33 research outputs found

    Telomerase and cellular aging: analysis of telomerase RNA structure and the impact of telomerase on miRNA expression

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    Human cellular mortality is exquisitely regulated in order to prevent both premature loss of cellular replicative potential, which can lead to complications of aging, and the aberrant immortalization of somatic cells, which is associated with tumorigenesis. Human somatic cells experience a finite term of replication, measured in part by telomere attrition. As human somatic cells divide, their telomeres erode due to the end replication problem. When telomeres become critically short, cells enter an irreversible growth arrest called senescence, marked by accumulation of inflammatory mediators, which ultimately cause cell death. Occasionally, cells bypass senescence and continue dividing despite having critically short telomeres. These cells will encounter a second growth arrest check point called crisis, characterized by robust inflammation and profuse cell death. Rarely, cells evade the impetus to stop dividing imposed by senescence and crisis by activating telomerase and becoming immortalized. Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein reverse transcriptase, minimally comprised of an RNA subunit, TR, and a catalytic protein subunit, TERT. Cells expressing high levels of telomerase (such as germline and embryonic stem cells) are immortal. In addition, telomerase is activated in and conveys immortality to about 90% of all cancer cells. The most well understood contribution of telomerase to determining cellular mortality is its role in maintaining/extending telomeres, which offsets induction of replicative senescence. Despite significant advances in senescence and telomerase biology, a complete understanding of the mechanisms regulating senescence and the mechanisms by which telomerase influences cellular mortality is still lacking. Work presented in this dissertation will provide the first evidence confirming a dramatic conformational change within Tetrahymena telomerase RNA (tTR) upon assembly into the telomerase complex that is essential to facilitating telomerase activity. In addition, work described in Chapter 3 provides the first full microRNA profile for replicatively senescent human foreskin fibroblasts. Finally, experiments described in Chapter 4 demonstrate the ability of telomerase to influence expression of miRNAs that undergo regulated expression during senescence and thereby influence a cell's ability to proliferate. A thorough understanding of these miRNA-regulated senescence pathways, and the mechanisms by which telomerase influences these pathways, will facilitate new approaches to treat aging-related disorders and cancer

    New Models of Tetrahymena Telomerase RNA from Experimentally Derived Constraints and Modeling

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    The telomerase ribonucleoprotein complex ensures complete replication of eukaryotic chromosomes. Telomerase RNA, TER, provides the template for replicating the G-rich strand of telomeric DNA, provides an anchor site for telomerase-associated proteins, and participates in catalysis through several incompletely characterized mechanisms. A major impediment towards understanding its non-templating roles is the absence of high content structural information for TER within the telomerase complex. Here, we used selective 2′-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) to examine the structure of Tetrahymena TER free in solution and bound to tTERT in the minimal telomerase RNP. We discovered a striking difference in the two conformations and established direct evidence for base pair triples in the tTER pseudoknot. We then used SHAPE data, previously published FRET data, and biochemical inference to model the structure of tTER using discrete molecular dynamics simulations. The resulting tTER structure was docked with a homology model of tTERT to characterize the conformational changes of tTER that attend binding to tTERT. Free in solution, tTER appears to contain four pairing regions: stems I, II, and IV, which are present in the commonly accepted structure, and stem III, a large paired region that encompasses the template and pseudoknot domains. Our interpretation of the data and subsequent modeling affords a molecular model for telomerase assemblage in which a large stem III of tTER unwinds to allow proper association of the template with the tTERT active site and formation of the pseudoknot. Additionally, analysis of our SHAPE data and previous enzymatic footpinting allows us to propose a model for stem-loop IV function in which tTERT is activated by binding stem IV in the major grove of the helix-capping loop

    MiRNA Profile Associated with Replicative Senescence, Extended Cell Culture, and Ectopic Telomerase Expression in Human Foreskin Fibroblasts

