1,337 research outputs found

    The Indigenous School: A Space of Ruptures and Tensions within Local Culture

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    The study analyzes tensions and ruptures within indigenous community practices, school devices, and subjectivities that are built among their actors, based on the significance of their experience as educational agents in the school environment. The work is interpretive, carried out through interviews applied to students, teachers, and school principals of two schools in San Andrés Larráinzar, in Chiapas, Mexico. The information obtained was analyzed through the understanding of the records, their integration into categories, delimitation, and interpretation. The results include six thematic content units: space and context; expression and resistance, dynamics of the culture; disruption of culture order; students outside the norm: alcohol, graffiti, and pornography; courtship and its reconfiguration; and school supports, peer tutoring, and teacher criticism, in which the realization of the school formation process becomes a complex phenomenon, full of tension and conflict between the demands of the school institution and the local culture

    Programa de intervención cognitiva en adolescentes con déficit atencional de una comunidad indígena de Chiapas

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    El objetivo del estudio es evaluar un programa de intervención en adolescentes con déficit de atención y problemas de conducta de una comunidad indígena de Chiapas, 15 de los cuales forman el grupo control y 5 el grupo de estudio, seleccionados a partir de la lista de criterios del DSM IV y la Escala Escolar de Conners. Los estudiantes del grupo de estudio participaron en el programa de intervención basado en (a) los pasos autoinstruccionales de Kendall, (b) el modelo de producción de textos de Sorenson, (c) la formación de la actividad de atención por etapas para el análisis de textos de Galperin y (d) juego libre. Al contrastar los resultados entre la primera y segunda evaluación mediante la prueba de Wilcoxon para muestras relacionadas, en el grupo de estudio se obtienen diferencias significativas en la memoria de trabajo, memoria y aprendizaje visual, atención selectiva y sostenida, control atencional, concentración y organización perceptual, no así en el grupo control. Si bien los resultados son alentadores, deberá continuarse la implementación de este tipo de propuestas con grupos más amplios.The objective of this study is to evaluate an intervention program in adolescents with attention deficit and behavioral problems of an native community of Chiapas, 15 of of which they form the control group and 5 study group, selected from the List of Criteria of the DSM-IV and the Conners Rating Scale. The students of the study group participated in the intervention program based on (a) the steps of self Instructions of Kendall, (b) the production model of texts of Sorenson, (c) the formation of the activity of attention by stages to the analysis of texts of Galperin and (d) free play. To compare the results between the first and second assessment using the Wilcoxon´s test for related samples in the study group, significant differences are obtained in working memory, Visual Learning and Memory, selective and sustained attention, attentional control, concentration, and perceptual organization, not as well in the control group. Though the results are encouraging, should continue the implementation of this type of proposals with larger groups

    Una aproximación al estudio de la formación de los precios en el mercado de acampamentosturísticos

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    The camping resort in Spain is a subsector of accommodation that has a growing dynamism. Despite this, and its quantitative importance in the Spanish tourism industry, there are very few scientific papers have paid attention. The aim of this paper is to analyze the mechanisms of price formation in this tourist activity, for which it has used a hedonic price model with semi-logarithmic functional form. The results highlight the importance of the geographical location of the establishment as well as its official classification in the valuation of its price by tourists.El acampamento turístico en España es un subsector de alojamiento que presenta un dinamismo creciente. A pesar de ello, y de su importancia cuantitativa en el turismo español, son muy escasos los trabajos científicos que le han prestado su atención. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar los mecanismos de formación de los precios dentro de esta actividad turística, para lo cual se ha empleado un modelo hedónico de precios con forma fun- cional semilogarítmica. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de la ubicación geográfica del establecimiento así como la calificación oficial del mismo en la valoración de su precio por parte de los turistas

    El valor percibido y la satisfacción del cliente en actividades dirigidas virtuales y con técnico en centros de fitness

