594 research outputs found

    The Great Recession and its recovery: a growth accounting analysis for selected OECD countries

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    The Great Recession is the name given to the period of economic crisis that began at the end of 2007 in most countries, and its severity and duration was very different. In this paper we analyze that period for some of the OECD countries: Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The selected OECD countries can be classified into two groups: Mediterranean countries (Italy, Portugal and Spain) and Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway and Denmark). We focus on the study of the growth rate of output per working-age population and on the contribution of factors of production and total factor productivity to this growth rate. The methodology used is the growth accounting analysis applied to the above mentioned countries. We study those variables that contribute most to the fall in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per working age population and those that contribute most to its recovery for each country. Furthermore, the results obtained not only allow us to perform an individual analysis for each country, but also to identify similarities and differences among the countries chosen. The main conclusions of the work can be summarized as follows: while in the Mediterranean countries the recovery has been due to the labor factor, in the Scandivavian countries it is mostly explained by total factor productivity

    Factores de reserva asociados al deterioro cognitivo en epilepsia refractaria del lóbulo temporal

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Psicología, Departamento de Psicología Biológica y de la Salud. Fecha de lectura: 27-09-201

    Los grupos de trabajo como estrategia de mejora del Centro del Profesorado de La Laguna

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    Entre las actividades de formación permanente del profesorado, el grupo de trabajo es considerada la más autónoma de todas, ya que sus componentes se reúnen en torno a un proyecto propio diseñado por ellos mismos. En el presente artículo abordaremos diferentes acciones desarrolladas por el Equipo pedagógico del Centro del Profesorado La Laguna (Tenerife) con el propósito de impulsar las agrupaciones de profesoras y profesores. Entendemos que suponen una modalidad de perfeccionamiento muy cercana a su realidad, que reconoce la autonomía del profesorado en su proceso de formación y un referente en la gestión de problemas de enseñanza y aprendizaje

    The work groups as strategy of improvement of the Teacher´s Centre

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    Entre las actividades de formación permanente del profesorado, el grupo de trabajo es considerada la más autónoma de todas, ya que sus componentes se reúnen en torno a un proyecto propio diseñado por ellos mismos. En el presente artículo abordaremos diferentes acciones desarrolladas por el Equipo pedagógico del Centro del Profesorado La Laguna (Tenerife) con el propósito de impulsar las agrupaciones de profesoras y profesores. Entendemos que suponen una modalidad de perfeccionamiento muy cercana a su realidad, que reconoce la autonomía del profesorado en su proceso de formación y un referente en la gestión de problemas de enseñanza y aprendizaje.This article examines several methods of action developed by the Educational Advisory team at La Laguna Teachers' Centre (Tenerife). The aim of these is to encourage and direct teachers' work groups. In our view they are realistic ways of perfecting and improving which take into account teachers' autonomy in their in-service training and also serve as a reference point when dealing with teaching and learning problems.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granada

    Análise do desempenho altmétrico da revista Movimento nas redes sociais Facebook, Twitter e Instagram

