927 research outputs found

    Impacts of U.S. Graduate Degree Training on Capacity Building in Developing Countries: A Case Study of the Pulse CRSP

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    The Dry Grain Pulses Collaborative Research Support Program (Pulse CRSP) had allocated a major part of its resources to providing graduate degree training (GDT) of scientists/researchers in order to strengthen agricultural research capacity in Africa, Latin America, and the U.S. However, no systematic attempt had been made to assess the impact of this investment. The study adopted the Kirkpatrick framework as a guide for evaluating the impacts of GDT by the Pulse CRSP. The results were drawn from a survey of former trainees and researchers, supplemented by interviews with scientists and program administrators and an institutional case study. An important finding was that over 86% of host country trainees returned to their home country. In their enhanced capacity, trainees made contributions to the advancement of bean/cowpea research that can be attributed to their graduate degree training. Trainees reported that their GDT was necessary for their professional development and was highly relevant to their current job responsibility.Impact assessment, Pulse CRSP, USAID, Training, Graduate degree, Beans, Cowpeas, International Development, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession, Q16-R&D-Agricultural technology-Biofuels-Agricultural Extension Services,

    Compaction and Residual Stress Modeling in Composite Manufactured with Automated Fiber Placement

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    Automated fiber placement is a state-of-the-art manufacturing process that allows for complex layup patterns and can quickly place, cut, and restart composite tows. However, with this type of manufacturing process layup defects are inevitable, and manufacturing defects propagate after curing. Process modeling is the considered approach for exploring the defect prediction. Two different but related works were conducted, which are the thermochemical and hyperelastic model and the residual deformation model. For the model before cooling, a hyperelastic model and a thermo-chemical were made to simulate the compaction and heat transfer. Temperature dependent properties that are a function of degree of cure and glass transition temperature were made. An exothermic reaction was simulated with the thermo-chemical model which shows the composite temperature exceeds the applied temperature. Currently, the hyperelastic model shows some behavior in manufacturing induced defect deformation. The residual stress analysis involves two tow-steered composite shells, one with overlapping plies and one without. The coefficient of thermal expansion was measured using digital image correlation and homogenized temperature dependent properties was derived from the results. The stacking sequence, orientation, and thickness was used to create a piece wise stiffness matrix on a simple shell element and varying modeling conditions were applied for a more robust model. The results of the residual deformation show that non-linearity and temperature dependence did not affect the resultant geometry. Out-ofroundness data shows that the shells with overlaps can be simulated through shell element while shells without overlaps did not show good qualitative results

    Pendidikan Anak Berwawasan Lingkungan Persfektif Islam

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    Kenyataan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat dunia saat ini terjadi pemanasan global (global warming), ketidak pastian iklim, dan bahkan sering muncul kejadian alam yang menimpa manusia, mengakibatkan sebuah kehawatiran akan keberlangsungan hidup manusia, sebut saja misalnya banjir dan longsor.kondisi yang demikian tentu menyadarkan aktivitas manusia global yang bahasa musisi Ebit G. “Alam sudah mulai bosan bersahabat dengan kita”.Kritik manusia terhadap aktivitas hidup ternyata diperdapati sebuah “kebobrokan moral” pada lingkungan. Ilegal logingmasih saja ditemukan dan kerakusan pada pengurasan kekayaan alam tidak diperhitungkan untuk kehidupan masa akan datang, juga tentu perawatan pada segala jenis Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) yang miliki jauh dari kehidupan.Lantas, Kenyataan ini perlu dikonfirmasi pada eksistensi lembaga pendidikan yang sarat muatan didikan, pembiasaan, dan futuris. Inilah menjadi potensi yang kuat akan membina manusia dan atau meminimalis “kejahatan manusia” pada lingkungan sekitar. Pasalnya, normatif Islam (QS. Ar-Rum ayat 41) Allah telah berkata jelas bahwa kerusakan alam (lingkungan) ulah manusia. Key Note: Pendidikan, Anak, Berwawasan Lingkunga, Isla


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    Konsep “Merdeka Belajar” yang didengungkan kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan menjadi bahan acuan diskusi sekaligus menganalisis secara kritis mau dibawa kemana pendidikan Nasional kita. persoalan yang munculpun diketengahkan pada pembahasan 1) Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (USBN); 2) Ujian Nasional (UN); 3) Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaan (RPP), dan 4) Peraturan Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) zonasi. Dari empat persoalan jika dielaborasi melalui pendekatan humanisme pendidikan, ada tiga persolan yang secara diseriusi dari praktik pendidikan Nasional. Pertama, tujuan pendidikan. Kedua, peserta didik, dan ketiga pendidik. Dari komponen rekomendasi Kemendikbud, secara prinsipil humanistik sejalan seirama dalam mendesain pendidikan.Kata Kunci: Diskursus, Merdeka Belajar, Humani

    Designing clutter rejection filters with complex coefficients for airborne pulsed Doppler weather radar

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    Ground clutter interference is a major problem for airborne pulse Doppler radar operating at low altitudes in a look-down mode. With Doppler zero set at the aircraft ground speed, ground clutter rejection filtering is typically accomplished using a high-pass filter with real valued coefficients and a stopband notch centered at zero Doppler. Clutter spectra from the NASA Wind Shear Flight Experiments of l991-1992 show that the dominant clutter mode can be located away from zero Doppler, particularly at short ranges dominated by sidelobe returns. Use of digital notch filters with complex valued coefficients so that the stopband notch can be located at any Doppler frequency is investigated. Several clutter mode tracking algorithms are considered to estimate the Doppler frequency location of the dominant clutter mode. From the examination of night data, when a dominant clutter mode away from zero Doppler is present, complex filtering is able to significantly increase clutter rejection over use of a notch filter centered at zero Doppler

    Can we keep up with the demand? Emerging trends in global rice consumption

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    Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty,

    The Role of Exchange Rates and Domestic Policies on Global Rice Food Security

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    Agricultural and Food Policy, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Security and Poverty, International Relations/Trade,

    Sumber Belajar vs Pembelajaran Bersanad di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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    Abstrak: wacana pendidikan Islam terus berkembang sesuai dengan kondisi yang dialami oleh para pelaku pendidikan. Terlepas, isu dihadapkan dengan civitas akademika yang dimunculkan dari perilaku masyarakat, ataupun memang hasil dari pengkajian serius dari kalangan dunia akademik. Urgensitas fenomena ini dapat dikaitkan sebagai terbuka lebarnya aksses seluruh lapisan masyarakat dalam membahas tentang pendidikan Islam itu sendiri, yang ultimate aimsnya dipahami sebagai percepatan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan Islam. salah satu isu yang kerap dikontrakskan adalah persolan sumber belajar dengan pembelajaran bersanad yang kemudian diafirmasi pada tataran madrasah ibtidaiyah sebagai lembaga formal tingkat dasar. Karena, wacana ini terus menggelinding yang kemudian mengharuskan sebuah kajian serius, artikel ini memberikan sebuah substansi krusial terhadap tersebut. yang pada akhirnya, bahwa sumber belajar dalam dunia pendidikan bermakna filosofis dipahami apa saja yang memberikan informasi terhadap ilmu pengetahuan. Sedangkan pembelajaran bersanad dipahami sebagai aktivitas pembelajaran yang memiliki akses ketersambungan ilmu pengetahuan. Inilah kemudian, disandingkan dengan posisi strategisnya masa pendidkan dasar yang harus dikelola dengan baik agar tidak terjebak pada shock informasi.Kata Kunci: Sumber, Pembelajaran, Bersana
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