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    En la actualidad la industria del fitness se encuentra en la senda del crecimiento. Uno de los servicios que mayor presencia está teniendo en los centros de fitness son las actividades dirigidas con técnico, las cuales han evolucionado hacia actividades dirigidas virtuales debido a la inclusión de la tecnología. Esta investigación analiza el valor percibido y la satisfacción de los clientes en ambas actividades, explorando las diferencias existentes entre dichos servicios y la relación entre ambas variables. La muestra se compuso de 572 usuarios de un centro de fitness (319 mujeres y 253 hombres) con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y 63 años. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre el valor percibido y la satisfacción entre los dos servicios deportivos, obteniendo valores más positivos en las que requieren un técnico deportivo. Asimismo, la satisfacción del cliente mostró ser dependiente del valor percibido, obteniendo un mayor vínculo en el caso de las actividades dirigidas virtuales. Estos resultados suscitan a la reflexión por parte de los gestores de las instalaciones deportivas sobre la incorporación o no de este tipo de servicios deportivos.At present, the fitness industry is on a growth path. One of the most prominent services in fitness centres is trainer-guided group fitness activities, which have evolved into virtual fitness activities with the inclusion of technology. This research analyses perceived value and customer satisfaction in both activities, exploring the differences between them and the relationship between the two variables. The sample consisted of 572 subjects belonging to a private fitness centre (319 women and 253 men), between 15 and 63 years old. The results show significant differences between perceived value and satisfaction in the two sports services, with sports requiring a trainer getting more positive values. Furthermore, customer satisfaction shows a dependence on perceived value, with a stronger link being obtained in the case of virtual fitness activities. These results and an in-depth analysis on the inclusion, or not, of these sport services are thought-provoking for managers of these facilities.Na actualidade a indústria do fitness encontra-se na senda do crescimento. Um dos serviços que maior presença está a ter nos centros de fitness são as actividades dirigidas com um técnico, as quais têm evoluído para actividades virtuais dirigidas devido à inclusão da tecnologia. Esta investigação analisa o valor percebido e a satisfação dos clientes em ambas as actividades, explorando as diferenças existentes entre estes serviços e a relação entre ambas as variáveis. A amostra foi composta por 572 utentes de um centro de fitness (319 mulheres e 253 homens) com idades compreendidas entre os 15 e os 63 anos. Os resultados revelam diferenças significativas entre o valor percebido e a satisfação entre os dois serviços desportivos, obtendo valores mais positivos as que requerem um técnico desportivo. Assim mesmo, a satisfação do cliente mostrou ser dependente do valor percebido, obtendo um maior vínculo no caso das actividades virtuais dirigidas. Estes resultados suscitam a reflexão por parte dos gestores das instalações desportivas sobre a incorporação ou não deste tipo de serviços desportivos

    Análisis Importancia-Valoración aplicado a un CentroEspecializado de Tecnificación Deportiva en Tenis (CETDT)

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of the services of a Specialised Centre for Tennis Sport Technification (SCTST) through an Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) carried out by its internal and external customers. However, although there are studies related to sports centres in Spain, there is none that focuses on SCTST, and that can also investigate the perceptions of their different customers and present an analysis segmented by customer characteristics. A total of 128 clients of the SCTST participated in the study, 102 being men and the remaining 26 women, with an average age of 43.81 (SD = 13.60). As a measurement instrument, the online questionnaire was applied, with questions on customer characteristics (sociodemographics) and a behavioural measure, consisting of 29 items. As a result of the data obtained, IPA analysis was performed mainly according to sex and type of relationship of the clients with the SCTST, taking into account the discrepancies between the mean scores obtained in valuation and importance. The main findings indicate that all attributes can be improved, but special emphasis should be placed on the rates and state of conservation of the SCTST sports facilities.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las características de los servicios de un Centro Especializado de Tecnificación Deportiva en Tenis (CETDT) a través de un análisis Importancia-Valoración (IPA) realizado por los clientes internos y externos del mismo. Aun existiendo trabajos vinculados a los centros deportivos en España, no existe ninguno que se centre en los CETDT, y que, además, indague en las percepciones de sus diferentes clientes y presente un análisis segmentado por características de éstos. En el estudio participaron 128 clientes del CETDT, siendo 102 hombres y 26 restante mujeres, con una edad media de 43.81 años (DT = 13.60). Como instrumento de medida se aplicó un cuestionario online, con preguntas sobre características de los clientes (sociodemográficos) y una medida de comportamiento, compuesta por 29 ítems. A raíz de los datos obtenidos, se realizó el análisis IPA atendiendo principalmente al sexo y al tipo de relación de los clientes con el CETDT, teniendo en cuenta las discrepancias entre las puntuaciones medias obtenidas en valoración e importancia. Los principales hallazgos indican que todos los atributos pueden ser mejorados, pero se debe poner un especial énfasis en las tarifas y el estado de conservación de los espacios deportivos del CETDT.Actividad Física y Deport

