74 research outputs found

    Dynamical Properties of Gaussian Thermostats

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    In this work we show that the set of Kupka-Smale Gaussian thermostats on a compact manifold is generic. A Gaussian thermostat is Kupka-Smale if the closed orbits are hyperbolic and the heteroclinic intersection are transversal. We also show a dichotomy between robust transitivity and existence of arbitrary number of attractors or repellers orbits. The main tools are the concept of transitions adapted to the conformally symplectic context and a perturbative theorem which is a version of the Franks lemma for Gaussian thermostats. Finally we provide some conditions in terms of geometrical invariants for an invariant set of a Gaussian thermostat to have dominated splitting. From that we conclude some dynamical properties for the surface case

    Conformal Standard Model with an extended scalar sector

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    We present an extended version of the Conformal Standard Model (characterized by the absence of any new intermediate scales between the electroweak scale and the Planck scale) with an enlarged scalar sector coupling to right-chiral neutrinos. The scalar potential and the Yukawa couplings involving only right-chiral neutrinos are invariant under a new global symmetry SU(3)N_N that complements the standard U(1)BL_{B-L} symmetry, and is broken explicitly only by the Yukawa interaction, of order 10610^{-6}, coupling right-chiral neutrinos and the electroweak lepton doublets. We point out four main advantages of this enlargement, namely: (1) the economy of the (non-supersymmetric) Standard Model, and thus its observational success, is preserved; (2) thanks to the enlarged scalar sector the RG improved one-loop effective potential is everywhere positive with a stable global minimum, thereby avoiding the notorious instability of the Standard Model vacuum; (3) the pseudo-Goldstone bosons resulting from spontaneous breaking of the SU(3)N_N symmetry are natural Dark Matter candidates with calculable small masses and couplings; and (4) the Majorana Yukawa coupling matrix acquires a form naturally adapted to leptogenesis. The model is made perturbatively consistent up to the Planck scale by imposing the vanishing of quadratic divergences at the Planck scale (`softly broken conformal symmetry'). Observable consequences of the model occur mainly via the mixing of the new scalars and the standard model Higgs boson.Comment: version accepted for publication in the JHEP, 41 pages, 1 figur

    Neutrino Mixing and the Axion-Gluon Vertex

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    We present detailed arguments and calculations in support of our recent proposal to identify the axion arising in the solution of the strong CP problem with the Majoron, the (pseudo-)Goldstone boson of spontaneously broken lepton number symmetry. At low energies, the associated U(1)L becomes, via electroweak parity violation and neutrino mediation, indistinguishable from an axial Peccei–Quinn symmetry in relation to the strong interactions. The axionic couplings are then fully computable in terms of known SM parameters and the Majorana mass scales. The determination of these couplings involves certain three-loop diagrams, with a UV finite neutrino triangle taking over the role of the usual triangle anomaly. A main novelty of our proposal is thus to solve the strong CP problem by a non-local term that produces an anomaly-like term in the IR limit

    A narrow scalar resonance at 325 GeV?

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    We propose to identify the excess of events with four charged leptons at E\sim 325\GeV seen by the CDF and CMS Collaborations with a new `sterile' scalar particle characterized by a very narrow resonance of the same height and branching ratios as the Standard Model Higgs boson, as predicted in the framework of the so-called Conformal Standard ModelComment: 4 pages, 2 figures, text and references correcte

    La integración de las TIC en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera en centros de lengua de Córdoba

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    Maestría en Enseñanza de Español como Lengua ExtranjeraEn el marco de la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera, las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) nos permiten acceder a través de Internet a situaciones reales de uso de la lengua, participar de acciones sociales cotidianas y entrar en contacto de manera sincrónica y asincrónica con usuarios de la lengua extranjera a través de diferentes redes sociales. Como profesora de francés y de español como lengua extranjera (ELE), el interés personal acerca del tema de esta investigación surge al reflexionar sobre las nuevas posibilidades para enseñar y aprender que ofrecen las TIC. Esta investigación, basada en un enfoque cualitativo, se propone a través de un estudio exploratorio y descriptivo caracterizar el estado de integración de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera en centros de lengua ELE de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. Para dar cuenta de este fenómeno, el trabajo se concentró en tres ejes centrales; en una primera instancia se analizaron los resultados del relevamiento realizado de centros educativos oficiales y privados que enseñan ELE en la ciudad de Córdoba para caracterizar la infraestructura TIC de los centros, conformación de su plantel docente, de la existencia (o no) de proyecto TIC del centro y la visión directiva respecto de la integración de las TIC. En segundo lugar, realiza la descripción del perfil de los profesores de ELE como usuarios de TIC, en lo personal y en lo pedagógico, a partir de las respuestas de encuestas a docentes y, profundizando en este último aspecto, el tercer eje se dedica al análisis de actividades de ELE diseñadas por los docentes para sus propuestas de enseñanza, que implican el uso de tecnologías. Los resultados obtenidos intentan ser un aporte para directivos, docentes de ELE e instituciones de formación docente interesados en la integración de las TIC en instituciones educativas y en las prácticas pedagógicas, contribuyendo con datos acerca del estado de situación de la integración de las TIC en función de futuros diseños de proyectos institucionales TIC de los centros de ELE y de estrategias de capacitación docente que respondan a las necesidades de los docentes de la ciudad de Córdoba, en relación con el uso de las TIC y la didáctica de ELEFil: Latosinski, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Lenguas; Argentina

