    Raising awareness on Archaeology: A Multiplayer Game-Based Approach with Mixed Reality

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    International audienceOur research deals with the development of a new type of game‐based learning environment: (M)MORPG based on mixed reality, applied in the archaeological domain. In this paper, we propose a learning scenario that enhances players' motivation thanks to individual, collaborative and social activities and that offers a continuous experience between the virtual environment and real places (archaeological sites, museum). After describing the challenge to a rich multidisciplinary approach involving both computer scientists and archaeologists, we present two types of game: multiplayer online role‐playing games and mixed reality games. We build on the specificities of these games to make the design choices described in the paper. The proposed approach aims at raising awareness among people on the scientific approach in Archaeology, by providing them information in the virtual environment and encouraging them to go on real sites. We finally discuss the issues raised by this work, such as the tensions between the perceived individual, team and community utilities, as well as the choice of the entering point in the learning scenario (real or virtual) for the players' involvement in the game

    L'immunothérapie dans le cancer épithélial de l'ovaire : entre espoir et réalité [Immunotherapy in epithelial ovarian carcinoma: hope and reality]

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    National audienceLe cancer épithélial de l'ovaire (CEO) présente un pronostic sombre avec depuis deux décennies des progrès très modestes en terme de gain de survie. L'immunologie, longtemps négligée dans le CEO, apparait maintenant central dans l'histoire naturelle de cette maladie cancéreuse. L'objet de cette revue est une mise au point sur l'état des connaissances sur l'immunologie dans le CEO et la potentielle place de l'immunothérapie dans son traitement futur. Matériel et méthodes : Interrogation de la base de données MedLine en utilisant les mots clés : " Ovarian carinoma, immunotherapy, T lymphocyte, regulator T lymphocyte, dendritic cells, macrophage, antigen, chemotherapy, surgery, clinical trials ". Nous avons retenu les éléments pertinents pour la compréhension de l'immunologie du CEO, de la place des traitements conventionnels et des stratégies d'immunothérapie à partir des articles de langue anglaise et française. Résultats : L'infiltration intra-tumorale par des cellules immunitaires conditionnent de manière majeure le pronostic du CEO. Les traitements traditionnels du CEO que sont la chirurgie et la chimiothérapie diminuent l'immunosuppression de la patiente. L'immunologie est l'une des composantes de l'action thérapeutique de la chimiothérapie et de la chirurgie. L'immunothérapie après des résultats décevants est à l'aube d'une révolution thérapeutique en cancérologie par l'arrivée de drogue ciblant le microenvironnement tumoral tolérogène. Conclusion : L'immunologie conditionne l'histoire naturelle du CEO. La modulation de l'immunosuppression associée à une stimulation de l'immunité antitumorale est probablement l'une des prochaines révolutions thérapeutiques en cancérologie. Summary: Introduction: Epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC) has a worst prognosis with little progress in term of survival for the last two decades. Immunology received little interest in EOC in the past, but now appears very important in the natural history of this cancer. This review is an EOC immunology state of art and focuses on the place of immunotherapy in future. Material and methods: A systematic review of published studies was performed. Medline baseline interrogation was performed with the following keywords: " Ovarian carinoma, immunotherapy, T lymphocyte, regulator T lymphocyte, dendritic cells, macrophage, antigen, chemotherapy, surgery, clinical trials ". Identified publications (English or French) were assessed for the understanding of EOC immunology and the place of conventional treatment and immunotherapy strategy. Results: Intratumoral infiltration by immune cells is a strong prognosis factor in EOC. Surgery and chemotherapy in EOC decrease imunosuppression in patients. The antitumoral immunity is a part of the therapeutic action of surgery and chemotherapy. Until now, immunotherapy gave some disappointing results, but the new drugs that target the tolerogenic tumoral microenvironnement rise and give a new hope in the treatment of cancer. Conclusion: Immunology controls the EOC natural history. The modulation of immunosuppressive microenvironment associated with the stimulation of antitumoral immunity could be the next revolution in the treatment of cancer

    A quantitative deficiency in peripheral blood Vγ9Vδ2 cells is a negative prognostic biomarker in ovarian cancer patients.