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    Senescence is a highly regulated process that limits cellular replication by enforcing a G1 arrest in response to various stimuli. Replicative senescence occurs in response to telomeric DNA erosion, and telomerase expression can offset replicative senescence leading to immortalization of many human cells. Limited data exists regarding changes of microRNA (miRNA) expression during senescence in human cells and no reports correlate telomerase expression with regulation of senescence-related miRNAs. We used miRNA microarrays to provide a detailed account of miRNA profiles for early passage and senescent human foreskin (BJ) fibroblasts as well as early and late passage immortalized fibroblasts (BJ-hTERT) that stably express the human telomerase reverse transcriptase subunit hTERT. Selected miRNAs that were differentially expressed in senescence were assayed for expression in quiescent cells to identify miRNAs that are specifically associated with senescence-associated growth arrest. From this group of senescence-associated miRNAs, we confirmed the ability of miR-143 to induce growth arrest after ectopic expression in young fibroblasts. Remarkably, miR-143 failed to induce growth arrest in BJ-hTERT cells. Importantly, the comparison of late passage immortalized fibroblasts to senescent wild type fibroblasts reveals that miR-146a, a miRNA with a validated role in regulating the senescence associated secretory pathway, is also regulated during extended cell culture independently of senescence. The discovery that miRNA expression is impacted by expression of ectopic hTERT as well as extended passaging in immortalized fibroblasts contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the connections between telomerase expression, senescence and processes of cellular aging

    The wide-field, multiplexed, spectroscopic facility WEAVE : survey design, overview, and simulated implementation

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    Funding for the WEAVE facility has been provided by UKRI STFC, the University of Oxford, NOVA, NWO, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), the Isaac Newton Group partners (STFC, NWO, and Spain, led by the IAC), INAF, CNRS-INSU, the Observatoire de Paris, Région Île-de-France, CONCYT through INAOE, Konkoly Observatory (CSFK), Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Lund University, the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), the Swedish Research Council, the European Commission, and the University of Pennsylvania.WEAVE, the new wide-field, massively multiplexed spectroscopic survey facility for the William Herschel Telescope, will see first light in late 2022. WEAVE comprises a new 2-degree field-of-view prime-focus corrector system, a nearly 1000-multiplex fibre positioner, 20 individually deployable 'mini' integral field units (IFUs), and a single large IFU. These fibre systems feed a dual-beam spectrograph covering the wavelength range 366-959 nm at R ∼ 5000, or two shorter ranges at R ∼ 20,000. After summarising the design and implementation of WEAVE and its data systems, we present the organisation, science drivers and design of a five- to seven-year programme of eight individual surveys to: (i) study our Galaxy's origins by completing Gaia's phase-space information, providing metallicities to its limiting magnitude for ∼ 3 million stars and detailed abundances for ∼ 1.5 million brighter field and open-cluster stars; (ii) survey ∼ 0.4 million Galactic-plane OBA stars, young stellar objects and nearby gas to understand the evolution of young stars and their environments; (iii) perform an extensive spectral survey of white dwarfs; (iv) survey  ∼ 400 neutral-hydrogen-selected galaxies with the IFUs; (v) study properties and kinematics of stellar populations and ionised gas in z 1 million spectra of LOFAR-selected radio sources; (viii) trace structures using intergalactic/circumgalactic gas at z > 2. Finally, we describe the WEAVE Operational Rehearsals using the WEAVE Simulator.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The wide-field, multiplexed, spectroscopic facility WEAVE: Survey design, overview, and simulated implementation

