222 research outputs found
Léa lave son linge à la main ou comment à la main ne désigne pas la partie du corps
AprĂšs une mise au point de la terminologie et des critĂšres de figement, nous analysons le statut de sĂ©quences oĂč la prĂ©position Ă introduit un GP [moyen] telles que : Un brouillard Ă couper au couteau Etre Ă ramasser Ă la petite cuiller Nourrir son bĂ©bĂ© (au sein+au biberon+Ă la cuiller) Laver son linge (Ă la main+Ă la machine) Nous aboutissons Ă une sorte de continuum pour ce qui est du figement de ces sĂ©quences. En effet les deux premiers exemples rĂ©pondent Ă lâensemble des critĂšres retenus pour le figement tandis que pour les deux derniers les critĂšres ne convergent pas tous, ce qui nous conduit Ă formuler lâhypothĂšse quâil existerait des critĂšres plus significatifs que dâautres. Ainsi il y aurait des conditions nĂ©cessaires, qui doivent obligatoirement ĂȘtre requises pour ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme « figĂ©e » et dâautres critĂšres qui constitueraient des conditions suffisantes.After a clarifying the terminology and the « freezing » criteria, we now analyse the status of sequences where the preposition Ă introduces a PP [means] such as: Un brouillard Ă couper au couteau Etre Ă ramasser Ă la petite cuiller Nourrir son bĂ©bĂ© (au sein+au biberon+Ă la cuiller) Laver son linge (Ă la main+Ă la machine) We come to a kind of continuum concerning the « freezing » of these sequences. The first two examples correspond to all the « freezing » criteria we accorded our attention to, whereas the next two do not meet all the criteria, this takes us to the hypothesis that criteria more significant than others might exist. Thus there would be necessary conditions which must compulsorily be requited to be considered as âfrozenâ and other criteria which would represent sufficient conditions
« Tout le monde me montre au doigtâŠÂ » Remarques sur le complĂ©ment de moyen introduit par la prĂ©position Ă
On a constituĂ© un corpus de noms, sous-classifiĂ©s selon des critĂšres distributionnels en noms dâanimaux, noms de vĂ©gĂ©taux, noms de matiĂšres afin dâexaminer Ă quelles conditions ils peuvent former un complĂ©ment de moyen introduit par Ă . LâhypothĂšse pour expliquer que seuls certains dâentre eux admettent cette combinaison, et de plus en un sens prĂ©cis, est que Ă sĂ©lectionne des noms dont le rĂ©fĂ©rent correspond Ă une entitĂ© construite ou dĂ©viĂ©e de sa nature pour servir Ă une activitĂ© humaine : pĂȘcher Ă la mouche, se parfumer Ă la lavande, se nettoyer la peau Ă lâargile.A corpus of nouns was constituted and sub-categorised according to distributional criteria into names of animals, plants and materials in order to examine the conditions required for the forming of an adverbial phrase of manner introduced by Ă . The hypothesis to explain why this construction is accepted by some but not others, moreover to give a more precise meaning, is that Ă calls upon nouns whose referent relates to a constructed entity or one that is diverted from its original nature to serve a human activity: pĂȘcher Ă la mouche, se parfumer Ă la lavande, se nettoyer la peau Ă lâargile
Pourquoi " rester POUR quelque temps " est-il susceptible de poser un problÚme d'acceptabilité ?