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    International audienceVγ9Vδ2 cells are cytotoxic T cells that are able to recognize epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC) cells. Therefore, Vγ9Vδ2 cell-based adoptive transfer is an attractive therapy for EOC. However, the inefficient ex vivo expansion after specific stimulation of Vγ9Vδ2 cells from some patients and the relationships between Vγ9Vδ2 cells and clinical course of EOC are issues that remain to be clarified. Herein, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 60 EOC patients were stimulated with bromohydrin pyrophosphate (BrHPP) or zoledronate, which are specific agonists of Vγ9Vδ2 cells. The compounds differed in their efficacies to induce ex vivo Vγ9Vδ2 PBMC expansion, but 16/60 samples remained inefficiently expanded with both stimuli. Interestingly, the Vγ9Vδ2 cells in these low-responding PBMCs displayed before expansion (ex vivo PBMCs) an altered production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IFN-γ and TNF-α, a decreased naive fraction and a reduced frequency. No evidence of an involvement of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory cells was observed. Importantly, our data also demonstrate that a Vγ9Vδ2 cell frequency of 0.35% or less in EOC PBMCs could be used to predict low responses to both BrHPP and zoledronate. Moreover, our data highlight that such a deficiency is not correlated with advanced EOC stages but is associated with more refractory states to platinum-based chemotherapy and is an independent predictor of shorter disease-free survival after treatment. These results are the first to suggest a potential contribution of Vγ9Vδ2 cells to the anti-tumor effects of chemotherapeutic agents and they strengthen interest in strategies that might increase Vγ9Vδ2 cells in cancer patients

    Sexual Signal Evolution Outpaces Ecological Divergence during Electric Fish Species Radiation

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    Natural selection arising from resource competition and environmental heterogeneity can drive adaptive radiation. Ecological opportunity facilitates this process, resulting in rapid divergence of ecological traits in many celebrated radiations. In other cases, sexual selection is thought to fuel divergence in mating signals ahead of ecological divergence. Comparing divergence rates between naturally and sexually selected traits can offer insights into processes underlying species radiations, but to date such comparisons have been largely qualitative. Here, we quantitatively compare divergence rates for four traits in African mormyrid fishes, which use an electrical communication system with few extrinsic constraints on divergence. We demonstrate rapid signal evolution in the Paramormyrops species flock compared to divergence in morphology, size, and trophic ecology. This disparity in the tempo of trait evolution suggests that sexual selection is an important early driver of species radiation in these mormyrids. We also found slight divergence in ecological traits among closely related species, consistent with a supporting role for natural selection in Paramormyrops diversification. Our results highlight the potential for sexual selection to drive explosive signal divergence when innovations in communication open new opportunities in signal space, suggesting that opportunity can catalyze species radiations through sexual selection, as well as natural selection

    First record of the cyanobacterial genus Wilmottia (Coleofasciculaceae, Oscillatoriales) from the South Orkney Islands (Antarctica)

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    Two cyanobacterial morphotypes isolated from Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, maritime Antarctica were characterised using a polyphasic approach combining morphological, cytological and molecular analyses. These analyses showed that the strains grouped with members of the genus Wilmottia. This genus has three species, W. murrayi, W.stricta, and W. koreana. Both morphotypes analysed in this study were placed within the clade of W. murrayi. This clade showed a well-supported separation from Antarctica and New Zealand strains, as well as the strains from other regions. W. murrayi was first described from Antarctica and is now known from several Antarctic regions. Confirmation of the occurrence of W. murrayi at Signy Island significantly extends its known distribution in Antarctica. In addition, a new combination, W. arthurensis, is suggested for Phormidium arthurensis

    Paleo-Drainage Basin Connectivity Predicts Evolutionary Relationships across Three Southeast Asian Biodiversity Hotspots

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    Understanding factors driving diversity across biodiversity hotspots is critical for formulating conservation priorities in the face of ongoing and escalating environmental deterioration. While biodiversity hotspots encompass a small fraction of Earth's land surface, more than half the world's plants and two-thirds of terrestrial vertebrate species are endemic to these hotspots. Tropical Southeast (SE) Asia displays extraordinary species richness, encompassing four biodiversity hotspots, though disentangling multiple potential drivers of species richness is confounded by the region's dynamic geological and climatic history. Here, we use multilocus molecular genetic data from dense multispecies sampling of freshwater fishes across three biodiversity hotspots, to test the effect of Quaternary climate change and resulting drainage rearrangements on aquatic faunal diversification. While Cenozoic geological processes have clearly shaped evolutionary history in SE Asian halfbeak fishes, we show that paleo-drainage re-arrangements resulting from Quaternary climate change played a significant role in the spatiotemporal evolution of lowland aquatic taxa, and provide priorities for conservation efforts. [Freshwater; geology; halfbeak; island radiation; Miocene; Pleistocene; river; Southeast Asia.

