811 research outputs found

    Relatives’ participation in everyday care in special care units for persons with dementia

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    Background: Research concerning relatives’ participation in the everyday care related to persons living in special care units for persons with dementia is limited. Research questions: To examine relatives’ participation in their near one’s everyday care, the level of burden experienced and important factors for participation, in this special context. Design: The study had a cross-sectional design, and data collection was carried out by means of a study-specific questionnaire. Participants and context: A total of 233 relatives from 23 different special care units participated. Ethical consideration: The study was approved by the Norwegian Social Science Data Services. Results: A great majority of relatives reported that they visited weekly and were the resident’s spokesperson, but seldom really participated in decisions concerning their everyday care. Participation was seldom reported as a burden. Discussion: This study indicated that relatives were able to make a difference to their near one’s everyday life and ensure quality of care based on their biographical expertise, intimate knowledge about and emotional bond with the resident. Since knowing the resident is a prerequisite for providing individualised care that is in line with the resident’s preferences, information concerning these issues is of utmost importance. Conclusion: This study prompts reflection about what it is to be a spokesperson and whether everyday care is neglected in this role. Even though relatives were satisfied with the care provided, half of them perceived their participation as crucial for the resident’s well-being. This indicated that relatives were able to offer important extras due to their biographical expertise, intimate knowledge about and emotional bond with the resident. Good routines securing that written information about the residents’ life history and preferences is available and used should be implemented in practice

    Instantaneous Flow Structures and Opportunities for Larval Settlement: Barnacle Larvae Swim to Settle

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    Water flow affects settlement of marine larvae on several scales. At the smallest scale local flow regime may control the probability of adhesion to the substrate. Our aim was to mechanistically understand the transition from suspended to attached larvae in turbulent flow. Recently it was proposed that opportunities for larval settlement in turbulent boundary layers depend on time windows with suitable instantaneous flow properties. In flume flow we characterized the proportion of suitable time windows in a series of flow velocities with focus on the near-bed flow. The change in the proportion of potential settling windows with increasing free-stream velocities was compared to the proportion of temporary attachment of barnacle cypris larvae at different flow velocities. We found large instantaneous flow variations in the near-bed flow where cyprid attachment took place. The probability of temporary attachment in cyprids declined with local flow speed and this response was compatible with a settling window lasting at least 0.1 s with a maximum local flow speed of 1.9–2.4 cm s-1. Cyprids swam against the near-bed flow (negative rheotaxis) and the swimming speed (1.8 cm s-1) was close to the critical speed that permitted temporary attachment. We conclude that temporary attachment in barnacle cyprids requires upstream swimming to maintain a fixed position relative to the substrate for at least 0.1 s. This behaviour may explain the ability of barnacles to recruit to high-flow environments and give cyprids flexibility in the pre-settlement choice of substrates based on flow regime

    Probing of individual semiconductor nanowhiskers by TEM-STM

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    Along with rapidly developing nanotechnology, new types of analytical instruments and techniques are needed. Here we report an alternative procedure for electrical measurements on semiconductor nanowhiskers, allowing precise selection and visual control at close to atomic resolution. We use a combination of two powerful microscope techniques, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and simultaneous viewing in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The STM is mounted in the sample holder for the TEM. We describe here a method for creating an ohmic contact between the STM tip and the nanowhisker. We examine three different types of STM tips and present a technique for cleaning the STM tip in situ. Measurements on 1-mum-tall and 40-nm-thick epitaxially grown InAs nanowhiskers show an ohmic contact and a resistance of down to 7 kOmega

    Co-workership: development of an assessment tool

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to develop an easy-to-use, theoretically well-founded and psychometrically sound assessment tool of the concept co-workership. Design/methodology/approach Firstly, inductively generated examples of favourable and unfavourable co-worker behaviours were collected, clustered and then expressed as frequency-based Likert-type scale items. Data were obtained from 825 Swedish white collar workers and military personnel. A factor analysis (principal axis factoring with oblique rotation) resulted in a seven-factor solution built up by 30 items and forming the instrument Co-Worker Questionnaire (Co-Worker Q). Findings The factors have a strong resemblance to the content of dominating models of leadership, followership, organizational citizenship behaviour and leader–member exchange. The factor scales had relatively high reliability (high Cronbach’s alpha coefficients and low standard errors of measurement). Regarding discriminability, women scored more favourably on five of the factors, men on one factor and age differences were noted on two factors. Research limitations/implications Shortcomings include the lack of data on possibly related aspects including person factors, such as personality and socio-economic status, and contextual factors such as more detailed data on the type of work environment and organizational culture. Practical implications The instrument has an easy-to-use format and can be used in organization development interventions with a co-workership focus and in individualized coaching or mentoring programmes. Originality/value The co-workership concept has so far mainly been used in the Nordic countries. The development of the Co-Worker Q opens up for broader applications.publishedVersio

