Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan dan Konseling: Jurnal Kajian Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan Konseling
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    131 research outputs found

    Group Guidance with Life Modeling and Behavioral Rehearsal Techniques to Increase Entrepreneurship

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    Entrepreneurial attitude is an attitude instilled in students through learning about entrepreneurship as well as descriptions of personalities through physical movements and thoughts about entrepreneurship. One of the problems among adolescents is having low entrepreneurial attitude, manifested by being pessimistic and unsure about developing their skills, having weak determination to improve their talents, potential, and interests, lacking the desire to work hard and initiatives to develop their skills, having fear of challenges, and avoiding taking risks. This study aims to encourage students to find freedom, to recognize and acknowledge themselves and their current situations objectively and progressively, to guide themselves, to be able to make decisions, and to actualize themselves more properly. This study used systematic literature review to obtain a higher quality theoretical basis and more detailed, accurate, and complex data

    Development of the career success cards to improve the career maturity of senior high school students

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    This study aims to produce career success cards as a guidance and counseling media to improve students’ career maturity. This study aims to discover: (1) the level of need for career success cards to improve the career maturity of senior high school students; (2) the prototype of career success cards to improve the career maturity of senior high school students; and (3) the validity and practicality of career success cards in improving the career maturity of senior high school students. The Borg & Gall 10-step research model was adapted into seven steps to conduct this study. The data were collected using interviews and questionnaires. The results of the study showed that: (1) the level of need for career success cards to improve the career maturity of senior high school students, especially the students at SMAN 01 Bombana, was high; (2) the prototype of career success cards consisted of job cards, information cards, fill-in cards, a guidebook, and a career reading text; and (3) the validity testing results showed that the utility, feasibility, and accuracy of career success cards were very good, while the practicality testing results showed that career success cards were valid and practical to be used in high schools, especially at SMAN 01 Bombana, to help students improve their career maturity

    The development of mobile learning application-based comprehensive guidance and counseling media in basic service (EDasbk) for elementary school teachers

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    This research is aimed to know; (1) the need for comprehensive guidance and counseling media based on a mobile learning application (EDasbk) for teachers in basic services; (2) an appropriate prototype of comprehensive guidance and counseling media based on a mobile learning application (EDasbk); (3) the validity and practicality of comprehensive guidance and counseling media based on a mobile learning application (EDasbk) for elementary school teachers. This is a research and development study with interview and questionnaire as data collection technique. The data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. This study found that (1) most classroom teachers could not conduct guidance and counseling optimally and did not completely know their task to guide, so this mobile application-based comprehensive guidance and counseling media (EDasbk) was needed by elementary school teachers (2) there was an appropriate prototype of comprehensive guidance and counseling media developed through an andromo-mobile app builder for Android, and mobile learning application (EDasbk) of the 1.0.4 stable version. (3) the validity and practicality of the mobile learning application (EDasbek) through the first product testing was implemented in a small group and involved two experts showing a very high result. It means that the mobile learning application (EDasbk) is accepted and can be used by classroom teachers to give guidance and counseling to the elementary school students

    Developing audio-based pop-up book learning media for introducing numbers 1-10 for children with intellectual disability grade ii in SLB negeri 1 barru

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    This research aimed to develop a product in the form of an audio-based pop-up book learning media for introducing numbers 1-10. The focus of this research is to find out the process of developing learning media starting from analyzing teacher needs, designing pop-up book learning media, validating media content, to determining the effectiveness of pop-up book learning media based on audio introduction to numbers 1-10. This research utilized the 4D development model (four-D model) modified into 3 stages without reducing the value or development itself. Data collection techniques in this study used interview techniques and questionnaires with descriptive qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The results of the study on the needs analysis indicated that teachers and students need learning media for the introduction of numbers 1-10. The design of the media is a 3D book that has a speaker and is equipped with a user manual. Content validity was tested using the Gregory formula with the results that have been declared valid for use, and the effectiveness of this media was analyzed using the Recude into different variables transformation using the SPSS progra

    The relationship between academic procrastination, academic stress, and life happiness of Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar State Islamic University students

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    This research aimed to examine the relationship between academic procrastination, academic stress, and life happiness of UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar students. The method employed in this research was the correlational research method. The research population was 110 students in semesters 1 to 8 with high levels of academic procrastination and high academic stress. The data collection technique used a self-report questionnaire and it used a questionnaire as research instrument. The online Google form media was a data collection tool. The Likert scale was the assessment system used in this study. Multiple regression analysis wasthe data analysis technique, by using the SPSS 25 program in the data analysis stage. (R2) was observed in the multiple linear regression test with a range of 0 to 1. From the analysis, R2 had a range of 0.676. The conclusion of the correlation research between academic procrastination, academic stress, and life happiness of UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar students wassignificant and concrete, expressed through the results of the statistical program for social science R of 0.676