    Risk Factors of Inadequate Colposcopy After Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    International audienceObjective: The aim of the study was to identify the risk factors of post-large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) inadequate colposcopy. Materials and Methods: From December 2013 to July 2014, a total of 157 patients who had a LLETZ performed for the treatment of high-grade intraepithelial lesion with fully visible cervical squamocolumnar junction were included. All procedures were performed using semicircular loops. The use of colposcopy made during each procedure was systematically documented. Dimensions and volume of LLETZ specimens were measured at the time of procedure, before formaldehyde fixation. All participants were invited for a follow-up colposcopy 3 to 6 months after LLETZ. Primary end point was the diagnosis of post-LLETZ inadequate colposcopy, defined by a not fully visible cervical squamocolumnar junction and/or cervical stenosis. Results: Colposcopies were performed in a mean (SD) delay of 136 (88) days and were inadequate in 22 (14%) cases. Factors found to significantly increase the probability of post-LLETZ inadequate colposcopy were a history of previous excisional cervical therapy [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 4.29, 95% CI = 1.12-16.37, p = .033] and the thickness of the specimen (aOR = 3.12, 95% CI = 1.02-9.60, p = .047). The use of colpos-copy for the guidance of LLETZ was statistically associated with a decrease in the risk of post-LLETZ inadequate colposcopy (aOR = 0.19, 95% CI = 0.04-0.80, p = .024) as the achievement of negative endocervical margins (aOR = 0.26, 95% CI = 0.08-0.86, p = .027). Conclusions: Although the risk of post-LLETZ inadequate colpos-copy is increased in patients with history of excisional therapy and with the thickness of the excised specimen, it could be reduced with the use of colposcopic guidance and the achievement of negative endocervical margins. L arge loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) is a routine procedure worldwide, because it is the first-line treatment of high-grade intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) of the cervix. Quality criteria for optimal LLETZ include the completeness of excision with the achievement of negative margins, while producing the minimal excised volume and depth of excision to minimize subsequent obstetrical and neonatal morbidity. 1,2 Obtaining negative margins is important, because incomplete excision exposes women to a significant risk of posttreatment residual and/or recurrent disease, particularly when the lesion involves the endo-cervical canal. 3,4 However, this risk remains higher to the general female population, even when negative margins are achieved. Women who had had a LLETZ remain therefore exposed to a 3-to 4-fold increased risk of developing subsequent cervical cancer at least for 20 years. 5-8 Thus, prolonged and careful post-LLETZ follow-up is mandatory, whatsoever the margins status. For the last decade, the value of human papillomavirus testing has been demonstrated in this indication. Although a negative human papillomavirus test has now been admitted as the best test of cure for patients, colposcopy remains needed when this test is found to be positive. 9-12 Although being the key examination in this indication, the accuracy of colposcopy performed after previous excisional therapy of HSIL is however questionable because the healing process might result in changes in the appearance of the transformation zone (TZ). However, the main limitation of post-LLETZ colposcopic examination is the possibility of inadequate colposcopy due to the inability to visualize the entire TZ. Known risk factors for inadequate colposcopy include age, severity of lesion, and estrogen status of the patient. 13 However, inadequate colposcopy is also one of the main adverse effects of excisional therapies of the cervix, including LLETZ. 13 However, data on the precise risk factors for inadequate colposcopy after LLETZ are limited because most studies have focused on the sole risk of cervical stenosis without considering the position and visibility of the squamocolumnar junction. 14-17 This point is however crucial because it is clinically essential to identify how post-LLETZ inadequate colposcopy could be avoided, thus preserving the possibility for the follow-up of these women