17 research outputs found

    Kecerdasan Budaya Mahasiswa Calon Konselor

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    The aim of this study is to produce a profile of cultural intelligence of student. Participants are students of Teacher Education Program-Counseling (PPG-BK) SM3T Makassar State University. Number of participants as many as 16 students consisting of 13 women and 3 men. The instrument used is the scale of cultural intelligence which is the result of adaptation and modification of Cultural Intelligence Scale developed by Early and Ang (2003). Data analysis used descriptive data analysis to describe the level of cultural intelligence of students. The results of this study indicate that students' cultural intelligence are mostly located in the high category. On average the results of each dimension is found that the dimensions of CI Metaconitive have the highest rates, followed by CI Motivation, and the lowest CI Cognitive Behavior. Discussion, limitations and recommendations discussed in the study

    Students’ Academic Resilience Profiles based on Gender and Cohort

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    Abstract: This study examined the differences in the students’ academic resilience based on gender and cohort. Participants were students of Department of Educational Psychology and Guidance, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Makassar in the academic years of 2013, 2014, and 2015. They were comprised of 103 students, 77 females and 26 males. The instrument in this study was Academic Resilience Scale (ARS) adopted and modified from Martin and Marsh. Data were analyzed through Mann-Whitney statistical of non-parametric tests in order to measure the academic resilience level of gender difference and Kruskal Wallis to measure academic resilience of cohort difference. Results revealed that there was no difference in academic resilience between female and male students. It was also found that there is a significant difference in academic resilience among the students in the academic years of 2013, 2014 and 2015. Discussion, limitation, and recommendation were also provided in this study.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat resiliensi akademik mahasiswa berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan tahun angkatan. Partisipan merupakan mahasiswa angkatan 2013, 2014 dan 2015 Jurusan Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Makassar. Jumlah partisipan sebanyak 103 mahasiswa yang terdiri dari 77 perempuan dan 26 laki-laki. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Skala Resiliensi Akademik yang diadopsi dan dimodifikasi dari ARS yang dikembangkan oleh Martin & Marsh. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik nonparametrik Mann-Whitney untuk uji beda resiliensi akademik berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan Kruskal Wallis sebagai uji beda pada tingkatan kelas (angkatan). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan lima prediktor resiliensi akademik, diketahui tidak terdapat perbedaan antara mahasiswa perempuan dan mahasiswa laki-laki. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa secara signifikan terdapat perbedaan resiliensi akademik antara mahasiswa angkatan 2013, 2014 dan 2015. Diskusi, keterbatasan dan rekomendasi dibahas dalam studi ini

    The Development of an Android-Based Classical Guidance and Counseling Service Application for Junior High Schools

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    This study aims to (1) describe the needs for the development of an Android-based classical guidance and counseling service mobile application in 5 schools in Pujananting District, (2) describe the prototype of an Android-based classical guidance and counseling service mobile application, and (3. determine the level of validity of an Android-based classical guidance and counseling service mobile application. The validity testing was conducted by a content expert and a technology expert to ensure the utility, accuracy and feasibility of the application. The study was conducted by adapting to the stages of Research and Development by Borg and Gall. Data were collected using observations, interviews, and questionnaires, and were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The results showed that (1) the Android-based classical guidance and counseling service application needed to be developed in 5 junior high schools in Pujananting District to facilitate students in receiving online counseling services, (2) the prototype of application through planning and developing early product as well as validity testing was found to have high levels of utility and feasibility, (3) the Android-based classical guidance and counseling and service application was useful, feasible and accurate as a media to provide online classical guidance and counseling guidance services