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    WEAVE, the new wide-field, massively multiplexed spectroscopic survey facility for the William Herschel Telescope, will see first light in late 2022. WEAVE comprises a new 2-degree field-of-view prime-focus corrector system, a nearly 1000-multiplex fibre positioner, 20 individually deployable 'mini' integral field units (IFUs), and a single large IFU. These fibre systems feed a dual-beam spectrograph covering the wavelength range 366-959\,nm at R5000R\sim5000, or two shorter ranges at R20000R\sim20\,000. After summarising the design and implementation of WEAVE and its data systems, we present the organisation, science drivers and design of a five- to seven-year programme of eight individual surveys to: (i) study our Galaxy's origins by completing Gaia's phase-space information, providing metallicities to its limiting magnitude for \sim3 million stars and detailed abundances for 1.5\sim1.5 million brighter field and open-cluster stars; (ii) survey 0.4\sim0.4 million Galactic-plane OBA stars, young stellar objects and nearby gas to understand the evolution of young stars and their environments; (iii) perform an extensive spectral survey of white dwarfs; (iv) survey 400\sim400 neutral-hydrogen-selected galaxies with the IFUs; (v) study properties and kinematics of stellar populations and ionised gas in z<0.5z<0.5 cluster galaxies; (vi) survey stellar populations and kinematics in 25000\sim25\,000 field galaxies at 0.3z0.70.3\lesssim z \lesssim 0.7; (vii) study the cosmic evolution of accretion and star formation using >1>1 million spectra of LOFAR-selected radio sources; (viii) trace structures using intergalactic/circumgalactic gas at z>2z>2. Finally, we describe the WEAVE Operational Rehearsals using the WEAVE Simulator.Comment: 41 pages, 27 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    The wide-field, multiplexed, spectroscopic facility WEAVE: Survey design, overview, and simulated implementation

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    WEAVE, the new wide-field, massively multiplexed spectroscopic survey facility for the William Herschel Telescope, will see first light in late 2022. WEAVE comprises a new 2-degree field-of-view prime-focus corrector system, a nearly 1000-multiplex fibre positioner, 20 individually deployable 'mini' integral field units (IFUs), and a single large IFU. These fibre systems feed a dual-beam spectrograph covering the wavelength range 366−959\,nm at R∼5000, or two shorter ranges at R∼20000. After summarising the design and implementation of WEAVE and its data systems, we present the organisation, science drivers and design of a five- to seven-year programme of eight individual surveys to: (i) study our Galaxy's origins by completing Gaia's phase-space information, providing metallicities to its limiting magnitude for ∼3 million stars and detailed abundances for ∼1.5 million brighter field and open-cluster stars; (ii) survey ∼0.4 million Galactic-plane OBA stars, young stellar objects and nearby gas to understand the evolution of young stars and their environments; (iii) perform an extensive spectral survey of white dwarfs; (iv) survey ∼400 neutral-hydrogen-selected galaxies with the IFUs; (v) study properties and kinematics of stellar populations and ionised gas in z1 million spectra of LOFAR-selected radio sources; (viii) trace structures using intergalactic/circumgalactic gas at z>2. Finally, we describe the WEAVE Operational Rehearsals using the WEAVE Simulator

    New Models of Tetrahymena Telomerase RNA from Experimentally Derived Constraints and Modeling

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    The telomerase ribonucleoprotein complex ensures complete replication of eukaryotic chromosomes. Telomerase RNA (TER) provides the template for replicating the G-rich strand of telomeric DNA, provides an anchor site for telomerase-associated proteins, and participates in catalysis through several incompletely characterized mechanisms. A major impediment toward understanding its nontemplating roles is the absence of high content structural information for TER within the telomerase complex. Here, we used selective 2′-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) to examine the structure of <i>Tetrahymena</i> TER free in solution and bound to tTERT in the minimal telomerase RNP. We discovered a striking difference in the two conformations and established direct evidence for base triples in the tTER pseudoknot. We then used SHAPE data, previously published FRET data, and biochemical inference to model the structure of tTER using discrete molecular dynamics simulations. The resulting tTER structure was docked with a homology model of the <i>Tetrahymena</i> telomerase reverse transcriptase (tTERT) to characterize the conformational changes of tTER telomerase assembly. Free in solution, tTER appears to contain four pairing regions: stems I, II, and IV, which are present in the commonly accepted structure, and stem III, a large paired region that encompasses the template and pseudoknot domains. Our interpretation of the data and subsequent modeling affords a molecular model for telomerase assemblage in which a large stem III of tTER unwinds to allow proper association of the template with the tTERT active site and formation of the pseudoknot. Additionally, analysis of our SHAPE data and previous enzymatic footprinting allow us to propose a model for stem-loop IV function in which tTERT is activated by binding stem IV in the major groove of the helix-capping loop