1,034 research outputs found

    Linguistic and cultural preservation of the immigrant community:\ud a view from Vigo.

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    Este trabajo aborda la importancia del mantenimiento lingüístico y\ud cultural en el proceso de integración de las comunidades inmigrantes.\ud Para ello, esta investigación, de base cualitativa, analiza tres entrevistas\ud a inmigrantes asentadas en Vigo con el fin de conocer su biografía\ud sociolingüística. De esta manera, se puede verificar una hipótesis\ud que asume una correlación causal positiva entre los dos fenómenos\ud involucrados: a mayor mantenimiento, mayor o mejor integración.\ud Los resultados demuestran una tendencia común hacia el mantenimiento\ud por parte de las comunidades inmigrantes y un rechazo hacia\ud el mismo desde la sociedad receptora, por lo que la conclusión apunta\ud a la necesidad de encontrar el equilibrio entre ambas partes y, de esta\ud manera, facilitar y reforzar el camino hacia la integración.This paper focuses on the importance of linguistic\ud and cultural maintenance in the integration process of the immigrant\ud communities. For this purpose, this qualitative investigation analyzes\ud three interviews conducted with three women immigrants that live\ud in Vigo, in order to shed light on their sociolinguistic profi les. By\ud these means, the hypothesis that there is a positive causal correlation\ud between the two phenomena involved may be verified: the highest\ud the maintenance, the highest or the better the integration. The results\ud show a common tendency towards maintenance led by the immigrant\ud communities. However, linguistic and cultural maintenance seems to\ud be rejected by the recipient society. Therefore, the conclusion points\ud to the necessity of finding some balance between both perspectives in\ud such a way that the process of integration is facilitated and reinforced

    Cultural Resources Investigations for the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Project, Bexar County, Texas

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    At the request of TriLeaf Corporation (TriLeaf), SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted a cultural resources investigation for the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) Project (Project) located in Bexar County, Texas. The Project involves the installation of a 432-foot-long (132-meter [m]-long) fiber-optic communication line directly south of Floyd Curl Drive in northwest San Antonio, Texas. The total disturbance of the proposed Project area measures approximately 0.28 acre (0.1 hectare [ha]) in size. The Project area is situated on the grounds of UTHSCSA and located approximately 8.48 miles (13.65 kilometers [km]) from downtown San Antonio. At its nearest, Zarzamora Creek is 40 feet (12 m) northwest of the Project area. The proposed Project includes property owned by the UTHSCSA, a political subdivision of the state of Texas, and is therefore subject to review by the Texas Historical Commission (THC) under the Antiquities Code of Texas (ACT) and the City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation (SA-OHP) under the Historic Preservation and Design Sections of the City of San Antonio’s Unified Development Code (UDC) (Article VI 35-606). SWCA conducted all work in accordance with the standards and guidelines set forth by the THC and the Council of Texas Archaeologists under ACT Permit No. 9311. The purpose of the investigation was to identify and assess any cultural resources, such as historic and prehistoric archaeological sites and historic buildings, structures, objects, and sites (such as cemeteries) that might be located within the boundaries of the proposed Project area and evaluate the significance of these cultural resources. Investigations consisted of a background literature and historical map review and monitoring of mechanical trench excavations within the Project area. SWCA conducted all investigations in accordance with the standards and guidelines established by the THC and the Council of Texas Archeologists. The background review determined that the Project area has not been previously surveyed for cultural resources, and three cultural resources investigations and three previously recorded cultural resources occurred within a 1.0-mile (1.6-km) radius of the Project area. SWCA’s intensive archaeological monitoring was performed during construction activities that occurred on April 7–14, 2020. All work within the Project area was conducted within moderately disturbed deposits. SWCA observed no subsurface cultural materials and no cultural features or temporally diagnostic artifacts were encountered. In accordance with the City of San Antonio UDC and the ACT, SWCA has made a reasonable and good faith effort to identify cultural resources properties within the Project area. No properties were identified within the Project area that may meet the criteria for listing as a State Antiquities Landmark, nor as a Historic Landmark or District according to the UDC. Therefore, SWCA recommends that no additional cultural resources investigations are warranted within the UTHSCSA Project Area, as currently defined. Following the review and acceptance of the final cultural resources report, all records and photographs will be curated with the Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio, per requirements of the ACT