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    Suciani Latif. (2022). Program Pelatihan Experiential Learning Untuk Pengembangan Kecerdasan Budaya Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling di Makassar. Disertasi. Dibimbing oleh: Prof. Dr. Uman Suherman AS, M.Pd. (Promotor); Dr. Ilfiandra, M.Pd. (Ko- promotor); dan Dr. Mamat Supriatna, M.Pd. (Anggota). Program Doktor Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung. Proses konseling pada dasarnya merupakan pertemuan dua budaya atau lebih antara guru BK dan siswa. Seorang guru BK perlu peka terhadap perbedaan budaya antara dirinya dengan siswa agar siswa merasa diterima, didengarkan dan dihargai sesuai nilai-nilai budaya yang dibawa pada proses konseling. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan program pelatihan experiential learning untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan budaya guru Bimbingan dan Konseling. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahap yaitu tahap pendahuluan, pengembangan program dan implementasi program. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah campuran kuantitatif-kualitatif dengan explanatory sequential mixed methods. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan pada uji terbatas program pelatihan experiential learning melalui quasi-experiment one-group pretest-posttest design. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman interaksi multibudaya guru BK melalui pelatihan experiential learning. Konstruk kecerdasan budaya guru BK dibuat berdasarkan uji validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan skala kecerdasan budaya yang disebar secara online dengan melibatkan partisipan sebanyak 659 guru BK dari seluruh Indonesia. Untuk memperoleh gambaran kecerdasan budaya, skala yang telah valid dan reliabel tersebut disebarkan kepada 112 Guru BK di Makassar dan tahap uji coba melibatkan 6 guru Bimbingan dan Konseling. Data kuantitatif dikumpulkan menggunakan skala kecerdasan budaya guru BK dan dianalisis menggunakan Cohen Effect Size dan Reliability Change Index (RCI) sedangkan data kualitatif dikumpulkan menggunakan pedoman observasi, pedoman wawancara dan rekaman video dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pelatihan experiential learning fisibel untuk pengembangan kecerdasan budaya guru BK, baik secara total maupun keempat dimensinyanya. Nilai RCI secara total dan keempat dimensinya menunjukkan nilai yang lebih besar dari 1,96. Dengan demikian perkembangan kecerdasan budaya guru BK sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan experiential learning reliabilitas perubahannya dapat diandalkan. Hasil Penelitian ini direkomendasikan kepada P4TK bidang Pendidikan Jasmani dan Bimbingan dan Konseling, Perguruan Tinggi khususnya Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling serta peneliti selanjutnya. Suciani Latif. (2022). The Experiential Learning Training Program to Develop Cultural Intelligence of Guidance and Counseling Teachers in Makassar. Dissertation. Supervised by: Prof. Dr. Uman Suherman AS, M.Pd. (Promotor); Dr. Ilfiandra, M.Pd. (Copromotor); and Dr. Mamat Supriatna, M.Pd. (Supervision team member). Doctoral Program in Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Educational Science, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung. The counseling process is basically an encounter of two cultures or more between guidance and counseling teachers and students. The guidance and counseling teachers require to be sensitive against cultural differences among himself and their students, so that students feel to be received, heard, and appreciated in corresponding to the cultural values which were carried into counseling process. The purpose of this research was to produce an experiential learning training program to develop cultural intelligence of guidance and counseling teachers. This research was carried out in three stages, namely the preliminary stage, program development, and program implementation. The method used in this research was mixed quantitative-qualitative design along with explanatory sequential mixed methods. The quantitative approach was used in a limited test of the experiential learning training program through a quasi-experimental one-group pretestposttest design. A qualitative approach was used to explore the experiences of multicultural interaction of guidance and counseling teachers through experiential learning training. The construct of cultural intelligence of guidance and counseling teachers was made based on validity and reliability tests by using a cultural intelligence scale which was distributed by online and involved 659 Guidance and Counseling teachers from all over Indonesia. To obtain a description of cultural intelligence, the valid and reliable scale was distributed to 112 guidance and counseling teachers in Makassar along with the trial tests which involved 6 Guidance and Counseling teachers. Quantitative data was collected by using the guidance and counseling teachers’ cultural intelligence scale and analyzed by using the Cohen Effect Size and Reliability Change Index (RCI), while qualitative data was collected by using observation guidelines, interview guidelines and video recordings which analyzed by using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this research showed that the experiential learning training program is feasible for the development of the cultural intelligence of the guidance and counseling teachers, both in total and in its four dimensions. Total of RCI values and its four dimensions showed a value greater than 1.96. Therefore, the development of the cultural intelligence of the guidance and counseling teachers before and after experiential learning training toward the transformation of reliability can be relied on. The results of this research were recommended to ABKIN, P4TK in the fields of Physical Education and Guidance and Counseling, especially the Guidance and Counseling Study Program at specific universities, and further researchers