    Propiedades Psicométricas del Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) en Adolescentes de Chiapas, México

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    Este estudio analiza las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española del Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS 24) con una muestra de 3,270 estudiantes, 69.9% mujeres y 30.1% hombres, de Chiapas, México. La consistencia interna para la escala global, obtenida a partir del coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, es satisfactoria (α=.910). El análisis factorial exploratorio con extracción por factorización de ejes principales y rotación Varimax, mostró una estructura inicial de cuatro factores con autovalores superiores a uno que explicaron el 58.23% de la varianza. Sin embargo, al evaluar las cargas factoriales y la congruencia conceptual de los ítems, se determinó que un arreglo de tres factores (Atención a los sentimientos, Claridad emocional y Reparación de las emociones) es adecuado. Se concluye que el TMMS 24 es un instrumento fiable y válido para evaluar la Inteligencia emocional en adolescentes mexicanos. This study analyzes the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS 24) with a sample of 3,270 students, 69.9% women and 30.1% men, from Chiapas, Mexico. The internal consistency for the entire scale is satisfactory (α= .910). The exploratory factorial analysis using main axis factorization and varimax rotation, improved an initial structure of four factors with eigenvalues greater than one that explained 58.23% of the variance. However, the factorial loads and the conceptual congruency of the items suggest that a three-factor solution (Attention to feelings, emotional clarity and repair of emotions) is adequate. It is concluded that the TMMS 24 is a reliable and valid instrument to assess emotional intelligence in Mexican adolescents

    Estimación del costo oculto concomitante a la presencia de eventos adversos hospitalarios asociados al uso de medicamentos en un hospital federal de referencia en la ciudad de México / Estimation of the hidden cost concomitant with the presence of adverse events in the hospital sector associated with the use of medications in a federal hospital in Mexico city

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    Los costos ocultos se presentan a consecuencia de la aparición de disfuncionamientos, o desviaciones, presentes en la operatividad de la organización y que resultan de la interacción entre lógicas de comportamiento y aspectos de estructura. Su importancia se ejemplifica a través de análisis realizados en la Unión Europea; en donde se refiere, que equivalen entre 7.5 a 12% del costo estándar de producción o 20-30% de la nómina organizacional. En México, se reportan hallazgos de investigaciones, sobre costos ocultos, en los sectores metalmecánico, de la ropa, del trasporte... pero no en el de la salud. Objetivo.- Este análisis, corresponde a una investigación de tipo cualitativo para la identificación de los disfuncionamientos presentes en un hospital mexicano y de los costos ocultos que se generan en consecuencia; específicamente, en lo que corresponde a un tópico de interés en el Sector Salud como lo son los Eventos Adversos Hospitalarios asociados al uso de medicamentos y que para fines de esta investigación se denominan Eventos Adversos a Medicamentos y Errores Asociados al Uso de Medicamentos. Resultados.- El costo oculto tangible por fármacos corresponde al 6.53% del presupuesto hospitalario asignado en el 2013 o el 25.62% de los gastos de operación erogados para el mismo año y el intangible se asocia a la falta de creación potencial y deterioro del clima organizacional. Conclusiones.- Se sugiere la implementación de la metodología para la identificación de disfuncionamientos y costos ocultos asociados, en la unidades del Sector Salud como un área de oportunidad para la mejora organizacional

    Therapeutic Response After Immunosuppressive Drug Prescription in Non-infectious Uveitis: A Survival Analysis