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    O presente estudo trata de uma pesquisa documental qualiquantitativa, descritiva e de natureza básica que consiste em um estudo altmétrico da revista Movimento, do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Física, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Analisa todas as postagens dos perfis da revista nas redes sociais Facebook, Twitter e Instagram, desde sua criação, com os objetivos de descrever as postagens realizadas, analisar as métricas em relação à periodicidade e visibilidade, e apontar quais delas geram maior engajamento, além de descrever o perfil dos seguidores do Facebook e do Twitter quanto aos interesses e local de residência. Apresenta uma análise dos comentários no Instagram. Foram coletadas manualmente, nas três redes, data, tipologia, quantidade e periodicidade das postagens e quantidade de menções. No Facebook e no Twitter foram coletados nome, cidade ou país de domicílio ou procedência, profissão ou formação acadêmica dos seguidores que interagiram com as postagens. No Instagram foram coletados o teor dos comentários. Os resultados mostram que o engajamento aumentou nas três redes ao longo do tempo, apesar da periodicidade das postagens ser irregular. As postagens mais recorrentes são os artigos e ensaios. A Movimento possui amplo alcance nacional e moderado alcance internacional, contando com a interação de perfis acadêmico, social e institucional. Conclui que as postagens com maior engajamento são as que veiculam temas atuais. O Twitter é a rede que apresenta maior engajamento com um grupo formado por perfil social, apesar de manifestar menor interatividade. O Facebook é a rede que apresenta maior engajamento de perfil acadêmico. O Instagram é a rede que suscita maior interação e engajamento no geral.The present study is a quali-quantitative, descriptive and basic documentary research, which consists of an altmetric study of the Movimento journal, by the Postgraduate Program in Physical Education, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. It analyzes all posts of the journal as profiles on the social networks Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, since their creation, with the aim of describing the posts made, analyzing the metrics regarding the periodicity and visibility, and pointing out which ones generate better engagement, besides describing the Facebook and Twitter followers profile in terms of interests and place of residence. Presents an analysis of the comments on Instagram. Date, typology, quantity and periodicity of the posts and number of mentions were collected manually in the three social networks. On Facebook and Twitter, were collected the name, city or country of domicile or origin, and profession or academic background of the followers who interacted with the posts. On Instagram, were collected the content of the comments. The results show that, over time, the engagement has increased on the three social networks, despite the periodicity of the posts being irregular. The most recurrent posts are the articles and essays. Movimento has a broad nationwide reach and a moderate international reach, featuring the interaction of academic, social and institutional profiles. It concludes that the posts with more engagement are the ones which convey current topics. Twitter is the social network which presents higher engagement with a group formed by social profile, in spite of showing less interactivity. Facebook is the social network which presents higher engagement of academic profile. Instagram is the social network which promotes most interaction and engagement in general

    Factorial validity and measurement invariance of the uncertainty response scale

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    Abstract This study presents the adaptation of the Uncertainty Response Scale (Greco & Roger, Pers. Individ. Differ, 31:519-534, 2001) to Portuguese. This instrument was administered to a non-clinical community sample composed of 1596 students and professionals, allowing a thorough validity and invariance analysis by randomly dividing participants into three subsamples to perform: an exploratory factor analysis (sample one: N = 512); a preliminary confirmatory factor analysis to identify the final solution for the scale (sample two: N = 543); and the confirmatory factor analysis (sample three: N = 541). Samples two and three were also used for multi-group analysis to assess measurement invariance, invariance across gender, sociocultural levels, and students versus active professionals. Results showed the scale reflects the original factorial structure, as well as good internal consistency and overall good psychometric qualities. Invariance results across groups reached structural invariance which provides a confident invariance measurement for this scale, while invariance across gender and sociocultural levels reached metric invariance. Accordingly, differences between these groups were explored, by comparing means with multi-group analysis to establish the scale's sensitivity toward social vulnerability, by demonstrating the existence of statistically significant differences regarding gender and sociocultural levels on how individuals cope with uncertainty, specifically in terms of emotional strategies, as a self-defeating strategy. Thus, females scored higher on emotional uncertainty, as well as low sociocultural levels, compared with higher ones. Therefore, it is proposed that this scale could be a sound alternative to explore strategies for coping with uncertainty, when considering social, economic, or other environmental circumstances that may affect them