    Neutrino loops from neutrino mixing

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    We show how neutrino mixing leads to a softening of the UV behavior of neutrino loops, and can give rise to anomaly-like, but manifestly UV finite amplitudes. This mechanism may be of special significance for the coupling of dark matter-like particles to the Standard Model, as we illustrate with a one-loop example involving the coupling to WW-bosons.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Desenvolvimento de lista de verificação com os pontos críticos de contaminação cruzada por glúten : do plantio ao consumo

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    Introdução: A alimentação adequada e saudável é um direito inerente a todas as pessoas, incluindo aqueles que necessitam de alimentos para fins especiais, como indivíduos com restrição ao glúten e substâncias alergênicas. O consumo de grãos, que contém glúten, é um desencadeador de doenças relacionadas ao glúten: doença celíaca, sensibilidade não celíaca ao glúten e alergia ao trigo. Na doença celíaca, as células de defesa do organismo não reconhecem o glúten como alimento e agem agredindo a mucosa do intestino, atrofiando as vilosidades e favorecendo o desencadear de outros processos patológicos, podendo afetar diversos sistemas do corpo. Tendo em vista os riscos de exposição e a insegurança no consumo de produtos por pessoas com doença celíaca, sensibilidade não celíaca ao glúten e alergia ao trigo é preciso maior controle no fornecimento de alimentos sem glúten. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver listas de verificação (checklists) com os pontos críticos de contaminação cruzada por glúten para identificar possível contaminação desde as etapas da produção agrícola até a preparação de refeições. Material e Métodos: Para subsidiar o desenvolvimento da lista de verificação foram realizadas pesquisas em artigos científicos publicados sobre o tema nas seguintes plataformas: Portal de Periódicos CAPES, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Science Direct, PubMed e Google Acadêmico. Também, foram contatados órgãos públicos como a Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (EMATER), a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) e a Associação dos Celíacos do Brasil (ACELBRA) para a busca de informações e referências técnicas para a temática investigada. Resultados: Observou-se a partir da literatura revisada, que não há implantação de sistemas e padronizações que comtemplem todas as etapas de beneficiamento dos alimentos sem glúten desde a produção no campo até a aquisição do produto pelo consumidor celíaco. Com os dados coletados, foi possível desenvolver quatro listas de verificação de forma a abordar os pontos críticos de contaminação por glúten para os seguintes setores da cadeia de produção: agricultura (7 itens), transporte (7 itens), indústria (24 itens) e alimentação coletiva (21 itens). Os itens de verificação foram descritos no mesmo formato do checklist apresentado na Resolução RDC 275/2001 da ANVISA, com resposta do tipo “Sim / Não / Não Aplicável”. Foram selecionados os itens com maior relevância com base no Programa de Controle de 6 Alergênicos elaborado pela ANVISA em 2018. Diversos itens, relacionados ao treinamento dos colaboradores e ao uso dos mesmos utensílios e óleos para fritura na preparação de alimentos com glúten e sem glúten, foram obtidos de estudos que apresentaram comprovação científica de contaminação cruzada. Porém, nem todos os itens selecionados para as listas de verificação possuem comprovações científicas de que sejam pontos de contaminação que ultrapassam o limite de 20ppm, o máximo recomentado pelo Codex Alimentarius. Considerações finais: Estudos futuros são necessários para avaliar a aplicabilidade e eficácia dos checklists em contribuir para a prevenção da contaminação cruzada por glúten. As listas de verificação, depois de validadas, poderão servir como subsídio para implementação de um sistema de Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle em linhas de produção de alimentos sem glúten. Também poderá servir para definir aspectos para o estabelecimento de Procedimentos Operacionais Padronizados de segurança para cada fase de beneficiamento e distribuição de alimentos sem glúten.Introduction: Adequate and healthy food is an inherent right for all people, including those who need food for special purposes, such as individuals with gluten restriction and allergenic substances. The consumption of grains, which contains gluten, is a trigger for gluten-related diseases: celiac disease, non-celiac sensitivity to gluten and allergy to wheat. In view of the risks of exposure and insecurity in the consumption of products by people with celiac disease, non-celiac sensitivy to gluten and allergyto gluten, greater control in the supply of gluten-free foods is needed. Objective: This study aimed to develop checklists with the critical points of cross-contamination by 7 gluten to identify possible contamination in the stages of agricultural production to prepare meals. Material and Methods: To support the development of the checklist, research was carried out on scientific articles published on the topic on the following platforms: CAPES Journal Portal, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Science Direct, PubMed and Google Scholar. Also, public agencies were contacted, such as the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER), the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) and the Brazilian Celiac Association (ACELBRA) for the search for information and technical references for the subject investigated. Results: It was observed from the reviewed literature, that there is no implementation of systems and standards that cover all stages of processing gluten-free foods from production in the field to the acquisition of the product by the celiac consumer. With the data collected, it was possible to develop four checklists in order to address the critical points of gluten contamination for the following sectors of the production chain: agriculture (7 items), transportation (7 items), industry (24 items) and collective food (21 items). The verification items were described in the same format as the checklist presented in Resolution RDC 275/2001 of ANVISA, with a “Yes / No / Not Applicable” response. The most relevant items were selected based on the Allergen Control Program prepared by ANVISA in 2018. Several items, related to the training of employees and the use of the same utensils and oils for frying in the preparation of gluten and gluten free foods, were obtained from studies that presented scientific evidence of cross-contamination. However, not all items selected for the checklists have scientific evidence that they are points of contamination that exceed the limit of 20ppm, the maximum recommended by Codex Alimentarius. Final considerations: Future studies are needed to evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of checklists in contributing to the prevention of cross-contamination by gluten. The checklists, once validated, may serve as a subsidy for the implementation of a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points system in gluten-free food production lines. It may also serve to define aspects for the establishment of Standardized Operational Procedures for safety for each phase of processing and distribution of gluten-free food

