14 research outputs found

    LES and RANS of air and oxy-coal combustion in a pilot-scale facility: predictions of radiative heat transfer

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    The development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology is important to permit the use of fossil fuels while honouring commitments to curb greenhouse gas emissions. Coal is a valuable global resource, which is widely available around the world, however its detrimental e ect on climate change will limit its use in a future with strict controls over carbon emissions. Oxyfuel combustion is a promising CCS technology that is being actively pursued in the development of large scale demonstration projects. Under the oxyfuel process for CCS, the combustion gas is replaced with a mixture of recycled ue gas and enriched oxygen. The resulting combustion environment can vary signi cantly from traditional air- red combustion. The development of modelling capabilities will greatly improve the optimisation process to develop oxyfuel technology into an economically viable prospect. This study evaluates the use of large eddy simulation (LES) and Reynoldsaveraged Navier Stokes (RANS) models on the prediction of thermal radiation during coal combustion for both air- red and oxyfuel operation in a pilot-scale 250 kWth furnace. The furnace is part of the UKCCSRC Pilot-scale Advanced Capture Technology (PACT) facilities and was designed for detailed analysis of the combustion process. Two radiation models were evaluated during the RANS calculations, the widely used weighted sum of grey gases (WSGG) andthe full-spectrum correlated k (FSCK) model, while the LES case was calculated using the FSCK radiation model. The results show that the LES solutions are in better agreement with measured values than the RANS predictions for both air- red and oxyfuel coal combustion, however LES demands considerably more computational resources

    CFD study of fluid flow changes with erosion

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    For the first time, a three dimensional mesh deformation algorithm is used to assess fluid flow changes with erosion. The validation case chosen is the Jet Impingement Test, which was thoroughly analysed in previous works by Hattori et al. (Kenichi Sugiyama and Harada, 2008), Gnanavelu et al. in (Gnanavelu et al., 2009, 2011), Lopez et al. in (Lopez et al., 2015) and Mackenzie et al. in (Mackenzie et al., 2015). Nguyen et al. (2014) showed the formation of a new stagnation area when the wear scar is deep enough by performing a three-dimensional scan of the wear scar after 30 min of jet impingement test. However, in the work developed here, this stagnation area was obtained solely by computational means. The procedure consisted of applying an erosion model in order to obtain a deformed geometry, which, due to the changes in the flow pattern lead to the formation of a new stagnation area. The results as well as the wear scar were compared to the results by Nguyen et al. (2014) showing the same trend. OpenFOAM⃝R was the software chosen for the implementation of the deforming mesh algorithm as well as remeshing of the computational domain after deformation. Different techniques for mesh deformation and approaches to erosion modelling are discussed and a new methodology for erosion calculation including mesh deformation is developed. This new approach is independent of the erosion modelling approach, being applicable to both Eulerian and Lagrangian based equations for erosion calculation. Its different applications such as performance decay in machinery subjected to erosion as well as modelling of natural erosion processes are discussed here