    Multimodality and deaf children's participation in informal literature socialization contexts

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    En este artículo realizamos un análisis del discurso y la interacción multimodal de una sesión de cuentacuentos realizada en una biblioteca en la que el narrador está acompañado por una intérprete de lengua de signos española (LSE). El caso forma parte de una investigación más amplia que examina sesiones de cuentacuentos en bibliotecas, librerías infantiles y parques como espacios de socialización literaria en contextos de aprendizaje informal. Analizamos, por una parte, la relación cambiante entre los medios/modos desplegados en el relato y las dificultades que esto genera para los espectadores sordos y, por otra parte, la propia participación de los niños sordos en esta sesión. El análisis hace explícita la complejidad del acto de interpretación en LSE y la situación asimétrica en la que se encuentra la infancia sorda en estas sesiones de cuentacuentos. Igualmente, el episodio analizado invita a plantear el desarrollo de una conciencia multimodal como parte de las competencias literarias y discursivas que potencialmente favorecen la clase de eventos narrativos analizadosIn this article we present an analysis of discourse and multimodal interaction in a storytelling session that took place in a library in which the main narrator is accompanied by a Spanish Sign Language (LSE) interpreter. This case is part of a larger project that examines storytelling sessions in libraries, bookstores and parks as informal literature socialization contexts. On one hand, we examine the changing relationship between media/modes displayed in the story and the difficulties that this generates for deaf children. On the other hand, we explore deaf children's participation in the event. Our analysis makes explicit the complexities involved in LSE interpretation and the asymmetrical standing of deaf children in these types of events. Also, with the analysis of this episode we consider multimodal awareness as a possible discursive and literary competence that is fostered in these narratives event

    Cultural Resources Investigation of the CPS Energy Interstate Highway 10 / Loop 1604 to FM 1518 Project, Bexar County, Texas

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    CPS Energy retained SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) to complete an intensive cultural resources survey for the Interstate Highway (IH) 10 / Loop 1604 to Farm-to-Market Road (FM) 1518 Project (Project). The Project consists of the installation of a 3.44-mile (5.53-kilometer) long steel supply gas main in eastern Bexar County, Texas. The total size of the proposed area of investigation is 22.9 acres (9.3 ha) in extent, which represents the area of potential effects (APE) for the Project. The Project area is located parallel to IH-10 between Loop 1604 and Graytown Road, with sections also paralleling Loop 1604 and Graytown Road. Most of the Project area falls within the city limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of San Antonio, Texas. The Project requires an Antiquities Code of Texas (ACT) permit since it will involve more than 5 acres and/or 5,000 cubic yards of land disturbance. The ACT is administered by the Texas State Historic Preservation Office, known as the Texas Historical Commission (THC). The purpose of this investigation was to identify and assess any cultural resources, such as historic and prehistoric archaeological sites and historic buildings, structures, objects, and sites (such as cemeteries) that might be located within the boundaries of the Project area. All investigations were conducted in accordance with the ACT and standards and guidelines established by the THC and Council of Texas Archeologists. The cultural resources investigation was conducted under ACT Permit No. 8395. The cultural resources investigation consisted of a thorough background literature and records review. Field investigations consisted of an intensive pedestrian survey augmented by shovel testing. The background review determined that one previously identified cultural resource (site 41BX1693) is located within the Project area. Site 41BX1693 is a lithic artifact scatter of unknown temporal association located within a plowed field. The initial investigation of 41BX1693 observed cultural materials on the surface and subsurface (plow zone) identified through shovel tests and backhoe trenching efforts. SWCA conducted a site revisit to 41BX1693 and observed cultural lithic materials present on the surface and within the plow zone. SWCA extended the site boundary to the northeast and southwest. SWCA did not identify any cultural features or diagnostic artifacts during the revisit. The portion of site 41BX1693 within the Project area does not possess research potential beyond its locational data and does not meet the criteria for designation as a State Antiquities Landmark (SAL). The SWCA investigation also recorded one prehistoric archaeological site (41BX2277) within the Project area. Site 41BX2277 consists of a light scatter of lithic debitage and tested cobbles/cores across a disturbed land surface. The artifacts have likely been secondarily deposited from a site located uphill to the northwest, which is outside of the Project area. SWCA did not identify any cultural features or diagnostic artifacts within the portion of 41BX2277 within the Project area. It is the professional opinion of SWCA that 41BX2277 does not possess research potential beyond its locational data and does not meet the criteria for designation as a SAL. In accordance with the ACT, SWCA has made a reasonable and good faith effort to identify cultural resources within the Project area. No archaeological sites or above-ground historic resources were identified within the Project area that may meet the criteria for designation as a SAL according to 13 Texas Administrative Code 26.10. SWCA recommends no additional cultural resources investigations within the Project area, as currently defined

    Microbiota of healthy dogs demonstrate a significant decrease in richness and changes in specific bacterial groups in response to supplementation with resistant starch, but not psyllium or methylcellulose, in a randomized cross-over trial.

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    Even though dietary fibres are often used as prebiotic supplements in dogs, the effect of individual types of fibres on canine microbiota composition is unknown. The objective of this study was to assess changes in faecal microbiota richness, diversity and taxonomic abundance with three different fibre supplements in dogs. These were psyllium husk, resistant starch from banana flour and methylcellulose. They were administered to 17 healthy dogs in a cross-over trial after transition to the same complete feed. Faecal scores and clinical activity indices were recorded, and faecal samples were collected before and at the end of supplementation, as well as 2 weeks after each supplement (washout). Illumina NovaSeq paired-end 16S rRNA gene sequencing was performed on all samples. After quality control and chimera removal, alpha diversity indices were calculated with QIIME. Differences in specific taxa between groups were identified using Metastats. Methylcellulose significantly increased faecal scores but had no effect on microbiota. Psyllium resulted in minor changes in the abundance of specific taxa, but with questionable biological significance. Resistant starch reduced microbiota richness and resulted in the most abundant changes in taxa, mostly a reduction in short-chain fatty acid-producing genera of the phylum Bacillota, with an increase in genera within the Bacteroidota, Pseudomonadota, Actinomycetota and Saccharibacteria. In conclusion, while psyllium and methylcellulose led to few changes in the microbiota composition, the taxonomic changes seen with resistant starch may indicate a less favourable composition. Based on this, the type of resistant starch used here cannot be recommended as a prebiotic in dogs. </p

    Rodolfo Lama Prada, ingeniero. Tres arquitecturas desaparecidas

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    [Resumen] A partir del conocimiento de la obra del Mercado de San Agustín de A Coruña, obra de Antonio Tenreiro y Santiago Rey Pedreira en colaboración con Rodolfo Lama Prada, este trabajo plantea una aproximación a la obra del ingeniero, con el fin de arrojar luz sobre las repercusiones de la colaboración. Para ello, se aborda un análisis de tres obras desaparecidas realizadas por él en la ciudad de A Coruña, la Factoría bacaladera de Eusebio Bonjoch, S.A., realizada en solitario, la Fábrica de PEBSA, en colaboración con el ingeniero Alfonso Pérez Pérez, y la Fábrica de Hielo, en colaboración con Santiago Rey Pedreira, para posteriormente ponerlas en relación con el mercado, con el objetivo de entender la influencia que la colaboración interdisciplinar puede haber tenido en la concepción de la estructura y, a su vez, del espacio arquitectónico.[Resumo] A partir do coñecemento da obra do Mercado de San Agustín de A Coruña, obra de Antonio Tenreiro e Santiago Rey Pedreira en colaboración con Rodolfo Lama Prada, este traballo plantea una aproximación á obra do enxeñeiro, coa fin de botar luz sobre as repercusións da colaboración. Para iso, abórdase una análise de tres obras desaparecidas realizadas por él na cidade de A Coruña, a Factoría de bacallau de Eusebio Bonjoch, S.A., realizada en solitario, a Fábrica de PEBSA, en colaboración co enxeñeiro Alfonso Pérez Pérez, e a Fábrica de Xeo, en colaboración con Santiago Rey Pedreira, para posteriormente poñelas en relación co mercado, co obxectivo de entender a influencia que a colaboración interdisciplinar puido ter na concepción da estructura e, á súa vez, do espazo arquitectónico.[Abstract] Starting from the knowledge of Antonio Tenreiro, Santiago Rey Pedreira and Rodolfo Lama Prada’s building of San Agustín Market, it is pretended to make an approximation to the work of the engineer, in order to shed light on the implications of the collaboration. Then, three missing buildings of his in the city of A Coruña, the Codfish Factory of Eusebio Bonjoch, S.A., made in solitary, the PEBSA Factory, made in collaboration with the engineer Alfonso Pérez Pérez, and the Ice Factory, in colaboration with the Santiago Rey Pedreira, are analyzed to be put in comparison with the Market, in order to observe how the colaboration influenced the conception of the structure as well as the configuration of the architectural space.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ETSA). Estudos en arquitectura. Curso 2020/202

    Linguistic and cultural preservation of the immigrant community: a view from Vigo.

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    Este trabajo aborda la importancia del mantenimiento lingüístico y cultural en el proceso de integración de las comunidades inmigrantes. Para ello, esta investigación, de base cualitativa, analiza tres entrevistas a inmigrantes asentadas en Vigo con el fin de conocer su biografía sociolingüística. De esta manera, se puede verificar una hipótesis que asume una correlación causal positiva entre los dos fenómenos involucrados: a mayor mantenimiento, mayor o mejor integración. Los resultados demuestran una tendencia común hacia el mantenimiento por parte de las comunidades inmigrantes y un rechazo hacia el mismo desde la sociedad receptora, por lo que la conclusión apunta a la necesidad de encontrar el equilibrio entre ambas partes y, de esta manera, facilitar y reforzar el camino hacia la integración.This paper focuses on the importance of linguistic and cultural maintenance in the integration process of the immigrant communities. For this purpose, this qualitative investigation analyzes three interviews conducted with three women immigrants that live in Vigo, in order to shed light on their sociolinguistic profi les. By these means, the hypothesis that there is a positive causal correlation between the two phenomena involved may be verified: the highest the maintenance, the highest or the better the integration. The results show a common tendency towards maintenance led by the immigrant communities. However, linguistic and cultural maintenance seems to be rejected by the recipient society. Therefore, the conclusion points to the necessity of finding some balance between both perspectives in such a way that the process of integration is facilitated and reinforced

    Green in times of COVID-19: urban green space relevance during the COVID-19 pandemic in Buenos Aires City

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a deep impact on the way we perceive our world. This study explores its effect on Urban Green Space (UGS) perception in Buenos Aires City (CABA), Argentina. We provide a detailed overview of the distribution of UGS in CABA, along with socio-economic analysis and visitors' profile and perception before and during the restrictive measures adopted by the national authorities to contain the COVID-19 outbreak (July to December of 2020). We conducted a series of surveys based on open and closed questions. Before the pandemic, surveys were carried out in situ in eight parks of six districts, randomly chosen. During the confinement, online surveys were conducted. According to our results, the mean UGS density in CABA is 6.09 m2 /person, but marked differences between districts exist, ranging from 0.02 m2 /person to 17.68 m2 /person. This uneven distribution causes differences in the quality of life of CABA inhabitants, perhaps more pronounced during reduced-mobility situations like COVID-19 confinement. Socio economic analysis were done linking multidimensional poverty, COVID-19 positive cases and urban mobility in CABA. Regarding UGS visitors, before the confinement, the majority of respondents were employees or students; during the confinement, employees and retirees predominated. When asked to choose important attributes to describe their perception about the UGS from a given list, respondents selected “calm,” “green,” and “sounds of nature,” without differences before and during the confinement. However, when asked about the UGS role, the main answer was “a place to be with nature” before the confinement and “an important place in the city” during it. Understanding how society perceives the UGS, especially during crises, is essential to rethink the urban landscape and prepare our cities, towards biophilic cities and for a more sustainable future.Fil: Marconi, Patricia Laura. Universidad Maimónides; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Perelman, Patricia Eleonora. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Salgado, Vanina Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentin

    Intervención ambulatoria nun paciente con bronquiectasia: un caso clínico

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    [Resumen] Presentación del caso: mujer de 66 años de edad con bronquiectasias (BQ) que es derivada del servicio de neumología para participar en un programa de rehabilitación pulmonar (RP). Objetivo: mejorar el estado de salud de la paciente mediante un programa de rehabilitación pulmonar (RP) combinado con fisioterapia respiratoria (FR) para reducir posibles exacerbaciones y complicaciones respiratorias. Intervención: se realizó un programa de 20 sesiones, con una frecuencia de 3 veces por semana. Cada sesión constó de entrenamiento aeróbico con cicloergómetro, entrenamiento de fuerza con pesas y bandas elásticas y fisioterapia respiratoria. Se realizó una valoración al inicio y final de cada abordaje. Resultados: tras la intervención se objetivó mejoría en la tolerancia al esfuerzo, la sintomatología y la calidad de vida. Conclusiones: los programas de RP combinados con FR aportan múltiples beneficios a los pacientes con BQ. Es un campo que debe seguir siendo investigado dado la escasa información y evidencia de la que se dispone actualmente.[Abstract] Case presentation: 66-year-old woman with bronchiectasis (BC) referred from the pneumology service to participate in a pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) program. Objective: to improve the patient's health status through a pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) program combined with respiratory physiotherapy (RP) to reduce potential exacerbations and respiratory drawbacks. Intervention: A 20-session program was conducted at a frequency of 3 times per week. Each session consisted of aerobic training with a cycle ergometer, strength training with weights and elastic bands, and respiratory physiotherapy. An assessment was made at the beginning and end of each approach. Results: after the intervention, an improvement in stress tolerance, symptomatology and quality of life was observed. Conclusions: PR programs combined with RP provide multiple benefits to patients with BC. It is a field that should be further investigated given the scarce information and evidence currently available.[Resumo] Presentación do caso: muller de 66 anos con bronquiectasia (BQ) que é derivada do servizo de pneumoloxía para participar nun programa de rehabilitación pulmonar (RP). Obxectivo: mellorar o estado de saúde do paciente mediante un programa de rehabilitación pulmonar (RP) combinado con fisioterapia respiratoria (FR) para reducir posibles exacerbacións e complicacións respiratorias. Intervención: realizouse un programa de 20 sesións, cunha frecuencia de 3 veces por semana. Cada sesión constou de adestramento aeróbico cun cicloergómetro, adestramento de forza con pesas e bandas elásticas e fisioterapia respiratoria. Fíxose unha avaliación ao comezo e ao final de cada abordaxe. Resultados: despois da intervención, observouse unha mellora na tolerancia ao esforzo, síntomas e calidade de vida. Conclusións: os programas de RP combinadas con FR aportan múltiples beneficios aos pacientes con BQ. É un campo que debe seguir sendo investigándo dada a escasa información e evidencia da que se dispón actualmente.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Fisioterapia. Curso 2020/202