    The Acoustic Properties of Suspended Sediment in Large Rivers: Consequences on ADCP Methods Applicability

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    The use of echo-levels from Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) recordings has become more and more common for estimating suspended bed-material and wash loads in rivers over the last decade. Empirical, semi-empirical and physical-based acoustic methods have been applied in different case studies, which provided relationships between scattering particles features derived from samples (i.e., concentration and grain size) and corresponding backscattering strength and sound attenuation. These methods entail different assumptions regarding sediment heterogeneity in the ensonified volume (e.g., particle size distribution (PSD) and spatial concentration gradient). Our work was to compare acoustic backscatter and attenuation properties of suspended sediments, sampled in the rivers Parana and Danube that represented rather different hydro-sedimentological conditions during the surveys. The Parana represents a large sandy river, characterized through a huge watershed and the typical bimodal PSD of sediment in suspension, while the Danube represents in the investigated reach an exposed sand-gravel bed and clay-silt particles transported in the water column in suspension. Sand and clay-silt concentrations clearly dominate the analyzed backscattering strength in the rivers Parana and Danube, respectively, with an effect of PSD level of sorting in the latter case. This comparison clarifies the extent of assumptions made, eventually advising on the actual possibility of applying certain ADCP methods, depending on the expected concentration gradients and PSD of suspended sediment to be investigated

    Linking hydro-morphology with invertebrate ecology in diverse morphological units of a large river-floodplain system

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    Interdisciplinary research in the fields of ecohydrology and ecogeomorphology is becoming increasingly important as a way to understand how biological and physical processes interact with each other in river systems. The objectives of the current study were 1) to determine changes in invertebrate community due to hydrological stages, 2) to link local physical features [flow configuration, sediment composition and morphological feature) with the ecological structure between and within dissimilar morphological units (meander and confluence), and 3) to determine the existence and the origin of bed hydro-geomorphic patches, determining their ecological structure. Results were discussed in the frame of prevailing ecological models and concepts. The study site extends over a floodplain area of the large Paraná River (Argentina), including minor and major secondary channels as well as the main channel. Overall results suggested that hydrodynamics was the driving force determining distribution patterns of benthic assemblages in the floodplain. However, while the invertebrates living in minor secondary channels seem to benefit from flooding, this hydrological phase had the opposite effect on organisms from the main and major secondary channels. We also found a clear linkage between physical features and invertebrate ecology, which caused a dissimilar fauna structure between and within the meander and the confluence. Furthermore, several sandy-patches were recorded in the confluence. These patches were colonized by the particular benthic assemblage recorded in the main channel, supported the view of rivers as patchy discontinua, under uncertain ecological equilibrium.Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet