41 research outputs found

    Functionalized Anion-Exchange Membranes Facilitate Electrodialysis of Citrate and Phosphate from Model Dairy Wastewater

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    In this study, the preparation of a new, functional anion-exchange membrane (AEM), containing guanidinium groups as the anion-exchanging sites (Gu-100), is described as well as the membrane characterization by XPS, water uptake, permselectivities, and electrical resistances. The functional membrane was also employed in pH-dependent electrodialysis experiments using model dairy wastewater streams. The properties of the new membrane are compared to those of a commercially available anion-exchange membrane bearing conventional quaternary ammonium groups (Gu-0). Guanidinium was chosen for its specific binding properties toward oxyanions: e.g., phosphate. This functional moiety was covalently coupled to an acrylate monomer via a facile two-step synthesis to yield bulk-modified membranes upon polymerization. Significant differences were observed in the electrodialysis experiments for Gu-0 and Gu-100 at pH 7, showing an enhanced phosphate and citrate transport for Gu-100 in comparison to Gu-0. At pH 10 the difference is much more pronounced: for Gu-0 membranes almost no phosphate and citrate transport could be detected, while the Gu-100 membranes transported both ions significantly. We conclude that having guanidinium groups as anion-exchange sites improves the selectivity of AEMs. As the presented monomer synthesis strategy is modular, we consider the implementation of functional groups into a polymer-based membrane via the synthesis of tailor-made monomers as an important step toward selective ion transport, which is relevant for various fields, including water treatment processes and fuel cells.</p

    Chronic cholesterol administration to the brain supports complete and long-lasting cognitive and motor amelioration in Huntington's disease

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    : Evidence that Huntington's disease (HD) is characterized by impaired cholesterol biosynthesis in the brain has led to strategies to increase its level in the brain of the rapidly progressing R6/2 mouse model, with a positive therapeutic outcome. Here we tested the long-term efficacy of chronic administration of cholesterol to the brain of the slowly progressing zQ175DN knock-in HD mice in preventing ("early treatment") or reversing ("late treatment") HD symptoms. To do this we used the most advanced formulation of cholesterol loaded brain-permeable nanoparticles (NPs), termed hybrid-g7-NPs-chol, which were injected intraperitoneally. We show that one cycle of treatment with hybrid-g7-NPs-chol, administered in the presymptomatic ("early treatment") or symptomatic ("late treatment") stages is sufficient to normalize cognitive defects up to 5 months, as well as to improve other behavioral and neuropathological parameters. A multiple cycle treatment combining both early and late treatments ("2 cycle treatment") lasting 6 months generates therapeutic effects for more than 11 months, without severe adverse reactions. Sustained cholesterol delivery to the brain of zQ175DN mice also reduces mutant Huntingtin aggregates in both the striatum and cortex and completely normalizes synaptic communication in the striatal medium spiny neurons compared to saline-treated HD mice. Furthermore, through a meta-analysis of published and current data, we demonstrated the power of hybrid-g7-NPs-chol and other strategies able to increase brain cholesterol biosynthesis, to reverse cognitive decline and counteract the formation of mutant Huntingtin aggregates. These results demonstrate that cholesterol delivery via brain-permeable NPs is a therapeutic option to sustainably reverse HD-related behavioral decline and neuropathological signs over time, highlighting the therapeutic potential of cholesterol-based strategies in HD patients. DATA AVAILABILITY: This study does not include data deposited in public repositories. Data are available on request to the corresponding authors

    Canine leishmaniasis: the key points for qPCR result interpretation

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    Background: Diagnosis and follow up of CanL is difficult since the range of clinical signs is varied and seroprevalence is high in endemic areas. The aims of this study were: i) demonstrate the advantages of Leishmania qPCR to diagnose and control CanL and highlight its prognostic value and ii) propose guidelines for tissue selection and infection monitoring. Findings: This study included 710 dogs living in an endemic area of leishmaniasis. Forty percent (285/710) exhibited clinical signs consistent with CanL. Infection was detected in 36.3% (258/710) of the dogs of which 4.5% (32/710) were detected by qPCR, 16.2% (115/710) detected by ELISA and 15.6% (111/710) tested positive for both tests. Only 17.9% (127/710) of the dogs were classified sick (affected) with CanL. All symptomatic dogs with medium or high ELISA titers were qPCR-positive in blood samples. All dogs with inconclusive or low ELISA results with high or medium qPCR parasitemia values developed the disease. Seventy one percent of asymptomatic ELISA-positive dogs confirmed by qPCR (medium to high parasitemia) developed the disease. Bone marrow or lymph node aspirate should be selected to ensure the absence of the parasite in asymptomatic dogs: 100-1,000 parasites/ml in bone marrow are detectable in blood, whereas lower parasite loads are usually negative. Almost 10% of negative samples in blood were positive in conjunctival swabs. Conclusions: Because qPCR allows parasite quantification, it is an effective tool to confirm a diagnosis of CanL in (i) cases of inconclusive ELISA results, (ii) when the dog has not yet seroconverted, or (iii) for treatment monitoring

    Introduzione. Osservare i pubblici. Sociologia, comunicazione e consumo alla prova dell’audience development