    Different 21st Century Skills Among Z Generation in The Higher Education Based On The Level of Students, and Gender Difference

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    Z Generation is a generation that is unique from the previous generation because it has technological capabilities and lives in an era of advanced technology. This uniqueness requires Z generation to have 21st-century skills to adapt to the demands of the industrial era 4.0. However, not all Z Generation have these skills and adaptability. Therefore, this study aims to describe and distinguish the skills of 21st-century students as seen from the level of lectures and gender differences. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research. The sample in this study amounted to 268 students from 9 faculties, namely Education, Language, Engineering, art, psychology, social science, sports, economics and science. This sample consisted of 130 women and 138 men. The measuring instrument in this study uses an adaptation of the 21st-century skill instrument, which consists of 4 aspects: 1) Information and technology literacy skills, 2) Entrepreneurship and innovation skills, 3) Social responsibility and leadership skills, and 4) career consciousness. Techniques of data analysis using descriptive statistical data analysis and ANOVA using JASP assistance. The results showed that there were differences in students' 21st-century skills based on semester level, and there were differences in students' 21st-century skills based on gender

    Pengembangan Panduan Digital Berbasis Klarifikasi Nilai Empatik Pencegahan Mikroagresi Bias Gender Guru Di Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to develop guidelines for empathetic communication methods for teachers and students in preventing gender bias microaggressions based on flip book media. This research method uses Hannafin and Peck's model development research. This development research applies steps starting from the stages of needs analysis, design, product development, material and media expert testing, revision, and user testing. The subjects of this study were 20 elementary school teachers in Makassar City. The research data collection technique uses a needs analysis questionnaire, expert validation, and user trials in the form of a Google form using a Likert scale. Data analysis techniques using descriptive and reflective data analysis. The results showed that the teacher's level of need for digital guidance was 90% and was categorized as feasible through validation by media and material experts at 90% and through the user test process with a high level of media feasibility. This shows that the teach-smart digital guide is appropriate in reducing and preventing microaggressions caused by the teacher's gender bias behavior in the learning process

    Model Hipotetik: Pendekatan Solution-Focused Brief Counseling (SFBC) dalam Keluarga

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    HYPOTHETIC MODEL: AN APPROACH OF SOLUTION-FOCUSED BRIEF COUNSELING (SFBC) IN THE FAMILY. This study is aimed to study hypothetically about Solution-Focused Brief Counseling (SFBC) application in family and some example cases of family counseling that focused on solution. The SFBC is a post-modern counseling approach that is developed in 1982 by Insoo Kim Berg and De Shazer. SFBC is an approach based on counselee strength and potency, and focused to the solution and future. In solving the problem, SFBC families more focus on nowadays problems and immediately move to build solution to repair family situation. Counselee strength is a primary asset to build solution of the problem

    Development of a traditional game-based guidance and counseling module to promote prosocial behavior in students

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    This study aims to: (i) describe the need of developing a guidance and counseling module based on traditional games to promote prosocial behavior in students of SDN (State Elementary School) 86 Longi; (ii) describe the prototype of a guidance and counseling module based on traditional games to promote prosocial behavior in students of SDN 86 Longi;and (iii) examine the acceptability of the development of a guidance and counseling module based on traditional games to promote prosocial behavior in students of SDN 86 Longi. This study used the Research and Development approach that was developed by Borg and Gall and consisted of seven stages. The subjects of this study were eight students of SDN 86 Longi. The data of this study were collected through interviews, observations, and questionnaires. Meanwhile, the data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Results showed that (1) developing a traditional game-based guidance and counseling module for SDN 86 Longi students was very necessary; (ii) the prototype of the traditional game-based guidance and counseling module consisted of a module for students, teacher’s manuals and worksheets; (iii) the acceptability of the traditional game-based guidance and counseling module was considered valid and usable based on the results of the utility, feasibility, accuracy, content and small group testing.