International audienceSome foreign speakers produce sentences like Je reste en France pour six mois (â "I am staying in France for six months"), combining the preposition pour (â "for") and the verb rester (â "to stay") to express "duration". However, if the English version seems to be tolerable, the French one is not acknowledged unanimously by French native speakers. A part of them considers such as a construction acceptable and the other part is uncertain and prefers the use of pendant (â "during") to pour, but without any conviction. Such a report is intriguing and deserves a meticulous study. We believe that the observed hesitations are due to two sorts of linguistic phenomena: firstly, the "signified" of the French preposition pour is not compatible with the aspectual informations implied by the use of rester since pour involves, in uses including the structure "pour Nduration", that the final boundaries of the duration are fuzzy and unclear; thus, pour is incompatible with numeral quantifiers like deux, trois, cinq, etc. (mois) ("two, three, five (months)"), while the verb rester calls to mind an "unlimited interval". Secondly, speakers may confuse pour with pendant which expresses more clear boundaries in sentences like Je reste en France pendant six mois. In addition, the aspectual properties of rester can also be wrongly considered as the same as the other "static verb" ĂȘtre ("to be"): the latter accepts, for example, the combination with inchoative process but not the former. That's why native speakers are not convinced about the heard patterns. Our hypotheses are confirmed and supported, in this study, by a large corpus of sentences and several linguistic criteria.Certains Ă©trangers produisent des Ă©noncĂ©s comme Je reste en France pour six mois combinant la prĂ©position pour avec le verbe d'" Ă©tat " rester pour exprimer un certain rapport de " durĂ©e ". Toutefois, si ce type de constructions peut paraĂźtre tout Ă fait acceptable par certains francophones natifs, d'autres, au contraire le trouvent douteux, mais sans grande conviction. Un tel constat est pour le moins intriguant et incite Ă mener une Ă©tude mĂ©ticuleuse sur ces constructions afin de comprendre et d'expliquer ce sentiment d'incertitude. Il y a, selon nous, deux phĂ©nomĂšnes linguistiques qui permettent de justifier ce constat. Le premier a trait Ă une incompatibilitĂ© distributionnelle constatĂ©e dans ce type d'exemples : le fait que la prĂ©position pour n'engage pas la borne finale dans l'expression de la " durĂ©e " se trouve en conflit avec, Ă la fois, les complĂ©ments spĂ©cifiĂ©s par des quantifieurs " numĂ©raux ", de type deux, trois, cinq (mois), etc. et avec l'emploi du verbe rester qui implique, lui, que cette durĂ©e est " illimitĂ©e ". Un tel emploi est plus appropriĂ© avec la prĂ©position pendant, qui introduit un intervalle objectif parcouru du dĂ©but jusqu'Ă la fin. Quant au deuxiĂšme, il correspond Ă une probable confusion dans la tĂȘte des locuteurs selon laquelle on assimile d'un cĂŽtĂ© pour et pendant et de l'autre ĂȘtre et rester, alors qu'ils sont linguistiquement trĂšs diffĂ©rents, ce qui entraĂźne ce flottement dans les jugements. Nos hypothĂšses sont Ă©tayĂ©es et confirmĂ©es par le recours Ă un important corpus et Ă une multitude de tests linguistiques
Quelles pratiques littĂ©raciĂ©es sont mobilisĂ©es par les futurs professeurs des Ă©coles lorsquâils « font de la grammaire » ?
Nous proposons de transposer la notion de co-construction des inĂ©galitĂ©s et de malentendus sociocognitifs dĂ©veloppĂ©s au sein du CIRCEFT au contexte de formation universitaire des futurs professeurs des Ă©coles. Le concept de malentendu sociocognitif invite Ă prendre en compte le travail interprĂ©tatif de lâapprenant. Câest cette prĂ©occupation qui nous a conduits Ă nous intĂ©resser aux literacy studies et Ă chercher Ă mettre en Ă©vidence le sens que les Ă©tudiants ont effectivement construit des situations dâenseignement-apprentissage de la grammaire. Ainsi, les Ă©tudiants ne semblent pas inscrire ces « évĂšnements de littĂ©racie » dans les pratiques spĂ©cifiques de littĂ©racie que constitue justement ce que lâon nomme la littĂ©racie scolaire. Au-delĂ du sens que les Ă©tudiants donnent aux catĂ©gories grammaticales (sujet, phrase, verbe, etc.), nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s au sens quâils donnent Ă des opĂ©rations linguistiques (segmentation, suppression, dĂ©placement, commutation) et aux enjeux dâapprentissage de lâactivitĂ© grammaticale en analysant comment ils utilisent ces manipulations linguistiques et ces catĂ©gories.We propose to translate the concept of co-construction of inequalities and of sociocognitive misunderstanding developed within the CIRCEFT to the context of university training of future teachers of schools. The concept of sociocognitive misunderstanding invites to take into account the interpretative work of the learner. It is this concern that has led us to take an interest in Literacy Studies. From these concepts, we highlight the meaning that the students have actually constructed of situations of teaching-learning of grammar. Thus, students do not seem to be putting these âliteracy eventsâ in the specific literacy practices of what is called school literacy. Beyond the meaning that students give to the grammatical categories (subject, sentence, verb, etc.), we are interested in the meaning they give to linguistic operations (segmentation, suppression, displacement, commutation) and learning issues of grammatical activity by analyzing how they use these linguistic manipulations and categories
Is autophagy the key mechanism by which the sphingolipid rheostat controls the cell fate decision?
Sphingolipids are major constituents of biological membrane and some of them behave as second messengers involved in the cell fate decision. Ceramide and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) constitute a rheostat system in which ceramide promotes cell death and S1P increases cell survival. We have shown that both sphingolipids are able to trigger autophagy with opposing outcomes on cell survival. Here we discuss and speculate on the diverging functions of the autophagic pathways induced by ceramide and S1P, respectively
Préparation collaborative de dictées : analyse des échanges et des textes produits
Le dispositif TwictĂ©e fait collaborer des classes distantes : leurs Ă©lĂšves Ă©changent des dictĂ©es et leurs corrections par le rĂ©seau Twitter. Le texte de ces dictĂ©es est conçu et les sĂ©ances prĂ©parĂ©es par leurs enseignants sur une plateforme en ligne entre enseignants. Dans quelle mesure ce dispositif de prĂ©paration aide-t-il les enseignants Ă faire de la dictĂ©e un moment dâapprentissage de lâorthographe ? Permet-il une rĂ©flexion commune sur les situations dâenseignement de la langue ? Pour rĂ©pondre Ă ces questions, nous analysons les Ă©changes asynchrones en ligne lors de lâĂ©laboration des textes des dictĂ©es, Ă travers le corpus des documents de prĂ©paration dâune annĂ©e scolaire ainsi que la construction pas Ă pas de ce texte en analysant notamment les choix quâopĂšre le rĂ©seau dâenseignants au cours de ce travail dâĂ©laboration des textes de dictĂ©es. Plusieurs rĂ©sultats se dĂ©gagent concernant la fonction de la dictĂ©e (Ă©valuation plutĂŽt quâapprentissage), la teneur des Ă©changes (pĂ©dagogiques plutĂŽt que didactiques), la difficultĂ© rencontrĂ©e par les enseignants Ă prendre en compte la complexitĂ© du systĂšme linguistique et la temporalitĂ© des acquisitions des Ă©lĂšves.The TwictĂ©e device brings together distant classes: their students exchange dictations and their corrections through the Twitter network. The text of these dictations is designed and the sessions prepared by their teachers on an online platform between teachers. To what extent does this preparation device help teachers to make dictation a learning moment in spelling? Does it allow a common reflection on language teaching situations? To answer these questions, we analyse the asynchronous exchanges online during the elaboration of the texts of dictations, through the corpus of documents of preparation of a school year as well as the step-by-step construction of this text by analysing in particular the choices made by the network of teachers during this work of elaboration of dictation texts. Several results emerge concerning the function of dictation (evaluation rather than learning), the content of the exchanges (pedagogical rather than didactic), the difficulty encountered by the teachers in taking into account the complexity of the linguistic system and the temporality of the students' acquisitions
Small cargoes pass through synthetically glued Golgi stacks.
