70 research outputs found

    DNA methylation states in supercentenarians

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    Molecular mechanisms associated with the strength of the anti-CMV response in nonagenarians

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    Infection with human cytomegalovirus (CMV) affects the function and composition of the immune system during ageing. In addition to the presence of the pathogen, the strength of the immune response, as measured by the anti-CMV IgG titre, has a significant effect on age-related pathogenesis. High anti-CMV IgG titres have been associated with increased mortality and functional impairment in the elderly. In this study, we were interested in identifying the molecular mechanisms that are associated with the strength of the anti-CMV response by examining the gene expression profiles that are associated with the level of the anti-CMV IgG titre. Results The level of the anti-CMV IgG titre is associated with the expression level of 663 transcripts in nonagenarians. These transcripts and their corresponding pathways are, for the most part, associated with metabolic functions, cell development and proliferation and other basic cellular functions. However, no prominent associations with the immune system were found, and no associated transcripts were found in young controls. Conclusions The lack of defence pathways associated with the strength of the anti-CMV response can indicate that the compromised immune system can no longer defend itself against the CMV infection. Our data imply that the association between high anti-CMV IgG titres and increased mortality and frailty is mediated by basic cellular processes.BioMed Central open acces

    Sosiaaliturva työn murroksessa – palkkatyö, yrittäjyys ja toimeentulon riskit

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    Tämä raportti esittää, mitä haasteita työn murroksesta seuraa toimeentulon riskien, yrittäjäriskien ja sosiaaliturvan näkökulmasta, sekä miten näihin haasteisiin voitaisiin vastata. Yrittäjän ja palkansaajan sosiaaliturva laitetaan niin sanottuun triangeliin, jotta päästäisiin tarkastelemaan siirtymiä palkansaajasta yrittäjäksi, yrittäjyyden yhdistämistä palkkatyöhön ja sosiaaliturvan tarjoamaa suojaa näissä kohdin. Sosiaaliturvasta fokuksessa on erityisesti työttömyysturva, sillä sosiaaliturvaetuuksista siinä on eniten eroa yrittäjän ja palkansaajan välillä. Raportissa käydään läpi yrittäjyyden, palkkatyön ja sosiaaliturvan yhteensovittamista käsittelevää tutkimustietoa ja hallinnollisia dokumentteja, sekä tarkastellaan Iso-Britannian yleistukea (Universal Credit), Tanskan ja Ruotsin työmarkkinauudistuksia ja yrittäjien asemaa näissä uudistuksissa. Raportissa todetaan, että sosiaaliturvajärjestelmästä löytyviin ongelmiin, kuten komibityöläisten ja itsensätyöllistäjien ansiosidonnaiseen työttömyysturvaan, byrokratialoukkuihin ja itsensätyöllistäjien toisinaan heikkoihin mahdollisuuksiin vaikuttaa työnsä hinnoitteluun, pitäisi hakea ratkaisuja erilaisin kokeiluin, erilaiset tarpeet tunnistaen ja syntyvää tietoa systemaattisesti analysoiden. Työn murros lisää toimeentuloriskejä, minkä takia sosiaaliturvajärjestelmältä tarvitaan yksilöllistä tukea, joka suojaa sosiaalisilta riskeiltä mutta samaan aikaan sosiaaliturvan pitää edistää yritysten ja elinkeinojen uusiutumista. Raportti sisältää myös rahan, pääoman ja luovuuden käsitteiden uudelleenarvion ja hahmottelee tapoja, joilla nykyisiä käytäntöjä voitaisiin uudistaa uusien käsitteiden pohjalta niin, että ihmiset voisivat aiempaa täysipainoisemmin osallistua talouteen ja yhteiskuntaan

    Aging-associated DNA methylation changes in middle-aged individuals: the Young Finns study

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    Background Chronological aging-associated changes in the human DNA methylome have been studied by multiple epigenome-wide association studies (EWASs). Certain CpG sites have been identified as aging-associated in multiple studies, and the majority of the sites identified in various studies show common features regarding location and direction of the methylation change. However, as a whole, the sets of aging-associated CpGs identified in different studies, even with similar tissues and age ranges, show only limited overlap. In this study, we further explore and characterize CpG sites that show close relationship between their DNA methylation level and chronological age during adulthood and which bear the relationship regardless of blood cell type heterogeneity. Results In this study, with a multivariable regression model adjusted for cell type heterogeneity, we identified 1202 aging-associated CpG sites (a-CpGs, FDR < 5 %), in whole blood in a population with an especially narrow age range (40 - 49 years). Repeatedly reported a-CpGs located in genes ELOVL2, FHL2, PENK and KLF14 were also identified. Regions with aging-associated hypermethylation were enriched regarding several gene ontology (GO) terms (especially in the cluster of developmental processes), whereas hypomethylated sites showed no enrichment. The genes with higher numbers of a-CpG hits were more often hypermethylated with advancing age. The comparison analysis revealed that of the 1202 a-CpGs identified in the present study, 987 were identified as differentially methylated also between nonagenarians and young adults in a previous study (The Vitality 90+ study), and importantly, the directions of changes were identical in the previous and in the present study. Conclusions Here we report that aging-associated DNA methylation features can be identified in a middle-aged population with an age range of only 9 years. A great majority of these sites have been previously reported as aging-associated in a population aged 19 to 90 years. Aging is associated with different types of changes in DNA methylation, clock-like as well as random. We speculate that the a-CpGs identified here in a population with a narrow age-range represent clock-like changes, as they showed concordant methylation behavior in population spanning whole adulthood as well.BioMed Central open acces