    Work readiness and life goals among final-year students in Madiun

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    This study aims to determine work readiness in terms of life goals owned by final year students in Madiun. This research is a quantitative study with a correlational approach. The population of this study were final year students studying at universities in Madiun City. Sampling using purposive sampling technique with a total of 172 final year students. The scales used were the work readiness scale and the life purpose scale, distributed online via google form. Correlation analysis using spearman's rho. The results of the spearman's rho correlation coefficient in this study showed insignificant results with sig (2-tailed) 0.647> 0.05 with a correlation score of 0.035. It means that the relationship between work readiness and life goals is very weak or insignificant. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is no relationship between work readiness and the life goals of final year students in Madiun. The recommendation of this study is to explore other variables that affect work readiness, such as self-efficacy and optimism with similar subject characteristic

    The development of an android-based SDQ application as an instrument to detect students’ psychological and behavioral problems

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    This study aims to determine the description of needs, produce a prototype, examine the validity, reliability, and practicality of an Android-based SDQ application as an instrument to detect students’ psychological and behavioral problems. This is an R&D study utilizing the Borg and Gall development model. Data was collected through observations, interviews, and questionnaires. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis, while quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of the study showed that: 1) the development of an Android-based SDQ application to detect students’ psychological and behavioral problems is strongly needed by both school counselors and students; 2) the Android-based SDQ application prototype features menu items, school counselor profile, student profile, information on the objectives and advantages of SDQ, filling out SDQ, SDQ results, an application guidebook, SDQ statistical results, and an application management administrator; and 3) the Android-based SDQ application developed has been found to have high levels of validity, reliability, and practicality. Therefore, the Android-based SDQ application is considered a valid and reliable tool to detect students’ psychological and behavioral problems

    The relationship between self-regulated learning and learning motivation among working students

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between self-regulated learning of working students of Bina Darma University in Palembang and learning motivation. The hypothesis of the study was there is a relationship between self-regulated learning of working students of Bina Darma University in Palembang and learning motivation. This study was conducted using a quantitative method. The instruments used in the study were the self-regulated learning scale and the learning motivation scale. Purposive sampling was adopted and 500 staff members of Bina Darma University in Palembang were selected as the sample of the study. The data were analyzed using the SPSS program version 20 for Windows, resulting in a coefficient (r) of 0.516, a determination coefficient (R square) of 0.266, and the p value was 0.001 for the two-way ANOVA. The results of the study showed that the hypothesis that self-regulated learning was positively and significantly correlated to learning motivation of the working students of Bina Darma University in Palembang was valid

    The development of an instrument to measure the grit of junior high school students using the rasch analysis model

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    This study aims to obtain a valid and reliable Student Grit Scale and to analyze the feasibility of a measurement instrument using the Rasch Model. This study employed a quantitative research method with a descriptive approach and involved 75 junior high school students. The grit scale developed by Datu, called the Triarchic Model of Grit (TMG), was used in this study. The results of the reliability test showed that Cronbach's Alpha was greater than 0.60 (), indicating that the measurement instrument was reliable. The unidimensional analysis showed that the instrument was feasible because the variance observed in the contrast of 1 to 5 residues contained only values above 15%. Thus, the entire construct of the grit has measured one appropriate variable. This study provides recommendations for the development of a grit measurement instrument to investigate he balance between the topics contained in the questions and the level of ability of students as respondents.

    The differences in career well-being among Indonesian school counselors based on educational qualifications

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    This study aims to describe the career well-being of school counselors in Indonesia. This study was conducted quantitatively using a quantitative descriptive analysis. The population of this study was all school counselors in Indonesia. The selection of population was made by the researchers because there is no standard Career well-being Scale in the Indonesian context. The sample consisted of 1,000 school counselors throughout Indonesia, selected using simple random sampling technique. The data was collected using the Career Well-Being Scale based on Coetzee’s theory. The study began with the development of the Career Well-Being Scale, followed by the distribution of the scale through Google Form, data collection, and data analysis. Data analysis was performed using percentage statistical formula. The results showed that the difference in career well-being of school counselors had a Sig value of 0.00. Obtaining a Sig value < 0.05 indicates that there is a significant difference in the career well-being of school counselors with four different educational qualifications. Educational qualifications influence the career well-being of Indonesian school counselors. School counselors with a master’s degree and a PPG certification have higher career well-being than school counselors with a bachelor’s degre


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    Jurnal Psikologi Pendidikan dan Konseling: Jurnal Kajian Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan Konseling
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