    Modelización de la atractividad territorial en las metrópolis

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    This article is a theoretical-methodological review of Territorial Attractiveness for the construction of a qualitative model. The aforementioned is one of the main contributions of this research, which is built on the basis of the revised literature. There is little bibliography on the subject: “the study of the metropolis analyzed from the Territorial Attractiveness and the marketing of cities.” Therefore, the discussions presented in the article come from other territories, it should also be noted that studying the metropolis from the marketing point view  is an area that is not very dabbled at present in Mexico; nevertheless this could represent truly significant changes if the use of these tools is enhanced. The conduct of this research was inductive in nature, taking a descriptive and analytical qualitative approach through the application of the modeling technique, which dates back from 2015 to 2018 taking four perspectives of Territorial Attractiveness. Among the important findings, it can be indicated that metropolitan areas have their own characteristics and can consciously position themselves in the minds of their citizens, public servants, tourists, investors and human capital through the adoption of a metropolitan city brand. On top of that, it assumes that all cities, including metropolises, can develop positioning strategies from competitiveness and marketing with a view to inserting themselves in the international environment.El presente artículo es una revisión teórico-metodológica de la Atractividad Territorial para la construcción de un modelo cualitativo siendo este uno de los principales aportes de la investigación, construido con base en la literatura revisada.Sobre el tema existe poca bibliografía del estudio de las metrópolis analizadas desde la Atractividad Territorial y de la Mercadotecnia de ciudades, por lo cual las discusiones presentadas en el artículo, provienen de otras escalas territoriales, aunado a eso, cabe señalar que estudiar metrópolis desde el punto de vista de la mercadotecnia es un área poco incursionada en la actualidad en México, pero que esto podría representar cambios verdaderamente significativos si se potencializa el uso de dichas herramientas. La realización de esta investigación fue de corte inductivo tomando un enfoque cualitativo de carácter descriptivo y analítico mediante la aplicación de la técnica de modelización, el cual data del 2015 al 2018 tomando cuatro perspectivas de la Atractividad Territorial. Entre los hallazgos importantes se puede indicar que las áreas metropolitanas poseen características propias y pueden posicionarse de manera consciente en la mente de su ciudadanía, servidores públicos, turistas, inversionistas, capital humano, a través de la adopción de una marca ciudad metropolitana. Y con ello, asume que todas las ciudades, incluidas las metrópolis, pueden desarrollar estrategias de posicionamiento desde la competitividad y la mercadotecnia con miras a insertarse en el medio internacional

    Levels of conservation and habitat degradation in the ecosystems of a high biodiversity basin in northeastern Mexico.

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    Los ecosistemas con flujos de servicios ambientales óptimos ofrecen una adecuada calidad en sus hábitats que coadyuvan a mantener su biodiversidad. Esta calidad puede reducirse por los factores de mayor intensidad y cercanía al hábitat, lo que puede estudiarse con herramientas geoespaciales. Este trabajo evaluó los niveles de degradación relativa de hábitat en la cuenca Guayalejo-Tamesí (Tamaulipas, México), respecto a los factores adyacentes que amenazan su calidad, usando el modelador Habitat Quality del Toolbox InVest 1.005beta para ArcGis-9.2. Los ecosistemas con menor amenaza a su hábitat (degradación nula o menor a 20 %) y con mejores oportunidades de conservación, representan el 77,3 % de la superficie de la cuenca. Particularmente, los hábitats montañosos (bosques templados y mesófilo) son los mejor conservados, pues más del 80 % de su superficie se encuentra libre de degradación; destaca el bosque mesófilo de montaña, con un 94 % de su superficie no degradada, debido a su escasa exposición a factores amenazantes. Se concluye que, a pesar del uso intensivo del territorio de la cuenca, existen ecosistemas bien conservados, especialmente en zonas aisladas; la mayoría de ellas carecen de protección legal, por lo que se encuentran expuestas a la ampliación y agravamiento de las amenazas antropogénicas estudiadas.Ecosystems with optimal environmental service flows offer adequate quality in their habitats to maintain their biodiversity. Anthropogenic factors of higher intensity and proximity to the habitat can reduce this quality, and we can study this degradation with geospatial tools. This work evaluated the levels of relative degradation of habitat in the Guayalejo-Tamesí basin (Tamaulipas, Mexico), concerning the adjacent factors that threaten its quality. We used the geospatial tool Habitat Quality of the Toolbox InVest 1.005beta for ArcGis-9.2. The ecosystems with less threat to their habitat (zero degradation or less than 20%) and with better conservation opportunities, represent 77,3% of the surface of the basin. Mountainous habitats (temperate and cloud forests) are the best-preserved since more than 80% of their surface is free of degradation. The mountain cloud forest, with 94% of its surface not degraded, due to its low exposure to threatening factors. In conclusion, in spite of the intensive use of the territory of the basin, there are well-conserved ecosystems, especially in isolated areas. The lack of legal protection at the majority of these sites exposes it to enlargement and aggravation of the anthropogenic threats