1,607 research outputs found

    Analysis of optical properties of strained semiconductor quantum dots for electromagnetically induced transparency

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    Using multiband k*p theory we study the size and geometry dependence on the slow light properties of conical semiconductor quantum dots. We find the V-type scheme for electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) to be most favorable, and identify an optimal height and size for efficient EIT operation. In case of the ladder scheme, the existence of additional dipole allowed intraband transitions along with an almost equidistant energy level spacing adds additional decay pathways, which significantly impairs the EIT effect. We further study the influence of strain and band mixing comparing four different k*p band structure models. In addition to the separation of the heavy and light holes due to the biaxial strain component, we observe a general reduction in the transition strengths due to energy crossings in the valence bands caused by strain and band mixing effects. We furthermore find a non-trivial quantum dot size dependence of the dipole moments directly related to the biaxial strain component. Due to the separation of the heavy and light holes the optical transition strengths between the lower conduction and upper most valence-band states computed using one-band model and eight-band model show general qualitative agreement, with exceptions relevant for EIT operation.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    A highly efficient two level diamond based single photon source

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    An unexplored diamond defect centre which is found to emit stable single photons at a measured rate of 1.6 MHz at room temperature is reported. The novel centre, identified in chemical vapour deposition grown diamond crystals, exhibits a sharp zero phonon line at 734 nm with a full width at half maximum of ~ 4 nm. The photon statistics confirm the center is a single emitter and provides direct evidence of the first true two-level single quantum system in diamond.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Breakdown of the Isobaric Multiplet Mass Equation for the A = 20 and 21 Multiplets

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    Using the Penning trap mass spectrometer TITAN, we performed the first direct mass measurements of 20,21Mg, isotopes that are the most proton-rich members of the A = 20 and A = 21 isospin multiplets. These measurements were possible through the use of a unique ion-guide laser ion source, a development that suppressed isobaric contamination by six orders of magnitude. Compared to the latest atomic mass evaluation, we find that the mass of 21Mg is in good agreement but that the mass of 20Mg deviates by 3{\sigma}. These measurements reduce the uncertainties in the masses of 20,21Mg by 15 and 22 times, respectively, resulting in a significant departure from the expected behavior of the isobaric multiplet mass equation in both the A = 20 and A = 21 multiplets. This presents a challenge to shell model calculations using either the isospin non-conserving USDA/B Hamiltonians or isospin non-conserving interactions based on chiral two- and three-nucleon forces.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Edoxaban: an update on the new oral direct factor Xa inhibitor.

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    Edoxaban is a once-daily oral anticoagulant that rapidly and selectively inhibits factor Xa in a concentration-dependent manner. This review describes the extensive clinical development program of edoxaban, including phase III studies in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) and symptomatic venous thromboembolism (VTE). The ENGAGE AF-TIMI 48 study (N = 21,105; mean CHADS2 score 2.8) compared edoxaban 60 mg once daily (high-dose regimen) and edoxaban 30 mg once daily (low-dose regimen) with dose-adjusted warfarin [international normalized ratio (INR) 2.0-3.0] and found that both regimens were non-inferior to warfarin in the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with NVAF. Both edoxaban regimens also provided significant reductions in the risk of hemorrhagic stroke, cardiovascular mortality, major bleeding and intracranial bleeding. The Hokusai-VTE study (N = 8,292) in patients with symptomatic VTE had a flexible treatment duration of 3-12 months and found that following initial heparin, edoxaban 60 mg once daily was non-inferior to dose-adjusted warfarin (INR 2.0-3.0) for the prevention of recurrent VTE, and also had a significantly lower risk of bleeding events. Both studies randomized patients at moderate-to-high risk of thromboembolic events and were further designed to simulate routine clinical practice as much as possible, with edoxaban dose reduction (halving dose) at randomisation or during the study if required, a frequently monitored and well-controlled warfarin group, a well-monitored transition period at study end and a flexible treatment duration in Hokusai-VTE. Given the phase III results obtained, once-daily edoxaban may soon be a key addition to the range of antithrombotic treatment options

    Functional recovery is considered the most important target: a survey of dedicated professionals

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    Background: The aim of this study was to survey the relative importance of postoperative recovery targets and perioperative care items, as perceived by a large group of international dedicated professionals. Methods: A questionnaire with eight postoperative recovery targets and 13 perioperative care items was mailed to participants of the first international Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) congress and to authors of papers with a clear relevance to ERAS in abdominal surgery. The responders were divided into categories according to profession and region. Results: The recovery targets ‘To be completely free of nausea’, ‘To be independently mobile’ and ‘To be able to eat and drink as soon as possible’ received the highest score irrespective of the responder's profession or region of origin. Equally, the care items ‘Optimizing fluid balance’, ‘Preoperative counselling’ and ‘Promoting early and scheduled mobilisation’ received the highest score across all groups. Conclusions: Functional recovery, as in tolerance of food without nausea and regained mobility, was considered the most important target of recovery. There was a consistent uniformity in the way international dedicated professionals scored the relative importance of recovery targets and care items. The relative rating of the perioperative care items was not dependent on the strength of evidence supporting the items

    Precision mass measurements of magnesium isotopes and implications on the validity of the Isobaric Mass Multiplet Equation

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    If the mass excess of neutron-deficient nuclei and their neutron-rich mirror partners are both known, it can be shown that deviations of the Isobaric Mass Multiplet Equation (IMME) in the form of a cubic term can be probed. Such a cubic term was probed by using the atomic mass of neutron-rich magnesium isotopes measured using the TITAN Penning trap and the recently measured proton-separation energies of 29^{29}Cl and 30^{30}Ar. The atomic mass of 27^{27}Mg was found to be within 1.6σ\sigma of the value stated in the Atomic Mass Evaluation. The atomic masses of 28,29^{28,29}Mg were measured to be both within 1σ\sigma, while being 8 and 34 times more precise, respectively. Using the 29^{29}Mg mass excess and previous measurements of 29^{29}Cl we uncovered a cubic coefficient of dd = 28(7) keV, which is the largest known cubic coefficient of the IMME. This departure, however, could also be caused by experimental data with unknown systematic errors. Hence there is a need to confirm the mass excess of 28^{28}S and the one-neutron separation energy of 29^{29}Cl, which have both come from a single measurement. Finally, our results were compared to ab initio calculations from the valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group, resulting in a good agreement.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Spin-orbit interaction in three-dimensionally bounded semiconductor nanostructures

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    The structural inversion asymmetry-induced spin-orbit interaction of conduction band electrons in zinc-blende and wurtzite semiconductor structures is analysed allowing for a three-dimensional (3D) character of the external electric field and variation of the chemical composition. The interaction, taking into account all remote bands perturbatively, is presented with two contributions: a heterointerface term and a term caused by the external electric field. They have generally comparable strength and can be written in a unified manner only for 2D systems, where they can partially cancel each other. For quantum wires and dots composed of wurtzite semiconductors new terms appear, absent in zinc-blende structures, which acquire the standard Rashba form in 2D systems.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur