3,029 research outputs found

    The effective participation of the audience in the production of news: encouraging opportunities through data journalism

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    Digital tools allow and encourage users "to participate in the creation and circulation of media” (Lewis, 2012). This participation can be considered as a remedy against the growing disconnection between journalism and citizens, also as a formula for a greater democratization of the media (Negroponte, 1996 y Castells, 2001). However, most studies show that rarely the participation of the audience become significant, papers indicate that it is actually quite unusual to allow citizens to be part of the productive process. (Domingo et al., 2008). The journalistic organization has not transferred the power to the recipients and the interaction with the audience is only welcome as comments about the information (Peters & Witschge, 2014). This work aims to demonstrate how the Data Journalism comes to enable this effective participation of the audience in the process of news production. Our main objective is to define the terms in which the participation of the audience takes place in Data Journalism, we aim to categorize how and to what extent this relationship occurs and what benefits it brings to the information. To achieve the objectives set for this work we have analyzed the Data Journalism works awarded in the Data Journalism Awards since its foundation in 2012. These awards are the most prestigious of the world and they have also been the reference for other international researches because selecting award-winning works involves studying a sample with quality (Hermida, 2017; Ojo & Heravi, 2017). After an in-depth analysis, sixteen pieces were detected, of more than a hundred, in which citizen participation was perceived.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This research is part of the R + D project CS02015-64955-C4-3-

    Inventory of the moths (Lepidoptera, Heterocera) from a locality of Oleiros (As Pedreiras, Liáns), A Coruña

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2016/2017[Resumen] Se ha elaborado un inventario de la lepidopterofauna nocturna centrado en los macrolepidópteros de un área del Ayuntamiento de Oleiros, representativa de las zonas altamente humanizadas gallegas, ligadas a una gran heterogeneidad ambiental, aunque también a un elevado índice de urbanización y transformación del medio, en el que se recogen 86 especies. El factor temperatura ha resultado fundamental para la abundancia de individuos durante los muestreos, siendo menos importante la humedad ambiental. La polilla del boj Cydalima perspectalis, especie invasora, ha sido detectada en número relativamente elevado en el área de estudio, lo que puede ser indicativo de su velocidad de expansión en Galicia.[Resumo] Elaborouse un inventario da lepidopterofauna nocturna centrado nos macrolepidópteros dunha área do Concello de Oleiros, representativa das zonas altamente humanizadas galegas, ligadas a unha grande heteroxeneidade ambiental, aínda que tamén a un elevado índice de urbanización e transformación do medio, no que se recollen 86 especies. O factor temperatura resultou fundamental para a abundancia de individuos durante as mostraxes, sendo menos importante a humidade ambiental. A papoia do buxo Cydalima perspectalis, especie invasora, foi detectada en número relativamente elevado na área de estudo, o que pode ser indicativo da súa velocidade de expansión en Galicia.[Abstract] An inventory of the nocturnal lepidopterofauna focused on macrolepidoptera, including 86 species, has been carried out in an area of the Municipality of Oleiros, which is representative of Galician highly humanized areas, linked to a great environmental heterogeneity but also to a high rate of urbanization and transformation of the environment. The temperature factor turned out to be fundamental to the abundance of individuals during samplings, being less important humidity. Box tree moth Cydalima perspectalis, an invasive species, has been detected in a relatively high number in the studied area, which may be indicative of its speed of expansion in Galicia

    Efectos de las interferencias electromagnéticas en la operativa de drones

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    Companies that work with drones often encounter electromagnetic compatibility problems when flying near communication antennas. This document aims to characterize and measure the type of waves that cause interferences and find methods to avoid or mitigate these effects. In the first place, a fieldwork has been made by using a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) propriety of the company we have collaborated with (HEMAV). This study consists of testing the behavior of the drone in critical situations, like flying near antennas that emit medium or high power density values and over a wide range of frequencies. These cases are easily founded in normal flight operations. Once measurements have been obtained, the UAV memory will be studied in order to find a more accurate density value. With these tests, it is tried to find the minimum limit of power density and their respective frequencies in which the drone begins to show failures. After obtaining this range of power densities and frequencies, a second test will be carried out. This second test will be done in a controlled environment, an anechoic chamber. Once the test has been done a table will be generated showing the frequencies related to the maximum power densities accepted by the UAV. Taking into account that under normal conditions the polarization of the antennas cannot be detected the tests will be run under the worst condition. To conclude, a tool has been designed to be used in case a Yagi antenna is located near the drone. Moreover, the tool has been designed to easily adapt it to other types of antennas. Once the tool is calibrated, it delivers the maximum horizontal distance to which the UAV can be approached so as not to enter into the critical zone. Several solutions are also suggested which, in case of implementation, can mitigate the effects of electromagnetic interferences

