25 research outputs found

    The effect of LRRK2 loss-of-function variants in humans

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    Analysis of large genomic datasets, including gnomAD, reveals that partial LRRK2 loss of function is not strongly associated with diseases, serving as an example of how human genetics can be leveraged for target validation in drug discovery. Human genetic variants predicted to cause loss-of-function of protein-coding genes (pLoF variants) provide natural in vivo models of human gene inactivation and can be valuable indicators of gene function and the potential toxicity of therapeutic inhibitors targeting these genes(1,2). Gain-of-kinase-function variants in LRRK2 are known to significantly increase the risk of Parkinson's disease(3,4), suggesting that inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity is a promising therapeutic strategy. While preclinical studies in model organisms have raised some on-target toxicity concerns(5-8), the biological consequences of LRRK2 inhibition have not been well characterized in humans. Here, we systematically analyze pLoF variants in LRRK2 observed across 141,456 individuals sequenced in the Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD)(9), 49,960 exome-sequenced individuals from the UK Biobank and over 4 million participants in the 23andMe genotyped dataset. After stringent variant curation, we identify 1,455 individuals with high-confidence pLoF variants in LRRK2. Experimental validation of three variants, combined with previous work(10), confirmed reduced protein levels in 82.5% of our cohort. We show that heterozygous pLoF variants in LRRK2 reduce LRRK2 protein levels but that these are not strongly associated with any specific phenotype or disease state. Our results demonstrate the value of large-scale genomic databases and phenotyping of human loss-of-function carriers for target validation in drug discovery.Peer reviewe

    Data from: A transcriptome screen for positive selection in domesticated breadfruit and its wild relatives (Artocarpus spp.)

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    PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Underutilized crops, such as breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis, Moraceae) have the potential to improve global food security. Humans have artificially selected many cultivars of breadfruit since its domestication began approximately 3,500 years ago. The goal of this research is to identify transcriptomic signals of positive selection and to develop genomic resources that may facilitate the development of improved breadfruit cultivars in the future. METHODS: A reference transcriptome of breadfruit was assembled de novo and annotated. Twenty-four transcriptomes of breadfruit and its wild relatives were generated and analyzed to reveal signals of positive selection that may have resulted from local adaptation or natural selection. Emphasis was placed on MADS-box genes, which are important because they often regulate fruiting timing and structures, and carotenoids biosynthesis genes, which can impact the nutritional quality of the fruit. KEY RESULTS: Over 1,000 genes showed signals of positive selection, and these genes were enriched for localization to plastids. Nucleotide sites and individuals under positive selection were discovered in MADS-box genes and carotenoid biosynthesis genes, with several sites located in cofactor or DNA-binding domains. A McDonald-Kreitman test comparing wild to cultivated samples revealed selection in one of the carotenoid biosynthesis genes, abscisic acid 8'-hydroxylase 3. CONCLUSIONS: This research highlights some of the many genes that may have been intentionally or unintentionally selected for during the human-mediated dispersal of breadfruit and stresses the importance of conserving a varied germplasm collection. It has revealed candidate genes for further study and produced new genomic resources for breadfruit

    breadfruit vcf

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    Sequences were aligned to Artocarpus camansi draft genome with bwa v0.6.2 mem, called separately for triploids and diploids with GATK v3.2-2 HaplotypeCaller, and hard filtered according to GATK’s recommendations

    breadfruit assemblies

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    Assemblies for nine A. altilis, seven A. camansi, one A. mariannensis, and seven A. altilis × A. mariannensis hybrid samples. Raw reads were trimmed using Trimmomatic v0.30 to remove low quality bases, adapter sequences, and other sequencing artifacts. Poly-A and poly-T tails were removed with Trimest vEMBOSS: Trimmed paired and unpaired reads were assembled using Trinity vr2013-02-25 and only the longest isoform per component/subcomponent was retained

    XML file for SNAPP analysis

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    Random sample of one SNP per locus for Artocarpus camansi and Artocarpus altilis in XML format for use in SNAPP analysis