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    Immunosuppressive drugs; Response to therapyMedicaments immunosupressors; Resposta al tractamentMedicamentos inmunosupresores; Respuesta al tratamientoIntroduction To identify factors affecting the response rate to immunosuppressive drugs (ISDs) in patients with non-infectious uveitis (NIU). Methods This longitudinal retrospective cohort study included patients from the Hospital Clinico San Carlos Uveitis Clinic diagnosed with NIU from 1992 to 2016. Subjects were followed up from ISD prescription until the achievement of good therapeutic response (GTR), ISD treatment change, or up to 12 months. GTR was defined as the complete resolution of the eye inflammatory manifestations with a corticosteroid dose ≤ 10 or ≤ 5 mg per day of prednisone or equivalent (GTR10 and GTR5, respectively) maintained for at least 28 days. Kaplan–Meier curves were estimated for GTR. Demographic, clinical, and treatment-related factors were analyzed using Cox robust regression. Results A total of 73 patients (100 episodes of ISD prescription) were analyzed. In 44 and 41 episodes, GTR10 and GTR5 were achieved, respectively. A lower hazard for both GTRs was associated with uveitic macular edema at prescription and with a higher “highest oral corticosteroid dose prescribed in the year before ISD prescription”. GTR10 was higher if cyclosporine was prescribed (compared to other ISDs), and if a higher number of ISDs had been previously prescribed. GTR5 hazard was lower for patients with posterior uveitis or if the ISDs were prescribed before 2008, and higher if periocular corticosteroids had been administered before ISD prescription, or if the duration of the posterior segment activity was shorter. Conclusions Factors associated with GTR to ISDs may help to identify patients with NIUs who could benefit from a thorough follow-up.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministry of Health, Madrid, Spain [ICI19/00020; PI20/01221; RD21/002/0001]. The sponsor or funding organization had no role in the design or conduct of this research. The journal’s Rapid Service Fee was funded by the institution employing the senior author of the manuscript (Fundación Biomédica del Hospital Clínico San Carlos)

    Does loneliness contribute to mild cognitive impairment and dementia? A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies

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    There is growing evidence that loneliness is associated with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia. However, the extent of this association remains unclear. A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies examining this association was conducted. Six electronic databases were searched from inception to November 15th 2018. A random-effects meta-analysis was performed to obtain pooled estimates and 95% CIs. Studies were also assessed for heterogeneity, methodological quality and publication bias. A total of 4270 hits were retrieved based on the initial search strategy and ten studies met the eligibility criteria involving 37339 individuals (mean age from 64.9 to 83.1 years). Variation between studies was present for the measurement of loneliness as well as for the case ascertainment of MCI and dementia. Loneliness was positively associated with increased risk of dementia (overall RR = 1.26; 95% CI = 1.14, 1.40; n = 8). Due to lack of sufficient data, we could not explore the association between loneliness and risk of MCI through a meta-analysis, but limited evidence suggests a potential effect of loneliness on MCI. A further understanding of the deleterious effects of loneliness on MCI and dementia may assist the design of environmental and psychological interventions to prevent or delay the onset of these neuropsychiatric condition

    Room-Temperature CsPbBr3_3 Mixed Polaritons States

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    Light-matter interactions are known to lead to the formation of polariton states through what is called strong coupling, leading to the formation of two hybrid states usually tagged as Upper and Lower Polaritons. Here, we consider a similar interaction between excitons and photons in the realm of strong interactions, with the difference that it enables us to obtain a mixed-polariton state. In this case, the energy of this mixed state is found between the energies of the exciton state and the cavity mode, resulting in an imaginary coupling coefficient related to a specific class of singular points. These mixed states are often considered unobservable, although they are predicted well when the dressed states of a two-level atom are considered. However, intense light confinement can be obtained by using a Bound State in the Continuum, reducing the damping rates, and enabling the observation of mixed states resulting from the correct kind of exceptional point giving place to strong coupling. In this study, using the Transfer Matrix Method, we simulated cavities made of porous silicon coupled with CsPbBr3 perovskite quantum dots to numerically observe the mixed states as well as experimentally, by fabricating appropriate samples. The dispersion relation of the mixed states is fitted using the same equation as that used for strong coupling but considering a complex coupling coefficient, which is directly related to the appropriate type of exceptional point