    3D Printing of Flexible Electrodes for Clinical Applications

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    The cochlear implant (CI) is the only successful tool for management of sensorineural hearing loss. Implanted within the patient’s inner ear, it adopts the cochlea’s seashell shape and electrically stimulates the auditory nerve at different points, allowing auditory perception to occur. 3D printing the CI electrode array would allow to customize it to the patient inner ear anatomy and increase the complexity of the stimulation provided due to the high spatial control offered by the 3D printing techniques, which would solve some of the issues associated with the electrode such as a poor nerve-electrode interface or reduced number of stimulation channels. In order to develop 3D printed flexible electrodes that could be used for the CI, two approaches were explored: inkjet printing a Pt-precursor ink (10% H2PtCl6) on a polydopamine-coated PDMS substrate followed by reduction to Pt; and 3D printing of conductive rLCGO/PDMS coaxial fibres. The resulting printed Pt-patterns did not showed the expected conductivity and more characterization and optimization is required to address the issue. On the other hand, coaxial printing rLCGO/PDMS fibres allowed creating a prototype construct that was both flexible and electrically conductive. More optimization of the printing process must be done before these techniques can be implemented for the CI electrode fabrication

    Searching for the origin of samples of geological, environmental and archaeological interest: organic biomarkers as key evidences

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    266 p.Los biomarcadores orgánicos son compuestos que se caracterizan por su elevada estabilidad a lo largo del tiempo, por tanto, se emplean en múltiples campos de aplicación ya que pueden proporcionar una información muy valiosa acerca del origen de los mismos. Debido a la baja concentración a la que los biomarcadores se encuentran en las muestras, especialmente en aquellas relacionadas con la geoquímica, el medio ambiente y la arqueología, surge la necesidad del desarrollar métodos analíticos específicos para su determinación. En este sentido, los principales objetivos de esta tesis consistieron en el desarrollo de una serie de métodos analíticos sensibles, precisos y selectivos, basados en la detección por cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas (GC-MS) para la determinación de biomarcadores orgánicos en muestras de interés geológico, medio ambiental y arqueológico. Una vez optimizados y validados, los métodos se aplicaron a muestras reales pertenecientes a los campos mencionados. Por un lado, se analizaron muestras de beachrock, y la detección de una serie de hidrocarburos policíclicos aromáticos (PAHs) y otros biomarcadores específicos permitieron aclarar la formación inusual de este fenómeno en latitudes más templadas. Por otra parte, se determinó si las actividades industriales del puerto de Bilbao tienen influencia sobre la conservación del patrimonio construido, concretamente las galerías de Punta Begoña (Getxo), mediante el análisis de ácidos dicarboxílicos en muestras de aerosol marino y en los morteros del edificio. Finalmente, se analizaron una serie de cerámicas arqueológicas relacionadas con la producción de vino (s. II-I a.C.) y el almacenamiento de grasa de ballena (s. XVI-XVII) para detectar aquellos biomarcadores específicos que lo confirmen.IBEA: Ikerkuntza eta Berrikuntza Analitiko

    Didactic proposal to promote dramatization through scaffolding and cooperative work in the acquisition of a foreign language

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    During this Final Degree Project, I justify why I am designing an alternative work system focused on working with comparative adjectives in English through literature, more specifically through dramatization using Scaffolding method, and through cooperative work in a year four class. First, I explain the different theories, concepts and views from authors related to the proposal. Then, I explain the activities I have planned, the objectives and the evaluation. I have carried out this project with the aim of proving that English can be taught and learned in a playful and meaningful way using dramatization as an educational tool.Durante este Trabajo Fin de Grado, justifico por qué he diseñado un sistema de trabajo alternativo basado en trabajar los adjetivos comparativos a través de la literatura, más concretamente con la dramatización, utilizando la técnica del andamiaje y a través del trabajo cooperativo en una clase del cuarto curso de Educación Primaria. Primero, explico las diferentes teorías, conceptos y opiniones de algunos autores relacionados con la propuesta. Después, explico las actividades que he planificado, sus objetivos y la evaluación. He llevado a cabo este proyecto con el objetivo de demostrar que se puede enseñar y aprender inglés de una manera lúdica y significativa utilizando la dramatización como recurso educativo.Grado en Educación Primari

