233 research outputs found

    Originalnost humanističke i predtridentske hagiografije u djelu Marka Marulića De bene beateque vivendi institutione per exempla sanctorum (1498)

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    U 15. i osobito 16. st. javljaju se kako protestantske tako i katoličke kritike djela Legenda aurea Jakova de Voragine (oko 1261-66). No kritika njegova srednjovjekovnog latinskog stila i ponajvećma napadi na njegovu slabu povijesnuutemeljenost i sklonost hagiografskim čudima, što mogu poticati praznovjernu pobožnost, nisu spriječili ni pojavu novih izdanja Legende na latinskom i na više živih jezika sve do kraja 16. st., niti su spriječili pisce 15. i 16. st., među kojima ione najsklonije novim idejama, da nalaze nadahnuće u toj zbirci svetačkih životopisa. Svjedoči o tome Miroir de l’âme pécheresse (1531) Margarete Navarske, u kojem je još uočljiva bujnost slika grešnice i pokajnice naslijeđena iz Zlatne legende, premda su one upisane u kontekst koji je osobnije naravi i kritičkiji naspram čudesnoga. To navodi na pomisao da katolici koji su se u 16. st. nadahnjivali Zlatnom legendom nisu čekali odluke Tridentskoga koncila da bi izostavili ulomke koji su se smatrali odveć čudesnima za kritičkiji duh. Dapače, istu je pojavu zapaziti nesamo u književnosti, nego i u humanističkoj predtridentskoj hagiografiji. Uistinu, naslijeđe Zlatne legende nalazi se — ali ne bez prethodnoga probiranja — u glavnom kršćanskomoralističkom djelu hrvatskoga humanista Marka Marulića De bene beateque vivendi institutione per exempla sanctorum, objavljenom u Mletcima 1498, koje je u latinskom izvorniku i u prijevodima sve do kraja 17. st. imalo znatan utjecaj europskih razmjera i koje će biti sredstvo podrške progonjenim katolicima u 16. st. Ukratko rečeno, Marulić pažljivo prešućuje svoj zamašan dug Legendi kao i izostavljanja što ih provodi u hagiografskim motivima svojih egzempla. Još jedna osobitost toga djela u odnosnu na onodobnu oduševljenost antikom jest njegov oslon, u skladu s pokretom Devotio moderna i kršćanskim huma-nizmom, na biblijske izvore i kršćansku antiku, da bi se svetačke figure povezale sa svetopisamskim naukom. Svrha za kojom se na taj način bjelodano teži jestobrana i proslavljanje kršćanske antike, za koju se smatra da je nadmoćna poganskoj antici i njezinim “lažnim bogovima”. Ipak, premda su na početku mane antičkih heroja odbačene, ipak će se pojavljivati kao fina nit koja služi da se istaknu zaslugekršćanskih junaka te da se diskurs usmjeri prema pohvali kreposti i potrazi za mudrošću. Bilo bi dakle zanimljivo proučiti ovo djelo humanista Marulića kroz egzempleiz života sv. Dominika, da bi se razvidjelo koji su elementi kršćanskoga čudesnog čas izostavljeni, čas sačuvani, i koji su elementi tradicionalne hagiografije i pobožnosti čas integrirani, čas zamijenjeni novima. Osim toga, ukazuje se kako valja cijeniti duboku originalnost strukture ove zbirke, koja raskida s pred-stavljanjem svetaca slijedom sveopćega crkvenog svetačkog kalendara, kojemu pretpostavlja moralnu klasifikaciju prema vrsti kreposti, prizivajući hagiografske motive usredotočene na vitae sanctorum više nego na popise miracula, a pri svemu tome u fakturi koja se neskriveno ponosi svojom elegancijom. S druge pak strane Institucija se udaljuje i od srednjovjekovne tradicije takozvanih tabulae exemplorum koje se nalaze na kraju legendarija, i to primjerima koji sadrže kritiku svećenstva, a ne samo laika. Marulićevu ćemo Instituciju promatrati i uz pomoć antwerpenskog izdanja iz 1577. što ga je priredio Englez John Fowler, a u kojemsu prvi put na margini označena sva preuzimanja iz Zlatne legende. Takve oznake srednjovjekovnih hagiografskih izvora preuzet će i dva posttridentska francuska prijevoda Marulićeva djela: Du Montov (1585) i De Billyjev (1587). Napokon, Marulićev doprinos hagiografskom pismu legendarija ne treba procjenjivati samo u odnosu na njegove prethodnike, nego i u svjetlu obnove legendarija prema odredbama Tridentskoga koncila, obnove u kojoj su se rascvjetala, među ostalim, djela prijelaznoga karaktera kao što su Villegasov Flos sanctorum (1578) i Ribadaneirin Flos sanctorum (1599). Jer, unatoč tome što suse pojavljivale ortodoksnije zbirke, širenje hagiografskog i retoričkog djela, predtridentske humanističke zbirke Marka Marulića, nastavljalo se

    Enhanced microbiological safety of acidified infant formulas tested in vitro

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    Objectives. To determine growth behaviour of pathogens and spoilage micro-organisms in infant formulas after reconstitution, and comparison of the bacteriostatic effect of acidified formulas obtained through fermentation or by direct addition of lactic acid. Design. Four commercially available infant formulas were deliberately contaminated with eight different pathogens and stored at 4, 25 or 37°C. Growth of the micro-organisms was followed by enumeration after 0, 3 and 6 hours. In a second challenge test the fate of pathogens added to a fermented infant formula was compared with that of pathogens in a non-fermented acidified formula. Results. After a lag phase of a few hours, most of the examined micro-organisms grew well in the pH-neutral products at 37°C. At 25°C growth was clearly retarded and at 4°C no significant growth was detected within 6 hours. Fermented formula exerted an inhibitory effect on all micro-organisms. The same effect was observed with a non-fermented acidified formula. Conclusions. Because pH-neutral reconstituted infant formulas may support rapid growth of many undesirable micro-organisms, including pathogens, utmost care should be taken to prevent contamination, and storage under conditions favouring growth of pathogens should be avoided. Alternatively, prevention of rapid microbial proliferation in infant formulas may be achieved by acidification, either through fermentation or by direct addition of lactic acid, provided that the pH is lower than 5.0. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition Vol.17(3) 2004: 87-9

    Les postes de journalistes-managers, un enjeu problématique de la carrière des journalistes

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    Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à une étape particulière de la carrière des journalistes, la promotion à un poste d’encadrement et à une catégorie particulière de journalistes, les journalistes-managers, c’est-à-dire les journalistes qui occupent également des fonctions de management au sein de leur rédaction. Ces postes de management intermédiaire jouent un rôle prépondérant dans le bon fonctionnement des rédactions. À l’appui de l’étude des trajectoires et de l’observation du travail de journalistes-managers de la presse quotidienne nationale, nous montrons que cette dimension particulière de la carrière de journaliste – devenir journaliste-manager – s’inscrit dans une forme de promotion professionnelle. Mais, paradoxalement, ces postes ne comblent pas particulièrement leurs titulaires ou n’attirent pas les candidats les mieux qualifiés. Les directions des journaux, qui nomment les titulaires de ces postes, et les journalistes, qui occupent ces postes, ont des approches divergentes du rôle et de la fonction de journaliste-manager. Ainsi, la définition de ces postes et fonctions, et en particulier les attentes en matière de management d’équipe, ne fait pas l’objet d’une attention particulière de la part des directions de journaux, ce qui démotive et frustre de très nombreux journalistes-managers

    El sexo frío (Del porno y más allá)

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    Lardeau, Y. (1983). El sexo frío (Del porno y más allá). Cuadernos de cine. (3):33-66. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/42552.Importación Masiva3366