    Methylation status of VTRNA2-1/nc886 is stable across populations, monozygotic twin pairs and in majority of tissues

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    Aims & methods: The aim of this study was to characterize the methylation level of a polymorphically imprinted gene, VTRNA2-1/nc886, in human populations and somatic tissues.48 datasets, consisting of more than 30 tissues and >30,000 individuals, were used. Results: nc886 methylation status is associated with twin status and ethnic background, but the variation between populations is limited. Monozygotic twin pairs present concordant methylation, whereas similar to 30% of dizygotic twin pairs present discordant methylation in the nc886 locus. The methylation levels of nc886 are uniform across somatic tissues, except in cerebellum and skeletal muscle. Conclusion: The nc886 imprint may be established in the oocyte, and, after implantation, the methylation status is stable, excluding a few specific tissues. Tweetable abstract Methylation status of a polymorphically imprinted gene, VTRNA2-1/nc886, is stable in human populations (48 cohorts, n > 30,000) and in somatic tissues, except in cerebellum and skeletal muscle. Twin data suggest it may already be established in the oocyte.Peer reviewe

    Unraveling the metabolic underpinnings of frailty using multicohort observational and Mendelian randomization analyses

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    Identifying metabolic biomarkers of frailty, an age-related state of physiological decline, is important for understanding its metabolic underpinnings and developing preventive strategies. Here, we systematically examined 168 nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomic biomarkers and 32 clinical biomarkers for their associations with frailty. In up to 90,573 UK Biobank participants, we identified 59 biomarkers robustly and independently associated with the frailty index (FI). Of these, 34 associations were replicated in the Swedish TwinGene study (n = 11,025) and the Finnish Health 2000 Survey (n = 6073). Using two-sample Mendelian randomization, we showed that the genetically predicted level of glycoprotein acetyls, an inflammatory marker, was statistically significantly associated with an increased FI (β per SD increase = 0.37%, 95% confidence interval: 0.12–0.61). Creatinine and several lipoprotein lipids were also associated with increased FI, yet their effects were mostly driven by kidney and cardiometabolic diseases, respectively. Our findings provide new insights into the causal effects of metabolites on frailty and highlight the role of chronic inflammation underlying frailty development.Peer reviewe

    Probing physics beyond the standard model in diatomic molecules

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    De nos jours, l'incomplétude du modèle standard des particules est largement reconnue. L'une de ses failles les plus évidentes est le manque d'explication de l'énorme excédent de matière par rapport à l'antimatière dans l'univers, que l'on appelle l'asymétrie baryonique de l'univers. De nouvelles violations de CP (conjugaison de charge et parité spatiale) absentes dans le modèle standard sont supposées être responsables de cette asymétrie. Une telle violation pourrait être observée dans la matière ordinaire à travers un ensemble d'interactions violant les symétries de parité et de renversement du temps (impaires pour P,T) dont les prépondérantes sont les interactions du moment dipolaire électrique de l'électron (eEDM), électron-nucléon scalaire-pseudoscalaire (enSPS) et du moment quadripolaire magnétique nucléaire (nMQM). Ainsi, une preuve expérimentale d'une constante d'interaction impaire pour P,T serait une preuve de cette nouvelle physique au-delà du modèle standard. Le calcul des paramètres moléculaires correspondants est réalisé en utilisant une approche d'interaction de configurations relativiste à quatre composantes dans des molécules diatomiques polaires contenant un actinide, qui sont des systèmes particulièrement appropriés pour les expèriences eEDM, tels que ThO qui a permis d'assigner à l'eEDM la borne supérieure la plus contraignante et ThF+ qui sera utilisé dans une expérience à venir. Ces résultats sont d'une importance cruciale dans l'interprétation des mesures puisque les constantes fondamentales ne peuvent être évaluées que si l'on associe les mesures de décalages énergétiques et les paramètres moléculaires théoriques.Nowadays, the incompleteness of the Standard Model of particles is largely acknowledged. One of its most obvious shortcomings is the lack of explanation for the huge surplus of matter over antimatter in the universe, the so-called Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe. New CP (Charge conjugation and spatial Parity) violations absent in the SM are assumed to be responsible for this asymmetry. Such a violation could be observed in ordinary matter through a set of interactions violating both parity and time-reversal symmetries (P,T-odd), among which the preponderant ones are the electron Electric Dipole Moment (eEDM), the electron-nucleon scalar-pseudoscalar (enSPS) and the nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment (nMQM) interactions. Hence, an experimental evidence of a non-zero P,T-odd interaction constant would be a probe of this New Physics beyond the Standard Model. The calculation of the corresponding molecular parameters is performed by making use of an elaborate four-component relativistic configuration interaction approach in polar diatomic molecules containing an actinide, that are particularly adequate systems for eEDM experiments, such as ThO that allowed for assigning the most constraining upper bound on the eEDM and ThF+ that will be used in a forthcoming experiment. Those results will be of crucial importance in the interpretation of the measurements since the fundamental constants can only be evaluated if one combines both experimental energy shift measurements and theoretical molecular parameters
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