    Mitochondrial DNA variation across 56,434 individuals in gnomAD

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    Genomic databases of allele frequency are extremely helpful for evaluating clinical variants of unknown significance; however, until now, databases such as the Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) have focused on nuclear DNA and have ignored the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA). Here, we present a pipeline to call mtDNA variants that addresses three technical challenges: (1) detecting homoplasmic and heteroplasmic variants, present, respectively, in all or a fraction of mtDNA molecules; (2) circular mtDNA genome; and (3) misalignment of nuclear sequences of mitochondrial origin (NUMTs). We observed that mtDNA copy number per cell varied across gnomAD cohorts and influenced the fraction of NUMT-derived false-positive variant calls, which can account for the majority of putative heteroplasmies. To avoid false positives, we excluded contaminated samples, cell lines, and samples prone to NUMT misalignment due to few mtDNA copies. Furthermore, we report variants with heteroplasmy ≥10%. We applied this pipeline to 56,434 whole-genome sequences in the gnomAD v3.1 database that includes individuals of European (58%), African (25%), Latino (10%), and Asian (5%) ancestry. Our gnomAD v3.1 release contains population frequencies for 10,850 unique mtDNA variants at more than half of all mtDNA bases. Importantly, we report frequencies within each nuclear ancestral population and mitochondrial haplogroup. Homoplasmic variants account for most variant calls (98%) and unique variants (85%). We observed that 1/250 individuals carry a pathogenic mtDNA variant with heteroplasmy above 10%. These mtDNA population allele frequencies are freely accessible and will aid in diagnostic interpretation and research studies

    Sequential targeted exome sequencing of 1001 patients affected by unexplained limb-girdle weakness

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    Purpose Several hundred genetic muscle diseases have been described, all of which are rare. Their clinical and genetic heterogeneity means that a genetic diagnosis is challenging. We established an international consortium, MYO-SEQ, to aid the work-ups of muscle disease patients and to better understand disease etiology. Methods Exome sequencing was applied to 1001 undiagnosed patients recruited from more than 40 neuromuscular disease referral centers; standardized phenotypic information was collected for each patient. Exomes were examined for variants in 429 genes associated with muscle conditions. Results We identified suspected pathogenic variants in 52% of patients across 87 genes. We detected 401 novel variants, 116 of which were recurrent. Variants inCAPN3,DYSF,ANO5,DMD,RYR1,TTN,COL6A2, andSGCAcollectively accounted for over half of the solved cases; while variants in newer disease genes, such asBVESandPOGLUT1, were also found. The remaining well-characterized unsolved patients (48%) need further investigation. Conclusion Using our unique infrastructure, we developed a pathway to expedite muscle disease diagnoses. Our data suggest that exome sequencing should be used for pathogenic variant detection in patients with suspected genetic muscle diseases, focusing first on the most common disease genes described here, and subsequently in rarer and newly characterized disease genes

    Transcript expression-aware annotation improves rare variant interpretation

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    The acceleration of DNA sequencing in samples from patients and population studies has resulted in extensive catalogues of human genetic variation, but the interpretation of rare genetic variants remains problematic. A notable example of this challenge is the existence of disruptive variants in dosage-sensitive disease genes, even in apparently healthy individuals. Here, by manual curation of putative loss-of-function (pLoF) variants in haploinsufficient disease genes in the Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD)1, we show that one explanation for this paradox involves alternative splicing of mRNA, which allows exons of a gene to be expressed at varying levels across different cell types. Currently, no existing annotation tool systematically incorporates information about exon expression into the interpretation of variants. We develop a transcript-level annotation metric known as the ‘proportion expressed across transcripts’, which quantifies isoform expression for variants. We calculate this metric using 11,706 tissue samples from the Genotype Tissue Expression (GTEx) project2 and show that it can differentiate between weakly and highly evolutionarily conserved exons, a proxy for functional importance. We demonstrate that expression-based annotation selectively filters 22.8% of falsely annotated pLoF variants found in haploinsufficient disease genes in gnomAD, while removing less than 4% of high-confidence pathogenic variants in the same genes. Finally, we apply our expression filter to the analysis of de novo variants in patients with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability or developmental disorders to show that pLoF variants in weakly expressed regions have similar effect sizes to those of synonymous variants, whereas pLoF variants in highly expressed exons are most strongly enriched among cases. Our annotation is fast, flexible and generalizable, making it possible for any variant file to be annotated with any isoform expression dataset, and will be valuable for the genetic diagnosis of rare diseases, the analysis of rare variant burden in complex disorders, and the curation and prioritization of variants in recall-by-genotype studies.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    GAPVD1 and ANKFY1 Mutations Implicate RAB5 Regulation iotic Syndrome.n Nephr

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    BACKGROUND: Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) is a frequent cause of CKD. The discovery of monogenic causes of SRNS has revealed specific pathogenetic pathways, but these monogenic causes do not explain all cases of SRNS. METHODS: To identify novel monogenic causes of SRNS, we screened 665 patients by whole-exome sequencing. We then evaluated the RESULTS: We identified conserved, homozygous missense mutations of CONCLUSIONS: Mutations i