    Assessment of RANS and DES methods for realistic automotive models

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    This paper presents a comprehensive investigation of RANS and DES models for the Ahmed car body and a realistic automotive vehicle; the DrivAer model. A variety of RANS models, from the 1-equation Spalart Allmaras model to a low-Reynolds number Reynolds Stress model have shown an inability to consistently correctly capture the flow field for both the Ahmed car body and DrivAer model, with the under-prediction of the turbulence in the initial separated shear layer found as a key deficiency. It has been shown that the use of a hybrid RANS-LES model (in this case, Detached Eddy Simulation) offers an advantage over RANS models in terms of the force coefficients, and general flow field for both the Ahmed car body and the DrivAer model. However, for both cases even at the finest mesh level hybrid RANS-LES methods still exhibited inaccuracies. Suggestions are made on possible improvements, in particular on the use of embedded LES with synthetic turbulence generation. Finally the computational cost of each approach is compared, which shows that whilst hybrid RANS-LES offer a clear benefit over RANS models for automotive relevant flows they do so at a much increased cost

    Equilibre du marché du crédit et cycle économique : un nouvel accélérateur financier

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    With the renewal of financial cycles and the subprime crisis, literature had focused on the macroeconomic influence of the financial factors. From the credit market, it mainly developed along the theory of financial accelerator (Bernanke and Gertler [1989], Bernanke, Gertler and Gilchrist [1999]) which is based on the hypothesis of asymmetric information. This thesis gives aim to complete this literature by considering that credit supply must be also considered in radical uncertainty and to return on it by proposing, from some of its own limits, another mechanism of financial accelerator which can be viewed as more macroeconomic. So, it leads us to improve our understanding of the credit market in the explanation of macroeconomic fluctuations and to reconsider economic policy related.Avec le retour des cycles financiers et la crise des subprimes, la littérature a remis en avant l’influence macroéconomique des facteurs financiers. A partir du marché du crédit, elle s’est essentiellement développée avec la théorie de l’accélérateur financier (Bernanke et Gertler [1989], Bernanke, Gertler et Gilchrist [1999]) fondée sur l’hypothèse d’asymétrie d’information. Cette thèse se propose de compléter cette littérature en considérant le cas dans lequel l’offre de crédit s’exprime en situation d’incertitude radicale et de revenir sur cette théorie en proposant, à partir de certaines de ses limites, un autre mécanisme d’accélération financière qui soit de nature plus macroéconomique. Ce mécanisme permet alors d’améliorer la compréhension du rôle du marché du crédit dans l’explication des fluctuations économiques et de réinterpréter les recommandations de politique économique

    The characteristics and experience of community food program users in arctic Canada: a case study from Iqaluit, Nunavut

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    Background: Community food programs (CFPs), including soup kitchens and food banks, are a recent development in larger settlements in the Canadian Arctic. Our understanding of utilization of these programs is limited as food systems research has not studied the marginalised and transient populations using CFPs, constraining service planning for some of the most vulnerable community members. This paper reports on a baseline study conducted with users of CFPs in Iqaluit, Nunavut, to identify and characterize utilization and document their food security experience. Methods: Open ended interviews and a fixed-choice survey on a census (n = 94) were conducted with of users of the food bank, soup kitchen, and friendship centre over a 1 month period, along with key informant interviews. Results: Users of CFPs are more likely to be Inuit, be unemployed, and have not completed high school compared to the general Iqaluit population, while also reporting high dependence on social assistance, low household income, and an absence of hunters in the household. The majority report using CFPs for over a year and on a regular basis. Conclusions: The inability of users to obtain sufficient food must be understood in the context of socio-economic transformations that have affected Inuit society over the last half century as former semi-nomadic hunting groups were resettled into permanent settlements. The resulting livelihood changes profoundly affected how food is produced, processed, distributed, and consumed, and the socio-cultural relationships surrounding such activities. Consequences have included the rising importance of material resources for food access, the weakening of social safety mechanisms through which more vulnerable community members would have traditionally been supported, and acculturative stress. Addressing these broader challenges is essential for food policy, yet CFPs also have an essential role in providing for those who would otherwise have limited food access
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