    Tracer Study Alumni: Upaya Pengembangan Prodi Bimbingan Konseling Universitas Negeri Makassar

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    Abstract: The aim of research to determine: (1) the profile of alumni student guidance and counseling; (2) a waiting period of alumni guidance and counseling; (3) the relevance of courses to the needs of the labor market; (4) the alumni users. This study is a qualitative research using descriptive survey method. The analysis conducted by the percentage and using three stages of data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of this study through the instrument tracer study provides an overview achievement graduate GPA average of 78% or between 2.75 to 3.50 and there are 22% or 3.50 to 4.00 cum laude. The study period of Prodi Guidance and Counseling alumni is fairly fast 3.5-year study period, there were 13% and 68% of alumni completed the study precisely in the time period in 4 years. Similarly, waiting period to get their first job is very quick, the longest is 5 months with a percentage of 88%. The job mostly occupied by the alumni is as a Guidance and Counseling Teacher (66%). Users suggest competence enhancement of graduates in the field of foreign languages, especially English, skills or personal development skills, and mastery of technology needs to be developed.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui: (1) profil alumni mahasiswa bimbingan dan konseling; (2) masa tunggu alumni bimbingan dan konseling; (3) relevansi program studi dengan kebutuhan pasar kerja; (4) tanggapan pengguna alumni. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan metode survei. Analisis yang dilakukan dengan persentase dan menggunakan 3 tahapan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil Penelitian yaitu penelusuran melalui instrumen tracer study memberikan gambaran pencapaian IPK lulusan rata-rata 78%  atau di antara 2,75-3,50 dan terdapat 22% cum laude atau 3,50-4,00. Masa studi alumni Prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling terbilang cepat yaitu masa studi 3,5 tahun terdapat 13% serta 68% alumni menyelesaikan studi dengan tepat pada masa waktu yaitu 4 tahun. Demikian halnya masa tunggu mendapat pekerjaan pertama sangat cepat yaitu paling lama 5 bulan dengan persentase 88%. Pekerjaan yang paling banyak ditempati oleh alumni adalah Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling dengan data 66%. Pengguna menyarankan peningkatan kompetensi alumni dalam bidang bahasa asing khususnya bahasa inggris, kecakapan atau keterampilan pengembangan diri, serta penguasaan teknologi perlu lebih dikembangkan.Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um001v2i12017p03

    Developing A Cultural Intelligence Instrument for Guidance and Counseling Teachers

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    Abstract. The study aimed to produce a self-report instrument using a cultural intelligence scale for Guidance and Counseling teachers. It employed Research and Development design adopting the model of Adam and Wieman (2011). Operationally, the development of the instrument was divided into five stages, 1) determining the question format; 2) determining the question construction; 3) determining the guidance of assessment, expert judgment, and revision of the question; 4) expert judgment by the experts of culture and instrument development; and 5) analyzing instrument using the Rasch model. Data analysis showed that in the development of cultural intelligence instrument: 1) the instrument construct was correctly determined, and it could measure one variable of Guidance and Counseling teachers' cultural understanding; 2) there were five items of cultural intelligence instrument categorized as very difficult and five items were in the very easy category; 3) all items of cultural intelligence instrument of Guidance and Counseling teachers were fit, meaning that it functioned normal, could be understood by the Guidance and Counseling teachers, and can measure what it should measure; and 4) The Cronbach Alpha was 0,96, indicating that the instrument was in the Very Good category with the Person Reliability of 0,92 and Item Reliability of 0,99. Therefore, based on the Rasch model analysis, the cultural intelligence instrument of Guidance and Counseling teachers, which was developed, had fulfilled the set standard and Good criteria, and it could be used to collect data about the cultural intelligence of Guidance and Counseling teachers