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    none2noL'introduzione riguarda il numero della rivista dedicato al tema dell'audience engagement, quale nuova frontiera di studio a cavallo della sociologia della comunicazione e del consumo, Questo numero della Rivista affronta un tema molto attuale e rilevante come quello dell’audience development e dell’audience engagement. L’attenzione verso i pubblici, la loro composizione, i comportamenti di fruizione e spettatorialità – a cominciare da come si informano – , le modalità con cui viene dato significato alle opere culturali, non possono non essere al centro della riflessione e della ricerca della sociologia della comunicazione. Certo, come sappiamo, quello dell’audience development è un ambito interdisciplinare che intreccia le politiche culturali e il marketing a partire dalle necessità di affrontare, da un lato, un mercato dei beni culturali sempre più variegato e complesso e, dall’altro, i differenti livelli di accesso delle persone alla cultura. Se quindi le organizzazioni culturali sono sempre più impegnate e interessate a progettare iniziative, spazi, eventi e occasioni dal vivo che intercettino i pubblici, possibilmente anche “nuovi” e difficili da raggiungere, è vero anche che nel contesto delle ricerche sull’audience development si mette in evidenza l’importanza dell’engagement ovvero del coinvolgimento e dell’affezione dei pubblici verso l’offerta culturale. Per chi studia i media, tradizionali e soprattutto digitali, l’engagement è un concetto utilizzato da molto tempo e che esprime i gradi di partecipazione attiva degli utenti, di interazione e intereattività con i contesti di produzione. Quello che conta sempre di più, in altre parole, è la relazione fra produzione e consumo, altra acquisizione sociologica di lunga data, che mette al centro il “destinatario”mixedLaura Gemini; Roberta PaltrinieriLaura Gemini; Roberta Paltrinier

    Sustainability Practices and Stability in the Insurance Industry

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    While the concept of sustainability is receiving growing attention from investors, firms, regulators, and researchers, little is known about its role in the insurance industry. As institutional investors and risk-absorbers from businesses and individuals, insurers adopt an operating model that is more inclined to target long-term objectives; they should be among the firms benefiting the most from engaging in sustainable practices. The existing literature provides evidence of the positive impact of sustainability on commercial stability, but this is the first study to examine this relationship for the insurance sector. Focusing on American listed insurers, we found that sustainability, proxied by Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scores, enhances the stability of insurers, and that this relationship is driven by environmental and social dimensions. We did not observe a significant contribution from the governance dimension. Finally, we found a stronger association for life insurers. Our results are shown to be robust to endogeneity, enterprise heterogeneity and potential sample selection biases

    Chitinase-1 Activity in Serum of Cats with FIP

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    Background: Chitotriosidase (chitinase 1 or CHIT1) is secreted by activated macrophages. Macrophages are involved in the pathogenesis of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). No reports on CHIT1 activity in cats with FIP are available. Objective: To preliminarily investigate the possible changes in serum CHIT1 activity in cats with FIP. Methods: CHIT1 activity was measured in serum samples from clinically healthy cats (n = 17), cats with FIP (n = 19) and cats with diseases potentially characterized by macrophage activation (n = 20), after a preliminary assessment of the imprecision and linearity of the method. Results: The highest CHIT1 activity was found in cats with FIP, followed by sick cats and clinically healthy cats. The magnitude of the differences between groups was higher than the intra- and inter-assay imprecision of the method (57%, respectively). Based on receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, CHIT1 may differentiate sick from clinically healthy cats and, to a lesser extent, cats with FIP from cats without FIP. Conclusions: CHIT1 activity may identify sick cats and, within the appropriate clinical context, cats with FIP, although larger and more standardized studies, coupled with additional information on analytical performances of the method, are required to fully explore the diagnostic or prognostic potential of this test for FIP

    Rotational Spectrum of Dichloromethane–Ne: Internal Dynamics and Cl Quadrupolar Hyperfine Effects

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    The rotational spectra of three isotopologues, CH<sub>2</sub><sup>35</sup>Cl<sub>2</sub>···<sup>20</sup>Ne, CH<sub>2</sub><sup>35</sup>Cl<sup>37</sup>Cl···<sup>20</sup>Ne, and CH<sub>2</sub><sup>35</sup>Cl<sub>2</sub>···<sup>22</sup>Ne, of the complex dichloromethane–neon have been assigned and measured by molecular beam Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy. The corresponding tunnelling splittingsdue to the motion of Ne from above to below the ClCCl planehave been determined as Δ<i>E</i><sub>0+0–</sub> = 6.8900(5), 6.6630(4), and 6.3724(7) MHz, respectively. From these data the barrier to planarity has been obtained, <i>B</i><sub>2</sub> = 68.7 cm<sup>–1</sup>. In addition, the structure and the <sup>35</sup>Cl (or <sup>37</sup>Cl) quadrupole coupling constants have been determined

    Are Islamic investments still safe assets during the COVID- 19 pandemic?

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    While looking for safe-haven assets, the literature obtained mixed and varying results, changing from one period to the next, or one geographical area to an- other. Recently, this field of research grew even more, motivated by the changing environment resulting from the global financial crisis and the current COVID-19 pandemic. We compare five Islamic and five conventional leading financial in- dexes for the period 2004–2020, covering both global and regional data (Asia- Pacific, Europe, GCC, and the United States). By employing DCC GARCH and extended GARCH (1,1) models, we find a lower volatility and higher persistence in Islamic indexes when compared to their conventional alternatives, holding also when traditional safe-haven assets are included in comparative terms and across geographical areas. We therefore provide robust evidence on the consist- ent behavior of Islamic assets: Their defensive properties remain and are even stronger in the current unprecedented and ongoing crisis