    Team Helmi Delaktighet i fokus : Klienten och Team Helmi, medledarskap i ett mångprofessionellt möte

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    LÄRDOMSPROV (Högre YH) Författare: Ann-Sofie Larsson Utbildningsprogram och ort: Utveckling och ledarskap inom social- och hälsovård (Högre YH-utbildning), Åbo Handledare: Pia Liljeroth Titel: Team Helmi delaktighet i fokus Klienten och Team Helmi medledarskap i ett mångprofessionellt möte _________________________________________________________________________ Datum: 01.04.2015 Sidantal: 56 Bilagor: 3 _________________________________________________________________________ Abstrakt Att få vara delaktig både som medarbetare i den egna organisationen och som klient i en vårdprocess är en rättighet som borde vara en självklarhet, men som ändå lyfts fram i lagar som stiftats. Hur kan vi stärka delaktigheten i Team Helmi för att nå ett delat ledarskap och på vilket sätt skapar vi arbetsmetoder som stärker den äldres delaktighet i den egna processen? Den optimala delaktigheten nås i ett medledarskap där alla aktörer möts i ett mångprofessionellt möte. Syftet med detta utvecklingsarbete, som även är en del i VATA-projektet (ett samarbetsprojekt mellan sju yrkeshögskolor, sakkunnigorganisationer och arbetslivsrepresentanter), är att skapa lokal god praxis. I detta utvecklingsarbete är målet att utveckla en modell för klientstyrningsteamet Helmi. Modellen bygger på ett delat ledarskap och som stöder klientens aktiva deltagande. Utvecklingsarbetet har förverkligats genom en aktionsforskning. Som grund för den gjordes först en litteraturöversikt (n=31) som gav byggstenarna för teorin. Under processen i Team Helmi har anteckningar gjorts i form av mötes protokoll och dagboksanteckningar. Dessa har sedan kopplats till teorin och ur detta har processer och arbetssätt utvecklats. Resultatet är processer som utvecklats kring medledarskap, team Helmis processbeskrivning och en verksamhetsmodell. _________________________________________________________________________ Språk: Svenska Nyckelord: delaktighet, delat ledarskap, servicehandledning, aktionsforskning, arbetssätt, processerOPINNÄYTETYÖ (YAMK) Tekijä: Ann-Sofie Larsson Koulutusohjelma ja paikkakunta: Utveckling och ledarskap inom social- och hälsovård (Högre YH-utbildning) Turku Ohjaaja: Pia Liljeroth Nimike: Team Helmi - osallisuus keskipisteessä Asiakas ja team Helmi, yhteisjohtaminen moniammatillisessa kohtaamisessa/ Team Helmi delaktighet i fokus Klienten och team Helmi medledarskap i ett mångprofessionellt möte ________________________________________________________________________ Päivämäärä: 01.04.2015 Sivumäärä: 56 Liitteet: 3 _________________________________________________________________________ Tiivistelmä Työntekijän osallistuminen oman organisaationsa toimintaan ja asiakkaan osallistuminen hoitoprosessiinsa ovat oikeuksia, joiden pitäisi olla itsestään selvyyksiä, muuta silti näistä asioista on säädetty erikseen laissa. Miten voimme vahvistaa osallistumisen team Helmissä saavuttaaksemme jaetun johtajuuden ja millä tavalla kehitämme työmenetelmiä jotka vahvistavat vanhuksen osallistumisen omaan prosessiin? Tässä kehittämistyössä tutkitaan, miten osallisuutta voidaan vahvistaa Team Helmissä, jotta saavutettaisiin jaettu johtajuus sekä millaisten työmenetelmien avulla vanhusten osallistumista omaan hoitoprosessiin voitaisiin vahvistaa. Optimaalinen osallisuus saavutetaan yhteisjohtamisen avulla, missä kaikki osallistujat kohtaavat moniammatillisessa tapaamisessa Tämän kehittämistyön tavoite ja samalla myös VATA-projektin tavoite (VATA on yhteistyöprojekti seitsemän ammattikorkeakoulun, asiantuntijajärjestön ja työelämänedustajien välillä), on kehittää hyviä paikallisia työmenetelmiä. Tässä kehittämistyössä tavoite on kehittää malli asiakasohjaustiimille, jonka perustana toimii jaettu johtajuus joka tukee asiakkaan aktiivista osallistumista. Kehittämistyö toteutettiin toimintatutkimuksena (n=31) ja perustaksi tehtiin ensin kirjallisuuskatsaus mistä muodostui teorian perusta. Prosessin aikana Team Helmissä on tehty kokousmuistioita sekä päiväkirjan muistiinpanoja. Nämä muistiot on liitetty teoriaan mistä on kehitetty prosesseja ja työmenetelmiä. Lopputuloksena syntyi prosesseja koskien yhteisjohtamista, Team Helmin prosessin kuvaus ja toimintamalli. _________________________________________________________________________ Kieli: Ruotsia Avainsanat: Osallistuminen, jaettu johtajuus, palveluohjaus, yhteisjohtaminen, työtavat, prosessitMASTERS´ THESIS Author: Ann-Sofie Larsson Degree Programme: Development and leadership within Social Services and Health Care (Master), Turku Supervisors: Pia Liljeroth Title: Team Helmi, participation in focus The client and Team Helmi, co-leadership in a multi professional meeting ________________________________________________________________________ Date: 01.04.2015 Number of pages: 56 Appendices: 3 ________________________________________________________________________ Summary The right to participate as a co-worker in the work organization and as a client in the care process should be self-evident, but is supported by legislation. How is it possible to strengthen participation for Team Helmi in achieving shared leadership and in what way can we create working methods that strengthen the possibility for elderly to be participant in their own processes? The optimal participation is achieved in a co-leadership where every participant meets in a multi-professional meeting. The aim of this development work, which also is a part of a VATA-project (which is a collaboration project between seven high schools, expert associations and work experience representation), is to create local good praxis. In this development work the goal is to create a model for service coordination team Helmi, founding on shared leadership and creating work methods supporting the active participation for clients. The development work was done through an action research method. A literature overview (n=31) was done firstly in order to give the foundation for the theory. Meeting protocols and diary notes were made during the process in Team Helmi, and these have then been linked to the theory. The outcome has resulted in processes and working methods As a result, processes were created around co-leadership, process descriptions and an action model for Team Helmi was made. _______________________________________________________________________ Language: Swedish Key words: participation, shared leadership, service coordination Action research, working methods, processe

    Naturlik dagvattenhantering

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    Klimatförändringarna är ett faktum och likaså den ökade inflyttningen till staden. Allt mer yta hårdgörs vilket gör att avrinningen ökar och därmed även belastningen på ledningsnäten. De befintliga ledningarnas kapacitet överskrids oftare och leder till fler översvämningar och föroreningar som skadar människor och byggnader. Den ökade och intensivare nederbörden förväntas utgöra ett allt större problem. Vart ska allt detta vatten ta vägen? I den här kandidatuppsatsen diskuterar jag naturlika alternativ för att lösa dagvattenproblematiken i den mindre skalan, främst på bostadsgården. Metoder redovisas och diskuteras utifrån de boendes perspektiv. Genom fallstudier i bostadsområdena Augustenborg och Bo01 i Malmö exemplifieras och problematiseras metoderna ytterligare för att svara på hur lämpligt det är att använda sig av naturlik dagvattenhantering i bostadsgården. Det kan genom uppsatsen konstateras att de positiva konsekvenserna av ett naturlikt dagvattensystem är många, som en stor del av samhället kan gynnas av. Men det finns även hinder mot att uppnå ett fullgott system, som exempelvis bristande utrymme och ökade krav på skötsel.Climate change is a fact and so is the increased migration to the city. More surfaces are impervious which increases the runoff and also the load on the pipeline system. The existing pipeline capacity is exceeded more frequently which leads to more flooding and pollution that harm people and buildings. The extreme and intensive precipitation is expected to be an increasing problem. So the question is; how do we deal with all this extra water? In this bachelor thesis I discuss ”naturalistic” alternatives to solve the storm water problem in the small scale, the residential yard. Methods is presented and discussed mainly based on the residents’ perspectives. Through case studies of the residential areas Augustenborg and Bo01 in Malmö I exemplify and problematize the methods further to answer how appropriate it is to use them in the residential yard. Through the paper I conclude that the positive impacts of a naturalistic storm water system are numerous, which a large part of the society can benefit from. But there are also obstacles to achieve good systems, such as lack of space and increased requirements for maintenance