    Resistencia al nematodo Meloidogyne en patrones de tomate a temperaturas del suelo superiores a los 28ÂşC

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    El gen Mi en tomate confiere resistencia al nematodo Meloidogyne, aunque su eficacia disminuye a temperaturas superiores a los 28ºC. Para determinar la resistencia relativa de 12 patrones y cultivares de tomate frente a M. arenaria y M. javanica se realizaron ensayos en un invernadero sin control climático donde las plantas estaban sujetas a fluctuaciones diarias de temperatura. En el transcurso de los ensayos, la temperatura del suelo fue superior a 28ºC durante 31 días en el primer ensayo (Exp.1) y durante 20 días en el segundo (Exp. 2). El intervalo de tiempo en que la temperatura se mantuvo por encima de los 28oC osciló entre 0,5 a 6 horas/día en el Exp.1 y entre 0,5 a 7,5 horas/día en Exp. 2. Los patrones Morgan, King Kong y Unifort consistentemente mostraron alta resistencia frente a M. arenaria y M. javanica en ambos experimentos, incluso con picos de temperaturas superiores a 28ºC durante parte del experimento. Los patrones Multifort y Maxifort expresaron menor grado de resistencia que los anteriores bajo las mismas condiciones experimentales. En general, la tasa de multiplicación de M. javanica fue mayor (P<0,05) que la de M. arenaria tanto en los tomates resistentes como en los susceptibles.Postprint (published version

    Sewer system components for secondary route Grival sector municipality of Mosquera

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    El presente artículo describe los requisitos técnicos más relevantes del sistema de recolección, evacuación y correcta disposición de aguas residuales y/o pluviales, con el fin de identificar criterios: localización, seguridad, capacidad, resistencia, y profundidad, para la implementación del sistema de alcantarillado necesario en la vía del sector Grival. Adoptando el reglamento técnico del sector de agua potable y saneamiento Básico, resolución No 1096 de Noviembre de 2000.This article describes the most relevant technical requirements of the collection system, evacuation and proper disposal of wastewater and / or stormwater to identify criteria: location, security, capacity, endurance, and depth, to implement the system sewer necessary in the way of Grival sector. Adopting the technical regulation of drinking water and basic sanitation sector, resolution No 1096 of November 200

    The influence of gender beliefs and early exposure to math, science and technology in female degree choices

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    This research consists of three sections testing the hypothesis that gender roles and gender-stereotyping of certain fields of study could be associated with women choosing traditionally female degree options characterized by lower wages. The analysis is framed within the identity economics framework. In the first chapter, data from the 1970 British Cohort Study supports the hypothesis that teenage girls are more likely to accept gender-equal beliefs when their mother shares these beliefs or she works; and that having gender equal beliefs and developing early mathematical and technological skills either encourage girls to study for high-paying degrees or discourage them from entering female-dominated degrees. The second chapter analyses the responses from an online questionnaire applied to female academics at the University of York. Such survey collected testimonies about their experiences regarding the construction of gender, encouragement and discouragement in mathematics, science and technology at school and the household environments; and their degree choice. Results provide some evidence in favour of the initial hypothesis, but they also show a disassociation between how women perceive the sex-typing of subject fields and their own confidence in their capabilities and tastes. It also suggests that bad experiences with certain subjects are more relevant in keeping women away from high-earnings degrees than the lack of positive experiences. Finally, the third chapter estimates earnings functions and provides a gender wage decomposition using data from the 1970 British Cohort Study at ages 29 and 34. Results do not support the hypothesis that having a high-earnings degree is associated with higher wages for women. Although there is an initial premium, it disappears by age 34. In contrast, working in a high-earnings occupation is positively associated with higher wages, while remaining in female-dominated occupations is negatively associated with wages for women
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