2,619 research outputs found

    Jaume Blancafort y Patricia Reus

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    From hogudanja to the screen: A review of the Korean slavery using data mining.

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    Until the 19th century, Korea was a state with a very hierarchical society in which people from the lowest social class were considered possessions and labor that served the yangban families, temples, and government offices. Slavery was fundamental to the economy during the Joseon dynasty, since slaves or nobi functioned as the main productive workers and brought prestige to the elites. One kind of document that shows the existence of slaves is the household register or hogudanja, a census record developed to administer the tax system and that helped to organize military service at the national level. The documents included the members of each family and the nobi they had, so they could facilitate the demographic study of the Korean Peninsula. This research focuses on the development of a computer application for the automation of the study of Korean slaves declared in the hogudanja. Computational techniques cover much of the process, including acquiring primary sources, processing the data, and finally representing them using a graph database. The result allows us to visualize the distribution of declared slaves in large-scale digitized documents to study their evolution, family relationships between nobi, and to compare official family records and drafts submitted by families to examine whether there are discrepancies. This study shows the possibilities of Digital Humanities applied to the study of the Korean history. Future research will allow the application to be adapted and extrapolated to other types of structured historical documents

    ¿La gente prefiere paisajes naturales? Un estudio empírico en Chile

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    Existe una conciencia creciente de que la viabilidad de la planificación del paisaje depende del apoyo del público. Sin embargo, el conocimiento sobre percepciones y preferencias del público es generalmente limitado. Este estudio presenta una evaluación del paisaje basada en el observador y atributos físicos del paisaje. Para ello se aplicó un cuestionario en línea (n° respuestas = 643), a partir del cual se recolectó información sobre edad, género, lugar de residencia, nivel de ingresos y nivel educativo, y sobre las preferencias de los encuestados por diversas composiciones y niveles de belleza escénica de paisajes rurales del centro-sur de Chile, usando fotografías. Se analizaron los efectos de la composición y la belleza escénica sobre las respuestas (calificaciones individuales), así como los efectos de interacción entre esos atributos y características personales de los entrevistados mediante la aplicación de medidas multivariadas de repetición ANDEVA y prueba multivariada de Wilks. Las calificaciones tanto de la belleza escénica como de la composición del paisaje varían significativamente entre las fotografías, lo que revela una clara preferencia por paisajes dominados por vegetación nativa sobre paisajes dominados por plantaciones de árboles exóticos o tierras cultivadas. Una porción relativamente baja pero significativa de la variabilidad se explicó por diferencias en las preferencias derivadas de las características personales. Los resultados contribuyen a varios esfuerzos recientes para comprender la opinión pública sobre los cambios del paisaje rural. Específicamente, los resultados respaldan los efectos adversos de la pérdida de hábitats naturales en las apreciaciones de las personas.There is a growing consciousness that the viability of landscape-related policy depends on support from the general public. However, during planning stages, knowledge regarding landscape perceptions and preferences of people is generally absent or limited. This study presents an observer-based landscape assessment, applying a physical landscape attribute approach to measure visual preferences based on photographs. Data on age, gender, place of residence, income and education level were collected by means of a country-wide online questionnaire (n° answers=643), along with information from respondents on visual evaluations of images depicting various compositions and levels of scenic beauty of rural landscapes of south-central Chile. The effects of landscape composition and scenic beauty on responses (individual ratings), as well as the interaction effects between those attributes and personal characteristics, were tested by applying multivariate repeated measures ANOVA and Wilks multivariate tests. Ratings for both scenic beauty and landscape composition significantly varied across photographs, revealing a clear preference for landscapes dominated by native vegetation over landscapes dominated by exotic tree plantations or cultivated lands. A relatively low, nonetheless significant, portion of the rating variability was explained by subtle differences in preferences arising from personal characteristics. Results contribute to several recent efforts to understand public opinion regarding natural and rural landscape changes. Specifically, results sustain the adverse effects of loss of natural habitats on people’s appraisals of rural landscapes.Fil: Nahuelhual, Laura. Centro de Investigación en Dinámica de Ecosistemas Marinos de Altas Latitudes; Chile. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Laterra, Pedro. Fundación Bariloche; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Jiménez, Dana. Centro de Ciencia del Clima y la Resiliencia; ChileFil: Báez, Andrea. Universidad Austral de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto de Estadística; ChileFil: Echeverría, Christián. Millennium Nucleus Center for the Socioeconomic Impact of Environmental Policies; Chile. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Fuentes, Rodrigo. Universidad de Concepción; Chil

    Influence of the adhesive strategy in the sealing ability of resin composite inlays after deep margin elevation

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the gingival margin position and the adhesive strategy selected to perform deep margin elevation (DME) in marginal sealing of resin composite inlays by a nanoleakage test. 12 sound third molars wer

    Salvador Sostres o lo que no es una crónica tradicional

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    La crónica en general y, concretamente la crónica temática deportiva, es un género que muestra una gran cantidad de información acerca de la personalidad de su autor. Así, este trabajo de investigación pretende aproximarse a las características de las crónicas futbolísticas de un autor particular, Salvador Sostres, mediante el estudio de veintidós de sus crónicas publicadas en la versión impresa de ABC entre junio de 2015 y enero de 2016. Esta aproximación se hace por dos vías: En primer lugar, mediante una revisión de las características de la crónica delimitadas por las teorías de autores especialistas como Sonia Parrat, establecemos una tabla de codificación de rasgos comunes de la crónica temática tradicional a fin de contrastar si las del autor cumplen o no con dichos rasgos. En segundo lugar, mediante un estudio detallado de los textos, establecemos una segunda tabla de codificación de rasgos comunes del autor a fin de confirmar, tal y como predecimos, la existencia de un ‘estilo Sostres’. Este se caracteriza por la presencia de abundante opinión de carácter personal y político y temáticas recurrentes (casi obsesivas) como la exaltación de la derecha y crítica a la izquierda, la exaltación del capitalismo y crítica al comunismo, el dinero, el lujo, la gastronomía, los pobres o las mujeres

    Add-on Effect of Postural Instructions to Abdominopelvic Exercise on Urinary Symptoms and Quality of Life in Climacteric Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence : A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the add-on effect of postural instructions to an abdominopelvic exercise program on incontinence urinary symptoms (UI symptoms) and quality of life (QoL) in climacteric women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). A randomized controlled trial was performed with a total of 40 climacteric women with SUI aged between 46 and 75 years old. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups: a group performing an abdominopelvic exercise program (AEP) (n = 20) and a group performing abdominopelvic exercise with the addition of postural instructions (AEPPI) (n = 20). Primary outcome measures were UI symptoms, UI impact and QoL related to UI (UI-QoL), measured by 48 h Pad Test and International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Short Form (ICIQ-UI-SF), which were assessed at baseline, post-intervention and 3 months follow-up. Secondary outcome was patient's satisfaction measured by the 100-point Visual Analogic Scale (VAS) only after the intervention. Between-groups differences were observed in terms of UI-QoL immediately after intervention. Within-groups differences were observed between baseline to 3 months follow-up and between post-intervention to 3 months follow-up in AEPPI group (p < 0.05) for UI-QoL and UI impact. UI symptoms were improved in both groups between baseline to 3-months follow-up (p < 0.05). Patient's satisfaction was higher in the AEPPI group (p < 0.05). The addition of postural instructions to an abdominopelvic exercise programimproves UI impact to QoL and patients' satisfaction in women with SUI

    Leaving the Thicket at Last?

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    Across the spectrum of ideas debated within the law of democracy, the view is nearly unanimous that the Justices must lead the way toward a better democracy. And yet, as we argue in this Essay, the Court’s handling of the problems since its initial intervention in Baker v. Carr has been nothing short of a mess. Debates in this area offer modern instances of a Court that cares little about doctrinal consistency and judicial craftsmanship, of Justices that care less about compromise and common ground and more about expressing their deeply held views about politics, democracy, and the law. In response, we look back to the debate between Justices Brennan and Frankfurter over the wisdom of judicial intervention. And to our minds, this is a debate with a clear winner: to this day, Justice Frankfurter’s forceful argument has gone both unheeded and unanswered. The evidence is in, and so, after forty years of judicial review in the realm of politics, the question for the future should be whether judicial intervention in the realm of politics is worth the cost