How are proteins transported across the stacked cisternae of the Golgi apparatus? Do they stay within the cisterna while the latter matures and progresses in an anterograde manner, or do they navigate between the cisternae via vesicles? Using synthetic biology, we engineered new tools designed to stabilize intercisternal adhesion such that Golgi cisternae are literally glued together, thus preventing any possible cisternal progression. Using bulk secretory assays and single-cell live imaging, we observed that small cargoes (but not large aggregated cargoes including collagen) still transited through glued Golgi, although the rate of transport was moderately reduced. ARF1, whose membrane recruitment is required for budding COPI vesicles, continues to cycle on and off glued Golgi. Numerous COPI-size vesicles were intercalated among the glued Golgi cisternae. These results suggest that cisternal progression is not required for anterograde transport, but do not address the possibility of cisternal maturation in situ
Lack of involvement of CD63 and CD9 tetraspanins in the extracellular vesicle content delivery process
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are thought to mediate intercellular communication by transferring cargoes from donor to acceptor cells. The EV content-delivery process within acceptor cells is still poorly characterized and debated. CD63 and CD9, members of the tetraspanin family, are highly enriched within EV membranes and are respectively enriched within multivesicular bodies/endosomes and at the plasma membrane of the cells. CD63 and CD9 have been suspected to regulate the EV uptake and delivery process. Here we used two independent assays and different cell models (HeLa, MDA-MB-231 and HEK293T cells) to assess the putative role of CD63 and CD9 in the EV delivery process that includes uptake and cargo delivery. Our results suggest that neither CD63, nor CD9 are required for this function
A potent betulinic acid analogue ascertains an antagonistic mechanism between autophagy and proteasomal degradation pathway in HT-29 cells
Betulinic acid (BA), a member of pentacyclic triterpenes has shown important biological activities like
anti-bacterial, anti-malarial, anti-inflammatory and most interestingly anticancer property. To overcome its poor
aqueous solubility and low bioavailability, structural modifications of its functional groups are made to generate
novel lead(s) having better efficacy and less toxicity than the parent compound. BA analogue, 2c was found most
potent inhibitor of colon cancer cell line, HT-29 cells with IC50 value 14.9 ÎŒM which is significantly lower than
standard drug 5-fluorouracil as well as parent compound, Betulinic acid. We have studied another mode of PCD,
autophagy which is one of the important constituent of cellular catabolic system as well as we also studied
proteasomal degradation pathway to investigate whole catabolic pathway after exploration of 2c on HT-29 cells.
Mechanism of autophagic cell death was studied using fluorescent dye like acridine orange (AO) and
monodansylcadaverin (MDC) staining by using fluorescence microscopy. Various autophagic protein expression
levels were determined by Western Blotting, qRT-PCR and Immunostaining. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
(CLSM) was used to study the colocalization of various autophagic proteins. These were accompanied by formation
of autophagic vacuoles as revealed by FACS and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Proteasomal degradation
pathway was studied by proteasome-Gloâą assay systems using luminometer.The formation of autophagic vacuoles in HT-29 cells after 2c treatment was determined by fluorescence
staining â confirming the occurrence of autophagy. In addition, 2c was found to alter expression levels of different autophagic proteins like Beclin-1, Atg 5, Atg 7, Atg 5-Atg 12, LC3B and autophagic adapter protein, p62. Furthermore we found the formation of autophagolysosome by colocalization of LAMP-1 with LC3B, LC3B with Lysosome, p62 with lysosome. Finally, as proteasomal degradation pathway downregulated after 2c treatment colocalization of ubiquitin
with lysosome and LC3B with p62 was studied to confirm that protein degradation in autophagy induced HT-29 cells
follows autolysosomal pathway. In summary, betulinic acid analogue, 2c was able to induce autophagy in HT-29 cells and as proteasomal degradation pathway downregulated after 2c treatment so protein degradation in autophagy induced HT-29 cell
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